6 research outputs found

    Courier Gazette : October 29, 1889

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    Association of polymers and small solute molecules with phospholipid membranes

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    El present treball està dedicat a les aplicacions pràctiques de diversos mètodes teòrics i de simulació incloent la dinàmica molecular, Montecarlo i la mitjana dels càlculs del camp per entendre les propietats físiques del sistema bicapa lipídica, així com la interacció dels objectes a escala nanomètrica en contacte amb lípids desenvolupament i bicapes. En particular, el treball es tracten els següents temes: 1. Optimització i equilibri de propietats bicapes lipídiques utilitzant única cadena de la teoria de camp mig. 2. El desenvolupament del model i estudiar les propietats d'equilibri de bicapes de lípids oxidats amb camp mitjà i els mètodes de dinàmica molecular 3. Estudi de les propietats d'equilibri de doble capa amb nanopartícules utilitzant camp mitjà i els mètodes de Montecarlo. Optimització de polímer translocacional través de la tècnica 5. Mètodes estadístics GPU membrana utilitzats per a les propietats superficials de micro fulles d'alteració bicapes lipídiques.El presente trabajo está dedicado a las aplicaciones prácticas de varios métodos teóricos y de simulación incluyendo la dinámica molecular, Monte Carlo y la media de los cálculos del campo para entender las propiedades físicas del sistema bicapa lipídica, así como la interacción de los objetos a escala nanométrica en contacto con lípidos desarrollo y bicapas. En particular, el trabajo se tratan los siguientes temas: 1. Optimización y equilibrio de propiedades bicapas lipídicas utilizando única cadena de la teoría de campo medio. 2. El desarrollo del modelo y estudiar las propiedades de equilibrio de bicapas de lípidos oxidados con campo medio y los métodos de dinámica molecular 3. Estudio de las propiedades de equilibrio de bicapa con nanopartículas utilizando campo medio y los métodos de Monte Carlo. Optimización de polímero translocacional través de la técnica 5. Métodos estadísticos GPU membrana utilizados para las propiedades superficiales de micro cuchillas de alteración bicapas lipídicas.Present work is devoted to the development and practical applications of several theoretical and simulation methods including Molecular dynamics, Monte Carlo and Mean field calculations to understand the physical properties of the lipid bilayer system as well as the interaction of nano-scale object in contact with lipid bilayers. In partcular, the work covers the following topics: 1. Optimization and equilibrium properties of lipid bilayers using Single Chain Mean Field theory. 2. Developing the model and study the equilibrium properties of bilayers with oxidized lipids with mean field and molecular dynamics methods 3. Study the equilibrium properties of bilayer with nanoparticles using mean field and Monte Carlo methods4. Optimization of translocational polymer through membrane GPU technique 5. Statistical methods used to the surface properties of micro blades disrupting lipid bilayers

    Research Selections 2012

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    ANSTO is an instrument of the Australian Government committed to Australian scientists and researchers, Australian innovation and Australia’s future. ANSTO’s existence is inextricably linked to efforts to protect and sustain Australia’s environment, to improve our health, to find ways to better diagnose and treat diseases, to produce nuclear medicines and to make a contribution to the global progress of nuclear science and technology. While ANSTO’s world-class infrastructure and science platforms are a demonstration of the foresight of the Australian Government, through the work of our researchers - and our collaborative thinking and strong partnerships - we contribute significantly to momentum in scientific discovery: bringing ideas to life. Through strong collaborations great advances are made. ANSTO’s local and international partnerships, as evidenced by the articles in this year’s Research Selections, are part of a scientific network that reaches into universities, government and industry and other research organisations – all of which have a crucial contribution to make to research outcomes and, by extension, our living world. ANSTO is part of the international science and technology community and is a hub for a vibrant research engagement and discovery. Each year hundreds of the world’s top researchers who use nuclear techniques to advance knowledge head to ANSTO. These collaborations enable us to magnify our influence and reach across the geography of possibilities. Not least of all through the mechanism of collaborative agreements with international organisations thereby ensuring a gateway for Australian scientists to the best international facilities, including CERN’s Large Hadron Collider - home to the intrepid Higgs Boson particle physicists. Research Selections is a small sample of the vast amount of great science being leveraged with our infrastructure. But science doesn’t stand still. To continue to achieve great science and ensure Australia remains at the forefront of discovery and innovation, we need to develop, grow and build on existing foundations of knowledge. ANSTO is already custodian of OPAL – Australia’s only nuclear reactor and one of the best research reactors in the world. Thanks to OPAL, we are able to supply vital nuclear medicine for Australians, irradiate silicon for the global semi-conductor market and, importantly, provide neutrons enabling researchers to probe matter at the nano and atomic scale, unlocking mysteries that can lead to profound discovery. ANSTO Research Selections 2010 | 3 3 While OPAL puts ANSTO streets ahead of where it otherwise would be, we cannot and are not resting on our laurels. In April 2012, approximately100 national and international experts attended the Second OPAL Guide Hall Workshop to discuss the medium- to long-term future of OPAL, an essential step towards the full exploitation of this world-leading research infrastructure. They discussed the extremely rapid advances in neutron beam instruments over the past few years and brainstormed strategies for using these advances and building a second suite of beamlines and instruments that will be at the forefront of neutron beam capabilities. ANSTO is also taking great strides in accelerator science. Our particle accelerators ANTARES and STAR are well established for analysing the elemental composition and age of materials using ion beam analysis and accelerator mass spectrometry. Two new accelerators will be established at ANSTO, as part of our Centre for Accelerator Science which has been funded through investment by the Government. These will enhance our capabilities in, for example, radiocarbon dating on historical artefacts, environmental studies, and determining how fossil fuels are contributing to climate change. The formation of the Australian Collaboration for Accelerator Science between the Australian Synchrotron, the University of Melbourne and the Australian National University is aimed at creating and maintaining a national pool of world class facilities and accelerator expertise. This collaboration will ensure Australia remains at the leading edge of accelerator capabilities and facilities

