14 research outputs found

    A Diffusion Tensor Imaging Study on the Auditory System and Tinnitus

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    Tinnitus is an auditory percept in the absence of an external sound source. Mechanisms in the central nervous system are believed to be key in the pathophysiology of tinnitus. Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) is an MR imaging technique that allows in vivo exploration of white matter tissue in the human brain. Using a probabilistic DTI approach, we determined the characteristics of fiber tracts from the inferior colliculus to the medial geniculate body up to the primary auditory cortex. We also investigated the connections between the auditory system and the amygdala, which may be involved in some forms of tinnitus. White matter tracts were characterized by three quantities: the mean fractional anisotropy, the weighted mean fractional anisotropy and the path strength. All these quantities are measures of the patency of white matter tracts. The most important finding is an increased patency of the white matter tracts between the auditory cortex and the amygdala in tinnitus patients as compared to healthy controls

    Brain structural predispositions for music and language processing

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    [eng] It has been shown that music and language training can elicit plastic changes on brain structure and function bringing along behavioural benefits. For instance, musicians have been reported to have better auditory discrimination including pitch and speech-in-noise perception, motor-synchronization, verbal memory and general IQ than individuals without formal musical background. Also, bilinguals have shown higher executive function and attention-related abilities than monolinguals. Furthermore, altered functional and structural connectivity can be tracked to brain areas related to the activities most frequently performed by both musicians (instrumentalists and singers) and linguistic experts (such as bilinguals or professional phoneticians). While research in the last decade has devoted important effort to the study of brain plasticity, only a few investigations have addressed the connection between the initial functional or structural properties of brain networks related to auditory-motor function and subsequent language or musical training. Indeed, brain structural markers such as grey matter volume/density or white-matter diffusivity measurements from diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) data, as well as functional measurements from task- related activity or resting-state data from magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or electroenceplhalography (EEG) have been demonstrated to correlate with consecutive performance and learning in the auditory-motor domain. The main goal of the present dissertation was twofold: we aimed to further the existing knowledge regarding brain plasticity elicited during putative sensitive periods and after long-term music practice, and to explore the white-matter pathways that predict linguistic or musical skills at baseline . Our secondary goals were to confirm previous findings regarding the brain structures involved in music and language processing, as well as to provide evidence of the benefits of usingstructural measurements and correlational analyses between imaging and behavioural data to study inter-individual differences. Study I focused on the comparison between professional pianists and non- musicians observing a complex pattern of increases and decreases in grey matter volume. In comparison to non-musician individuals, pianists showed greater grey matter volume in areas related to motor skill and the automatization of learned movements, as well as reinforcement learning and emotional processing. On the other hand, regions associated to sensorimotor control, score reading and auditory and musical perception presented a reduction in grey matter volume. Study II explored the relationship between white-matter structural properties of the arcuate fasciculus (AF) and the performance of native German speakers in a foreign- language (Hindi) sentence and word imitation task. We found that a greater left lateralization of the AF volume predicted performance on the imitation task. This result was confirmed by using not only a manual deterministic approach but also an automatic atlas-based fibre-reconstruction method, which in addition pointed out to a specific region in the anterior half of the left AF as the most related to imitation ability. Study III aimed to investigate whether the white-matter structural connectivity of the pathways previously described as targets for plasticity mechanisms in professional musicians predicted musical abilities in non-musicians. We observed that the white- matter microstructural organization of the right hemisphere pathways involved in motor-control (corticospinal tract) and auditory-motor transformations (AF) correlated with the performance of non-musician individuals during the initial stages of rhythmic and melodic learning. The present work confirmed the involvement of several brain structures previously described to display plastic effects associated to music and language training in the first stages of audio-motor learning. Furthermore, they challenge previous views regarding music-induced plasticity by showing that expertise is not always or uniquely correlated with increases in brain tissue. This raises the question of the role of efficiency mechanisms derived from professional-like practice. Most importantly, the results from these three studies converge in showing that a prediction-feedback-feedforward loop for auditory-motor processing may be crucially involved in both musical and language learning and skills. We thus suggest that brain auditory-motor systems previously described as participating in native language processing (cortical areas of the dorsal route for language processing and the AF that connects them) may also be recruited during exposure to new linguistic or musical material, being refined after sustained music practice.