36 research outputs found

    Taking I/O seriously: resolution reconsidered for disk

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    Journal ArticleModern compilation techniques can give Prolog programs, in the best cases, a speed comparable to C. However, Prolog has proven to be unacceptable for data-oriented queries for two major reasons: its poor termination and complexity properties for Datalog, and its tuple-at-a-time strategy. A number of tabling frameworks and systems have addressed the first problem, including the XSB system which has achieved Prolog speeds for tabled programs. Yet tabling systems such as XSB continue to use the tuple-at-a-time paradigm. As a result, these systems are not amenable to a tight interconnection with disk-resident data. However, in a tabling framework the difference between tuple-at-a-time behavior and set-at-a-time can be viewed as one of scheduling. Accordingly, we define a breadth-first set-at-a-time tabling strategy and prove it iteration equivalent to a form of semi-naive magic evaluation. That is, we extend the well-known asymptotic results of Seki [10] by proving that each iteration of the tabling strategy produces the same information as semi-naive magic. Further, this set-at-a-time scheduling is amenable to implementation in an engine that uses Prolog compilation. We describe both the engine and its performance, which is comparable with the tuple-at-a-time strategy even for in-memory Datalog queries. Because of its performance and its fine level of integration of Prolog with a database-style search, the set-at-a-time engine appears as an important key to linking logic programming and deductive databases

    Call subsumption mechanisms for tabled logic programs

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    Estágio realizado na ... e orientado pelo Eng.ºDocumento confidencial. Não pode ser disponibilizado para consultaTese de mestrado integrado. Engenharia Informática e Computação. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 201

    Algorithms and Implementation

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    In the past few years Tabling has emerged as a powerful logic programming model. The integration of concurrent features into the implementation of Tabling systems is demanded by need to use recently developed tabling applications within distributed systems, where a process has to respond concurrently to several requests. The support for sharing of tables among the concurrent threads of a Tabling process is a desirable feature, to allow one of Tabling’s virtues, the re-use of computations by other threads and to allow efficient usage of available memory. However, the incremental completion of tables which are evaluated concurrently is not a trivial problem. In this dissertation we describe the integration of concurrency mechanisms, by the way of multi-threading, in a state of the art Tabling and Prolog system, XSB. We begin by reviewing the main concepts for a formal description of tabled computations, called SLG resolution and for the implementation of Tabling under the SLG-WAM, the abstract machine supported by XSB. We describe the different scheduling strategies provided by XSB and introduce some new properties of local scheduling, a scheduling strategy for SLG resolution. We proceed to describe our implementation work by describing the process of integrating multi-threading in a Prolog system supporting Tabling, without addressing the problem of shared tables. We describe the trade-offs and implementation decisions involved. We then describe an optimistic algorithm for the concurrent sharing of completed tables, Shared Completed Tables, which allows the sharing of tables without incurring in deadlocks, under local scheduling. This method relies on the execution properties of local scheduling and includes full support for negation. We provide a theoretical framework and discuss the implementation’s correctness and complexity. After that, we describe amethod for the sharing of tables among threads that allows parallelism in the computation of inter-dependent subgoals, which we name Concurrent Completion. We informally argue for the correctness of Concurrent Completion. We give detailed performance measurements of the multi-threaded XSB systems over a variety of machines and operating systems, for both the Shared Completed Tables and the Concurrent Completion implementations. We focus our measurements inthe overhead over the sequential engine and the scalability of the system. We finish with a comparison of XSB with other multi-threaded Prolog systems and we compare our approach to concurrent tabling with parallel and distributed methods for the evaluation of tabling. Finally, we identify future research directions

    Beyond depth-first strategies: improving tabled logic programs through alternative scheduling

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    Journal ArticleTabled evaluation ensures termination for programs with finite models by keeping track of which subgoals have been called. Given several variant subgoals in an evaluation, only the fi rst one encountered will use program-clause resolution; the rest will resolve with the answers generated by the first subgoal. This use of answer resolution prevents infi nite looping that sometimes happens in SLD. Because answers that are produced in one path of the computation may be consumed, asynchronously, in others, tabling systems face an important scheduling choice not present in traditional top-down evaluation: when to schedule answer resolution. This paper investigates alternate scheduling strategies for tabling in a WAM implementation, the SLG-WAM. The original SLG-WAM had a simple mechanism for scheduling answer resolution that was expensive in terms of trailing and choice-point creation. We propose here a more sophisticated scheduling strategy, batched scheduling, which reduces the overheads of these operations and provides dramatic space reduction as well as speedups for many programs. We also propose a second strategy, local scheduling, which has applications to nonmonotonic reasoning, and when combined with answer subsumption, can arbitrarily improve the performance of some programs

    On applying Or-Parallelism and Tabling to logic programs

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    Dissertação de Doutoramento em Ciência de Computadores apresentada à Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Port