1,085 research outputs found

    A wireless sensor network-based approach to large-scale dimensional metrology

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    In many branches of industry, dimensional measurements have become an important part of the production cycle, in order to check product compliance with specifications. This task is not trivial especially when dealing with largescale dimensional measurements: the bigger the measurement dimensions are, the harder is to achieve high accuracies. Nowadays, the problem can be handled using many metrological systems, based on different technologies (e.g. optical, mechanical, electromagnetic). Each of these systems is more or less adequate, depending upon measuring conditions, user's experience and skill, or other factors such as time, cost, accuracy and portability. This article focuses on a new possible approach to large-scale dimensional metrology based on wireless sensor networks. Advantages and drawbacks of such approach are analysed and deeply discussed. Then, the article briefly presents a recent prototype system - the Mobile Spatial Coordinate-Measuring System (MScMS-II) - which has been developed at the Industrial Metrology and Quality Laboratory of DISPEA - Politecnico di Torino. The system seems to be suitable for performing dimensional measurements of large-size objects (sizes on the order of several meters). Owing to its distributed nature, the system - based on a wireless network of optical devices - is portable, fully scalable with respect to dimensions and shapes and easily adaptable to different working environments. Preliminary results of experimental tests, aimed at evaluating system performance as well as research perspectives for further improvements, are discusse

    Digitalization of Energy Manufacture: Infrastructure, Supply Chain Strategy and Communication

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    Abstract- The constant development of the electric power industry today leads to a decrease in the sustainability and growth of accidents in the “UES of Russiaâ€, necessitates the adoption of operational and supply chain management decisions that are not possible without digitalization. The problems that the industry will face in implementing digitalization projects are identified, namely: increased equipment wear; lack of funding, requirements for technological compatibility of the characteristics and parameters of power equipment and devices, unified switching standards (protocols) and information models, required number of instruments, equipment and software. Despite the obvious problems, digitalization is being actively implemented in the power industry. It is noted that the target model of digitalization in the power industry should include three blocks: digital technologies and databases, information technology infrastructure, including communication channels, information security systems. The spheres of application of existing and future digital technologies and databases at all stages of energy production are considered: generation, power grids, sales activities, in their relationship with the management bodies of the wholesale and retail electricity and capacity markets and regulatory bodies. The possibilities of using own and leased communication channels are critically evaluated, the advantages of various communication channels are revealed. It is noted that it is necessary to use channels based on fiber-optic communication lines as the main ones, and satellite communication channels as reserve ones. Special attention is drawn to information security. The components of the effect of digitalization for consumers, energy companies and the state are determined. It is proposed to introduce integrated indicators of the effect of digitalization. The proposed measures are necessary for the implementation of full-scale digitalization of the power industry, including the preservation of savings from digitalization in power companies, government support, and the creation of conditions for the development of active consumers

    Improving efficiency of information measurement system of coal mine air gas protection

