1,463 research outputs found

    Kemahiran pemikiran komputasional pelajar melalui modul pembelajaran berasaskan teknologi internet pelbagai benda

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    kemahiran pemikiran komputasional pelajar, ke arah lebih kreatif dan kritis melalui penggunaan Modul Pembelajaran Berasaskan Teknologi Internet Pelbagai Benda (MP-IoT) yang telah dibangunkan oleh penyelidik. Pembangunan MP-IoT mengikut Model ADDIE dan melibatkan Teknologi Arduino yang diterapkan dalam 5 aktiviti pembelajaran secara amali. Kajian berbentuk kuantitatif jenis kuasi-eksperimental ini telah dijalankan ke atas 52 orang pelajar Tingkatan 4 dari 2 buah sekolah di daerah Batu Pahat, Johor dan Kuala Kangsar, Perak. Data pula telah dianalisis secara deskriptif dan inferensi. Satu set ujian pencapaian pra dan pasca sebagai instrument telah dibangunkan. Analisis Item Indeks Kesukaran (IK), Indeks Diskriminasi, serta Interprestasi skor bagi nilai Alpha Cronbach telah digunakan bagi memastikan soalan ujian pencapaian sesuai digunakan. Manakala dalam proses pembangunan modul MP-IoT, seramai 6 orang guru dari mata pelajaran Sains Komputer dipilih sebagai pakar untuk mengenal pasti kesesuaian dari segi format, kandungan dan kebolehgunaan modul yang dibangunkan Skala Likert lima mata digunakan dalam kajian ini. Secara keseluruhannya, dapatan kajian menggunakan ujian-T sampel berpasangan, menunjukkan terdapat perbezaan yang signifikan terhadap tahap pencapaian pelajar kumpulan kawalan yang didedahkan dengan kaedah konvensional dengan kumpulan rawatan yang didedahkan dengan modul MPIoT, dengan nilai p-value adalah .000 iaitu kurang dari .05 (p<0.05). Selain itu, tahap kemahiran pemikiran komputasional pelajar juga meningkat setelah didedahkan dengan modul MP-IoT

    SMS Spam Filtering: Methods and Data

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    Mobile or SMS spam is a real and growing problem primarily due to the availability of very cheap bulk pre-pay SMS packages and the fact that SMS engenders higher response rates as it is a trusted and personal service. SMS spam filtering is a relatively new task which inherits many issues and solu- tions from email spam filtering. However it poses its own specific challenges. This paper motivates work on filtering SMS spam and reviews recent devel- opments in SMS spam filtering. The paper also discusses the issues with data collection and availability for furthering research in this area, analyses a large corpus of SMS spam, and provides some initial benchmark results

    New approaches for content-based analysis towards online social network spam detection

