310 research outputs found

    The transcendence of pi has been known for about a century - but who was the man who discovered it?

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    Twenty-ninth Annual Bibliography 2015 (Contemporary German Literature Collection)

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    The 29th bibliography for 585 volumes added to Washington University Libraries\u27 Contemporary German Literature Collection located on level B of Olin Library. All published in 2015, these acquisitions include novels, poetry, short story collections, essays, autobiographical works, and literary and cultural periodicals from publishers in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland.This Collection serves as the research arm for the Department of Germanic Languages and Literature\u27s Max Kade Center for Contemporary German Literature. A bibliography of items added the previous year is compiled each year by Washington University\u27s Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures in cooperation with the University Libraries

    BĂŒcher und Bibliotheken in der Beurteilung Vadians und seiner St.-Galler Freunde

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    Twenty-Year Index, Yearbook of German-American Studies 1981-2000

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    This is the published version, made available with permission of the editor

    Álvaro d'Ors Pérez-Peix

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    Five decades of the international neuropsychiatric Pula congresses (1961-2010)

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    The International Neuropsychiatric Pula Symposia, now Congresses, have passed their five decades. The author participated at first as participant (in 1966), later as a help to the founder of the meetings, Professor Lopaơić, as a Head of the “Yugoslav regional office” (from 1970), as a Kuratorium member (from 1974), as a Croatian Secretary General (1985-2007), collaborating with the Austrian Secretaries General: Gerald Grinschgl (1970-1985) and Helmut Lechner (1985-2005). Recollecting his memories on the development of the Symposia, the deserving Kuratorium members, speakers, personalities of the Austrian and Croatian public life, he tries to define the specific goals and the achievements of the meetings. Originating from a small gathering in 1961 with hardly 60 neuropsychiatries from the Graz and Zagreb University departments, the meetings have been continuously evolving into a respectable international Congress greatly surpassing the significance of the two disciplines: neurology and psychiatry and the regional borders of Austria and the then Yugoslavia, the Central and South-East European countries. Inaugurated in the times of the “cold war”, overcoming many difficulties and obstacles, they have reached important scientific, professional and humanistic achievements, enabling contacts between the then divided parts of Europe, fostering ideas of mutual understanding and collaboration, especially in the region. The “Pula school of science and humanism” promoted interdisciplinary collaboration between neurology, psychiatry and the collaborating disciplines, fostering scientific and professional advances in medical sciences; behavioral neurology enabled collaboration between the two disciplines investigating the human brain and its emanation: human mind. New notions made possible programs for restorative processes of neural functions, and the best application of neurobiological advances in education of children and adults. Medicine, as science and practice, although founded on biological grounds, is primarily a human activity serving the individual man and the whole human race. Modem neurology and psychiatry are no longer restricted only to diagnosing and curing brain diseases and psychic dysfunctions, but have become science of human mind and discipline caring about the brain, organ of the individual and collective human consciousness and his mental life. Neurosciences have reached the border of understanding relations of the individual brain functions and the human collective mental life. Human beings must be aware of these important events, which may prepare humanity living in the coming centuries preserving the life on Earth. The controversies that arose between new technical advances and our abilities to govern them have reached the point of threatening this divine being – the Human – and the Earth where he lives. The modern science should help the humans to overcome these difficulties and the increasing threats to our civilization. The Pula Congresses fulfilled important scientific, medical, social and humanistic functions, both in the times of the “cold war” and more recently during global problems of various kinds. The atmosphere in the meetings contributed to the positive developments to the fall of the totalitarian, narrow-minded political, ideological or nationalistic thinking, aiming towards tolerance and democratic development in the united Europe and the preparation for the peaceful living of people of various nations, races, religions and viewpoints in the 21st century

    Grundlagen und Grenzen interföderativer Kooperation

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    Aktualisierung: Am 12. Oktober 2018 wurde die digitale Version des Artikels um den fehlenden Teil (Seiten 375-378) ergÀnzt

    Kiel und die Hanse: Zur Hansegeschichtsschreibung am Historischen Seminar der Christian-Albrechts-UniversitÀt

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    Hansegeschichtsschreibung hat in Kiel Tradition. Seit knapp 170 Jahren und damit bereits vor der Einrichtung des Historischen Seminars an der Christian-Albrechts-UniversitĂ€t zu Kiel im Jahr 1872 setzen sich Historikerinnen und Historiker vor Ort mit dem Sujet Hanse auseinander. Dabei lĂ€sst sich die ganze Breite an unterschiedlichen, je nach Zeitgeist durchaus variierenden Forschungsperspektiven und -fragen, die in diesem Zeitraum an die Hanse herangetragen wurden, auch in Kiel wiederfinden: Die seinerzeit vorherrschende militĂ€r- und politikgeschichtliche Ausrichtung der kaiserzeitlichen Hansehistoriographie, lĂ€sst sich in Kiel genauso prominent beobachten, wie ihre folgenschwere, damals gleichwohl als innovativ auftretende völkisch-nationalistische Pervertierung in der Zwischenkriegszeit und im Nationalsozialismus. Aber auch mit Blick auf die internationale und methodenĂŒbergreifende Neuausrichtung der Hanseforschung nach dem Ende des Zweiten Weltkrieges und dem Fall des Eisernen Vorhangs spielte der Kieler Standort eine zentrale Rolle. Als wohl namhafteste Vertreter dieses Forschungsfeldes, die zugleich als Professoren zumindest einstweilen an der Kieler Förde ihre WirkstĂ€tte gefunden hatten, lassen sich Ernst Robert Daenell, Friedrich Hermann Rörig und etwa Rolf Hammel-Kiesow benennen – sie alle haben die wissenschaftliche Erforschung der Hanse bis heute nachhaltig geprĂ€gt. Ziel des Aufsatzes ist es nun, die Hansegeschichtsschreibung in Kiel, ihre Ausgangspunkte und Fortentwicklung, bis in die Gegenwart zu analysieren und schließlich in die je eigenen Forschungsdiskurse einzubetten.Writing Hanseatic history has a long tradition in Kiel. Historians have been dealing with the subject of the Hanseatic League for almost 170 years, and thus already before the establishment of the History Department at Kiel University in 1872. The whole range of different research perspectives and questions posed on the Hanseatic League during this timeframe – varying according to the respective Zeitgeist – can also be found in Kiel: The predominant military and political-historical orientation of the Hanseatic historiography during the Kaiserzeit can be observed in Kiel just as prominently as its momentous völkisch-nationalist perversion during the interwar period and National Socialism, which, nevertheless, appeared innovative at the time. But beyond that Kiel also played a central role in the international and multi-methodological reorientation of Hanseatic research after the end of the Second World War and the fall of the Iron Curtain. Ernst Robert Daenell, Friedrich Hermann Rörig and Rolf Hammel-Kiesow can be named as the most renowned representatives of this field of research, who at the same time found their place of work as professors, at least temporarily, at the Kieler Förde – they all have had a lasting influence on the scientific study of the Hanseatic League up to the present day. The essay aims to analyse the Hanseatic Historiography in Kiel, its starting points and further development, and finally to embed it in its own research discourses

    Nachrichten aus der Soziologie

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    Mechthild Bereswill, Christine Burmeister, Anke Neuber und Holger Schmidt: In memoriam Axel Groenemeyer  Habilitationen  Call for Papers  Research Across Boundaries 8. sozialwissenschaftliche Promotionswerkstatt Rhein-Ruhr Nichts als die Wahrheit? Tagungen Im Osten was Neues? Political and Administrative Elites in Europe E la nave va? Far Right Education Politics and Policy Digital Humanities and Gender Histor
