675 research outputs found

    tBurton: A Divide and Conquer Temporal Planner

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    Planning for and controlling a network of interacting devices requires a planner that accounts for the automatic timed transitions of devices while meeting deadlines and achieving durative goals. For example, a planner for an imaging satellite with a camera intolerant of exhaust would need to determine that opening a valve causes a chain reaction that ignites the engine, and thus needs to shield its camera. While planners exist that support deadlines and durative goals, currently, no planners can handle automatic timed transitions. We present tBurton, a temporal planner that supports these features while additionally producing a temporally least-commitment plan. tBurton uses a divide and conquer approach: dividing the problem using causal-graph decomposition and conquering each factor with heuristic forward search. The `sub-plans' from each factor are unified in a conflict directed search, guided by the causal graph structure. We describe why tBurton is fast and efficient and present its efficacy on benchmarks from the International Planning Competition

    A Developmental Organization for Robot Behavior

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    This paper focuses on exploring how learning and development can be structured in synthetic (robot) systems. We present a developmental assembler for constructing reusable and temporally extended actions in a sequence. The discussion adopts the traditions of dynamic pattern theory in which behavior is an artifact of coupled dynamical systems with a number of controllable degrees of freedom. In our model, the events that delineate control decisions are derived from the pattern of (dis)equilibria on a working subset of sensorimotor policies. We show how this architecture can be used to accomplish sequential knowledge gathering and representation tasks and provide examples of the kind of developmental milestones that this approach has already produced in our lab

    Temporal and Hierarchical Models for Planning and Acting in Robotics

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    The field of AI planning has seen rapid progress over the last decade and planners are now able to find plan with hundreds of actions in a matter of seconds. Despite those important progresses, robotic systems still tend to have a reactive architecture with very little deliberation on the course of the plan they might follow. In this thesis, we argue that a successful integration with a robotic system requires the planner to have capacities for both temporal and hierarchical reasoning. The former is indeed a universal resource central in many robot activities while the latter is a critical component for the integration of reasoning capabilities at different abstraction levels, typically starting with a high level view of an activity that is iteratively refined down to motion primitives. As a first step to carry out this vision, we present a model for temporal planning unifying the generative and hierarchical approaches. At the center of the model are temporal action templates, similar to those of PDDL complemented with a specification of the initial state as well as the expected evolution of the environment over time. In addition, our model allows for the specification of hierarchical knowledge possibly with a partial coverage. Consequently, our model generalizes the existing generative and HTN approaches together with an explicit time representation. In the second chapter, we introduce a planning procedure suitable for our planning model. In order to support hierarchical features, we extend the existing Partial-Order Causal Link approach used in many constraintbased planners, with the notions of task and decomposition. We implement it in FAPE (Flexible Acting and Planning Environment) together with automated problem analysis techniques used for search guidance. We show FAPE to have performance similar to state of the art temporal planners when used in a generative setting. The addition of hierarchical information leads to further performance gain and allows us to outperform traditional planners. In the third chapter, we study the usual methods used to reason on temporal uncertainty while planning. We relax the usual assumption of total observability and instead provide techniques to reason on the observations needed to maintain a plan dispatchable. We show how such needed observations can be detected at planning time and incrementally dealt with by considering the appropriate sensing actions. In a final chapter, we discuss the place of the proposed planning system as a central component for the control of a robotic actor. We demonstrate how the explicit time representation facilitates plan monitoring and action dispatching when dealing with contingent events that require observation. We take advantage of the constraint-based and hierarchical representation to facilitate both plan-repair procedures as well opportunistic plan refinement at acting time

    A general framework integrating techniques for scheduling under uncertainty

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    Ces dernières années, de nombreux travaux de recherche ont porté sur la planification de tâches et l'ordonnancement sous incertitudes. Ce domaine de recherche comprend un large choix de modèles, techniques de résolution et systèmes, et il est difficile de les comparer car les terminologies existantes sont incomplètes. Nous avons cependant identifié des familles d'approches générales qui peuvent être utilisées pour structurer la littérature suivant trois axes perpendiculaires. Cette nouvelle structuration de l'état de l'art est basée sur la façon dont les décisions sont prises. De plus, nous proposons un modèle de génération et d'exécution pour ordonnancer sous incertitudes qui met en oeuvre ces trois familles d'approches. Ce modèle est un automate qui se développe lorsque l'ordonnancement courant n'est plus exécutable ou lorsque des conditions particulières sont vérifiées. Le troisième volet de cette thèse concerne l'étude expérimentale que nous avons menée. Au-dessus de ILOG Solver et Scheduler nous avons implémenté un prototype logiciel en C++, directement instancié de notre modèle de génération et d'exécution. Nous présentons de nouveaux problèmes d'ordonnancement probabilistes et une approche par satisfaction de contraintes combinée avec de la simulation pour les résoudre. ABSTRACT : For last years, a number of research investigations on task planning and scheduling under uncertainty have been conducted. This research domain comprises a large number of models, resolution techniques, and systems, and it is difficult to compare them since the existing terminologies are incomplete. However, we identified general families of approaches that can be used to structure the literature given three perpendicular axes. This new classification of the state of the art is based on the way decisions are taken. In addition, we propose a generation and execution model for scheduling under uncertainty that combines these three families of approaches. This model is an automaton that develops when the current schedule is no longer executable or when some particular conditions are met. The third part of this thesis concerns our experimental study. On top of ILOG Solver and Scheduler, we implemented a software prototype in C++ directly instantiated from our generation and execution model. We present new probabilistic scheduling problems and a constraintbased approach combined with simulation to solve some instances thereof

