42 research outputs found

    Inadmissible Class of Boolean Functions under Stuck-at Faults

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    Many underlying structural and functional factors that determine the fault behavior of a combinational network, are not yet fully understood. In this paper, we show that there exists a large class of Boolean functions, called root functions, which can never appear as faulty response in irredundant two-level circuits even when any arbitrary multiple stuck-at faults are injected. Conversely, we show that any other Boolean function can appear as a faulty response from an irredundant realization of some root function under certain stuck-at faults. We characterize this new class of functions and show that for n variables, their number is exactly equal to the number of independent dominating sets (Harary and Livingston, Appl. Math. Lett., 1993) in a Boolean n-cube. We report some bounds and enumerate the total number of root functions up to 6 variables. Finally, we point out several open problems and possible applications of root functions in logic design and testing

    LIPIcs, Volume 251, ITCS 2023, Complete Volume

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    LIPIcs, Volume 251, ITCS 2023, Complete Volum

    Computer Aided Verification

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    This open access two-volume set LNCS 11561 and 11562 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Computer Aided Verification, CAV 2019, held in New York City, USA, in July 2019. The 52 full papers presented together with 13 tool papers and 2 case studies, were carefully reviewed and selected from 258 submissions. The papers were organized in the following topical sections: Part I: automata and timed systems; security and hyperproperties; synthesis; model checking; cyber-physical systems and machine learning; probabilistic systems, runtime techniques; dynamical, hybrid, and reactive systems; Part II: logics, decision procedures; and solvers; numerical programs; verification; distributed systems and networks; verification and invariants; and concurrency

    Reasoning About Foreign Function Interfaces: Blame and Nondeterministic Formal Semantics

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    Foreign function interfaces (FFIs) are commonly used as a way to mix programming languages. In such systems, a program written in a host language calls functions written in a guest language from within the same program. Perhaps the most popular language to interface with is C, due in no small part to its performance (often gained through unsafe operations), and programmers often write performance-critical code in C and call it from other languages. But while C is a very performant language, it is far from being memory-safe, and one might expect C to introduce unsoundness into host language systems. This host/guest language relationship echoes that of typed and untyped code in gradual type systems. In such systems, untyped values flowing into typed code must be cast at the boundary between typed and untyped code, and this introduces the possibility for runtime type errors in otherwise statically guaranteed code. Similarly, when a host language calls a function written in a guest language, this introduces any unsoundness in the guest language to the host language, and new errors become possible at runtime. And when an FFI is being used to call C functions, anything is possible. In this thesis, we explore the effects of C on languages using a C FFI. To demonstrate, we give a formalization of Poseidon Lua, an environment wherein Typed Lua code may call C functions, cast C values, and allocate C data. To showcase the interaction between Lua and C, we choose to formalize a core calculus for Lua, and do not model C per se; instead, we reason about C as if C calls were a black-box, remaining general with respect to C's semantics, while carefully quantifying the effects that C can have on Lua by leveraging the concept of blame from gradual typing. We present a nondeterministic operational semantics for Poseidon Lua, and use blame to assure that C is always at fault for runtime errors in Lua

    Computer Aided Verification

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    This open access two-volume set LNCS 11561 and 11562 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Computer Aided Verification, CAV 2019, held in New York City, USA, in July 2019. The 52 full papers presented together with 13 tool papers and 2 case studies, were carefully reviewed and selected from 258 submissions. The papers were organized in the following topical sections: Part I: automata and timed systems; security and hyperproperties; synthesis; model checking; cyber-physical systems and machine learning; probabilistic systems, runtime techniques; dynamical, hybrid, and reactive systems; Part II: logics, decision procedures; and solvers; numerical programs; verification; distributed systems and networks; verification and invariants; and concurrency

    Model-based Fault Diagnosis and Fault Accommodation for Space Missions : Application to the Rendezvous Phase of the MSR Mission

