351 research outputs found

    A systemic evaluation of the implementation implications of an integrated, standard information system : the SAP implementation project as a viable system

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    Bibliography: leaves 107-108.Real-time, on-line, integrated software systems are a part of the latest technologies for large concerns as enablers for viability in an ever increasing competitive business environment. The SAP (R/3 and R/2) standard software is widely considered as one of the leading solutions and implementation projects have taken the world by storm. The software, which runs on client server systems since 1992, is expensive and takes time to install. Complete systems can run into the tens of millions of dollars and take from one to over three years to implement. The application of the software spans most of the processes of a business, logistics, finance, workflow and human resources as a real time, on-line and integrated information system enabler. Much of the data capture and some of the control aspects of the business are automated. With this sophistication comes a new level of complexity. An initial argument of the thesis is that the success of an investigation into the problems associated with SAP implementations will be dependent on the thorough development of the inquiry system as a framework for appreciating the implications of such projects. Question Which management research approach will provide useful knowledge of the situation, with challenges including variety of human interpretations and interests, the complexity of organisational regulation and the technical options of the software? A framework was developed by considering three levels for paradigms; philosophy, methodology and the application of the methodology. As a choice for the philosophical level, phenomenology was chosen with its regard for the importance of the mental models of an observer. Pragmatism, with its basis for attributing meaning on the consequences of holding a belief or assumption, is enabled by a bias towards systems thinking as an adequate way of determining an appropriate level of knowledge of possible consequences of a decision. The scientific method is the underlying guide for the inquiry process with its abductive, deductive and inductive stages. The base strength of the method, as presented by Peirce (Smith, 1995), was experienced as the rigorous attention to the development and testing of an hypothesis. Due to the variety and importance of human mterpretation regarding purposes and methods of information system implementations, the approach by Soft Systems Methodology was adopted as an enabler for an immersion into the problems of a project. As such it was the basis for the abductive stage of the inquiry. The result of this immersion determined the requirements for the choice of further methodologies. The application of the SSM inquiry is guided by seven stages of sets of questions, as the 'technical' aspect of the inquiry framework

