4 research outputs found

    Objective assessment of low contrast detectability in computed tomography with Channelized Hotelling Observer

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    AbstractPurposeIterative algorithms introduce new challenges in the field of image quality assessment. The purpose of this study is to use a mathematical model to evaluate objectively the low contrast detectability in CT.Materials and methodsA QRM 401 phantom containing 5 and 8 mm diameter spheres with a contrast level of 10 and 20 HU was used. The images were acquired at 120 kV with CTDIvol equal to 5, 10, 15, 20 mGy and reconstructed using the filtered back-projection (FBP), adaptive statistical iterative reconstruction 50% (ASIR 50%) and model-based iterative reconstruction (MBIR) algorithms. The model observer used is the Channelized Hotelling Observer (CHO). The channels are dense difference of Gaussian channels (D-DOG). The CHO performances were compared to the outcomes of six human observers having performed four alternative forced choice (4-AFC) tests.ResultsFor the same CTDIvol level and according to CHO model, the MBIR algorithm gives the higher detectability index. The outcomes of human observers and results of CHO are highly correlated whatever the dose levels, the signals considered and the algorithms used when some noise is added to the CHO model. The Pearson coefficient between the human observers and the CHO is 0.93 for FBP and 0.98 for MBIR.ConclusionThe human observers' performances can be predicted by the CHO model. This opens the way for proposing, in parallel to the standard dose report, the level of low contrast detectability expected. The introduction of iterative reconstruction requires such an approach to ensure that dose reduction does not impair diagnostics

    Virtual clinical trials in medical imaging: a review

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    The accelerating complexity and variety of medical imaging devices and methods have outpaced the ability to evaluate and optimize their design and clinical use. This is a significant and increasing challenge for both scientific investigations and clinical applications. Evaluations would ideally be done using clinical imaging trials. These experiments, however, are often not practical due to ethical limitations, expense, time requirements, or lack of ground truth. Virtual clinical trials (VCTs) (also known as in silico imaging trials or virtual imaging trials) offer an alternative means to efficiently evaluate medical imaging technologies virtually. They do so by simulating the patients, imaging systems, and interpreters. The field of VCTs has been constantly advanced over the past decades in multiple areas. We summarize the major developments and current status of the field of VCTs in medical imaging. We review the core components of a VCT: computational phantoms, simulators of different imaging modalities, and interpretation models. We also highlight some of the applications of VCTs across various imaging modalities

    Iterative reconstruction in CT : using mathematical model observers to determine low dose images' trustworthiness

