1,189 research outputs found

    Growing Efficient Deep Networks by Structured Continuous Sparsification

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    We develop an approach to training deep networks while dynamically adjusting their architecture, driven by a principled combination of accuracy and sparsity objectives. Unlike conventional pruning approaches, our method adopts a gradual continuous relaxation of discrete network structure optimization and then samples sparse subnetworks, enabling efficient deep networks to be trained in a growing and pruning manner. Extensive experiments across CIFAR-10, ImageNet, PASCAL VOC, and Penn Treebank, with convolutional models for image classification and semantic segmentation, and recurrent models for language modeling, show that our training scheme yields efficient networks that are smaller and more accurate than those produced by competing pruning methods

    Phrase table pruning for Statistical Machine Translation

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    Phrase-Based Statistical Machine Translation systems model the translation process using pairs of corresponding sequences of words extracted from parallel corpora. These biphrases are stored in phrase tables that typically contain several millions such entries, making it di cult to assess their quality without going to the end of the translation process. Our work is based on the examplifying study of phrase tables generated from the Europarl data, from French to English. We give some statistical information about the biphrases contained in the phrase table, evaluate the coverage of previously unseen sentences and analyse the e ects of pruning on the translation

    SOS: Selective Objective Switch for Rapid Immunofluorescence Whole Slide Image Classification

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    The difficulty of processing gigapixel whole slide images (WSIs) in clinical microscopy has been a long-standing barrier to implementing computer aided diagnostic systems. Since modern computing resources are unable to perform computations at this extremely large scale, current state of the art methods utilize patch-based processing to preserve the resolution of WSIs. However, these methods are often resource intensive and make significant compromises on processing time. In this paper, we demonstrate that conventional patch-based processing is redundant for certain WSI classification tasks where high resolution is only required in a minority of cases. This reflects what is observed in clinical practice; where a pathologist may screen slides using a low power objective and only switch to a high power in cases where they are uncertain about their findings. To eliminate these redundancies, we propose a method for the selective use of high resolution processing based on the confidence of predictions on downscaled WSIs --- we call this the Selective Objective Switch (SOS). Our method is validated on a novel dataset of 684 Liver-Kidney-Stomach immunofluorescence WSIs routinely used in the investigation of autoimmune liver disease. By limiting high resolution processing to cases which cannot be classified confidently at low resolution, we maintain the accuracy of patch-level analysis whilst reducing the inference time by a factor of 7.74.Comment: Accepted for publication at CVPR202

    Efficient Transformers with Dynamic Token Pooling

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    Transformers achieve unrivalled performance in modelling language, but remain inefficient in terms of memory and time complexity. A possible remedy is to reduce the sequence length in the intermediate layers by pooling fixed-length segments of tokens. Nevertheless, natural units of meaning, such as words or phrases, display varying sizes. To address this mismatch, we equip language models with a dynamic-pooling mechanism, which predicts segment boundaries in an autoregressive fashion. We compare several methods to infer boundaries, including end-to-end learning through stochastic re-parameterisation, supervised learning (based on segmentations from subword tokenizers or spikes in conditional entropy), as well as linguistically motivated boundaries. We perform character-level evaluation on texts from multiple datasets and morphologically diverse languages. The results demonstrate that dynamic pooling, which jointly segments and models language, is both faster and more accurate than vanilla Transformers and fixed-length pooling within the same computational budget

    Deep Learning for Free-Hand Sketch: A Survey

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    Free-hand sketches are highly illustrative, and have been widely used by humans to depict objects or stories from ancient times to the present. The recent prevalence of touchscreen devices has made sketch creation a much easier task than ever and consequently made sketch-oriented applications increasingly popular. The progress of deep learning has immensely benefited free-hand sketch research and applications. This paper presents a comprehensive survey of the deep learning techniques oriented at free-hand sketch data, and the applications that they enable. The main contents of this survey include: (i) A discussion of the intrinsic traits and unique challenges of free-hand sketch, to highlight the essential differences between sketch data and other data modalities, e.g., natural photos. (ii) A review of the developments of free-hand sketch research in the deep learning era, by surveying existing datasets, research topics, and the state-of-the-art methods through a detailed taxonomy and experimental evaluation. (iii) Promotion of future work via a discussion of bottlenecks, open problems, and potential research directions for the community.Comment: This paper is accepted by IEEE TPAM

