24 research outputs found

    Affective and social aspects in distance education : the interdisciplinarity in focus

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    This article presents an analysis of the possible contributions of the affective and social aspects to the development of pedagogical practices in the modality of Distance Education. The interactions of students in a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) were observed and identified based on the use of specific instruments of affective and social analysis. The aim is to assist the teacher in the development of his pedagogical practices carried out through an VLE. The methodology used was the qualitative developed in a discipline at a public university in the south of Brazil in 2018. Twelve undergraduate students from different undergraduate courses participated in the study. The data were extracted from the Social Map and Affective Map tools available in ROODA VLE, used in the discipline. These tools enable a mapping of the student's affective and social profile, from the productions and interactions of the students in the VLE. The results point to the relevance of the support that the information provided by the maps can provide to the teacher. In this sense, they contribute to the decision of pedagogical practices, since they can corroborate the strategies adopted by the teacher or they can base the (re)orientation of the proposed activities in order to meet the affective and social demands of each student. The data obtained provided, in addition to a more in-depth discussion on the subject, the development of new resources as a system of recommendation of pedagogical strategies based on the social and affective aspects of the student

    Competências socioafetivas docentes: um olhar nos materiais educacionais digitais

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    O objetivo do estudo foi determinar as competências socioafetivas exigidas dos professores do ensino superior na construção de materiais educativos digitais (MED). A pandemia da COVID-19 provocou mudanças nas práticas pedagógicas, sendo necessária, por parte dos educadores, a busca e desenvolvimento de MED que abordassem os aspectos cognitivos, tecnológicos, afetivos e sociais. Dessa forma, utilizou-se uma abordagem exploratória qualitativa tendo como público-alvo 28 professores. A coleta de dados ocorreu por meio da aplicação de um questionário. Como resultado, os docentes enfatizaram a importância de levar em consideração as competências socioafetivas de abertura ao novo, autogestão, empatia e engajamento, bem como manter a continuidade no estudo

    Teaching socio-affective competences : a look at digital educational materials

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    O objetivo do estudo foi determinar as competências socioafetivas exigidas dosprofessores do ensino superior na construção de materiais educativos digitais (MED). Apandemia da COVID-19 provocou mudanças nas práticas pedagógicas, sendo necessária, porparte dos educadores, a busca e desenvolvimento de MED que abordassem os aspectoscognitivos, tecnológicos, afetivos e sociais. Dessa forma, utilizou-se uma abordagemexploratória qualitativa tendo como público-alvo 28 professores. A coleta de dados ocorreupor meio da aplicação de um questionário. Como resultado, os docentes enfatizaram aimportância de levar em consideração as competências socioafetivas de abertura ao novo,autogestão, empatia e engajamento, bem como manter a continuidade no estudo.The aim of the study was to determine the socio-affective competences required ofhigher education professors in the construction of digital educational materials (DEM). TheCOVID-19 pandemic caused changes in pedagogical practices, making it necessary foreducators to seek and develop DEM that address cognitive, technological, affective and socialaspects. Thus, a qualitative exploratory approach was used, targeting 28 professors. Datacollection occurred through the application of a questionnaire. As a result, professorsemphasized the importance of taking into account the socio-affective competences ofopenness to new, self-management, empathy and engagement, as well as maintainingcontinuity in the study

    Enhancing the cultural competence of women’s health nurses via online continuing education

