120 research outputs found

    Towards Automated Cadastral Boundary Delineation from UAV data

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    This PhD research aims to design and implement a method to facilitate land rights mapping through indirect surveying techniques from UAV data. It is based on the assumption that a large portion of cadastral boundaries is physically manifested through objects such as hedges, fences, stone walls, tree lines, roads, walkways or waterways. Those visible boundaries bear the potential to be extracted with methods from photogrammetry, remote sensing and computer vision. The automatically extracted outlines require further (legal) adjudication that allows incorporating local knowledge from a human operator. The method currently being designed and developed within this PhD research aims to provide a delineation approach that includes this automated extraction combined with an interactive delineation (Figure 1). This work is part of the Horizon 2020 program of the European Union (project its4land)

    A Markov Chain Random Field Cosimulation-Based Approach for Land Cover Post-classification and Urban Growth Detection

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    The recently proposed Markov chain random field (MCRF) approach has great potential to significantly improve land cover classification accuracy when used as a post-classification method by taking advantage of expert-interpreted data and pre-classified image data. This doctoral dissertation explores the effectiveness of the MCRF cosimulation (coMCRF) model in land cover post-classification and further improves it for land cover post-classification and urban growth detection. The intellectual merits of this research include the following aspects: First, by examining the coMCRF method in different conditions, this study provides land cover classification researchers with a solid reference regarding the performance of the coMCRF method for land cover post-classification. Second, this study provides a creative idea to reduce the smoothing effect in land cover post-classification by incorporating spectral similarity into the coMCRF method, which should be also applicable to other geostatistical models. Third, developing an integrated framework by integrating multisource data, spatial statistical models, and morphological operator reasoning for large area urban vertical and horizontal growth detection from medium resolution remotely sensed images enables us to detect and study the footprint of vertical and horizontal urbanization so that we can understand global urbanization from a new angle. Such a new technology can be transformative to urban growth study. The broader impacts of this research are concentrated on several points: The first point is that the coMCRF method and the integrated approach will be turned into open access user-friendly software with a graphical user interface (GUI) and an ArcGIS tool. Researchers and other users will be able to use them to produce high-quality land cover maps or improve the quality of existing land cover maps. The second point is that these research results will lead to a better insight of urban growth in terms of horizontal and vertical dimensions, as well as the spatial and temporal relationships between urban horizontal and vertical growth and changes in socioeconomic variables. The third point is that all products will be archived and shared on the Internet

    Review on Active and Passive Remote Sensing Techniques for Road Extraction

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    Digital maps of road networks are a vital part of digital cities and intelligent transportation. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive review on road extraction based on various remote sensing data sources, including high-resolution images, hyperspectral images, synthetic aperture radar images, and light detection and ranging. This review is divided into three parts. Part 1 provides an overview of the existing data acquisition techniques for road extraction, including data acquisition methods, typical sensors, application status, and prospects. Part 2 underlines the main road extraction methods based on four data sources. In this section, road extraction methods based on different data sources are described and analysed in detail. Part 3 presents the combined application of multisource data for road extraction. Evidently, different data acquisition techniques have unique advantages, and the combination of multiple sources can improve the accuracy of road extraction. The main aim of this review is to provide a comprehensive reference for research on existing road extraction technologies.Peer reviewe

    A methodology to produce geographical information for land planning using very-high resolution images