    Building task-oriented machine translation systems

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    La principal meta de esta tesis es desarrollar sistemas de traduccion interactiva que presenten mayor sinergia con sus usuarios potenciales. Por ello, el objetivo es hacer los sistemas estado del arte mas ergonomicos, intuitivos y eficientes, con el fin de que el experto humano se sienta mas comodo al utilizarlos. Con este fin se presentan diferentes t�ecnicas enfocadas a mejorar la adaptabilidad y el tiempo de respuesta de los sistemas de traduccion automatica subyacentes, as�ÿ como tambien se presenta una estrategia cuya finalidad es mejorar la interaccion hombre-m�aquina. Todo ello con el proposito ultimo de rellenar el hueco existente entre el estado del arte en traduccion automatica y las herramientas que los traductores humanos tienen a su disposici�on. En lo que respecta al tiempo de respuesta de los sistemas de traducci�on autom�atica, en esta tesis se presenta una t�ecnica de poda de los par�ametros de los modelos de traducci�on actuales, cuya intuici�on est�a basada en el concepto de segmentaci�on biling¤ue, pero que termina por evolucionar hacia una estrategia de re-estimaci�on de dichos par�ametros. Utilizando esta estrategia se obtienen resultados experimentales que demuestran que es posible podar la tabla de segmentos hasta en un 97%, sin mermar por ello la calidad de las traducciones obtenidas. Adem�as, estos resultados son coherentes en diferentes pares de lenguas, lo cual evidencia que la t�ecnica que se presenta aqu�ÿ es efectiva en un entorno de traducci�on autom�atica tradicional, y por lo tanto podr�ÿa ser utilizada directamente en un escenario de post-edici�on. Sin embargo, los experimentos llevados a cabo en traducci�on interactiva son ligeramente menos convincentes, pues implican la necesidad de llegar a un compromiso entre el tiempo de respuesta y la calidad de los sufijos producidos. Por otra parte, se presentan dos t�ecnicas de adaptaci�on, con el prop�osito de mejorar la adaptabilidad de los sistemas de traducci�on autom�atica. La primeraSanchis Trilles, G. (2012). Building task-oriented machine translation systems [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/17174Palanci

    A Formal Model of Ambiguity and its Applications in Machine Translation

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    Systems that process natural language must cope with and resolve ambiguity. In this dissertation, a model of language processing is advocated in which multiple inputs and multiple analyses of inputs are considered concurrently and a single analysis is only a last resort. Compared to conventional models, this approach can be understood as replacing single-element inputs and outputs with weighted sets of inputs and outputs. Although processing components must deal with sets (rather than individual elements), constraints are imposed on the elements of these sets, and the representations from existing models may be reused. However, to deal efficiently with large (or infinite) sets, compact representations of sets that share structure between elements, such as weighted finite-state transducers and synchronous context-free grammars, are necessary. These representations and algorithms for manipulating them are discussed in depth in depth. To establish the effectiveness and tractability of the proposed processing model, it is applied to several problems in machine translation. Starting with spoken language translation, it is shown that translating a set of transcription hypotheses yields better translations compared to a baseline in which a single (1-best) transcription hypothesis is selected and then translated, independent of the translation model formalism used. More subtle forms of ambiguity that arise even in text-only translation (such as decisions conventionally made during system development about how to preprocess text) are then discussed, and it is shown that the ambiguity-preserving paradigm can be employed in these cases as well, again leading to improved translation quality. A model for supervised learning that learns from training data where sets (rather than single elements) of correct labels are provided for each training instance and use it to learn a model of compound word segmentation is also introduced, which is used as a preprocessing step in machine translation