    Entradas reales y ceremonias de recepción en la Barcelona bajomedieval

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    [spa] Esta tesis tiene como objetivo el estudio de las ceremonias de entrada real en la Barcelona del siglo XV. Los artículos que la componen cubren un arco cronológico que va desde la entrada del rey Martín el Humano, en 1397, hasta la visita de la reina Isabel de Castilla, en 1481. Se intenta en ella no solamente describir y dar visibilidad a dichos eventos, sino mostrar también la existencia de un código ceremonial, privativo y diferencial de la ciudad, por el cual se rige toda recepción solemne celebrada en Barcelona a lo largo de este siglo. La existencia de una tradición para este tipo de ceremonias, que se remonta hasta la Antigüedad y que es compartida por el conjunto del Occidente medieval, convive así con su expresión en términos locales, determinados, entre otras cosas, por las necesidades inmediatas del presente y las expectativas especulativas del futuro. Debido a esta circunstancia, resulta imprescindible, para poder entender en su exacta dimensión el sentido de estas ceremonias solemnes de recepción, vincularlas estrechamente con el contexto histórico en el que se desarrollan. Por ello, en esta tesis se privilegia una lectura de dichos eventos desde una perspectiva sociopolítica, analizándolos a la luz de las circunstancias históricas que rodean su puntual celebración. Desde ese punto de vista, las ceremonias de entrada real que tienen lugar en la Barcelona del siglo XV no aparecen nunca ajenas a la inestabilidad política de este período, cuya culminación será el estallido de la Guerra Civil Catalana (1462-1472), y su escenificación siempre tiende a reflejar dicha realidad. Se analizan, así, en esta tesis las entradas solemnes en Barcelona de Martín el Humano (1397), María de Luna (1400), Martín el Joven (1405), Fernando I (1412), Juan II (1458, 1472 y 1473), príncipe de Viana (1460 y 1461), Pedro de Portugal (1464), Juan de Calabria (1466), Fernando II (1461, 1473 y 1479) e Isabel de Castilla (1481), y el estudio comparado de todas ellas permite determinar en qué medida su celebración, a pesar de ser fruto de la negociación previa con la monarquía, es un asunto cuya planificación, organización y puesta en escena competen exclusivamente al gobierno municipal barcelonés. Por ese motivo, estas ceremonias, que sirven para plasmar, básicamente, la relación de la ciudad con el poder real, son al mismo tiempo un instrumento que la propia Barcelona utiliza para expresarse institucional y socialmente. El seguimiento de la participación tanto de las autoridades consistoriales como de los diferentes estamentos urbanos en dichas recepciones solemnes ofrece una imagen dinámica y activa del municipio que muestra tanto los elementos que lo cohesionan y estructuran como aquellos que lo estratifican y tensionan. Utilizando documentación procedente fundamentalmente del Archivo Histórico Municipal de Barcelona, esta tesis pretende demostrar que es posible acceder al conocimiento, análisis e interpretación de las ceremonias de recepción solemne celebradas en la Barcelona del siglo XV, superando la inexistencia de trabajos previos sobre dicho tema y desechando, por errónea, la percepción que pueda tenerse de estos eventos como acontecimientos puntuales y aislados en manos de la improvisación y el azar.[eng] The aim of this thesis is to study the ceremonies of royal entry in Barcelona in the fifteenth century. The articles included here cover a chronological arc that goes from the entrance of King Martin the Human, in 1397, until the visit of the queen Isabel of Castile, in 1481. This thesis attempts not only to describe and give visibility to these events, but also to show the existence of a ceremonial code, peculiar to the city, which governed all solemn reception being held in Barcelona throughout this century. It privileges a reading of these events from a sociopolitical perspective, analyzing them in the light of the historical circumstances that surround their punctual celebration. Are discussed in this thesis the solemn entries in Barcelona of Martin el Humano (1397), Maria de Luna (1400), Martin el Joven (1405), Fernando I (1412), Juan II (1458, 1472 and 1473), príncipe de Viana (1460 and 1461), Pedro de Portugal (1464), Juan de Calabria (1466), Fernando II (1461, 1473 and 1479) and Isabel de Castilla (1481). A comparative study of these receptions allows determining that, despite being the fruit of previous negotiations with the monarchy, the planning, organization and staging of every solemn entry is a matter whose responsibility is to the Barcelona municipal government. Using documentation from the Municipal Historical Archive of Barcelona, this thesis aims to demonstrate that it is possible to access the knowledge, analysis and interpretation of the ceremonies of solemn reception held in Barcelona in the fifteenth century