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    By 2050, current minority groups will comprise almost half of the US population further challenging healthcare providers and nurses to deliver culturally competent care. Numerous organizations have published documents supporting cultural competence and its incorporation into nursing curricula has been encouraged since 1986. However, practicing nurses, specifically those providing care to childbearing women and families, continue to acknowledge their lack of cultural competence. This is concerning as large health disparities exist between culturally diverse women and cultural competence can lead to greater health equality and better client care. Studies have shown face-to-face education increases the cultural competence of healthcare providers; few studies have explored the impact of online education on cultural competence levels and no studies of online socially interactive continuing education (CE) have been conducted with nurses. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of two different online CE interventions on the cultural competence level of nurses who care for childbearing women and newborns in the US. The study also explored: the relationship between social desirability and self-reported level of cultural competence, the relationship between level of educational attainment and cultural competence level, and the relationship between having previous cultural diversity training and level of cultural competence. The framework for the study included two existing models: the 3-dimensional puzzle model of culturally congruent care and the instructional strategy framework for online learning environments. The study had an experimental pre- and post-test design using the Cultural Competence Assessment instrument. Three groups of RNs who care for childbearing women and newborns in the US were used: (a) control, (b) socially interactive online CE intervention, and (c) socially isolated online CE intervention. The study began with 249 registered participants, 190 completed the informed consent process, 132 completed the pre-test, and 93 completed the study. Data was analyzed with a RM-ANOVA with a between-groups variable, ANCOVA, and correlation statistics. Major findings indicated socially isolated online cultural competence CE is significantly more effective than not having online cultural competence CE. However, socially interactive online cultural competence CE is not more effective than socially isolated, nor is it significantly more effective than not having online cultural competence CE. Findings also indicated MCSDS scores and the number of previous types of cultural diversity training are positively correlated with CCA scores

    Blending MOOC in Face-to-Face Teaching and Studies

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    Competencias socioafectivas y la construcción de estrategias pedagógicas para la educación a distancia

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    O objetivo deste artigoé desenvolver Estratégias Pedagógicas (EP) que possam contribuir para a construção de competências socioafetivas dos estudantes no contexto da Educação a Distância (EaD). Para este trabalho, as competências socioafetivas adotadas são cinco: abertura ao novo, autogestão, empatia, engajamento e resiliência. Desse modo, a partir da análise dessas competências,foram criadas 40 EP,coma finalidade de auxiliar os docentes a construí-las com seus estudantes na EaD. A metodologia adotada foi qualitativa,baseadaem uma abordagem interpretativa. O instrumento de coleta de dados foi um questionário disponibilizado de maneira on-line.O público-alvo foram 37 professorese tutores especialistas em EaD, que responderam e apontaram modificações nas EP. Os resultados possibilitaram o desenvolvimento de um quadro com 51 EP,divididas nas cinco competências socioafetivas.This articleaims to develop Pedagogical Strategies (PS) that can contribute to the construction of students' socio-affective competences in Distance Education (DE). We adoptedfive socio-affective competences: openness, self-management, empathy, engagement,and resilience. Thus, from the analysis of these competences, 40 PS were created,with the objective of helping teachersto build them with their students in DE. We adopteda qualitative methodology based on an interpretive approach. The data collectioninstrument was a questionnaire made available online. The target audience was 37 teachers and tutors specialized in DE, who responded and pointed out changes in the PS. The results enabledthe developmentof a framework with 51 PS divided into five socio-affective competencies.El objetivo de este artículo es desarrollar Estrategias Pedagógicas (EP) que puedan contribuir a la construcción de competencias socioafectivas de los estudiantes en el contexto de la Educación a Distancia (EaD). Para este trabajo, las competencias socioafectivas adoptadas son cinco: apertura a lo nuevo, autogestión, empatía, involucramiento y resiliencia. Así, a partir del análisisde esas competencias, se crearon 40 EP, con el propósito de ayudar a los docentes a construirlas con sus alumnos en la EaD. La metodología adoptada fue cualitativa basada en un enfoque interpretativo. El instrumento de recolección de datos fue un cuestionario de disponible en línea. El público fueron 37 profesores y tutores especializados en EaD, quienes respondieron y señalaron cambios en la EP. Los resultados permitieron desarrollar un marco con 51 EP divididos en cinco competencias socioafectiva

    encontros afetivos em quintais urbanos um estudo sobre familias e sociabilidade no suburbio ferroviario de salvador ba