[spa] Estudios previos muestran que la formación musical y lingüística provoca cambios plásticos en las estructuras y funciones cerebrales, acompañándose también de beneficios conductuales. Por ejemplo, se ha descrito que los músicos poseen mejores habilidades de discriminación auditiva (incluyendo la percepción tonal y la discriminación del habla en un ambiente ruidoso), una mayor capacidad de sincronización motora, así como mejor memoria verbal y coeficiente intelectual general en comparación con personas sin formación musical. Paralelamente, los bilingües muestran mejores funciones ejecutivas y habilidades relacionadas con la atención en comparación con individuos monolingües. Además, las alteraciones en la conectividad cerebral funcional y estructural pueden ser rastreadas estudiando las áreas cerebrales relacionadas con las actividades más utilizadas por músicos (instrumentistas y cantantes) y expertos lingüísticos (como bilingües o fonetistas profesionales). Pese a que en la última década se han dedicado esfuerzos importantes en el campo de la investigación sobre la plasticidad cerebral, sólo unos pocos estudios han tratado de investigar la conexión entre las propiedades iniciales del cerebro, en cuanto a las funciones y estructuras que se relacionan con las funciones auditivo-motoras, y el posterior aprendizaje musical o del lenguaje. Sin embargo, los marcadores estructurales cerebrales, tales como volumen/densidad de materia gris o medidas de difusividad en la sustancia blanca a partir de datos de imagen del tensor de difusión, así como medidas funcionales de la actividad relacionada con una tarea o datos de resting-state (estado de reposo) obtenidos por resonancia magnética o electroencefalografía, han demostrado que pueden correlacionar con el rendimiento y el aprendizaje en el dominio auditivo- motor. En la presente tesis pretendíamos ampliar nuestro conocimiento en cuanto a la plasticidad cerebral obtenida durante los supuestos “períodos sensibles” y después de la práctica musical mantenida en el tiempo, por un lado, y explorar las vías de sustancia blanca que pueden predecir habilidades lingüísticas o musicales al inicio del aprendizaje, por otro lado. Como objetivos secundarios, queríamos confirmar resultados previos con respecto a las estructuras cerebrales involucradas en el procesamiento de la música y el lenguaje, así como apoyar el uso de mediciones estructurales y enfoques correlacionales (entre datos de neuroimagen y conductuales) para estudiar las diferencias inter- individuales. El Estudio I se centró en la comparación entre pianistas profesionales y no músicos, observando un complejo patrón de aumentos y disminuciones en el volumen de materia gris. En comparación con los individuos no músicos, los pianistas mostraron mayor volumen de sustancia gris en áreas relacionadas con la habilidad motora y la automatización de movimientos aprendidos, así como el aprendizaje a través del refuerzo y el procesamiento emocional, mientras que las regiones asociadas al control sensoriomotor, lectura de partituras y percepción auditiva y musical presentaron una reducción del volumen de materia gris. El Estudio II exploró la relación entre las propiedades estructurales de la materia blanca del fascículo arqueado (AF por sus siglas en inglés) y el rendimiento de hablantes nativos de alemán en una tarea de imitación de frases y palabras en una lengua extranjera (hindi). Encontramos que una mayor lateralización del volumen de AF hacia la izquierda predecía el desempeño en la tarea de imitación. Este resultado se confirmó utilizando no sólo un enfoque determinístico-manual sino también una reconstrucción automática (basada en atlas anatómicos) de las fibras de sustancia blanca que, además, señalaba una región específica en la mitad anterior del AF izquierdo como la más relacionada con las capacidades de imitación. El Estudio III tenía como objetivo investigar si la conectividad estructural de vías de sustancia blanca anteriormente descritas como dianas para los mecanismos de plasticidad en músicos profesionales, podría predecir las habilidades musicales en los no músicos. Se observó que la organización micro-estructural de la materia blanca en el hemisferio derecho en vías involucradas en el control motor (tracto corticoespinal) y en transformaciones auditivo-motoras (AF) correlacionaba con el desempeño de individuos no músicos en las etapas iniciales del aprendizaje rítmico y melódico. El presente trabajo ha confirmado la implicación en las primeras etapas del aprendizaje audio-motor de varias estructuras cerebrales que previamente habían mostrado efectos plásticos asociados al aprendizaje musical y del lenguaje. Además, estos resultados desafían las opiniones anteriores sobre la plasticidad inducida por la experiencia musical al demostrar que la experiencia no se correlaciona siempre ni únicamente con un aumento del tejido cerebral, y planteando así preguntas sobre los mecanismos de eficiencia derivados de la práctica musical a nivel profesional. Más importante aún es que los resultados de estos tres estudios convergen mostrando que un bucle de predicción–retroalimentación (feedback)–alimentación directa (feedforward) para el procesamiento auditivo-motor puede estar implicado de manera crucial tanto en el aprendizaje musical como en el aprendizaje de idiomas. Por tanto, sugerimos que los sistemas auditivo-motrices del cerebro, que previamente se habían descrito como participantes en el procesamiento del lenguaje nativo (áreas corticales involucradas en la vía dorsal para el procesamiento del lenguaje, y el AF, que las conecta) también pueden ser reclutados durante la exposición a material lingüístico o musical nuevo, siendo refinado tras años de práctica musical activ