    Dalfin d'Alvergne: edizione critica e commento

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    Eleven poems in old Occitan attributed to the lord and troubadour Dalfin d’Alvergne (…1167-1235), Count of Clermont and Montferrand, have been passed down to us. They are: two political sirventes, directed to Richard the Lionheart (BEdT 119.8) and to Robert, bishop of Clermont (119.9); two sirventes joglarescs (119.3 and 119.7); three partimens discussing matters of love, two with Peirol (119.2 and 366.30) and one with Perdigon (119.6); an exchange of sirventes with the theme of a partimen with Baussan (448.1a-119.1-448.1); three coblas, against Peire Pelissier (119.1a), Bertran de la Tor (119.5) and, again, against Robert bishop of Clermont (119.4). Dalfin d’Alvergne participated actively in the political events of his time. In particular, he took part in the wars between the kings of France and of England, and to local conflicts connected to those international hostilities. Several archival documents about this lord are preserved, which allow us to reconstruct and study his life. Dalfin’s life is strictly connected to his poetry, being its cause and catalyzer. The main characteristic of his poetry is its dialogical nature. His court, whose center was Montferrand, was one of the most important gathering points and places of production for the troubadours between the end of the XII and the beginning of the XIII century. It drew poets like Peirol, Perdigon, Gaucelm Faidit, Giraut de Borneil, Guiraudo lo Ros, Uc de la Bacalaria, Uc de Saint Circ. It had a fundamental role in the creation and in the diffusion of the genre of the partimen. As a patron, Dalfin d’Alvergne is often praised by the poets with whom he had connections, as a master, teacher and protector of the courtly values, and as an expert in love and poetry. This image propagates out of the limits of his countship. It found its apogee in the nova Abril issi’e mays intrava by the Catalan poet Raimon Vidal de Besalú, and reaches vastly different environments, allowing him to be a character in two Latin exampla by the Dominican Étienne de Bourbon. Dalfin is a capable poet. He discusses various topics, from satire against jongleurs to the debate on the preeminence of nobility of blood or of heart (supporting the latter). Dalfin is proficient with words and metrics, and many times he opts for original and interesting solutions. Particularly notable from this point of view are the two sirventes joglarescs, which use difficult and uncommon rhymes and are rich of infrequent terms pertaining to low and day-to-day language, oftentimes hapax. Despite the several points of interest, Dalfin’s figure and works have been quite neglected by the scholars. To date, there is no complete edition of his poems, except for E. M. Brackney’s unpublished Ph.D. thesis, A critical edition of the poems of Dalfin d’Alvernhe, University of Minnesota, 1936. For this reason, a new edition of the troubadour-Lord was necessary. The present edition of the texts is based on the direct reading of the manuscripts and on an attentive exam of the whole tradition, both from the point of view of the internal and external critique. Every text is opened by an introduction containing indication of the codices and of the previous editions, metrical information, a discussion of the tradition and an analysis of the content and the form of each poem. The texts are accompanied by a double apparatus (for variants of content and of form), by an Italian translation and by notes that are philological, linguistic, or related to the content. A glossary closes the edition