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    Este texto e parte de um estudo cujo objetivo final fora investigar os significados atribuidos aos quintais em narrativas de diferentes geracoes de familias residentes em areas urbanas no seculo XXI, na cidade de Salvador, Bahia. Neste artigo, e proposto o estudo dos quintais como locais de resistencias e pertencimentos, partindo da necessidade que o sujeito tem de construir um contexto de vida afetivo, associado ao lugar. Sugere-se o uso dos termos "topofilia", "affectivation" e "liminaridade" como entidades triades, que, ao se complementarem, permitem a compreensao das inter-relacoes entre o lugar e a familia no contexto de desenvolvimento. Palavras-chave: quintais, topofilia, affectivation

    New insights into spiritual intelligence in nursing education

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    Background: The topic of spiritual care is challenging with evidence suggesting student nurses feel unprepared to deal with these issues. Spiritual care should be included as part of holistic practice but is complex in the multicultural setting of healthcare. This thesis developed to explore student nurses’experiences to aid learning and develop best practice around the topic. Study Aim: Explore undergraduate nursing students’ lived experiences that develop their understanding of spiritual care. Literature Review: A meta-narrative literature review was undertaken which produced four key themes: integrating spiritual care into the curriculum; self-awareness around spiritual issues; spiritualcare as part of holistic care; andcompetency in spiritual care. Methodology and methods: An interpretative phenomenological approach, based on Van Manen’s work (2014),has been utilised for this study. Data werecollected using asemi-structured interview strategy. Participants: A purposeful sample of ten undergraduate nursing students took part in the study from adult and mental health nursing degree courses. Analysis: Analysis involved descriptive and interpretative phases. The conversations were described using portraiture and interpreted using lifeworld phenomenological existential themes of lived body (corporality), lived time (temporality), lived space (spatiality), lived relations (relationality), materiality (lived things) and technology (lived cyborg relations). A creative writing of the phenomenological insights was used to explorenew insights into the topic area. Results: The findings showed that there were significant similarities with current literature as presented in the earlier review. New insights from this study werethe need to develop student nurses’ spiritual intelligence as a way to combine the cognitive, emotional and spiritual aspects when providing spiritual care. Discussion: A Spiritual Intelligence in Nurse Education Framework is proposed and discussed as a method to educate student nurses about the topic. The framework includes elements of meaning and purpose,transcendence, goals and decision making, and character as key in developing understanding about spiritual care, linking to holistic practice and building the student nurse’s personal and professional virtues

    Nursing Students\u27 and Novice Clinical Instructors\u27 Experiences With Clinical Instruction and Assessment

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    Adjunct faculty members make up a growing proportion of nursing school clinical faculty in the United States due to a nurse educator shortage in higher education. Many of the nurses hired as clinical faculty members have years of experience providing patient care, but they lack experience in clinical instruction and assessment. At a state community college in the southeastern United States, nursing students have expressed dissatisfaction in their course evaluations with inexperienced faculty in clinical programs. The experiences of both nursing students under the guidance of novice clinical instructors and clinical faculty were examined in this case study. The National League for Nursing\u27s (NLN) standards for practice for academic nurse educators served as the conceptual framework for this study and was used to develop research questions related to clinical practice and assessment. Data were collected from 9 students and 6 clinical nursing faculty members who participated in anonymous, open-ended electronic questionnaires regarding use of the standards in instruction and assessment. Student clinical experience collective evaluations from 3nursing programs across the state were also used for data collection and analysis. Data were coded and themes were identified and verified through triangulation. Themes were inconsistent with the NLN standards and included no formal orientation, no preparation for the clinical instructor role, use of subjective instructor evaluations, and lack of instructor feedback. Results were used to develop a professional development program to prepare novice clinical instructors for the clinical environment according to the NLN standards. This study may result in positive social change by improving clinical experiences for nursing students in community colleges, resulting in better patient care as they assume their roles in the larger medical community

    Cultural competence and racist attitudes of direct patient care registered nurses in a midwestern state

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