12 research outputs found

    Istraživanje oksidativnog stresa i genotoksičnosti slatkovodnih riba Cyprinus Carpio nakon izloženosti subletalnoj dozi triazofosa

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    Triazophos (TAP), an organophosphorus insecticide, is widely used in agricultural practice for controlling various insect pests. The present research work aimed to elucidate the impact of TAP on the antioxidant status and DNA content of the freshwater fish Cyprinus carpio. The fish were grouped into batches (n=6) and received a sublethal dose of 0.3mg/L for a duration of 1 (E1), 10 (E2), 20 (E3) and 30 days (E4). Another group, devoid of any toxicant, was maintained as the control (C). Changes in the enzymatic threshold of the selected antioxidants and malondialdehyde (MDA) levels suggested the conformation of oxidative stress in the livers of the freshwater fish C. carpio due to TAP exposure. Additionally, comet assays and micronucleus tests performed on the peripheral blood of the fish suggested increased damage in the form of the percentage of tail DNA formation and a high frequency of micronucleus as compared to the control. A positive correlation was seen between the decline in antioxidant activity, the elevation in MDA and the comet length and micronucleus frequency. The study thus highlights the impact of TAP on antioxidant levels in the livers and genotoxicity in the blood of the freshwater fish C. carpio. The findings of the study confirm that the antioxidant status, along with the comet assay and micronucleus tests could be used as tools in determining the potential genotoxicity due to the TAP impact. It is therefore suggested that extensive use of TAP should be avoided as it may contribute to the decline in the C. carpio population in its natural habitats.Triazofos (TAP) je organofosforni insekticid koji se široko koristi u poljoprivrednoj praksi za suzbijanje raznih štetnih insekata. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je procjeniti utjecaj TAP-a na antioksidativni status i DNK slatkovodne ribe Cyprinus carpio. Ribe su razvrstane u skupine (n = 6) u kojima su primale subletalnu dozu TAP-a 0.3mg/L u trajanju od 1 (E1), 10 (E2), 20 (E3) i 30 dana (E4). Druga skupina, koja nije izložena TAP-u, smatrana je kontrolnom (C). Promjene enzimskog praga odabranih antioksidansa i razina malondialdehida (MDA) potvrdile su da izloženost TAP-u izaziva oksidativni stres u jetrama slatkovodne ribe C. carpio. Osim toga, komet analize i mikronukleusni testovi provedeni na perifernoj krvi riba ukazali su da u eksperimentalnih skupina u odnosu na kontrolu postoji povećani postotak oštećenja u obliku DNK repa i povećane učestalosti mikronukleusa. Uočena je pozitivna korelacija između pada antioksidativne aktivnosti, porasta MDA, duljine kometa i učestalosti mikronukleusa. Uzevši u obzir navedeno, istraživanje naglašava utjecaj TAP-a na razine antioksidansa u jetrama i genotoksičnost u krvi slatkovodne ribe C. carpio. Rezultati potvrđuju da se antioksidativni status, zajedno s kometnim testom i mikronukleusnim testovima, može koristiti kao alat za određivanje potencijalne genotoksičnosti TAP-a. Stoga se predlaže izbjegavanje široke uporaba TAP-a koja bi mogla doprinijeti smanjenju populacije C. carpio u njezinim prirodnim staništima

    Early genotoxic damage through micronucleus test in exfoliated buccal cells and occupational dust exposure in construction workers: a cross-sectional study in L'Aquila, Italy.

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    Abstract Aim The city of L'Aquila (central Italy) was hit by a strong earthquake in 2009 that caused the collapse of several buildings, deaths and injured people. In the following years, a great number of building sites were activated, building workers resulted intensely exposed and represent a relevant target for research on environmental mutagenesis and epidemiological surveillance. Cells of buccal mucosa are considered an appropriate site for early detecting of cytogenetic damage, since it represents the first barrier in inhalation or ingestion and can metabolize carcinogenic agents into reactive chemicals. Our study is aimed 1) at comparing the early genotoxic damage as measured by the buccal mucosa micronucleus test in two subgroups of workers defined by different occupational exposure and 2) at evaluating possible confounding variables such as lifestyle factors. Methods and results A cross-sectional study was conducted in L'Aquila, on 24 outdoor workers (OWs) highly exposed on the construction sites and 26 indoor workers (IWs), all subjected to the compulsory occupational surveillance system, in the period 2017–2018. Buccal cells samples were collected and, based on the Micronucleus test, the exfoliated cells were classified in respect of nuclear changes observed. Moreover, a self-report questionnaire composed of 84 items, was administered to the workers. Results Significant differences were observed between Exp+ (OWs) and Exp− (IWs) in the number of the analyzed cells (expressed as mean value out of 1000 cells): respectively 954.46 vs 990.06 normal cells, (p Conclusion Despite some limitation, our findings clearly confirm the role of occupational exposure as a marker of cytogenetic damage associated with MNs number in construction workers. Moreover, smoking status appears as the only other investigated factor independently associated to the outcome. The statistical model, in addition, highlights possible moderation and confounding effects, such as interaction between smoking and occupational exposure and the unbalanced school education level in workers. Micronucleus test in exfoliated buccal cells would be considered a suitable method for studying the early genotoxic damage in the construction occupational setting as well as in evaluating the efficacy of preventive practices

