7,332 research outputs found


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    Software Testing plays a crucial role in making high-quality products. The process of manual testing is often inaccurate, unreliable, and needed more than automation testing. One of these tools, Selenium, is an open-source framework that used along with different programming languages: (python, ruby, java, PHP, c#, etc.) to automate the test cases of web applications. The purpose of this study is to summarize the research in the area of selenium automation testing to benefit the readers in designing and delivering automated software testing with Selenium. We conducted the standard systematic literature review method employing a manual search of 2408 papers, and applying a set of inclusion/exclusion criteria the final literature included 16 papers published between 2009 and 2020. The result is using Selenium as a UI for web automation, not only all of the app functionality that has been tested, But also it can be applied with added some method or other algorithms like data mining, artificial intelligence, and machine learning. Furthermore, it can be implemented for security testing. In the future research for selenium framework automation testing, the implementation should more focus on finding effective and maintainability on the application of Selenium in other methodologies and is applied with the better improvement that can be matched for web automation testing

    Improving software quality through non-functional testing

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    Abstract. As code becomes more complex, new functionalities are added every day, and bugs are fixed, testing gets more time-consuming and composite. In order to maintain high quality of a heavily loaded system, functional testing is not enough anymore. Testing new features involves not only functional, and regression runs, but also resource-intensive non-functional tests. Functional testing verifies a specific piece of functionality, a small business story of the whole product. However, neither full test automation nor even manual testing can guarantee stable work in production. The best approach is a complete testing solution, where non-functional testing follows functional testing inextricably. Objective: the purpose of research is to create a system that covers non-functional testing from the performance side. It is proposed that only a combination of functional and non-functional testing can provide high quality. There is a bunch of pitfalls and nuances in tools and approaches, thus this work strives to understand them and come up with the best solution in each case. Method: The thesis covers a comparative analysis of various tools and frameworks for load testing, developing a testing approach for an open application programming interface, which was chosen as the target software, including automated scripted tests and output results. Results: The most suitable tool was chosen, and based on it load test scripts were implemented, thereby complementing functional testing with non-functional ones, improving the quality of the product on the whole.Ohjelmiston laadun parantaminen ei-toiminnallisen testauksen avulla. Tiivistelmä. Kun koodi muuttuu monimutkaisemmaksi, uusia toimintoja lisätään joka päivä ja vikoja korjataan, jolloin testaamisesta tulee enemmän aikaa vievää ja monimutkaisempaa. Raskaasti kuormitetun järjestelmän korkean laadun ylläpitämiseksi toimintatestaus ei enää riitä. Uusien ominaisuuksien testaamiseen ei sisälly vain toiminnallisia ja regressio testejä, vaan myös resursseja vaativia ei-toiminnallisia testejä. Toiminnallinen testaus varmistaa tietyn vaatimuksen toimivuuden. Täysi testiautomaatio tai edes manuaalinen testaus eivät kuitenkaan takaa vakaata työtä tuotannossa. Paras lähestymistapa on ratkaisu, jossa ei-toiminnallinen testaus seuraa toiminnallista testausta erottamattomasti. Tavoite: Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on luoda järjestelmä, joka kattaa ei-toiminnallisen testauksen suorituskyvyn puolelta. On ehdotettu, että vain toiminnallisen ja eitoiminnallisen testauksen yhdistelmä voi tuottaa korkeaa laatua. Työkaluissa ja lähestymistavoissa on paljon sudenkuoppia ja vivahteita, joten tässä työssä pyritään ymmärtämään niitä ja löytämään kullekin tapaukselle paras ratkaisu. Menetelmä: Opinnäytetyö kattaa erilaisten kuormitus testauksen työkalujen ja viitekehysten vertailevan analyysin, jossa kehitetään testaustapa testattavaksi ohjelmistoksi valitulle avoimelle sovellusohjelmointi rajapinnalle, mukaan lukien automaattisesti skriptatut testit ja tulosteet. Tulokset: Paras työkalu valittiin ja sen perusteella toteutettiin kuormitustesti skriptit, jotka täydensivät toiminnallista testausta ei-toiminnallisilla parantaen tuotteen laatua kokonaisuutena

    Finding a suitable performance testing tool

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    Abstract. The pursuit of finding the most suitable testing software for each project is a difficult task as there are a lot of software effective finding certain kind of problems but completely missing others in the field of stress and load testing. A silver bullet solving all problems in a cost effective and reliable way has not yet been found. This project was done as a systematic literature review to find whether there are solutions documented capable of testing everything in a cost-effective way. The document starts with an introduction of the task, originating from a real software testing company’s suggestion of finding suitable test software that can, cost effectively and reliably, fulfil the needs of the company. A history section is describing the reason of testing importance, basics of testing and what others have found in their studies of the area. The research method is described in detail followed by results describing tools found during the research divided in sections by license type. The sectioning by license type was selected for the benefit of testing companies that are interested in further developing tools found to their own interest. Findings and answered research questions were presented and discussed followed by possible implications and further research suggestions to future scholars interested in the matter. The systematic literature review found a total of 40 different tools identified during the data extraction process. One complete software system was available commercially including heavy support and help functions for the customer. A different approach linking open source and relatively inexpensive pieces of software together to achieve a composite solution was also identified. The solution included the most common and most popular individual piece of software identified by the study. All found pieces of software were listed and commented briefly mainly with information originating from the authors’ home pages