    Communication and the Origins of Personhood

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    This thesis presents a communicative account of personhood that argues for the inseparability of the metaphysical and the practical concepts of a person. It connects these two concepts by coupling the question “what is a person” (concerning the necessary conditions of personhood) with the question "how does one become a person"(concerning its genetic conditions). It argues that participation in social interactions that are characterized by mutual recognition and giving-and-taking reasons implied by the practical concept of a person is in fact an ecological and developmental condition for an entity to possess the kind of characteristics and capacities such as reflexive self-consciousness addressed by the metaphysical concept. The chief theoretical contribution of the dissertation research lies, accordingly, in demonstrating that an adequate metaphysical concept of a person has to make reference to the kind of social processes that are necessary for the emergence and development of the distinguishing attributes of persons among other moving, perceiving, desiring and cognizing agents. Methodologically, it undertakes an original philosophical analysis that is enriched by an interdisciplinary investigation of several notions and insights from semiotics, comparative and developmental psychology, cognitive science and anthropology. The main argument of the thesis is that one becomes a person through internally recreating a social, communicative process; namely, that of dialogical transformation of habits. We find the paradigmatic case of this social process in mutual persuasion. The internalization of this process in the form of an inner dialogue cultivates a social self that is in ongoing communication with the embodied, organismic self of uncritically habituated attitudes, convictions and desires. This inner dialogue can be conceived as a temporally extended process of self-persuasion, which is characterized by an ongoing strive for attaining higher degrees of self-control; that is, for achieving a more coherent alignment between our habits and the kind of person we would like to be. It starts with self-interpretation and self-evaluation, and culminates in the formation of higher-order desires that facilitate habit-change and novel habit formation in accordance with certain social, moral, aesthetical or intellectual categories and norms one comes to endorse. For this reason, self-induced, deliberate habit-change is also a process of appropriation or self-appropriation, through which we strive to cultivate habits of feeling, thinking, acting that we can deem more truly ours. The thesis demonstrates that the capacity for engaging in this kind of self-persuasion consists chiefly in the capacities for metasemiosis, perspective-taking, and for cultivating habits of reflexivity. It explicates how all these capacities have a social origin and ultimately a social function by showing that they all presuppose certain higher-order communicative patterns that arose through an evolutionary and cultural history, and develop through the internal reconstruction of these patterns as cognitive-semiotic processes. The thesis concludes that becoming a kind of being who can engage in self-persuasion, thus a person, consists ultimately in internalizing the patterns of communicative social interactions in the form of an ongoing auto-communication.  