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    The work addressed in this thesis draws expertise from actions undertaken between the EuropeanSpace Agency (ESA), the industry Thales Alenia Space (TAS) and the IMS laboratory (laboratoirede l’Intégration du Matériau au Système) which develop new generations of integrated Guidance, Navigationand Control (GNC) units with fault detection and tolerance capabilities. The reference mission isthe ESA’s Mars Sample Return (MSR) mission. The presented work focuses on the terminal rendezvoussequence of the MSR mission which corresponds to the last few hundred meters until the capture. Thechaser vehicle is the MSR Orbiter, while the passive target is a diameter spherical container. The objectiveat control level is a capture achievement with an accuracy better than a few centimeter. The research workaddressed in this thesis is concerned by the development of model-based Fault Detection and Isolation(FDI) and Fault Tolerant Control (FTC) approaches that could significantly increase the operational andfunctional autonomy of the chaser during rendezvous, and more generally, of spacecraft involved in deepspace missions. Since redundancy exist in the sensors and since the reaction wheels are not used duringthe rendezvous phase, the work presented in this thesis focuses only on the thruster-based propulsionsystem. The investigated faults have been defined in accordance with ESA and TAS requirements andfollowing their experiences. The presented FDI/FTC approaches relies on hardware redundancy in sensors,control redirection and control re-allocation methods and a hierarchical FDI including signal-basedapproaches at sensor level, model-based approaches for thruster fault detection/isolation and trajectorysafety monitoring. Carefully selected performance and reliability indices together with Monte Carlo simulationcampaigns, using a high-fidelity industrial simulator, demonstrate the viability of the proposedapproaches.Les travaux de recherche traités dans cette thèse s’appuient sur l’expertise des actionsmenées entre l’Agence spatiale européenne (ESA), l’industrie Thales Alenia Space (TAS) et le laboratoirede l’Intégration du Matériau au Système (IMS) qui développent de nouvelles générations d’unités intégréesde guidage, navigation et pilotage (GNC) avec une fonction de détection des défauts et de tolérance desdéfauts. La mission de référence retenue dans cette thèse est la mission de retour d’échantillons martiens(Mars Sample Return, MSR) de l’ESA. Ce travail se concentre sur la séquence terminale du rendez-vous dela mission MSR qui correspond aux dernières centaines de mètres jusqu’à la capture. Le véhicule chasseurest l’orbiteur MSR (chasseur), alors que la cible passive est un conteneur sphérique. L’objectif au niveaude contrôle est de réaliser la capture avec une précision inférieure à quelques centimètres. Les travaux derecherche traités dans cette thèse s’intéressent au développement des approches sur base de modèle de détectionet d’isolation des défauts (FDI) et de commande tolérante aux défaillances (FTC), qui pourraientaugmenter d’une manière significative l’autonomie opérationnelle et fonctionnelle du chasseur pendant lerendez-vous et, d’une manière plus générale, d’un vaisseau spatial impliqué dans des missions située dansl’espace lointain. Dès lors que la redondance existe dans les capteurs et que les roues de réaction ne sontpas utilisées durant la phase de rendez-vous, le travail présenté dans cette thèse est orienté seulementvers les systèmes de propulsion par tuyères. Les défaillances examinées ont été définies conformément auxexigences de l’ESA et de TAS et suivant leurs expériences. Les approches FDI/FTC présentées s’appuientsur la redondance de capteurs, la redirection de contrôle et sur les méthodes de réallocation de contrôle,ainsi que le FDI hiérarchique, y compris les approches à base de signaux au niveau de capteurs, les approchesà base de modèle de détection/localisation de défauts de propulseur et la surveillance de sécuritéde trajectoire. Utilisant un simulateur industriel de haute-fidélité, les indices de performance et de fiabilitéFDI, qui ont été soigneusement choisis accompagnés des campagnes de simulation de robustesse/sensibilitéMonte Carlo, démontrent la viabilité des approches proposées

