2,515 research outputs found

    Yield-driven power-delay-optimal CMOS full-adder design complying with automotive product specifications of PVT variations and NBTI degradations

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    We present the detailed results of the application of mathematical optimization algorithms to transistor sizing in a full-adder cell design, to obtain the maximum expected fabrication yield. The approach takes into account all the fabrication process parameter variations specified in an industrial PDK, in addition to operating condition range and NBTI aging. The final design solutions present transistor sizing, which depart from intuitive transistor sizing criteria and show dramatic yield improvements, which have been verified by Monte Carlo SPICE analysis

    Standard cell library design for sub-threshold operation

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    SRAM Cells for Embedded Systems

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    Static noise margin analysis for CMOS logic cells in near-threshold

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    The advancement of semiconductor technology enabled the fabrication of devices with faster switching activity and chips with higher integration density. However, these advances are facing new impediments related to energy and power dissipation. Besides, the increasing demand for portable devices leads the circuit design paradigm to prioritize energy efficiency instead of performance. Altogether, this scenario motivates engineers towards reducing the supply voltage to the near and subthreshold regime to increase the lifespan of battery-powered devices. Even though operating in these regime offer interesting energy-frequency trade-offs, it brings challenges concerning noise tolerance. As the supply voltage reduces, the available noise margins decrease, and circuits become more prone to functional failures. In addition, near and subthreshold circuits are more susceptible to manufacturing variability, hence further aggravating noise issues. Other issues, such as wire minimization and gate fan-out, also contribute to the relevance of evaluating the noise margin of circuits early in the design Accordingly, this work investigates how to improve the static noise margin of digital synchronous circuits that will operate at the near/subthreshold regime. This investigation produces a set of three original contributions. The first is an automated tool to estimate the static noise margin of CMOS combinational cells. The second contribution is a realistic static noise margin estimation methodology that considers process-voltage-temperature variations. Results show that the proposed methodology allows to reduce up to 70% of the static noise margin pessimism. Finally, the third contribution is the noise-aware cell design methodology and the inclusion of a noise evaluation of complex circuits during the logic synthesis. The resulting library achieved higher static noise margin (up to 24%) and less spread among different cells (up to 62%).Os avanços na tecnologia de semicondutores possibilitou que se fabricasse dispositivos com atividade de chaveamento mais rápida e com maior capacidade de integração de transistores. Estes avanços, todavia, impuseram novos empecilhos relacionados com a dissipação de potência e energia. Além disso, a crescente demanda por dispositivos portáteis levaram à uma mudança no paradigma de projeto de circuitos para que se priorize energia ao invés de desempenho. Este cenário motivou à reduzir a tensão de alimentação com qual os dispositivos operam para um regime próximo ou abaixo da tensão de limiar, com o objetivo de aumentar sua duração de bateria. Apesar desta abordagem balancear características de performance e energia, ela traz novos desafios com relação a tolerância à ruído. Ao reduzirmos a tensão de alimentação, também reduz-se a margem de ruído disponível e, assim, os circuitos tornam-se mais suscetíveis à falhas funcionais. Somado à este efeito, circuitos com tensões de alimentação nestes regimes são mais sensíveis à variações do processo de fabricação, logo agravando problemas com ruído. Existem também outros aspectos, tais como a miniaturização das interconexões e a relação de fan-out de uma célula digital, que incentivam a avaliação de ruído nas fases iniciais do projeto de circuitos integrados Por estes motivos, este trabalho investiga como aprimorar a margem de ruído estática de circuitos síncronos digitais que irão operar em tensões no regime de tensão próximo ou abaixo do limiar. Esta investigação produz um conjunto de três contribuições originais. A primeira é uma ferramenta capaz de avaliar automaticamente a margem de ruído estática de células CMOS combinacionais. A segunda contribuição é uma metodologia realista para estimar a margem de ruído estática considerando variações de processo, tensão e temperatura. Os resultados obtidos mostram que a metodologia proposta permitiu reduzir até 70% do pessimismo das margens de ruído estática, Por último, a terceira contribuição é um fluxo de projeto de células combinacionais digitais considerando ruído, e uma abordagem para avaliar a margem de ruído estática de circuitos complexos durante a etapa de síntese lógica. A biblioteca de células resultante deste fluxo obteve maior margem de ruído (até 24%) e menor variação entre diferentes células (até 62%)