Väitöskirjassa käsitellään persoonuuden kommunikatiivista prosessia ja osoitetaan, että persoonan metafyysiset ja käytännölliset käsitteet ovat erottamattomat. Nämä kaksi käsitettä yhdistetään tarkastelemalla kysymyksiä ”mikä on persoona” ja ”miten tullaan persoonaksi”. Väitöskirjassa osoitetaan, että osallistuminen sosiaaliseen kanssakäymiseen, johon kuuluu persoonan käytännön käsitteeseen kuuluva vastavuoroinen tunnustaminen sekä kompromissi, on itse asiassa entiteetin ekologinen ja kehityksellinen olotila, jossa se saavuttaa piirteitä ja taitoja, kuten persoonan metafyysisen käsitteen mukainen refleksiivinen itsetietoisuus. Väitöskirjan keskeinen teoreettinen tavoite on osoittaa, että persoonan onnistuneessa metafyysisessä käsitteessä on otettava huomioon sosiaaliset prosessit, jotka ovat välttämättömiä persoonan erityisten attribuuttien kehittymiselle, kuten liikkuminen, havaitseminen, haluaminen sekä kognitiiviset agentit. Väitöskirjan metodologia koostuu filosofisesta analyysista, jota monitieteisesti rikastutetaan semiotiikan, vertailevan ja kehityspsykologian, kognitiivisten tieteiden ja antropologian lähestymistavoilla. Väitöskirjan keskeinen teesi on, että agentista tulee persoona, kun se luo uudestaan sisäisesti sosiaalisen, kommunikatiivisen prosessin, toisin sanoen tapojen dialogisen transformaation kautta. Tämän sosiaalisen prosessin paradigmaattinen esimerkki on molemminpuolinen vakuuttaminen. Sen sisäistäminen sisäisen dialogin muotoon kehittää sosiaalista minuutta, joka on jatkuvassa kommunikaatiossa epäkriittisten asenteiden, vakaumusten ja halujen elimellisesti ruumiillistuneen minän kanssa. Tämä sisäinen dialogi voidaan mieltää itsensä suostuttelun prosessiksi. Itsensä suostuttelu on jatkuva pyrkimys saavuttaa itsehillinnän korkeampia tasoja, toisin sanoen saattaa yhteen tapamme ja se persoona, joka haluaisimme olla. Se alkaa itsearviolla ja huipentuu niiden ylevämpien halujen muodostumiseen, jotka edistävät persoonan tapojen muutosta niiden tiettyjen sosiaalisten, moraalisten, esteettisten ja intellektuaalisten normien mukaisesti, joita yksilö alkaa noudattamaan. Tästä syystä itse toteutettu tapojen muutos on myös itsensä hallitsemisen prosessi, jonka kautta me voimme kehittää tapoja, joita pidämme aidommin ominamme. Väitöskirja osoittaa, että taito ryhtyä itsensä suostutteluun muodostuu pääsääntöisesti kyvystä metasemioosiin, perspektiivin ottamisesta sekä refleksiivisyyden kehittämisestä. Se esittää, että kaikilla näillä taidoilla on sosiaalinen alkuperä ja viime kädessä sosiaalinen merkitys, osoittamalla, että ne kaikki edellyttävät tiettyjä ylevämpiä kommunikatiivisia malleja, jotka nousevat kehitys- ja kulttuurihistoriasta ja kehittyvät näiden mallien sisäisen rekonstruktion kautta kognitiivis-semioottisina prosesseina. Lopuksi väitöskirja osoittaa, että tuleminen sellaiseksi olevaksi, joka voi toteuttaa itsensä suostuttelun, toisin sanoen persoonaksi, muodostuu viime kädessä sosiaalisen kanssakäymisen kommunikatiivisten mallien sisäistämisestä jatkuvan autokommunikaation muodossa.