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    Purpose. Development of scientific approaches to creation of high-precision and high-speed optoelectronic measurement systems within the complex of air gas safety of coal mines by means of the developed and implemented methods and means of measurement systems efficiency improvement taking into account compensation of the effect of destabilizing factors. Methods. Experimental studies have been carried out in mine production conditions and laboratories on the physical models of information measurement systems using metrologically certified measuring instruments. Findings. It has been proposed to determine the efficiency of the developed information and measurement systems on the basis of the arithmetic mean of n groups and the geometric mean of the information data rate of m meters measuring mine atmosphere parameters in coal mines for each group separately. It has been found that the use of the developed information system measuring methane and dust concentration within the UTSSC increases data rate of mine air gas protection system by 16.5 bits/s. Originality. For the first time, logical design of information and measurement system of methane and dust concentration has been proposed and implemented, which, in contrast to the existing ones, is based on increasing accuracy and speed of measuring channels response to methane and dust concentration, which allowed to increase probability of detecting explosive situations from 0.90 to 0.98 and provide enhancement of mine air gas protection. Practical implications. The developed methods and techniques allowed to implement a number of projects for the mining industry: high-speed measurement system evaluating methane concentration in a mine complex of monitoring telephone communication and notification “SAT” (private company “Deyta Express”, Ukraine); measurement system of polydisperse dust concentration for unified telecommunication systems of supervisory control and automated management of mining machines and technological complexes “UTSSC” (State Enterprise “Petrovsky Plant of Mining Machinery”, Ukraine).Мета. Розробка наукових підходів до створення високоточних швидкодіючих оптоелектронних вимірювальних систем у складі комплексу забезпечення аерогазової безпеки шахт за рахунок використання запропонованих і реалізованих методів та засобів підвищення ефективності вимірювальних систем на основі обліку й компенсації впливу дестабілізуючих факторів. Методика. Експериментальні дослідження виконано у виробничих умовах шахт і в лабораторіях на фізичних моделях інформаційно-вимірювальних систем з використанням метрологічно-атестованих засобів вимірювань. Результати. Запропоновано визначати ефективність досліджуваної інформаційно-вимірювальної системи на основі середнього арифметичного n груп від середнього геометричних значень інформаційних пропускних спроможностей m вимірювачів параметрів рудничної атмосфери вугільних шахт за кожною групою окремо. Встановлено, що використання розробленої інформаційно-вимірювальної системи концентрації метану та пилу у складі УТАС підвищує пропускну спроможність системи аерогазового захисту шахт на 16.5 біт/с. Наукова новизна. Вперше запропоновано і реалізовано логічну побудову інформаційно-вимірювальної системи концентрації метану та пилу, яка, на відміну від існуючих, заснована на підвищенні точності та швидкодії вимірювальних каналів концентрації метану і пилу, що дозволило збільшити вірогідність виявлення вибухонебезпечних ситуацій з 0.90 до 0.98 та забезпечити зростання рівня аерогазового захисту шахт. Практична значимість. Розроблені методи і засоби дозволили реалізувати низку проектів для підприємств гірничої промисловості: швидкодіюча вимірювальна система концентрації метану для комплексу шахтного диспетчерського телефонного зв’язку та оповіщення “САТ” (Приватна компанія “Дейта Експрес”, Україна); вимірювальна система концентрації полідисперсного пилу для уніфікованої телекомунікаційної системи диспетчерського контролю та автоматизованого управління гірничими машинами і технологічними комплексами “УТАС” (Державне підприємство “Петровський завод вугільного машинобудування”, Україна).Цель. Разработка научных подходов к созданию высокоточных быстродействующих оптоэлектронных измерительных систем в составе комплекса обеспечения аэрогазовой безопасности шахт за счет использования предложенных и реализованных методов и средств повышения эффективности измерительных систем на основе учета и компенсации влияния дестабилизирующих факторов. Методика. Экспериментальные исследования выполнены в производственных условиях шахт и в лабораториях на физических моделях информационно-измерительных систем с использованием метрологически-аттестованных средств измерений. Результаты. Предложено определять эффективность исследуемой информационно-измерительной системы на основе среднего арифметического n групп среднего геометрических значений информационных пропускных способностей m измерителей параметров рудничной атмосферы угольных шахт по каждой группе отдельно. Установлено, что использование разработанной информационно-измерительной системы концентрации метана и пыли в составе УТАС повышает пропускную способность системы аэрогазового защиты шахт на 16.5 бит/с. Научная новизна. Впервые предложено и реализовано логическое построение информационно-измерительной системы концентрации метана и пыли, которая, в отличие от существующих, основана на повышении точности и быстродействия измерительных каналов концентрации метана и пыли, что позволило увеличить вероятность обнаружения взрывоопасных ситуаций с 0.90 до 0.98 и обеспечить рост уровня аэрогазовой защиты шахт. Практическая значимость. Разработанные методы и средства позволили реализовать ряд проектов для предприятий горной промышленности: быстродействующая измерительная система концентрации метана для комплекса шахтной диспетчерской телефонной связи и оповещения “САТ” (Частная компания “Дейта Экспресс”, Украина); измерительная система концентрации полидисперсной пыли для унифицированной телекоммуникационной системы диспетчерского контроля и автоматизированного управления горными машинами и технологическими комплексами “УТАС” (Государственное предприятие “Петровский завод угольного машиностроения”, Украина).This work would be impossible without the financial support of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine during the execution of the project No 0115U002655 “Research and development of an experimental sample of optical meter of methane concentration for coal mines”. Additional financial support was provided during the implementation of the Inter-Regional Programme of the European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument Tempus VI on the project 544010 – TEMPUS – 1 – 2013 – 1 – DE – TEMPUS – JPHES “TATU: Trainings in Automation Technologies for Ukraine”. The authors express gratitude to the employees of the State Enterprise “Petrovsky Plant of Mining Machinery” and the private company “Deyta Express” for participating in creation of research sample meters of methane and dust concentration for coal mine conditions, as well as support in conducting research in industrial conditions