    Embracing Low-Power Systems with Improvement in Security and Energy-Efficiency

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    As the economies around the world are aligning more towards usage of computing systems, the global energy demand for computing is increasing rapidly. Additionally, the boom in AI based applications and services has already invited the pervasion of specialized computing hardware architectures for AI (accelerators). A big chunk of research in the industry and academia is being focused on providing energy efficiency to all kinds of power hungry computing architectures. This dissertation adds to these efforts. Aggressive voltage underscaling of chips is one the effective low power paradigms of providing energy efficiency. This dissertation identifies and deals with the reliability and performance problems associated with this paradigm and innovates novel energy efficient approaches. Specifically, the properties of a low power security primitive have been improved and, higher performance has been unlocked in an AI accelerator (Google TPU) in an aggressively voltage underscaled environment. And, novel power saving opportunities have been unlocked by characterizing the usage pattern of a baseline TPU with rigorous mathematical analysis

    Ingress of threshold voltage-triggered hardware trojan in the modern FPGA fabric–detection methodology and mitigation

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    The ageing phenomenon of negative bias temperature instability (NBTI) continues to challenge the dynamic thermal management of modern FPGAs. Increased transistor density leads to thermal accumulation and propagates higher and non-uniform temperature variations across the FPGA. This aggravates the impact of NBTI on key PMOS transistor parameters such as threshold voltage and drain current. Where it ages the transistors, with a successive reduction in FPGA lifetime and reliability, it also challenges its security. The ingress of threshold voltage-triggered hardware Trojan, a stealthy and malicious electronic circuit, in the modern FPGA, is one such potential threat that could exploit NBTI and severely affect its performance. The development of an effective and efficient countermeasure against it is, therefore, highly critical. Accordingly, we present a comprehensive FPGA security scheme, comprising novel elements of hardware Trojan infection, detection, and mitigation, to protect FPGA applications against the hardware Trojan. Built around the threat model of a naval warship’s integrated self-protection system (ISPS), we propose a threshold voltage-triggered hardware Trojan that operates in a threshold voltage region of 0.45V to 0.998V, consuming ultra-low power (10.5nW), and remaining stealthy with an area overhead as low as 1.5% for a 28 nm technology node. The hardware Trojan detection sub-scheme provides a unique lightweight threshold voltage-aware sensor with a detection sensitivity of 0.251mV/nA. With fixed and dynamic ring oscillator-based sensor segments, the precise measurement of frequency and delay variations in response to shifts in the threshold voltage of a PMOS transistor is also proposed. Finally, the FPGA security scheme is reinforced with an online transistor dynamic scaling (OTDS) to mitigate the impact of hardware Trojan through run-time tolerant circuitry capable of identifying critical gates with worst-case drain current degradation

    Advanced Algorithms for VLSI: Statistical Circuit Optimization and Cyclic Circuit Analysis

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    This work focuses on two emerging fields in VLSI. The first is use of statistical formulations to tackle one of the classical problems in VLSI design and analysis domains, namely gate sizing. The second is on analysis of nontraditional digital systems in the form of cyclic combinational circuits. In the first part, a new approach for enhancing the process-variation tolerance of digital circuits is described. We extend recent advances in statistical timing analysis into an optimization framework. Our objective is to reduce the performance variance of a technology-mapped circuit where delays across elements are represented by random variables which capture the manufacturing variations. We introduce the notion of statistical critical paths, which account for both means and variances of performance variation. An optimization engine is used to size gates with a goal of reducing the timing variance along the statistical critical paths. Circuit optimization is carried out using a gain-based gate sizing algorithm that terminates when constraints are satisfied or no further improvements can be made. We show optimization results that demonstrate an average of 72% reduction in performance variation at the expense of average 20% increase in design area. In the second part, we tackle the problem of analyzing cyclic circuits. Compiling high-level hardware languages can produce circuits containing combinational cycles that can never be sensitized. Such circuits do have well-defined functional behavior, but wreak havoc with most tools, which assume acyclic combinational logic. As such, some sort of cycle-removal step is usually necessary. We present an algorithm able to quickly and exactly characterize all combinational behavior of a cyclic circuit. It used a combination of explicit and implicit methods to compute input patterns that make the circuit behave combinationally. This can be used to restructure the circuit into an acyclic equivalent, report errors, or as an optimization aid. Experiments show our algorithm runs several orders of magnitude faster than existing ones on real-life cyclic circuits, making it useful in practice