    Can we play science?: philosophical perspectives on participation in science research

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    Tese de mestrado, História e Filosofia da Ciência, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2015Podemos jogar ciência? Abordagens contemporâneas oferecem a possibilidade de participar na investigação científica. Muitas destas abordagens são feitas através duma gamificação da investigação científica usando a internet e ferramentas da Web 2.0, enquanto outras têm abordagens comunitárias que não estão dependentes do on-line. Como um trabalho de Filosofia da Ciência, este estudo preocupa-se sobre o significado de tal transformação. Isabelle Stengers é próxima à prática científica e sabe como o cientista é definido pelas suas paixões, por uma forma de se reportar ao mundo (Stengers 1993). No seu trabalho encontramos um ímpeto para re-inventar, re-enquadrar como as ciências se relacionam com a especialidade e a democracia. Será que estas abordagens participativas podem fazê-lo? Será que uma nova ciência está em movimento? Considerando as três ecologias de Félix Guattari, do nível mental, ao social, ao ambiental, ele considera que um valor maior se ganha abordando os diversos níveis de prática na sua singularidade (Guattari 1989). Neste estudo, um conjunto diverso de práticas participativas são investigadas, como os jogos de ciência cidadã Foldit e CosmoQuest e as redes de Do-It-Yourself biology e Nouveaux Commanditaires Sciences. Ciência cidadã on-line lida com desafios concretos apresentados à investigação científica e coloca novas questões científicas, contando com a contribuição cognitiva de cidadãos. Há uma quantidade enorme de informação e continua a aumentar. Este “conhecimentointensivo-em-informação” dá foco a inferências sintéticas, como o processo de fazer hipóteses, a abducção. Seguindo Charles Sanders Peirce, verificamos como o raciocínio abductivo construiu muitas perspectivas de interesse na epistemologia e filosofia da ciência. Seguindo cronologicamente o pensamento Peirciano, viajamos da fundação da retroducção nos silogismos aristotélicos até à sua aplicação numa lógica de ícones, em que as premissas se tornam em imagens. A partir da interacção com o ecrã onde a ciência é um jogo, a iconicidade dos elementos ganham relevo. Em segundo lugar, focando no conceito de experiência, tomamos a filosofia de John Dewey. Ele não tem a solidez lógica de Peirce, mas parece mais sistemático. Na interacção entre sujeito e natureza, o conhecimento torna-se instrumental. “Coisas na experiência” específicas servem como guias, como características que são sinais, índices de algo que prevalece na experiência. O que guia as inferências é parte da experiência do sujeito e envolve uma ligação entre a consciência e a natureza, que substancia uma ligação ao “universo completo”. O naturalismo empírico de Dewey faz um contraste interessante com o pensamento diagramático Peirciano.Para Dewey, qualquer esperança duma lógica da descoberta está perdida. Também o Pragmaticismo de Peirce não está preocupado com consequências práticas, como o Pragmatismo clássico. Em comum, sem dúvidas, está a importância dada à experiência. Considerando o nível social, usamos a emergência de esferas públicas como enquadradas por Habermas para ter um entendimento mais fino de como ferramentas online como os forums contribuem para o esforço intelectual conjunto da ciência cidadã virtual. Para participar no uso público da razão, é preciso de ser capaz de o fazer. O modelo heavyweight de produção de pares têm altos valores limites à participação. Mais, o papel do gatekeeper é criado, que pode ser reconhecido quando se abrem as portas da prática científica em jogos on-line, tal como nos salões franceses do século XVII. Outros jogos de investigação cientifica, como CosmoQuest e Zoo Universe têm valores limite à participação mais baixos. Quem quer que se registre, consegue imediatamente uma oportunidade para 'fazer ciência', usando as suas capacidades cognitivas para com os objectos no ecrã. O que é tida em linha de conta é o voto da maioria, pois muitos jogadores recebem a mesma imagem. Cientistas profissionais já assinam artigos científicos em publicações bem cotadas com peer-review. Assim é o caso do Foldit, do Polymath e do Galaxy Zoo. Interessantemente, muitos são assinados sobre um nome colectivo, que se relaciona com este enquadramento colectivo. Em tensão, existe uma dimensão agonal muito presente na gamificação da investigação científica. Há uma relevância dada ao pacto de competição, equivalente ao contrato de Agon. Colan Duclos dá ênfase ao elementos de tensão, stress, aleatoriedade e incerteza que fazem o jogo agonal. Um terceiro nível em análise é o político. Seguindo o argumento de uma re-encenação da comunidade de iguais com Jacques Rancière vemos que a comunidade de iguais: (i) é parte da interacção aleatória entre o que está lá e o que força a mudança; (ii) é fundamentalmente um processo de partilha; (iii) refere-se a um evento equalitário anterior e a um texto equalitário. O texto equalitário do movimento Do-It-Yourself biology corresponde ao Biocommons white paper. Ali está circunscrita uma forma inclusiva de abordar os comuns, a incluir não só “bens naturais”, como água, ar, terra, mas também organismos inteiros, processos bioquímicos e outras descobertas e conceitos biológicos e bioquímicos feitos pelo Homem. Biotecologia tem, então, com o Do-It-Yourself Biology, uma nova visão política e económica baseada na