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    Actualmente, os municípios são obrigados a produzir, no âmbito da elaboração dos instrumentos de gestão territorial, cartografia homologada pela autoridade nacional. O Plano Director Municipal (PDM) tem um período de vigência de 10 anos. Porém, no que diz respeito à cartografia para estes planos, principalmente em municípios onde a pressão urbanística é elevada, esta periodicidade não é compatível com a dinâmica de alteração de uso do solo. Emerge assim, a necessidade de um processo de produção mais eficaz, que permita a obtenção de uma nova cartografia de base e temática mais frequentemente. Em Portugal recorre-se à fotografia aérea como informação de base para a produção de cartografia de grande escala. Por um lado, embora este suporte de informação resulte em mapas bastante rigorosos e detalhados, a sua produção têm custos muito elevados e consomem muito tempo. As imagens de satélite de muito alta-resolução espacial podem constituir uma alternativa, mas sem substituir as fotografias aéreas na produção de cartografia temática, a grande escala. O tema da tese trata assim da satisfação das necessidades municipais em informação geográfica actualizada. Para melhor conhecer o valor e utilidade desta informação, realizou-se um inquérito aos municípios Portugueses. Este passo foi essencial para avaliar a pertinência e a utilidade da introdução de imagens de satélite de muito alta-resolução espacial na cadeia de procedimentos de actualização de alguns temas, quer na cartografia de base quer na cartografia temática. A abordagem proposta para solução do problema identificado baseia-se no uso de imagens de satélite e outros dados digitais em ambiente de Sistemas de Informação Geográfica. A experimentação teve como objectivo a extracção automática de elementos de interesse municipal a partir de imagens de muito alta-resolução espacial (fotografias aéreas ortorectificadas, imagem QuickBird, e imagem IKONOS), bem como de dados altimétricos (dados LiDAR). Avaliaram-se as potencialidades da informação geográfica extraídas das imagens para fins cartográficos e analíticos. Desenvolveram-se quatro casos de estudo que reflectem diferentes usos para os dados geográficos a nível municipal, e que traduzem aplicações com exigências diferentes. No primeiro caso de estudo, propõe-se uma metodologia para actualização periódica de cartografia a grande escala, que faz uso de fotografias aéreas vi ortorectificadas na área da Alta de Lisboa. Esta é uma aplicação quantitativa onde as qualidades posicionais e geométricas dos elementos extraídos são mais exigentes. No segundo caso de estudo, criou-se um sistema de alarme para áreas potencialmente alteradas, com recurso a uma imagem QuickBird e dados LiDAR, no Bairro da Madre de Deus, com objectivo de auxiliar a actualização de cartografia de grande escala. No terceiro caso de estudo avaliou-se o potencial solar de topos de edifícios nas Avenidas Novas, com recurso a dados LiDAR. No quarto caso de estudo, propõe-se uma série de indicadores municipais de monitorização territorial, obtidos pelo processamento de uma imagem IKONOS que cobre toda a área do concelho de Lisboa. Esta é uma aplicação com fins analíticos onde a qualidade temática da extracção é mais relevante.Currently, the Portuguese municipalities are required to produce homologated cartography, under the Territorial Management Instruments framework. The Municipal Master Plan (PDM) has to be revised every 10 years, as well as the topographic and thematic maps that describe the municipal territory. However, this period is inadequate for representing counties where urban pressure is high, and where the changes in the land use are very dynamic. Consequently, emerges the need for a more efficient mapping process, allowing obtaining recent geographic information more often. Several countries, including Portugal, continue to use aerial photography for large-scale mapping. Although this data enables highly accurate maps, its acquisition and visual interpretation are very costly and time consuming. Very-High Resolution (VHR) satellite imagery can be an alternative data source, without replacing the aerial images, for producing large-scale thematic cartography. The focus of the thesis is the demand for updated geographic information in the land planning process. To better understand the value and usefulness of this information, a survey of all Portuguese municipalities was carried out. This step was essential for assessing the relevance and usefulness of the introduction of VHR satellite imagery in the chain of procedures for updating land information. The proposed methodology is based on the use of VHR satellite imagery, and other digital data, in a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) environment. Different algorithms for feature extraction that take into account the variation in texture, color and shape of objects in the image, were tested. The trials aimed for automatic extraction of features of municipal interest, based on aerial and satellite high-resolution (orthophotos, QuickBird and IKONOS imagery) as well as elevation data (altimetric information and LiDAR data). To evaluate the potential of geographic information extracted from VHR images, two areas of application were identified: mapping and analytical purposes. Four case studies that reflect different uses of geographic data at the municipal level, with different accuracy requirements, were considered. The first case study presents a methodology for periodic updating of large-scale maps based on orthophotos, in the area of Alta de Lisboa. This is a situation where the positional and geometric accuracy of the extracted information are more demanding, since technical mapping standards must be complied. In the second case study, an alarm system that indicates the location of potential changes in building areas, using a QuickBird image and LiDAR data, was developed for the area of Bairro da Madre de Deus. The goal of the system is to assist the updating of large scale mapping, providing a layer that can be used by the municipal technicians as the basis for manual editing. In the third case study, the analysis of the most suitable roof-tops for installing solar systems, using LiDAR data, was performed in the area of Avenidas Novas. A set of urban environment indicators obtained from VHR imagery is presented. The concept is demonstrated for the entire city of Lisbon, through IKONOS imagery processing. In this analytical application, the positional quality issue of extraction is less relevant.GEOSAT – Methodologies to extract large scale GEOgraphical information from very high resolution SATellite images (PTDC/GEO/64826/2006), e-GEO – Centro de Estudos de Geografia e Planeamento Regional, da Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, no quadro do Grupo de Investigação Modelação Geográfica, Cidades e Ordenamento do Territóri