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    Unsolicited email campaigns remain as one of the biggest threats affecting millions of users per day. Although spam filtering techniques are capable of detecting significant percentage of the spam messages, the problem is far from being solved, specially due to the total amount of spam traffic that flows over the Internet, and new potential attack vectors used by malicious users. The deeply entrenched use of Online Social Networks (OSNs), where millions of users share unconsciously any kind of personal data, offers a very attractive channel to attackers. Those sites provide two main interesting areas for malicious activities: exploitation of the huge amount of information stored in the profiles of the users, and the possibility of targeting user addresses and user spaces through their personal profiles, groups, pages... Consequently, new type of targeted attacks are being detected in those communication means. Being selling products, creating social alarm, creating public awareness campaigns, generating traffic with viral contents, fooling users with suspicious attachments, etc. the main purpose of spam messages, those type of communications have a specific writing style that spam filtering can take advantage of. The main objectives of this thesis are: (i) to demonstrate that it is possible to develop new targeted attacks exploiting personalized spam campaigns using OSN information, and (ii) to design and validate novel spam detection methods that help detecting the intentionality of the messages, using natural language processing techniques, in order to classify them as spam or legitimate. Additionally, those methods must be effective also dealing with the spam that is appearing in OSNs. To achieve the first objective a system to design and send personalized spam campaigns is proposed. We extract automatically users’ public information from a well known social site. We analyze it and design different templates taking into account the preferences of the users. After that, different experiments are carried out sending typical and personalized spam. The results show that the click-through rate is considerably improved with this new strategy. In the second part of the thesis we propose three novel spam filtering methods. Those methods aim to detect non-evident illegitimate intent in order to add valid information that is used by spam classifiers. To detect the intentionality of the texts, we hypothesize that sentiment analysis and personality recognition techniques could provide new means to differentiate spam text from legitimate one. Taking into account this assumption, we present three different methods: the first one uses sentiment analysis to extract the polarity feature of each analyzed text, thus we analyze the optimistic or pessimistic attitude of spam messages compared to legitimate texts. The second one uses personality recognition techniques to add personality dimensions (Extroversion/Introversion, Thinking/Feeling, Judging/ Perceiving and Sensing/iNtuition) to the spam filtering process; and the last one is a combination of the two previously mentioned techniques. Once the methods are described, we experimentally validate the proposed approaches in three different types of spam: email spam, SMS spam and spam from a popular OSN.Hartzailearen baimenik gabe bidalitako mezuak (spam) egunean milioika erabiltzaileri eragiten dien mehatxua dira. Nahiz eta spam detekzio tresnek gero eta emaitza hobeagoak lortu, arazoa konpontzetik oso urruti dago oraindik, batez ere spam kopuruari eta erasotzaileen estrategia berriei esker. Hori gutxi ez eta azken urteetan sare sozialek izan duten erabiltzaile gorakadaren ondorioz, non milioika erabiltzailek beraien datu pribatuak publiko egiten dituzten, gune hauek oso leku erakargarriak bilakatu dira erasotzaileentzat. Batez ere bi arlo interesgarri eskaintzen dituzte webgune hauek: profiletan pilatutako informazio guztiaren ustiapena, eta erabiltzaileekin harreman zuzena izateko erraztasuna (profil bidez, talde bidez, orrialde bidez...). Ondorioz, gero eta ekintza ilegal gehiago atzematen ari dira webgune hauetan. Spam mezuen helburu nagusienak zerbait saldu, alarma soziala sortu, sentsibilizazio kanpainak martxan jarri, etab. izaki, mezu mota hauek eduki ohi duten idazketa mezua berauen detekziorako erabilia izan daiteke. Lan honen helburu nagusiak ondorengoak dira: alde batetik, sare sozialetako informazio publikoa erabiliz egungo detekzio sistemak saihestuko dituen spam pertsonalizatua garatzea posible dela erakustea; eta bestetik hizkuntza naturalaren prozesamendurako teknikak erabiliz, testuen intentzionalitatea atzeman eta spam-a detektatzeko metodologia berriak garatzea. Gainera, sistema horiek sare sozialetako spam mezuekin lan egiteko gaitasuna ere izan beharko dute. Lehen helburu hori lortzekolan honetan spam pertsonalizatua diseinatu eta bidaltzeko sistema bat aurkeztu da. Era automatikoan erabiltzaileen informazio publikoa ateratzen dugu sare sozial ospetsu batetik, ondoren informazio hori aztertu eta txantiloi ezberdinak garatzen ditugu erabiltzaileen iritziak kontuan hartuaz. Behin hori egindakoan, hainbat esperimentu burutzen ditugu spam normala eta pertsonalizatua bidaliz, bien arteko emaitzen ezberdintasuna alderatzeko. Tesiaren bigarren zatian hiru spam atzemate metodologia berri aurkezten ditugu. Berauen helburua tribialak ez den intentzio komertziala atzeman ta hori baliatuz spam mezuak sailkatzean datza. Intentzionalitate hori lortze aldera, analisi sentimentala eta pertsonalitate detekzio teknikak erabiltzen ditugu. Modu honetan, hiru sistema ezberdin aurkezten dira hemen: lehenengoa analisi sentimentala soilik erabiliz, bigarrena lan honetarako pertsonalitate detekzio teknikek eskaintzen dutena aztertzen duena, eta azkenik, bien arteko konbinazioa. Tresna hauek erabiliz, balidazio esperimentala burutzen da proposatutako sistemak eraginkorrak diren edo ez aztertzeko, hiru mota ezberdinetako spam-arekin lan eginez: email spam-a, SMS spam-a eta sare sozial ospetsu bateko spam-a