igualdade. Ainda, seguido o raciocínio de Rancière, podemos ver como este movimento tem que lidar com a desigualdade da organização social, tal como os fundados de Icaria tiveram que fazer no passado. Mas isto não significa por força que um tal empreendimento está fadado a fracassar. O “significador equalitário” que é agora parte integrante da sua identidade pode-se desvainecer, tal como o antigo apeiron grego, o desejo sem-limites pode enfraquecer. Se há perspectivas de ciência cidadã em favor do progresso e aceleração, outros querem desacelerar, tal como com os Nouveaux Commanditaires Sciences (NCS), pois a desconstrucção da investigação científica, no sentido de a fazer mais socialmente inclusiva, precisa de tempo. Inspirada pela emancipação de Freire, NCS usa a investigação científica para fazer trabalho comunitário. Acreditamos que participar na investigação científica é um acto de empoderamento. A aventura da Emancipação Intelectual foi aquela que juntou Rancière e Jacotot no livro de 1987 Le maître ignorant : cinq leçons sur l’émancipation intellectuelle. A lição do poeta no âmago do método de Jacotot é feita para soltar a vontade, para ser um participante activo. As decisões que vêm da sociedade que têm decisores em tópicos que concernem à comunidade científica é um tópico em discussão nos estudos sociais da ciência. Para Funtowicz e Ravetz uma exigência que vem dum decisor seria interpretado como um caso de ciência pós-normal, no sentido de legitimar a expertise de outros actores em decisões políticas. Em oposição, Collins tem dúvidas sobre o reconhecimento de expertises locais ao mesmo nível que a investigação científica. Ele preferiria criar ambientes nos quais o foco seria reconhecer e compreender a atitude científica. Em relação à descoberta de Jacotot, a educação está em tal relação com a não-educação, tal como a emancipação intelectual está para o embrutecimento. NCS e Jacotot estão, antes de mais, focados na dimensão da emancipação, enquanto Collins, a par de muitas outras iniciativas, estão focados na pedagogia. A ciência cidadã on-line está a crescer em número de participantes, projectos e escala. Estas soluções lidam com desafios novos concretos à investigação científica que parecem fadados a ser mais desenvolvidos. Podeser mais do que uma moda ou uma linha de fuga. Podemos estar perante uma re-territorialização destas abordagens massivas à investigação científica. Do outro lado da moeda, os movimentos contra-progressistas também lidam com uma resingularização da investigação científica. Este jogo é possível, mas a escala e eficiência deste processo de heterogénese continua por qualificar.Can we play science? Contemporary approaches offer the possibility of participation in science. Many of these approaches are done through a gamification of science research done using the internet and web2.0 tools, while others, have community-based approaches that aren't exclusive to the on-line environment. As a work of Philosophy of Science, this study is concerned about the meaning of such transformation. Isabelle Stengers is a close relative to scientific practice and knows how the scientist is defined by his or hers passions, by a way of reporting to the world (Stengers 1993). Inspired by the three Ecologies of Félix Guattari, we engage the diverse levels of practice in their singularity (Guattari 1989). In this study, a diverse set of participative practices are researched in connection to relevant philosophical perspectives. “Data-intensive knowledge” brings forward the synthetic inferences, as the process of making hypothesis, abduction. From the interaction with the screen, the iconicity of the elements come forward. Following Charles Peirce, we travel from the foundation of retroduction in the Aristotelian syllogisms to the application of abduction in a logic of icons, in that the premisses become images. Focusing on the concept of experience we take John Dewey's philosophy. The experience to the subject involves a connection to the “complete universe”. Dewey's empirical naturalism, gives an interesting contrast to Peirce's diagrammatic reasoning. Considering a social level, we use the emergence of Habermasian public spheres. To participate to a public use of reason, one needs to be able to do it. Moreover, the role of the gatekeeper is crafted, that can be recognized when opening the gates of scientific practice in on-line citizen science games. In tension, there's an agonal dimension very much present in the gamifications of science research. On a political level we follow Jacques Rancière, and see how Do-It-Yourself biology statement of equality will have to deal with the inequality of social organization. Just as the “egalitarian signifier” that is part of its identity might fade away, as the old greek apeiron, the unbound desire might get dimmer. If there are perspectives of citizen science as in favor of progress and acceleration, others want to decelerate, as with Nouveaux Commanditaires Sciences (NCS). On the work of Rancière we see that education is in such relation to uneducation, as intellectual emancipation is to stultification, giving an insight into a dispute at Social Studies of Science. On-line citizen science might signify a reterritorialization of this massive approaches to science research. On the other side of the coin, the counter movements of progress also deal with a resingularisation of science research. This play seems feasible, but the scale and efficiency of this heterogenesis process remains unaccounted

