1,294 research outputs found

    ClouNS - A Cloud-native Application Reference Model for Enterprise Architects

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    The capability to operate cloud-native applications can generate enormous business growth and value. But enterprise architects should be aware that cloud-native applications are vulnerable to vendor lock-in. We investigated cloud-native application design principles, public cloud service providers, and industrial cloud standards. All results indicate that most cloud service categories seem to foster vendor lock-in situations which might be especially problematic for enterprise architectures. This might sound disillusioning at first. However, we present a reference model for cloud-native applications that relies only on a small subset of well standardized IaaS services. The reference model can be used for codifying cloud technologies. It can guide technology identification, classification, adoption, research and development processes for cloud-native application and for vendor lock-in aware enterprise architecture engineering methodologies

    Designing a Modern Software Engineering Training Program with Cloud Computing

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    The software engineering industry is trending towards cloud computing. For our project, we assessed the various tools and practices used in modern software development. The main goals of this project were to create a reference model for developing cloud-based applications, to program a functional cloud-based prototype, and to develop an accompanying training manual. These materials will be incorporated into the software engineering courses at WPI, namely CS 3733 and CS 509

    Design, planning, deployment and operation of a learning platform

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    This paper explores in depth the effective management of Odoo-based systems in educational and business environments, with a special focus on the experience of the aUPaEU educational project. Odoo, an open source business management system, has proven to be an essential tool for managing a wide range of business processes. Successful implementation of Odoo involves sound management and appropriate approaches to critical issues such as backup, version migration and continuous monitoring. This paper presents a comprehensive methodology that addresses these fundamental aspects of Odoo system administration. For backups, it proposes the use of Minio, a scalable cloud storage solution that ensures the integrity of enterprise data. Version migration is addressed through the use of OpenUpgrade, a tool that automates this complex process and minimises the associated risks. In terms of system monitoring, a set of tools including Prometheus, Grafana and Loki are used, enabling constant and effective control of the Odoo infrastructure. In the context of aUPaEU, this paper also examines how these solutions and best practices are specifically applied to the management of Odoo systems in education. It highlights how the aUPaEU has used these tools to improve the efficiency and reliability of its systems, resulting in a more robust user experience and more effective management of educational resources. The paper not only presents these tools, but also highlights best practices for their successful implementation in the Odoo environment, with a focus on how these practices benefit the aUPaEU. In addition, future directions are explored to further improve Odoo systems management and its impact on the aUPaEU, making it a valuable resource for both working professionals and students venturing into this ever-evolving field. Ultimately, this work makes a significant contribution to the field of Odoo systems management by providing comprehensive guidance and essential tools that respond to the evolving needs of companies and organisations using Odoo to drive their business operations, including educational cases such as aUPaEU

    Deployment of a decentralized application over a permissioned blockchain based on Besu

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    The transparent nature of for public chains like, allows all the participants to view the transactions, limiting the potential of developing blockchain-based applications. This paper attempts to study and deploy an Hyperledger Besu Network with Orion. Orion is a promising private transaction manager, which as the name indicates, keeps transactions in a Blockchain network private. Furthermore, we will deploy the network using Docker in order to make it easier to replicate the deployment of the network in other systems

    Scalability of an in-house infrastructure to the cloud

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    Durant els últims anys, les tecnologies al núvol han anat a l'auge. El gran nombre de serveis que ofereixen i les seves múltiples possibilitats fan impossible obviar-los a l'hora de desenvolupar projectes. Des del punt de vista de l'empresa Technology 2 Client, els sistemes actualment funcionant en entorns físics han de deixar lloc a estructures ubicades al núvol. Tot i això, la rapidesa amb la que aquesta tecnologia ha a arribat també ha portat un gran desconeixement al seu respecte. En aquest treball es vol familiaritzar amb tecnologies de contenidors i posar de manifest com es pot desplegar un projecte al núvol de manera senzilla i intuïtiva. Durant les següents pàgines es detallaran les especificacions dels sistemes que es volen crear, els passos a seguir, les justificacions de les tecnologies emprades i les conclusions extretes de tot el procés.Over the last few years, cloud technologies have been on the rise. The large number of services they offer and their multiple possibilities make it impossible to ignore when developing a project. From the point of view of the company Technology 2 Client, the systems currently operating in physical environments have to give way to structures located in the cloud. Even so, the speed with which this technology has arrived has also led to a great lack of knowledge about it. This paper aims to familiarize with container technologies and to show how a project can be deployed in the cloud in a simple and intuitive way. The following pages will detail the specifications of the systems to be created, the steps to follow, the justifications of the technologies used and the conclusions drawn from the whole process
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