    Health Effects of Pesticide Exposure in Latin American and the Caribbean Populations: A Scoping Review

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    Background: Multiple epidemiological studies have shown that exposure to pesticides is associated with adverse health outcomes. However, the literature on pesticide-related health effects in the Latin American and the Caribbean (LAC) region, an area of intensive agricultural and residential pesticide use, is sparse. We conducted a scoping review to describe the current state of research on the health effects of pesticide exposure in LAC populations with the goal of identifying knowledge gaps and research capacity building needs. Methods: We searched PubMed and SciELO for epidemiological studies on pesticide exposure and human health in LAC populations published between January 2007 and December 2021. We identified 233 publications from 16 countries that met our inclusion criteria and grouped them by health outcome (genotoxicity, neurobehavioral outcomes, placental outcomes and teratogenicity, cancer, thyroid function, reproductive outcomes, birth outcomes and child growth, and others). Results: Most published studies were conducted in Brazil (37%, n = 88) and Mexico (20%, n = 46), were cross-sectional in design (72%, n = 167), and focused on farmworkers (45%, n = 105) or children (21%, n = 48). The most frequently studied health effects included genotoxicity (24%, n = 62) and neurobehavioral outcomes (21%, n = 54), and organophosphate (OP) pesticides were the most frequently examined (26%, n = 81). Forty-seven percent (n = 112) of the studies relied only on indirect pesticide exposure assessment methods. Exposure to OP pesticides, carbamates, or to multiple pesticide classes was consistently associated with markers of genotoxicity and adverse neurobehavioral outcomes, particularly among children and farmworkers. Discussion: Our scoping review provides some evidence that exposure to pesticides may adversely impact the health of LAC populations, but methodological limitations and inconsistencies undermine the strength of the conclusions. It is critical to increase capacity building, integrate research initiatives, and conduct more rigorous epidemiological studies in the region to address these limitations, better inform public health surveillance systems, and maximize the impact of research on public policies

    Utjecaj niskih doza klorpirifosa na krvne i stanice koštane srži štakora

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the genotoxic potential of low doses of chlorpyrifos (CPF) on blood and bone marrow cells in adult male Wistar rats. CPF was administered by oral gavage at daily doses of 0.010, 0.015, and 0.160 mg/kg of body weight (bw) for 28 consecutive days. Positive control (PC) was administered 300 mg/kg bw/day of ethyl methane sulphonate (EMS) for the final three days of the experiment. Toxic outcomes of exposure were determined with the in vivo micronucleus (MN) assay and alkaline comet assay. The 28-day exposure to the 0.015 mg/kg CPF dose, which was three times higher than the current value of acute reference dose (ARfD), reduced body weight gain in rats the most. The in vivo MN assay showed significant differences in number of reticulocytes per 1000 erythrocytes between PC and negative control (NC) and between all control groups and the groups exposed to 0.015 and 0.160 mg/kg bw/day of CPF. The number of micronucleated polychromatic erythrocytes per 2000 erythrocytes was significantly higher in the PC than the NC group or group exposed to 0.015 mg/kg bw/day of CPF. CPF treatment did not significantly increase primary DNA damage in bone marrow cells compared to the NC group. However, the damage in bone marrow cells of CPF-exposed rats was much higher than the one recorded in leukocytes, established in the previous research. Both assays proved to be successful for the assessment of CPFinduced genome instability in Wistar rats. However, the exact mechanisms of damage have to be further investigated and confirmed by other, more sensitive methods.Istražen je genotoksični potencijal niskih doza klorpirifosa na uzorcima krvi i stanica koštane srži u odraslih mužjaka štakora soja Wistar. Pokusnim je životinjama klorpirifos bio 28 dana oralno apliciran pomoću sonde u dnevnim dozama od 0,010 mg/kg t. m., 0,015 mg/kg t. m. i 0,160 mg/kg t. m. Kao pozitivna kontrola korišten je etil metan sulfonat (EMS) u dozi od 300 mg/kg t. m. tijekom posljednja tri dana pokusa. Toksični ishodi izloženosti klorpirifosu istraženi su primjenom in vivo mikronukleus (MN) testa i alkalnoga komet-testa. Utvrdili smo da je 28-dnevna izloženost klorpirifosu u dozi od 0,015 mg/kg t. m./dan, koja je trostruko viša od važeće vrijednosti akutne referentne doze, u najvećoj mjeri smanjila prirast tjelesne mase štakora. Rezultati MN-testa upućuju na značajne razlike u broju retikulocita na 1000 eritrocita između pozitivne i negativne kontrole te između obiju kontrola i skupina izloženih klorpirifosu u dnevnim dozama 0,015 i 0,160 mg/kg t. m. Broj polikromatskih eritrocita s mikronukleusima na 2000 eritrocita u pozitivnoj kontroli bio je značajno povećan u usporedbi s negativnom kontrolom te s uzorcima krvi štakora izloženih klorpirifosu u dnevnoj dozi od 0,015 mg/kg t. m. Izloženost CPF-u nije uzrokovala statistički značajan porast razine primarnih oštećenja DNA u stanicama koštane srži u usporedbi s razinama spontanih oštećenja DNA, izmjerenima alkalnim komet-testom u negativnoj kontroli. Međutim, razine oštećenja u stanicama koštane srži štakora izloženih klorpirifosu bile su značajno više od onih zabilježenih u leukocitima, koje su poznate iz prethodnih istraživanja. Oba su se testa pokazala uspješnima za procjenu nestabilnosti genoma izazvanih klorpirifosom u Wistar štakora. Međutim, točni mehanizmi oštećenja moraju se dodatno istražiti i potvrditi drugim osjetljivijim metodama