    Photon-actuated multiplex switch development

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    Photon actuated solid state electronic switch for multiplexing low level analog signal

    Comparative Review of the Features of Automated Software Testing Tools

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    Software testing is considered to be one of the most important processes in software development for it verifies if the system meets the user requirements and specification. Manual testing and automated testing are two ways of conducting software testing. Automated testing gives software testers the ease to automate the process of software testing thus considered more effective when time, cost and usability are concerned. There are a wide variety of automated testing tools available, either open source or commercial. This paper provides a comparative review of features of open source and commercial testing tools that may help users to select the appropriate software testing tool based on their requirements

    A Comparative Study of Automated Software Testing Tools

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    Software testing is an integral phase in Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) process. Testing assesses the functionalities of a software item and quality of the product. Automated software testing utilizes different tools to execute testing activities. In this paper, I have discussed the features of automated and manual testing as well as analyzed three automated software testing tools: Selenium, UFT/QTP and Watir. In brief, I have presented a detailed description focusing on multiple feature set, efficiency, simplicity and usability of each tool. I also evaluated, tested and compared the different aspects of Selenium, UFT/QTP and Watir. Finally, this research allowed me to draw some solid differences between automated and manual testing as well as learn and explore various characteristics of automated testing tools by having real-world experience of testing effectively


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    The article presents the multifunctional BrowserSpot tool, which serves as an automated environment for testing websites and web applications for Android and iOS systems. It highlights and describes the individual stages of research and development work, the issues with solutions currently available on the market, as well as the project's results. The article also discusses the reasons for undertaking work on the tool, its functionalities, and the methods of its usage.W artykule zaprezentowano multifunkcyjne narzędzie BrowserSpot stanowiące zautomatyzowane środowisko do testowania stron internetowych oraz aplikacji webowych dla systemów Android i iOS. Wyróżnione i opisane zostały poszczególne etapy prac badawczo rozwojowych, problemy aktualnych rozwiązań dostępnych na rynku, a także rezultaty projektu. Przedstawiono również powody podjęcia się prac nad narzędziem, funkcjonalności narzędzia, oraz sposoby jego użytkowania

    Using a test automation tool for robotic process automation: An empirical study

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    Robotic Process Automation (RPA) uses software robots that interact with systems through their user interface, reducing costs and improving efficiency in automating processes. Despite being a recent term, it is being progressively adopted in companies, being used in many areas, such as IT, Insurance and Human Resources. Although RPA is relatively inexpensive to implement, the cost of licensing is high. To reduce costs, there are open source tools that might be capable of automating process, despite being used for other purposes, such as Test Automation. Therefore, this research aims to test if it is feasible to use a Test Automation tool to automate business processes and identify advantages and disadvantages of using a Test Automation tool as a RPA tool. To accomplish that, a Case Study (CS) was performed in a real company where the same business process was automated, using both a Test Automation tool and a RPA tool. This research presents the comparison analysis and results of an experiment designed with two approaches: a Test Automation tool vs a RPA tool. The results show that despite there were some challenges of using a Test Automation to automate the selected process than with a RPA tool, using Test Automation tools may be useful for companies with low financial resources that aim to find low cost alternatives to RPA tools to automate processes, taking into account the advantages and disadvantages of using a Test Automation tool as a RPA tool provided in this research.Robotic Process Automation (RPA) utiliza software robots que interagem com os sistemas através da sua interface gráfica, reduzindo custos e melhorando a eficiência na automação de processos. Apesar de ser um termo recente, está a ser cada vez mais usado nas empresas, sendo usado em várias áreas, como o IT, seguradoras e recursos humanos. Embora o RPA tenha um custo relativamente baixo de implementação, o custo das licenças é elevado. Para reduzir custos, há ferramentas open source que podem ser capazes de automatizar processos, apesar de serem usadas para outros fins, como Test Automation. Consequentemente, esta investigação pretende testar se é possível usar uma ferramenta de Test Automation para automação de processos e identificar vantagens e desvantagens de usar uma ferramenta de Test Automation como ferramenta de RPA. Esta investigação apresenta a análise da comparação e resultados de uma experiência feita com duas abordagens: uma ferramenta de Test Automation e uma ferramenta de RPA. Os resultados mostram que apesar de terem sido identificados mais desafios ao usar uma ferramenta de Test Automation na automação do processo escolhido do que ao usar uma ferramenta de RPA, o uso de ferramentas de Test Automation pode ser útil em empresas com poucos recursos financeiros que procuram alternativas low cost às ferramentas de RPA para automação de processos, tendo em conta as vantagens e desvantagens do uso de uma ferramenta de Test Automation como ferramenta de RPA descritas nesta investigação

    Automation testing tools : a comparative view

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    Effective software testing leads to assurance towards high quality in software development. Automation testing tool facilitates in faster testing process in testing stage thus completion and implementation of software on time. One of the most significant issues for automation is to select the automation-testing tool and the appropriate framework. The objective of this paper is to assess and compare twenty-one available automation-testing tools on twenty attributes in comprehensive manner. This study will assist software testing professionals and researchers towards further insight in this area. Keywords: test automation, automation tools, software testing, automation test frameworks, test automation typespublishedVersio