    Automated indoor climate control system

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    Every year in greenhouse enterprises, more and more attention is paid to the quality maintenance of the microclimate. Correctly chosen technology of microclimate maintenance is one of the most important components that allow increasing yield. And effective use of energy resources is an additional opportunity to significantly reduce the cost of production. The modern automated microclimate control system should support not only the preset mode, but also maximize the use of the capabilities of the executive systems. At the present time, active modernization of greenhouses is being carried out, connected with the increase in the number of executive systems: separation of contours, modernization of ventilation, installation of shading systems, installation of fans. And the more executive systems the greenhouse has, the more important it is for it to choose the criterion that determines the strategy for maintaining the microclimate. For example, one of the most popular management criteria is the saving of heat resources. In this case, it is more appropriate to actively use the lower heating circuits, because They give away heat to the external environment least of all. Another approach to the selection of the criterion involves maintaining the temperature at the growth point higher than at the roots of the plant and thus implies the active use of upper heating circuits. Another criterion of management is based on the fact that the lower contour should maintain a constant temperature in the root zone, the so-called optimum, and only with exhausted resources of other executive systems deviate from it. Experience in the implementation of automated control systems shows that at the design stage of the system it is difficult to select a single management criterion. Therefore, the control system should be able to promptly set the criterion during operation, and the methods of its assignment should visually reflect the agronomic, economic and technical requirements imposed on the system. Thus, the modern management system should allow us to specify not only one of the above control criteria or a combination thereof, but also any other arising in the production process, giving the agronomist technologist ample opportunities in choosing the method for maintaining the temperature and humidity regime in the greenhous

    Possibilities for creating Russian high-tech bottomhole assembly

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    Development of high-tech well electronic measuring systems is aimed at creating modern equipment: telemetry, well geophysical measurement equipment, the architecture of which is divided into basic (with measurement channels for gamma logging and inductive resistance) and advanced (with radioactive, acoustic, magnetic resonance and thermobarometric measurement channels, including azimuthal methods of investigation). Over-the-bit measurement modules, rotary steerable systems are being developed and channels for transmitting data to the surface are being improved. Vice versa, specialized surface equipment with highly integrated software is being created. Different measurement modules are manufactured by different companies, which creates uncertainties in the possibility of interfacing the manufacturers' measurement modules into a single well measurement system. The article presents an analysis of the readiness of Russian oil service companies to produce well and surface equipment for drilling Russian directional oil and gas wells, meeting modern requirements for accuracy, lifetime and operating conditions. The possibility of creating a fully Russian well high-tech equipment and the required resources, risks and measures to mitigate them when creating a modern well measurement system are considered

    Vision Sensors and Edge Detection

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    Vision Sensors and Edge Detection book reflects a selection of recent developments within the area of vision sensors and edge detection. There are two sections in this book. The first section presents vision sensors with applications to panoramic vision sensors, wireless vision sensors, and automated vision sensor inspection, and the second one shows image processing techniques, such as, image measurements, image transformations, filtering, and parallel computing

    The algorithms of preliminary processing of the inclinometric control data during the monitoring of the building

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    The article is devoted to the development of algorithmic support of the inclinometric control system built on the basis of accelerometers using the phase-metric method. This system is used to automated control the deviation of the angular parameters of the building axis from the vertica

    Simulation-based Planning of Machine Vision Inspection Systems with an Application to Laser Triangulation

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    Nowadays, vision systems play a central role in industrial inspection. The experts typically choose the configuration of measurements in such systems empirically. For complex inspections, however, automatic inspection planning is essential. This book proposes a simulation-based approach towards inspection planning by contributing to all components of this problem: simulation, evaluation, and optimization. As an application, inspection of a complex cylinder head by laser triangulation is studied

    Nuclear Power - Control, Reliability and Human Factors

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    Advances in reactor designs, materials and human-machine interfaces guarantee safety and reliability of emerging reactor technologies, eliminating possibilities for high-consequence human errors as those which have occurred in the past. New instrumentation and control technologies based in digital systems, novel sensors and measurement approaches facilitate safety, reliability and economic competitiveness of nuclear power options. Autonomous operation scenarios are becoming increasingly popular to consider for small modular systems. This book belongs to a series of books on nuclear power published by InTech. It consists of four major sections and contains twenty-one chapters on topics from key subject areas pertinent to instrumentation and control, operation reliability, system aging and human-machine interfaces. The book targets a broad potential readership group - students, researchers and specialists in the field - who are interested in learning about nuclear power