    Generalized Sparse Convolutional Neural Networks for Semantic Segmentation of Point Clouds Derived from Tri-Stereo Satellite Imagery

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    We studied the applicability of point clouds derived from tri-stereo satellite imagery for semantic segmentation for generalized sparse convolutional neural networks by the example of an Austrian study area. We examined, in particular, if the distorted geometric information, in addition to color, influences the performance of segmenting clutter, roads, buildings, trees, and vehicles. In this regard, we trained a fully convolutional neural network that uses generalized sparse convolution one time solely on 3D geometric information (i.e., 3D point cloud derived by dense image matching), and twice on 3D geometric as well as color information. In the first experiment, we did not use class weights, whereas in the second we did. We compared the results with a fully convolutional neural network that was trained on a 2D orthophoto, and a decision tree that was once trained on hand-crafted 3D geometric features, and once trained on hand-crafted 3D geometric as well as color features. The decision tree using hand-crafted features has been successfully applied to aerial laser scanning data in the literature. Hence, we compared our main interest of study, a representation learning technique, with another representation learning technique, and a non-representation learning technique. Our study area is located in Waldviertel, a region in Lower Austria. The territory is a hilly region covered mainly by forests, agriculture, and grasslands. Our classes of interest are heavily unbalanced. However, we did not use any data augmentation techniques to counter overfitting. For our study area, we reported that geometric and color information only improves the performance of the Generalized Sparse Convolutional Neural Network (GSCNN) on the dominant class, which leads to a higher overall performance in our case. We also found that training the network with median class weighting partially reverts the effects of adding color. The network also started to learn the classes with lower occurrences. The fully convolutional neural network that was trained on the 2D orthophoto generally outperforms the other two with a kappa score of over 90% and an average per class accuracy of 61%. However, the decision tree trained on colors and hand-crafted geometric features has a 2% higher accuracy for roads

    GEOBIA 2016 : Solutions and Synergies., 14-16 September 2016, University of Twente Faculty of Geo-Information and Earth Observation (ITC): open access e-book

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    Remote sensing of mangrove composition and structure in the Galapagos Islands

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    Mangroves are unique inter-tidal ecosystems that provide valuable ecosystem goods and services. This dissertation investigates new methods of characterizing mangrove forests using remote sensing with implications for mapping and modeling ecosystem goods and services. Specifically, species composition, leaf area, and canopy height are investigated for mangroves in the Galapagos Islands. The Galapagos Islands serve as an interesting case study where environmental conditions are highly variable over short distances producing a wide range of mangrove composition and structure to examine. This dissertation reviews previous mangrove remote sensing studies and seeks to address missing gaps. Specifically, this research seeks to examine pixel and object-based methods for mapping mangrove species, investigate the usefulness of spectral and spatial metrics to estimate leaf area, and compare existing global digital surface models with a digital surface model extracted from new very high resolution imagery. The major findings of this research include the following: 1) greater spectral separability between true mangrove and mangrove associate species using object-based image analysis compared to pixel-based analysis, but a lack of separability between individual mangrove species, 2) the demonstrated necessity for novel machine-learning classification techniques rather than traditional clustering classification algorithms, 3) significant but weak relationships between spectral vegetation indices and leaf area, 4) moderate to strong relationships between grey-level co-occurrence matrix image texture and leaf area at the individual species level, 5) similar accuracy between a very high resolution stereo optical digital surface model a coarse resolution InSAR product to estimate canopy height with improved accuracy using a hybrid model of these two products. The results demonstrate advancements in remote sensing technology and technique, but further challenges remain before these methods can be applied to monitoring and modeling applications. Based on these results, future research should focus on emerging technologies such as hyperspectral, very high resolution InSAR, and LiDAR to characterize mangrove forest composition and structure

    Estimating landscape irrigated areas and potential water conservation at the rural-urban interface using remote sensing and GIS

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    Research goals were to analyze patterns of urban landscape water use, assess landscape water conservation potential, and identify locations with capacity to conserve. Methodological contributions involved acquiring airborne multispectral digital images over two urban cities which were processed, classified, and imported into a GIS environment where landscaped area were extracted and combined with property and water billing data and local evapotranspiration rates to calculate landscape irrigation applications exceeding estimated water needs. Additional analyses were conducted to compare classified aerial images to ground-measured landscaped areas, landscaped areas to total parcel size, water use on residential and commercial properties, and turf areas under tress when they were leafed out and bare. Results verified the accuracy and value of this approach for municipal water management, showed more commercial properties applied water in excess of estimated needs compared to residential ones, and that small percentages of users accounted for most of the excess irrigatio