    Genotoxic effects among Bolivian farmers exposed to mixtures of pesticides : population and in vitro based studies

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    Human exposure to pesticides has increased exponentially in recent decades, especially in low- and middle-income countries where regulations on the use of pesticides and personal protective equipment (PPE) are not fully controlled. Studies have shown that compared to the general population, people occupationally exposed to pesticides have a higher risk of developing acute and chronic adverse health effects, and increased risk of genotoxic damage and cancer. The general objective of this thesis was to evaluate the correlation between exposure to mixtures of pesticides and genotoxicity in the agricultural Bolivian population. For this, a cross-sectional study was used in three agricultural communities, whose production represents almost the entire diversity of the country. The use and exposure to pesticides were determined by applying a survey on lifestyle factors, behaviors, and pesticide management, and by analyzing 10 urine pesticide metabolites (UPM). Our results demonstrated that the Bolivian agricultural population is highly exposed to mixtures of pesticides. High exposure levels of chlorpyrifos, 2,4-D, and some pyrethroids were found, and especially among men. Furthermore, we found that farmers who were better at following directions for using pesticides and PPE, in general, were less exposed to pesticides (Paper I). We also investigated the correlation between pesticide exposure and genotoxic effects. We found that high exposure levels of certain pesticides, e.g. tebuconazole, 2,4-D, and cyfluthrin, was associated with high levels and increased risks of genotoxic damage (Paper II). To gain a better understanding of possible cellular effects of pesticide mixtures, we studied cytotoxicity and genotoxicity in human liver carcinoma cells (HepG2 cells) exposed to mixtures of pesticides, which were based on UPM and survey profiles. Our results showed that while neither of the mixtures nor their constituent pesticides induced formation of reactive oxygen species, increased levels of genotoxic damage were observed. Mixtures that were primarily composed of paraquat and cypermethrin demonstrated the highest genotoxic potency, as did paraquat and cypermethrin as single compounds. (Paper III). In conclusion, the results from our population and in vitro studies suggest that specific pesticides may act as drivers of toxic effects observed from exposure to mixtures. More studies are however necessary to get a clearer understanding of these effects. Finally, we want to emphasize the need to train farmers in pesticide management and personal protection to reduce exposure levels and thereby decrease the risk of health adverse effects

    Pesticides in the Modern World

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    The introduction of the synthetic organochlorine, organophosphate, carbamate and pyrethroid pesticides by 1950's marked the beginning of the modern pesticides era and a new stage in the agriculture development. Evolved from the chemicals designed originally as warfare agents, the synthetic pesticides demonstrated a high effectiveness in preventing, destroying or controlling any pest. Therefore, their application in the agriculture practices made it possible enhancing crops and livestock's yields and obtaining higher-quality products, to satisfy the food demand of the continuously rising world's population. Nevertheless, the increase of the pesticide use estimated to 2.5 million tons annually worldwide since 1950., created a number of public and environment concerns. This book, organized in two sections, addresses the various aspects of the pesticides exposure and the related health effects. It offers a large amount of practical information to the professionals interested in pesticides issues

    Foods of Association

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    This fascinating book examines the biology and culture of foods and beverages that are consumed in communal settings, with special attention to their health implications. Nina Etkin covers a wealth of topics, exploring human evolutionary history, the Slow Food movement, ritual and ceremonial foods, caffeinated beverages, spices, the street foods of Hawaii and northern Nigeria, and even bottled water. Her work is framed by a biocultural perspective that considers both the physiological implications of consumption and the cultural construction and circulation of foods

    Foods of Association

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    This fascinating book examines the biology and culture of foods and beverages that are consumed in communal settings, with special attention to their health implications. Nina Etkin covers a wealth of topics, exploring human evolutionary history, the Slow Food movement, ritual and ceremonial foods, caffeinated beverages, spices, the street foods of Hawaii and northern Nigeria, and even bottled water. Her work is framed by a biocultural perspective that considers both the physiological implications of consumption and the cultural construction and circulation of foods