47 research outputs found

    Problematische Aspekte bibliometrie-basierter Forschungsevaluierung

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    Bibliometrie dient oftmals als Grundlage für die Beurteilung wissenschaftlicher Leistung. Dazu werden verschiedene Metriken und Indikatoren verwendet, die zur Vermessung von Publikationen oder des Outputs von Forschenden gedacht sind. Die Eignung der verwendeten Kennzahlen ist strittig. Oft ist es klar, dass sie völlig ungeeignet sind. Dennoch dienen sie nach wie vor als Grundlage, um über die Karrieren von Forschenden und somit über ihre individuelle Zukunft, aber auch die Zusammensetzung der Akteure in der Wissenschaftslandschaft zu entscheiden. Dies führt zu verschiedenen ethischen und auch ökonomischen Problemen. Initiativen wie die San Francisco Declaration of Research Assessment (DORA) versuchen, diesen Fehlentwicklungen entgegen zu wirken

    Kutatóközponti Krónika 2014

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    Bibliografia sobre la història dels jueus de la Corona de Catalunya-Aragó i Provença: 1985-1994

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    Aquesta bibliografia pretén restablir per a d'investigador els lligams històrics que uniren l'antiga Provença amb les terres catalanes i aragoneses, unides en aquells temps per tota mena de lligams polítics, culturals i lingüístics. Provença i la Corona de Catalunya-Aragó tenien una població jueva des de temps antics, molt activa en el comerç i les finances, i que generà poderosos moviments culturals i religiosos. Aquesta bibliografia aplega tots els llibres i articles publicats entre 1985 i 1994 en els principals països on es conreen els estudis hebraics. La llista conté un miler de referències, ordenades per ordre alfabètic i numerades. Aquests números són utilitzats posteriorment en tres llistes que ofereixen aquest material bibliogràfic classificat per noms geogràfics, noms d'individus i temes

    Aproximació a la teatrografia de Jordi Mesalles

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    Systematizing God\u27s Law: Rabbanite Jurisprudence In The Islamic World From The Tenth To The Thirteenth Centuries

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    This study examines the jurisprudential writings of medieval Rabbanites, Jews in the Islamic world who saw themselves as heirs to the talmudic tradition. Rabbanite Jews were the first to author systematic accounts of talmudic law, which they attempted to transform from an amorphous, dialectical, and discursive corpus into a structured, elegant, and logical system. In so doing, they sought to impose a coherent structure on their legal traditions that would be compatible with larger theological, philosophical, and epistemological ideas. By subjecting Rabbanite legal theory to diachronic and synchronic analysis, this dissertation demonstrates that Rabbanites were involved in a multilayered conversation that engaged their talmudic past, Rabbanite and non-Rabbanite coreligionists, and elements of the Islamic intellectual tradition that were most helpful for the explanation and reconsideration of their own tradition. While Rabbanite legal theory drew heavily on talmudic ideas, it was, at its core, profoundly contemporary, spurred by both Qaraite and Islamic legal theory, among many other factors. This study concentrates on Rabbanite thinking about two, frequently intertwined, topics: the nature and scope of extra-scriptural traditions, known as Oral Torah, and the methodology to be used in enumerating the 613 commandments, which, talmudic legend claims, were given to Moses at Sinai. Acknowledging earlier scholarship on these topics, this study presents a more holistic picture of Rabbanite legal theory. Particular attention is paid to the Judeo-Arabic writings of Moses Maimonides (1138-1204), the Rabbanite author who appears to have been most explicitly concerned with problems of legal theory. Other central figures include Saʿadya ben Joseph Gaon (882-942), Daniel ben Saʿadya ha-Bavli (fl. early thirteenth c.), and Abraham ben Moses Maimonides (1186-1237)

    Kutatóközponti Krónika 2011

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    Sapiens ubique civis II.

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    The Janus Faced Scholar:a Festschrift in honour of Peter Ingwersen

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    "Liszt 210" : tanulmánykötet

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    In the hands of others 2007 Annual Report Yale-New Haven Hospital

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    For the year 2007. Year ending September 30, 2007.https://elischolar.library.yale.edu/ynhh_annual_reports/1153/thumbnail.jp