    Practical Language: Its Meaning and Use

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    I demonstrate that a "speech act" theory of meaning for imperatives is—contra a dominant position in philosophy and linguistics—theoretically desirable. A speech act-theoretic account of the meaning of an imperative !φ is characterized, broadly, by the following claims. LINGUISTIC MEANING AS USE !φ’s meaning is a matter of the speech act an utterance of it conventionally functions to express—what a speaker conventionally uses it to do (its conventional discourse function, CDF). IMPERATIVE USE AS PRACTICAL !φ's CDF is to express a practical (non-representational) state of mind—one concerning an agent's preferences and plans, rather than her beliefs. Opposed to speech act accounts is a preponderance of views which deny that a sentence's linguistic meaning is a matter of what speech act it is used to perform, or its CDF. On such accounts, meaning is, instead, a matter of "static" properties of the sentence—e.g., how it depicts the world as being (or, more neutrally, the properties of a model-theoretic object with which the semantic value of the sentence co-varies). On one version of a static account, an imperative 'shut the window!' might, for instance, depict the world as being such that the window must be shut. Static accounts are traditionally motivated against speech act-theoretic accounts by appeal to supposedly irremediable explanatory deficiencies in the latter. Whatever a static account loses in saying (prima facie counterintuitively) that an imperative conventionally represents, or expresses a picture of the world, is said to be offset by its ability to explain a variety of phenomena for which speech act-theoretic accounts are said to lack good explanations (even, in many cases, the bare ability to offer something that might meet basic criteria on what a good explanation should be like). I aim to turn the tables on static accounts. I do this by showing that speech act accounts are capable of giving explanations of phenomena which fans of static accounts have alleged them unable to give. Indeed, for a variety of absolutely fundamental phenomena having to do with the conventional meaning of imperatives (and other types of practical language), speech act accounts provide natural and theoretically satisfying explanations, where a representational account provides none

    Automated commissioning of HVAC systems using first principle models

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    Commissioning of HVAC systems has potential for significant improvements in occupant satisfaction, comfort and energy consumption, but is very labour-intensive and expensive as practiced at this time. Previous investigators have capitalized on digital control systems' capability of logging and storing data and of interfacing with external computers for open loop control by developing methods of automated fault detection and diagnosis during normal operation. Some investigators have also considered the application of this technique in commissioning. This thesis investigates the possibility of utilizing first principles and empirical models of air-handling unit components to represent correct operation of the unit during commissioning. The models have parameters whose values can be determined from engineering design intent information contained in the construction drawings and other data available at commissioning time. Quasi-dynamic models are developed and tested. The models are tested against design intent information and also against data from a real system operating without known faults. The results show the models agree well with the measured data except for some false positive indications, particularly in the damper and fan models, during transients. A procedure for estimating uncertainty in the instrumentation and the models is developed. The models are also tested against artificial faults and are able to detect all of the faults. Methods of diagnosing the faults are discussed.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Continuity and change in Hollywood representations of the Middle East after September 11th

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    This thesis inquires into the factors behind Hollywood's depiction of the Middle East. That depiction is not static, but is modified in response to changes in political events and US government foreign policy. Although the events of 9/11 seemed to justify the traditional negative stereotype of Arabs, the image has been partially and rationally re-interpreted. This was due to the rise in prominence of the ideas of a minority of radical and free-thinking members of the Hollywood community who embraced a more intellectual approach, which advocated that the popular Western view of the Arab world was unjustified and based on a fallacious fabrication for Western political advantage. The research further shows that these activists did not owe allegiance to the Hollywood-US government propaganda machine. They were able to fracture this traditional alliance and provide the opportunity for the appearance of films of a radical nature, which were critical of US Middle Eastern policy and projected the Arab world in a new light. The study analyzes a selection of films that represent the Middle East in terms of their philosophy and cinematic structure, which enables them to act as vectors to raise public awareness of the issues and to promote reconciliation and co-existence between East and West