    Artificial grammar learning in primates :behaviour and neuroimaging

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    PhD ThesisNeuroimaging studies have shown that natural language processes engage left hemisphere perisylvian brain regions. Artificial Grammars (AG), which are designed to emulate aspects of language syntactic structure, recruit comparable brain areas. Nonhuman animals have been shown to learn a range of different AGs. However, no data is currently available regarding the brain areas that support these processes. In this thesis, I combined behavioural artificial grammar learning (AGL) and fMRI experiments to generate insights regarding language evolution, and as a first step to developing animal model systems for aspects of language processing. These experiments provide novel evidence that nonhuman primates are able to learn a non-deterministic AG, designed to emulate some of the variability of the structure of sentences in natural language, and demonstrated notable correspondences between the brain regions involved in macaque and human AGL. I developed a quantitative method to compare AGL abilities across species and studies, and a novel eye-tracking technique with which to collect objective behavioural data. Using this technique, and a refined version of a traditional video-coding paradigm, I demonstrated that Rhesus macaques notice violations of the AG structure and that these results could not be explained by reliance on simple cues. Common marmosets also showed evidence of AGL however, these results may have been driven by simple learning strategies. Comparative fMRI experiments showed that, in humans, violations of the AG activated a number of perisylvian brain regions associated with language processing, including the ventral frontal cortex (vFC), temporal and temporo-parietal regions, although not Broca’s area (BA44/45). In Rhesus macaques, comparable patterns of activation were seen in the ventral frontal cortex and temporo-parietal regions. Additional activation in BA44/45 in macaques provides interesting insights into the evolution of this region. These experiments provide novel evidence regarding the AGL capabilities of nonhuman primates, and the brain areas that support them, suggesting that some language related functions may represent generic, rather than language specific processes. Therefore, some of the brain regions involved in AGL in both species might share a common evolutionary heritage, and therefore Rhesus macaques might represent a valuable animal model system for aspects of language processing

    The Digital Fish Library: Using MRI to Digitize, Database, and Document the Morphological Diversity of Fish

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    Museum fish collections possess a wealth of anatomical and morphological data that are essential for documenting and understanding biodiversity. Obtaining access to specimens for research, however, is not always practical and frequently conflicts with the need to maintain the physical integrity of specimens and the collection as a whole. Non-invasive three-dimensional (3D) digital imaging therefore serves a critical role in facilitating the digitization of these specimens for anatomical and morphological analysis as well as facilitating an efficient method for online storage and sharing of this imaging data. Here we describe the development of the Digital Fish Library (DFL, http://www.digitalfishlibrary.org), an online digital archive of high-resolution, high-contrast, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans of the soft tissue anatomy of an array of fishes preserved in the Marine Vertebrate Collection of Scripps Institution of Oceanography. We have imaged and uploaded MRI data for over 300 marine and freshwater species, developed a data archival and retrieval system with a web-based image analysis and visualization tool, and integrated these into the public DFL website to disseminate data and associated metadata freely over the web. We show that MRI is a rapid and powerful method for accurately depicting the in-situ soft-tissue anatomy of preserved fishes in sufficient detail for large-scale comparative digital morphology. However these 3D volumetric data require a sophisticated computational and archival infrastructure in order to be broadly accessible to researchers and educators

