36,496 research outputs found

    The footprint of organic farms. Some ecological indicators to evaluate it Department of Food crops – State University of Milan

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    Agro-ecological indicators are a tool which provides an agile evaluation of the ecological footprint of a farm. This paper analyses the preliminary results of a survey in which 7 agro-ecological indicators were calculated for 81 organic farms in the region of Lombardy in the northern part of Italy. The indicators chosen (all indicators of State) are: hedges and rows, energy input, energy output, energy output/input ratio, N balance, P2O5 balance, works unit per hectare. The preliminary results suggest that these indicators allow to discriminate between different farms on the basis of the productive orientation (cropping classes). In perspective, the use of indicators may enable farmers to improve the management of their farm, evaluating the ecological footprint in order to reduce it gradually

    Indicatori di desertificazione: approccio integrato e supporto alle decisioni

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    Gli indicatori forniscono una rappresentazione dei fenomeni di desertificazione utile a prevenirne e/o a mitigarne gli effetti negativi; la rappresentazione deve risultare completa ed articolata e comprendere i rapporti causa-effetto che caratterizzano i singoli processi, così da ottenere un’immagine complessiva della situazione e dei possibili livelli di intervento. L’obiettivo di questo lavoro è quello di sintetizzare, senza pretesa di esaustività, le attuali conoscenze in tema di indicatori e di proporre uno schema concettuale integrato, come possibile alternativa rispetto ai sistemi esistenti. Lo studio è stato articolato in tre parti: inquadramento e implicazioni delle problematiche di desertificazione nella sponda Nord del bacino del Mediterraneo; rassegna e analisi di indicatori di desertificazione già sviluppati e/o proposti in Italia e all’estero; contributo all’organizzazione dei sistemi di indicatori. Sulla base delle conoscenze contenute nelle prime due parti del lavoro, è stato proposto un nuovo schema di sistematizzazione, nel quale sono stati inquadrati gli indicatori riferiti alle aree pilota del progetto RIADE

    Technology and Technometrics approachesne

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    The technological innovation, nowadays, is one of the most important determinant for increasing the wealth of the nations. Souder and Shrivastrava said “we can’t begin to make decisions about technology until we understand it. And we can’t begin to really understand it until we can measure it”. For this reason within the economics a new branch called Technometrics is born: it is a new theoretical framework for the conception and measurement of technological change with important policy implications (Sahal, 1985). The aim of this paper is, after introducing the concepts of technological innovation as used by the economists during the nineteenth and twentieth-century, to show the historical evolution of the several approaches used to measure and evaluate the technology and technology change from 1930 to 2004. A discussion of these approaches shows the methodological difficulties and their potentials.Technometrics, Technology, Technological Change, Patterns of technological innovation,history of economic thought, systemic approach, innovation diffusion

    The composite indicators used in assessing innovation at national level

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    The purpose of present paper is to present some recent developments in constructing composite innovation (or even, science and technology S&T) indicators on a national level. Measuring innovation at the national level is crucial in developing appropriate long term strategies for economic growth, because it is widely believed technological innovation is one of the main drivers of sustained economic-social welfare, if not the single most important driver of economic growth. Our purpose is to present a mapping exercise of metrics – based on composite indicators - found in the STI literature, pointing out those used in practice, with a view to corresponding values in the case of Romania. It has become standard practice to combine several indicators for science, technology, and innovation to form composite numbers. Composite indicators are increasingly being used to make cross-national comparisons of country performance in specified areas such as competitiveness, globalisation, innovation, etc.Innovation, innovation metrics, Science and Technology indicators, composite indicators, National Innovation Systems, Scoreboards.

    A dynamic operationalization of Sen's capability approach

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    The limits of the utilitarian approach have led to a search for different notions of welfare. The income approach to well-being, in fact, doesn’t account for the diversity in human beings and for the heterogeneities of contingent circumstances. Amartya Sen, looking for broader notions of well-being, has developed an approach focused on the freedom of individuals to pursue their own project of life: the capability approach. The main purpose of the paper is to explore the possibility of using system dynamics to operationalize Sen’s framework. First of all we address the methodological issues that have to be considered in order to operationalize the capability approach in a dynamic framework. Then we investigate the architecture of the three- functionings model we devised to represent human well-being, as intended in the capability approach. Furthermore, we analyze in depth the structure of a particular functioning, and consider some simulations for the selected functioning and for the whole model over time. Finally, the concluding remarks suggest some indications about the use of system dynamics in order to operationalize the capability approach, and consider the main findings derived from the simulations carried out.welfare measurement