    Space exploration: The interstellar goal and Titan demonstration

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    Automated interstellar space exploration is reviewed. The Titan demonstration mission is discussed. Remote sensing and automated modeling are considered. Nuclear electric propulsion, main orbiting spacecraft, lander/rover, subsatellites, atmospheric probes, powered air vehicles, and a surface science network comprise mission component concepts. Machine, intelligence in space exploration is discussed

    Defining the human resource processes required to support world class manufacturing

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    Includes bibliographical references.The aim of this project was to use soft systems methodology (SSM) in an industrial environment to tackle an unstructured problem. An agreement was made with a local company that the project would be of benefit both to them and the author. Whilst the aims of the project were initially defined (see Appendix 1), the use of SSM entailed surfacing the issues without a pre-defined area of concern. The project involved two main groups from the company. Group 1 was the HR2000 committee (a group that had already been formed by the company to lead the initiative to bring the organisation's human resources towards an, as yet undefined, goal in the year 2000). Group 1 would be directly involved in the project. Group 2, the manufacturing line managers, would be kept fully informed throughout the process

    On the Semiosphere, Revisited

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    The semiosphere is frequently described as a topos of complexification, namely discontinuous or heterogeneous, recursive or self-reflexive, stochastic, radically subjective, and capable of simultaneous multiple perspectives. While the topos of complexification describes the gross morphology of a model, it is not a model adequate for explaining phenomena or making predictions. The ecological theory of dual hierarchies is proposed as a framework for developing models of the semiosphere that are appropriately limited in scope and scale. In particular the semiosphere is modeled as a dual hierarchy of semiotic spaces, the dual hierarchies corresponding to the semiosis that is occurring within the dual hierarchies of ecological organization. This framework immediately solves several theoretical problems, such as clearing up conceptual inconsistencies in Lotman's concept of semiosphere

    Educating Semiosis: Exploring ecological meaning through pedagogy

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    This thesis consists of six essays – framed by introduction and conclusion chapters – that develop possibilities for philosophy of education and pedagogy from the lens of bio-semiotics and edu-semiotics (biological and educational semiotics). These transdisciplinary inquiries have found commonality in the concept of learning-as-semiosis, or meaning-making across nature/culture bifurcations. Here, quite distinct branches of research intersect with the American scientist-philosopher Charles Sanders Peirce’s (1839 - 1914) pragmatic semiotics. I argue in these essays that the research pathway suggested by the convergence of edu- and bio-semiotics, reveals possibilities for developing a (non-reductive) theory of learning (and pedagogy generally) that puts meaning-making processes in a central light. A fully semiotic theory of learning implores us to take an ecological and biological view of educational processes. These processes explore the complementarity of organism-environment relations and the relationship between learning and biological adaptation. They also unravel new implications for education through the basic recognition that meaning is implicitly ecological. Understanding semiotic philosophy as an educational foundation allows us to take a broader and less dichotomized view of educational dynamics, such as: learning and teaching, curriculum design, arts and music education, inter/trans-disciplinary education, literacy (including environmental and digital literacy), as well as exploring the relationships and continuities between indigenous/place-based and formal pedagogical processes and practices. From this meaning-based and ecological perspective, what is important in the educational encounter is not psychologic explanations of learning stages, predetermined competencies, or top-down implemented learning-outcomes, but rather meaning and significance and how this changes through time-space and with others (not only human others) in a dynamic and changing environment. As addressed more directly in the conclusion chapter, these essays unravel the implications of this emerging approach to the philosophy of education, pedagogy and learning theory, specifically by providing conceptual/philosophical possibilities for integrating arts education, science education, and indigenous place-based knowledge into holistic educational approaches and programs

    A systems approach to decentralising power for organisational effectiveness

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    Bibliography: leaves 105-106.Organisational effectiveness has become more and more of a prerequisite in today's demanding and ever changing business environment. The democratisation of our country and mobilisation of unions whose demands includes the implementation of workplace forums has given rise to the need for business to re-evaluate the way management practices and decisions are being carried out. These demands have placed a significant strain on our company, Howden Air Industries, the company under review. The company has been through turbulent times during the past three years with downsizing, restructuring and retrenchments being the major focus of management's endeavours to reverse the losses which have been produced thus far. The situation however further declined due to a very autocratic approach by management and a lack of long-term strategies for implementing systems and controls to achieve the desired effect of increasing productivity for long term growth. Many attempts have been made to restructure the organisation without much success. Often key employees were lost due to retrenchments as the focus has always been on cutting costs by eliminating people. Needless to say the complexity of the situation and the demands placed on us by an ever changing business climate has resulted in a review of strategy. The report essentially proposes a scientific method of inquiry to handle complex situations, which is then used in an attempt to highlight the need for the decentralisation of power within complex organisations. It follows a systemic approach which regards each department as having an effect on each other as well as the larger environment. This concept which is discussed in more detail in this report together with an investigation of the organisation on its ability to overcome its problems seemed like a possible solution given the current situation in South Africa and in particular the introduction of workplace democracy