    Cognitive and Neurophysiological Models of Brain Asymmetry

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    Asymmetry is an inherent characteristic of brain organization in both humans and other vertebrate species, and is evident at the behavioral, neurophysiological, and structural levels. Brain asymmetry underlies the organization of several cognitive systems, such as emotion, communication, and spatial processing. Despite this ubiquity of asymmetries in the vertebrate brain, we are only beginning to understand the complex neuronal mechanisms underlying the interaction between hemispheric asymmetries and cognitive systems. Unfortunately, despite the vast number of empirical studies on brain asymmetries, theoretical models that aim to provide mechanistic explanations of hemispheric asymmetries are sparse in the field. Therefore, this Special Issue aims to highlight empirically based mechanistic models of brain asymmetry. Overall, six theoretical and four empirical articles were published in the Special Issue, covering a wide range of topics, from human handedness to auditory laterality in bats. Two key challenges for theoretical models of brain asymmetry are the integration of increasingly complex molecular data into testable models, and the creation of theoretical models that are robust and testable across different species

    Elements of the Brain Network Regulating Social Behavior and Vocal Communication in Nf1+/- Mice: Relevance to Developmental Language Disorders and Autism Spectrum Disorders

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    Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI)Communication is a vital tool used by humans to share information, coordinate behavior, and survive. However, the ability to communicate can become disrupted or remain absent in individuals with neurodevelopmental disorders: two prominent examples include autism spectrum disorders and developmental language disorders, found in nearly 2% and 10% of the population, respectively. Communication disorders are devastating to the autonomy and quality of life of affected individuals, but clinical solutions are limited due to the complex and often unknown neural etiology underlying these conditions. One known disorder with high incidence of disrupted communication is Neurofibromatosis type 1, the genetic disease caused by heterozygosity of the Ras GTPase-activating protein-coding gene NF1. Mice heterozygous for their ortholog of this gene (Nf1+/-) have been shown to recapitulate neuropsychiatric conditions seen in patients. Using a courtship trial paradigm as a model for testing communication, I have demonstrated that Nf1+/- male mice showed deficits in both courtship and non-courtship social behavior as well as a decrease in the number and duration of ultrasonic vocalizations (USVs). Immediate early gene (IEG) immunohistochemistry (IHC) in neurons of courtship-relevant brain regions revealed the Shell of the Nucleus Accumbens (NAcS) as a dysfunctional brain region in Nf1+/- mice compared to WT male mice following courtship trial. Optogenetic targeting of the Nucleus Accumbens (NAc) restored courtship social behaviors and USV number, but not USV duration or non-courtship gestural social behaviors, in Nf1+/- males. This study contributes to a preclinical foundation for understanding etiology of communication disorders in patients

    Investigating the motor-sensory learning of foreign speech

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    This thesis presents an investigation of bilingualism as a motor learning skill, with success ultimately measured in terms of strength of a foreign accent, in contrast to the many studies of bilingualism in terms of linguistic competence. My research used functional magnetic resonance (fMRI) imaging to investigate feedforward (motor) and feedback (auditory and somatosensory) systems involved in the production of foreign speech and how these systems are modulated by proficiency levels. I investigated the function of the frontal operculum and the temporo-parietal junction (TPJ) – planum temporale (posterior auditory association cortex) and parietal operculum (somatosensory association cortex) – during speech. The frontal operculum, strongly lateralised to the left, has been associated with speech since Broca performed his classic post mortem lesion-deficit analysis. Interest in the TPJ has arisen because of recent publications proposing the posterior half of the left planum temporale (± adjacent parietal operculum) as a ‘sensorimotor interface’ for speech production. My research compared activity within the frontal operculum and the TPJ during overt and covert speech. A second fMRI study examined retrospective proficiency based on existing language skills in people with English as a foreign language who were scanned during speech production in their native language and in English. A third fMRI study manipulated proficiency by training monolingual native English participants in the production of foreign speech sounds, with scanning pre- and post-training. This allowed measures of changes in activity (indicating rapid plasticity) following a short period of behavioural training in articulating novel foreign speech sounds. Training effects were observed predominantly in the striatum, and further analyses indicated that striatal activity in vocal learning is modulated by proficiency

    Semantic radical consistency and character transparency effects in Chinese: an ERP study

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    BACKGROUND: This event-related potential (ERP) study aims to investigate the representation and temporal dynamics of Chinese orthography-to-semantics mappings by simultaneously manipulating character transparency and semantic radical consistency. Character components, referred to as radicals, make up the building blocks used dur...postprin

    Conserved and divergent mechanisms of cortical development across mammalian brain evolution

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