    The PMBOK standard evolution: leading the rising complexity

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    The aim of this work is to enlighten how the Standard for Project Management (part II of PMBOK® Guide) has evolved over the last 30 years as it has introjected the perspective of complexity. The several contexts (private firms, public institutions etc.) in which Project Management is applied become more and more complex (i.e. uncertain and characterized by unpredictable feedbacks among their own variables and their environments). This needs an enrichment (and perhaps a new conceptualization) of the endowment of information variety provided by the Standard for Project Management with respect to the specific requisite variety asked at a local level (i.e. the specific organizational contexts), to lead a project with efficiency, effectiveness and sustainability. The traditional Standard for Project Management can no longer be considered as a “comfort zone” (i.e. a set of established and “familiar” frameworks, rules and tools aiming to ensure certain and predictable results). On the contrary, the Standard for Project Management should shift towards an open standard, that is able to consistently co-evolve with the increasingly complex contexts that even more ask for new tools, creative solutions and original combinations between exploitative and explorative knowledge

    Misurazione della performance nell'ottica del miglioramento continuo

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    Scopo del presente lavoro di tesi – dal titolo “Misurazione delle performance nell’ottica del miglioramento continuo. Il caso La Fortezza S.p.A.” – è lo sviluppo di un sistema di misurazione della performance aziendale in grado di supportare il management nel comprendere le dinamiche della formazione del valore della propria azienda e nello stabilire i piani di miglioramento continuo più idonei in ragione delle criticità specifiche del business. A tal fine viene costruito un sistema di indicatori di prestazione che ripercorrono i flussi di materia ed informazione in un’ottica di processo attraverso le funzioni aziendali e si forniscono due strumenti di analisi: − “Albero delle cause di ritardo” che evidenzia le responsabilità interne e/o esterne all’azienda che possono aver determinato consegne ritardate; − “Analisi delle interdipendenze” che esamina il tipo di relazione esistente tra gli indicatori consentendo di prevedere come eventuali interventi di miglioramento di una performance si ripercuotono sulle prestazione rilevate dalle altre misurazioni e di tutta l’azienda nel suo complesso

    Distributed multi-generation systems: energy models and analyses

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    Libro riguardante la caratterizzazione di sistemi per la produzione combinata di energia da sistemi di multi-generazione distribuita (Distributed Multi-Generation, DMG). Il libro tratta componenti, schemi e modelli di sistemi di multi-generazione distribuita, illustra concetti derivanti da proposte originali degli autori in merito all'analisi e alla pianificazione dei sistemi, con i corrispondenti indicatori energetici e ambientali approccio formulati secondo un approccio unificato. Numerosi esempi applicativi inclusi nel libro riguardano in particolare sistemi di cogenerazione e trigenerazion

    L'attivitĂ  fieristica come indicatore congiunturale: evidenza empirica dalla base dati Fiera Milano

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    Questo lavoro fornisce una valutazione del contenuto informativo di indicatori della attività fieristica per l'analisi e la previsione congiunturale. A tale scopo l'analisi utilizza la base dati di Fieramilano, studiando i comovimenti tra diversi indicatori dell'attività fieristica e variabili macroeconomiche di riferimento, sia a livello aggregato che a livello disaggregato. L'analisi condotta evidenzia un pattern sistematico nei comovimenti tra numerosi indicatori fieristici esaminati e le variabili di riferimento. Per alcuni indicatori sia l'analisi di correlazione che l'analisi dei punti di svolta evidenziano un chiaro comportamento leading. Tale comportamento è stabile nel corso del tempo e robusto rispetto al metodo di detrendizzazione. L'analisi previsionale mostra una maggiore sensitività dei risultati rispetto al tipo di indicatore utilizzato, ma conferma, per alcune delle serie analizzate, la presenza di un significativo contenuto previsionale.

    A multilevel analysis on the economic impact of public infrastructure and corruption on Italian regions

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    This paper uses data contained in the Regional Public Accounts database to investigate the heterogeneity of the impact of public infrastructure across Italian regions basing the analysis also on institutional and political ground. The issue is here addressed linking the analysis of the impact of infrastructure on GDP with the issue of corruption by means of a random coefficient panel data model approach. I consider a novel objective measure of corruption that consists of the difference between a measure of the physical quantities of public infrastructure and the cumulative price government pays for public capital stocks. The empirical analysis confirms the existence of parameter heterogeneity across Italian regions and is also consistent with theoretical considerations that corruption negatively affects economic performance.orruption; public expenditure; infrastructure, random coefficients; regional public accounts.
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