    Arkeologia ja autenttisuus

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    In this master s thesis, I have discussed the question of authenticity in postprocessual archaeology. Modern archaeology is a product of the modern world, and postprocessual archaeology in turn is strongly influenced by postmodernism. The way authenticity has been understood in processual archaeology is largely dictated by the modern condition. The understanding of authenticity in postprocessual archaeology, however, rests on notions of simulation and metaphor. It has been argued by postprocessual archaeologists that the past can be experienced by metaphor, and that the relationship between now and then is of a metaphorical kind. In postprocessual archaeology, authenticity has been said to be contextual. This view has been based on a contextualist understanding of the meanings of language and metaphor. I argue that, besides being based on metaphor, authenticity is a conventional attribute based on habits of acting, which in turn have their basis in the material world and the materiality of objects. Authenticity is material meaning, and that meaning can be found out by studying the objects as signs in a chain of signification called semiosis. Authenticity therefore is semiosis.Tässä pro gradu -tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan autenttisuuden käsitteen teoreettisia käyttötapoja arkeologiassa. Työ jakautuu autenttisuuden käsitteen filosofisia juuria tarkastelevaan osaan sekä varsinaiseen arkeologian teorian tarkasteluun kirjallisuuden pohjalta. Nykyaikainen tieteellinen arkeologia on modernin yhteiskunnan tuote, jonka tavoite on systemaattinen ja objektiivinen tutkimus. Niin sanottu postprosessuaalinen arkeologia puolestaan on saanut vaikutteensa postmodernismista. Siksi viimeaikaisessa arkeologiassa on haluttu painottaa objektiivisen tiedon mahdottomuutta ja menneisyydestä tehtävien monien tulkintojen oikeellisuutta. Postprosessuaalinen arkeologia on yksilön arkeologiaa. Tavoite tutkia yksilöä on modernin yksilöajattelun ja tietynlaisen eksistentialismin innoittamaa. Postmoderni haluttomuus uskoa suuriin kertomuksiin on osaltaan johtanut menneen yksilön tutkimiseen, mutta myös menneisyyden tutkimisen moniäänisyyteen. Yksi postprosessualismin tavoitteista on siksi ollut hälventää tieteellisen arkeologian ja muun yhteiskunnan välillä vallitsevaa kuilua. Jotkut arkeologit ovatkin nähneet tieteenalansa olevan pohjimmiltaan populaaria arkeologiaa, jonka tehtävä on hyödyttää yhteiskuntaa. Postmodernismissa suositut simulaation ja hypertodellisuuden käsitteet ovat vaikuttaneet myös viimeaikaiseen arkeologian teoriaan. Siksi postprosessualistisessa arkeologiassa on hylätty ajatus autenttisista esineistä ja autenttisesta menneisyydestä. Menneisyys on haluttu nähdä erottamattomana osana nykyhetkeä, jossa kaikki esineet ovat kopioita ja todellisuus simulaatiota. Postprosessuaalisessa arkeologiassa menneisyyden merkitykset ovat arbitraarisia representaatioita nykyhetkessä, ja menneisyys voidaan kokea ainoastaan metaforisesti. Menneisyyden merkitykset voidaan siis kokea monella tavalla kontekstista riippuen. Tästä syystä myös autenttisuus on ymmärretty kontekstuaaliseksi. Autenttisuuden käsittäminen kontekstuaalisena on kuitenkin perustunut kontekstualistiselle käsitykselle kielen ja metaforan merkityksistä. Tässä tutkimuksessa osoitetaan, että metaforinen autenttisuus on konventionaalista ja voidaan kokea usealla tavalla samassa kontekstissa. Konventiot perustuvat toiminnan tavalle, jonka perusta on materiaalisessa maailmassa, jatkuvuudellisuudessa ja historiallisuudessa. Materiaalisen maailman objektit ovat osa sosiaalista mediaatiota ja merkityksenmuodostumista, joka perustuu merkkien ja niiden tulkitsemisen muodostamalle ketjulle eli semiosikselle. Autenttisuus on siis semiosista