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    La tomodensitométrie (TDM) est une technique d'imagerie pour laquelle l'intérêt n'a cessé de croitre depuis son apparition au début des années 70. De nos jours, l'utilisation de cette technique est devenue incontournable, grâce entre autres à sa capacité à produire des images diagnostiques de haute qualité. Toutefois, et en dépit d'un bénéfice indiscutable sur la prise en charge des patients, l'augmentation importante du nombre d'examens TDM pratiqués soulève des questions sur l'effet potentiellement dangereux des rayonnements ionisants sur la population. Parmi ces effets néfastes, l'induction de cancers liés à l'exposition aux rayonnements ionisants reste l'un des risques majeurs. Afin que le rapport bénéfice-risques reste favorable au patient il est donc nécessaire de s'assurer que la dose délivrée permette de formuler le bon diagnostic tout en évitant d'avoir recours à des images dont la qualité est inutilement élevée. Ce processus d'optimisation, qui est une préoccupation importante pour les patients adultes, doit même devenir une priorité lorsque l'on examine des enfants ou des adolescents, en particulier lors d'études de suivi requérant plusieurs examens tout au long de leur vie. Enfants et jeunes adultes sont en effet beaucoup plus sensibles aux radiations du fait de leur métabolisme plus rapide que celui des adultes. De plus, les probabilités des évènements auxquels ils s'exposent sont également plus grandes du fait de leur plus longue espérance de vie. L'introduction des algorithmes de reconstruction itératifs, conçus pour réduire l'exposition des patients, est certainement l'une des plus grandes avancées en TDM, mais elle s'accompagne de certaines difficultés en ce qui concerne l'évaluation de la qualité des images produites. Le but de ce travail est de mettre en place une stratégie pour investiguer le potentiel des algorithmes itératifs vis-à-vis de la réduction de dose sans pour autant compromettre la qualité du diagnostic. La difficulté de cette tâche réside principalement dans le fait de disposer d'une méthode visant à évaluer la qualité d'image de façon pertinente d'un point de vue clinique. La première étape a consisté à caractériser la qualité d'image lors d'examen musculo-squelettique. Ce travail a été réalisé en étroite collaboration avec des radiologues pour s'assurer un choix pertinent de critères de qualité d'image. Une attention particulière a été portée au bruit et à la résolution des images reconstruites à l'aide d'algorithmes itératifs. L'analyse de ces paramètres a permis aux radiologues d'adapter leurs protocoles grâce à une possible estimation de la perte de qualité d'image liée à la réduction de dose. Notre travail nous a également permis d'investiguer la diminution de la détectabilité à bas contraste associée à une diminution de la dose ; difficulté majeure lorsque l'on pratique un examen dans la région abdominale. Sachant que des alternatives à la façon standard de caractériser la qualité d'image (métriques de l'espace Fourier) devaient être utilisées, nous nous sommes appuyés sur l'utilisation de modèles d'observateurs mathématiques. Nos paramètres expérimentaux ont ensuite permis de déterminer le type de modèle à utiliser. Les modèles idéaux ont été utilisés pour caractériser la qualité d'image lorsque des paramètres purement physiques concernant la détectabilité du signal devaient être estimés alors que les modèles anthropomorphes ont été utilisés dans des contextes cliniques où les résultats devaient être comparés à ceux d'observateurs humain, tirant profit des propriétés de ce type de modèles. Cette étude a confirmé que l'utilisation de modèles d'observateurs permettait d'évaluer la qualité d'image en utilisant une approche basée sur la tâche à effectuer, permettant ainsi d'établir un lien entre les physiciens médicaux et les radiologues. Nous avons également montré que les reconstructions itératives ont le potentiel de réduire la dose sans altérer la qualité du diagnostic. Parmi les différentes reconstructions itératives, celles de type « model-based » sont celles qui offrent le plus grand potentiel d'optimisation, puisque les images produites grâce à cette modalité conduisent à un diagnostic exact même lors d'acquisitions à très basse dose. Ce travail a également permis de clarifier le rôle du physicien médical en TDM: Les métriques standards restent utiles pour évaluer la conformité d'un appareil aux requis légaux, mais l'utilisation de modèles d'observateurs est inévitable pour optimiser les protocoles d'imagerie. -- Computed tomography (CT) is an imaging technique in which interest has been quickly growing since it began to be used in the 1970s. Today, it has become an extensively used modality because of its ability to produce accurate diagnostic images. However, even if a direct benefit to patient healthcare is attributed to CT, the dramatic increase in the number of CT examinations performed has raised concerns about the potential negative effects of ionising radiation on the population. Among those negative effects, one of the major risks remaining is the development of cancers associated with exposure to diagnostic X-ray procedures. In order to ensure that the benefits-risk ratio still remains in favour of the patient, it is necessary to make sure that the delivered dose leads to the proper diagnosis without producing unnecessarily high-quality images. This optimisation scheme is already an important concern for adult patients, but it must become an even greater priority when examinations are performed on children or young adults, in particular with follow-up studies which require several CT procedures over the patient's life. Indeed, children and young adults are more sensitive to radiation due to their faster metabolism. In addition, harmful consequences have a higher probability to occur because of a younger patient's longer life expectancy. The recent introduction of iterative reconstruction algorithms, which were designed to substantially reduce dose, is certainly a major achievement in CT evolution, but it has also created difficulties in the quality assessment of the images produced using those algorithms. The goal of the present work was to propose a strategy to investigate the potential of iterative reconstructions to reduce dose without compromising the ability to answer the diagnostic questions. The major difficulty entails disposing a clinically relevant way to estimate image quality. To ensure the choice of pertinent image quality criteria this work was continuously performed in close collaboration with radiologists. The work began by tackling the way to characterise image quality when dealing with musculo-skeletal examinations. We focused, in particular, on image noise and spatial resolution behaviours when iterative image reconstruction was used. The analyses of the physical parameters allowed radiologists to adapt their image acquisition and reconstruction protocols while knowing what loss of image quality to expect. This work also dealt with the loss of low-contrast detectability associated with dose reduction, something which is a major concern when dealing with patient dose reduction in abdominal investigations. Knowing that alternative ways had to be used to assess image quality rather than classical Fourier-space metrics, we focused on the use of mathematical model observers. Our experimental parameters determined the type of model to use. Ideal model observers were applied to characterise image quality when purely objective results about the signal detectability were researched, whereas anthropomorphic model observers were used in a more clinical context, when the results had to be compared with the eye of a radiologist thus taking advantage of their incorporation of human visual system elements. This work confirmed that the use of model observers makes it possible to assess image quality using a task-based approach, which, in turn, establishes a bridge between medical physicists and radiologists. It also demonstrated that statistical iterative reconstructions have the potential to reduce the delivered dose without impairing the quality of the diagnosis. Among the different types of iterative reconstructions, model-based ones offer the greatest potential, since images produced using this modality can still lead to an accurate diagnosis even when acquired at very low dose. This work has clarified the role of medical physicists when dealing with CT imaging. The use of the standard metrics used in the field of CT imaging remains quite important when dealing with the assessment of unit compliance to legal requirements, but the use of a model observer is the way to go when dealing with the optimisation of the imaging protocols

    Incorporation of a Laguerre–Gauss Channelized Hotelling Observer for False-Positive Reduction in a Mammographic Mass CAD System

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    Previously, we developed a simple Laguerre–Gauss (LG) channelized Hotelling observer (CHO) for incorporation into our mass computer-aided detection (CAD) system. This LG-CHO was trained using initial detection suspicious region data and was empirically optimized for free parameters. For the study presented in this paper, we wish to create a more optimal mass detection observer based on a novel combination of LG channels. A large set of LG channels with differing free parameters was created. Each of these channels was applied to the suspicious regions, and an output test statistic was determined. A stepwise feature selection algorithm was used to determine which LG channels would combine best to detect masses. These channels were combined using a HO to create a single template for the mass CAD system. Results from free-response receiver operating characteristic curves demonstrated that the incorporation of the novel LG-CHO into the CAD system slightly improved performance in high-sensitivity regions