    Automating Mission Scheduling for Space-Based Observatories

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    In this paper we describe the use of our planning and scheduling framework, HSTS, to reduce the complexity of science mission planning. This work is part of an overall project to enable a small team of scientists to control the operations of a spacecraft. The present process is highly labor intensive. Users (scientists and operators) rely on a non-codified understanding of the different spacecraft subsystems and of their operating constraints. They use a variety of software tools to support their decision making process. This paper considers the types of decision making that need to be supported/automated, the nature of the domain constraints and the capabilities needed to address them successfully, and the nature of external software systems with which the core planning/scheduling engine needs to interact. HSTS has been applied to science scheduling for EUVE and Cassini and is being adapted to support autonomous spacecraft operations in the New Millennium initiative

    Coordinating Agile Systems through the Model-based Execution of Temporal Plans

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    SM thesisAgile autonomous systems are emerging, such as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), that must robustly perform tightly coordinated time-critical missions; for example, military surveillance or search-and-rescue scenarios. In the space domain, execution of temporally flexible plans has provided an enabler for achieving the desired coordination and robustness, in the context of space probes and planetary rovers, modeled as discrete systems. We address the challenge of extending plan execution to systems with continuous dynamics, such as air vehicles and robot manipulators, and that are controlled indirectly through the setting of continuous state variables.Systems with continuous dynamics are more challenging than discrete systems, because they require continuous, low-level control, and cannot be controlled by issuing simple sequences of discrete commands. Hence, manually controlling these systems (or plants) at a low level can become very costly, in terms of the number of human operators necessary to operate the plant. For example, in the case of a fleet of UAVs performing a search-and-rescue scenario, the traditional approach to controlling the UAVs involves providing series of close waypoints for each aircraft, which incurs a high workload for the human operators, when the fleet consists of a large number of vehicles.Our solution is a novel, model-based executive, called Sulu, that takes as input a qualitative state plan, specifying the desired evolution of the state of the system. This approach elevates the interaction between the human operator and the plant, to a more abstract level where the operator is able to Âcoach the plant by qualitatively specifying the tasks, or activities, the plant must perform. These activities are described in a qualitative manner, because they specify regions in the plantÂs state space in which the plant must be at a certain point in time. Time constraints are also described qualitatively, in the form of flexible temporal constraints between activities in the state plan. The design of low-level control inputs in order to meet this abstract goal specification is then delegated to the autonomous controller, hence decreasing the workload per human operator. This approach also provides robustness to the executive, by giving it room to adapt to disturbances and unforeseen events, while satisfying the qualitative constraints on the plant state, specified in the qualitative state plan.Sulu reasons on a model of the plant in order to dynamically generate near-optimal control sequences to fulfill the qualitative state plan. To achieve optimality and safety, Sulu plans into the future, framing the problem as a disjunctive linear programming problem. To achieve robustness to disturbances and maintain tractability, planning is folded within a receding horizon, continuous planning and execution framework. The key to performance is a problem reduction method based on constraint pruning. We benchmark performance using multi-UAV firefighting scenarios on a real-time, hardware-in-the-loop testbed

    Collaborative Diagnosis of Over-Subscribed Temporal Plans

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    PhD thesisOver-subscription, that is, being assigned too many tasks or requirements that are too demanding, is commonly encountered in temporal planning problems. As human beings, we often want to do more than we can, ask for things that may not be available, while underestimating how long it takes to perform each task. It is often difficult for us to detect the causes of failure in such situations and then find resolutions that are effective. We can greatly benefit from tools that assist us by looking out for these plan failures, by identifying their root causes, and by proposing preferred resolutions to these failures that lead to feasible plans. In recent literature, several approaches have been developed to resolve such over-subscribed problems, which are often framed as over-constrained scheduling, configuration design or optimal planning problems. Most of them take an all-or-nothing approach, in which over-subscription is resolved through suspending constraints or dropping goals. While helpful, in real-world scenarios, we often want to preserve our plan goals as much possible. As human beings, we know that slightly weakening the requirements of a travel plan, or replacing one of its destinations with an alternative one is often sufficient to resolve an over-subscription problem, no matter if the requirement being weakened is the duration of a deep-sea survey being planned for, or the restaurant cuisine for a dinner date. The goal of this thesis is to develop domain independent relaxation algorithms that perform this type of slight weakening of constraints, which we will formalize as continuous relaxation, and to embody them in a computational aid, Uhura, that performs tasks akin to an experienced travel agent or ocean scientists. In over-subscribed situations, Uhura helps us diagnose the causes of failure, suggests alternative plans, and collaborates with us in order to resolve conflicting requirements in the most preferred way. Most importantly, the algorithms underlying Uhura supports the weakening, instead of suspending, of constraints and variable domains in a temporally flexible plan. The contribution of this thesis is two-fold. First, we developed an algorithmic framework, called Best-first Conflict-Directed Relaxation (BCDR), for performing plan relaxation. Second, we use the BCDR framework to perform relaxation for several different families of plan representations involving different types of constraints. These include temporal constraints, chance constraints and variable domain constraints, and we incorporate several specialized conflict detection and resolution algorithms in support of the continuous weakening of them. The key idea behind BCDR's approach to continuous relaxation is to generalize the concepts of discrete conflicts and relaxations, first introduced by the model-based diagnosis community, to hybrid conflicts and relaxations, which denote minimal inconsistencies and minimal relaxations to both discrete and continuous relaxable constraints