    A Review on mobile SMS Spam filtering techniques

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    Under short messaging service (SMS) spam is understood the unsolicited or undesired messages received on mobile phones. These SMS spams constitute a veritable nuisance to the mobile subscribers. This marketing practice also worries service providers in view of the fact that it upsets their clients or even causes them lose subscribers. By way of mitigating this practice, researchers have proposed several solutions for the detection and filtering of SMS spams. In this paper, we present a review of the currently available methods, challenges, and future research directions on spam detection techniques, filtering, and mitigation of mobile SMS spams. The existing research literature is critically reviewed and analyzed. The most popular techniques for SMS spam detection, filtering, and mitigation are compared, including the used data sets, their findings, and limitations, and the future research directions are discussed. This review is designed to assist expert researchers to identify open areas that need further improvement

    Short Messages Spam Filtering Combining Personality Recognition and Sentiment Analysis

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    Currently, short communication channels are growing up due to the huge increase in the number of smartphones and online social networks users. This growth attracts malicious campaigns, such as spam campaigns, that are a direct threat to the security and privacy of the users. While most researches are focused on automatic text classification, in this work we demonstrate the possibility of improving current short messages spam detection systems using a novel method. We combine personality recognition and sentiment analysis techniques to analyze Short Message Services (SMS) texts. We enrich a publicly available dataset adding these features, first separately and after in combination, of each message to the dataset, creating new datasets. We apply several combinations of the best SMS spam classifiers and filters to each dataset in order to compare the results of each one. Taking into account the experimental results we analyze the real inuence of each feature and the combination of both. At the end, the best results are improved in terms of accuracy, reaching to a 99.01% and the number of false positive is reduced

    Support Vector Machine Algorithm for SMS Spam Classification in The Telecommunication Industry

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    In recent years, we have withnessed a dramatic increment volume in the number of mobile users grows in telecommunication industry. However, this leads to drastic increase to the number of spam SMS messages. Short Message Service (SMS) is considered one of the widely used communication in telecommunication service. In reality, most of the users ignore the spam because of the lower rate of SMS and limited amount of spam classification tools. In this paper, we propose a Support Vector Machine (SVM) algorithm for SMS Spam Classification. Support Vector Machine is considered as the one of the most effective for data mining techniques. The propose algorithm have been evaluated using public dataset from UCI machine learning repository. The performance achieved is compared with other three data mining techniques such as Naïve Bayes, Multinominal Naïve Bayes and K-Nearest Neighbor with the different number of K= 1,3 and 5. Based on the measuring factors like higher accuracy, less processing time, highest kappa statistics, low error and the lowest false positive instance, it’s been identified that Support Vector Machines (SVM) outperforms better than other classifiers and it is the most accurate classifier to detect and label the spam messages with an average an accuracy is 98.9%. Comparing both the error parameter overall, the highest error has been found on the algorithm KNN with K=3 and K=5. Whereas the model with less error is SVM followed by Multinominal Naïve Bayes. Therefore, this propose method can be used as a best baseline for further comparison based on SMS spam classification

    Active Multi-Field Learning for Spam Filtering

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    Ubiquitous spam messages cause a serious waste of time and resources. This paper addresses the practical spam filtering problem, and proposes a universal approach to fight with various spam messages. The proposed active multi-field learning approach is based on: 1) It is cost-sensitive to obtain a label for a real-world spam filter, which suggests an active learning idea; and 2) Different messages often have a similar multi-field text structure, which suggests a multi-field learning idea. The multi-field learning framework combines multiple results predicted from field classifiers by a novel compound weight, and each field classifier calculates the arithmetical average of multiple conditional probabilities predicted from feature strings according to a data structure of string-frequency index. Comparing the current variance of field classifying results with the historical variance, the active learner evaluates the classifying confidence and regards the more uncertain message as the more informative sample for which to request a label. The experimental results show that the proposed approach can achieve the state-of-the-art performance at greatly reduced label requirements both in email spam filtering and short text spam filtering. Our active multi-field learning performance, the standard (1-ROCA) % measurement, even exceeds the full feedback performance of some advanced individual classifying algorithm