277 research outputs found

    Generating expressive speech for storytelling applications

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    Work on expressive speech synthesis has long focused on the expression of basic emotions. In recent years, however, interest in other expressive styles has been increasing. The research presented in this paper aims at the generation of a storytelling speaking style, which is suitable for storytelling applications and more in general, for applications aimed at children. Based on an analysis of human storytellers' speech, we designed and implemented a set of prosodic rules for converting "neutral" speech, as produced by a text-to-speech system, into storytelling speech. An evaluation of our storytelling speech generation system showed encouraging results

    Speech Synthesis Based on Hidden Markov Models

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    Synthesizing mood-affected signed messages: Modifications to the parametric synthesis

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    This is the author’s version of a work that was accepted for publication in International Journal of Human-Computer Studies. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. A definitive version was subsequently published in International Journal of Human-Computer Studies,70, 4 (2012) DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhcs.2011.11.003This paper describes the first approach in synthesizing mood-affected signed contents. The research focuses on the modifications applied to a parametric sign language synthesizer (based on phonetic descriptions of the signs). We propose some modifications that will allow for the synthesis of different perceived frames of mind within synthetic signed messages. Three of these proposals focus on modifications to three different signs' phonologic parameters (the hand shape, the movement and the non-hand parameter). The other two proposals focus on the temporal aspect of the synthesis (sign speed and transition duration) and the representation of muscular tension through inverse kinematics procedures. These resulting variations have been evaluated by Spanish deaf signers, who have concluded that our system can generate the same signed message with three different frames of mind, which are correctly identified by Spanish Sign Language signers

    Building and Designing Expressive Speech Synthesis

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    We know there is something special about speech. Our voices are not just a means of communicating. They also give a deep impression of who we are and what we might know. They can betray our upbringing, our emotional state, our state of health. They can be used to persuade and convince, to calm and to excite. As speech systems enter the social domain they are required to interact, support and mediate our social relationships with 1) each other, 2) with digital information, and, increasingly, 3) with AI-based algorithms and processes. Socially Interactive Agents (SIAs) are at the fore- front of research and innovation in this area. There is an assumption that in the future “spoken language will provide a natural conversational interface between human beings and so-called intelligent systems.” [Moore 2017, p. 283]. A considerable amount of previous research work has tested this assumption with mixed results. However, as pointed out “voice interfaces have become notorious for fostering frustration and failure” [Nass and Brave 2005, p.6]. It is within this context, between our exceptional and intelligent human use of speech to communicate and interact with other humans, and our desire to leverage this means of communication for artificial systems, that the technology, often termed expressive speech synthesis uncomfortably falls. Uncomfortably, because it is often overshadowed by issues in interactivity and the underlying intelligence of the system which is something that emerges from the interaction of many of the components in a SIA. This is especially true of what we might term conversational speech, where decoupling how things are spoken, from when and to whom they are spoken, can seem an impossible task. This is an even greater challenge in evaluation and in characterising full systems which have made use of expressive speech. Furthermore when designing an interaction with a SIA, we must not only consider how SIAs should speak but how much, and whether they should even speak at all. These considerations cannot be ignored. Any speech synthesis that is used in the context of an artificial agent will have a perceived accent, a vocal style, an underlying emotion and an intonational model. Dimensions like accent and personality (cross speaker parameters) as well as vocal style, emotion and intonation during an interaction (within-speaker parameters) need to be built in the design of a synthetic voice. Even a default or neutral voice has to consider these same expressive speech synthesis components. Such design parameters have a strong influence on how effectively a system will interact, how it is perceived and its assumed ability to perform a task or function. To ignore these is to blindly accept a set of design decisions that ignores the complex effect speech has on the user’s successful interaction with a system. Thus expressive speech synthesis is a key design component in SIAs. This chapter explores the world of expressive speech synthesis, aiming to act as a starting point for those interested in the design, building and evaluation of such artificial speech. The debates and literature within this topic are vast and are fundamentally multidisciplinary in focus, covering a wide range of disciplines such as linguistics, pragmatics, psychology, speech and language technology, robotics and human-computer interaction (HCI), to name a few. It is not our aim to synthesise these areas but to give a scaffold and a starting point for the reader by exploring the critical dimensions and decisions they may need to consider when choosing to use expressive speech. To do this, the chapter explores the building of expressive synthesis, highlighting key decisions and parameters as well as emphasising future challenges in expressive speech research and development. Yet, before these are expanded upon we must first try and define what we actually mean by expressive speech

    I feel you: the design and evaluation of a domotic affect-sensitive spoken conversational agent

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    We describe the work on infusion of emotion into a limited-task autonomous spoken conversational agent situated in the domestic environment, using a need-inspired task-independent emotion model (NEMO). In order to demonstrate the generation of affect through the use of the model, we describe the work of integrating it with a natural-language mixed-initiative HiFi-control spoken conversational agent (SCA). NEMO and the host system communicate externally, removing the need for the Dialog Manager to be modified, as is done in most existing dialog systems, in order to be adaptive. The first part of the paper concerns the integration between NEMO and the host agent. The second part summarizes the work on automatic affect prediction, namely, frustration and contentment, from dialog features, a non-conventional source, in the attempt of moving towards a more user-centric approach. The final part reports the evaluation results obtained from a user study, in which both versions of the agent (non-adaptive and emotionally-adaptive) were compared. The results provide substantial evidences with respect to the benefits of adding emotion in a spoken conversational agent, especially in mitigating users' frustrations and, ultimately, improving their satisfaction

    Disentangling the Properties of Human Evaluation Methods:A Classification System to Support Comparability, Meta-Evaluation and Reproducibility Testing

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    Current standards for designing and reporting human evaluations in NLP mean it is generally unclear which evaluations are comparable and can be expected to yield similar results when applied to the same system outputs. This has serious implications for reproducibility testing and meta-evaluation, in particular given that human evaluation is considered the gold standard against which the trustworthiness of automatic metrics is gauged. %and merging others, as well as deciding which evaluations should be able to reproduce each other’s results. Using examples from NLG, we propose a classification system for evaluations based on disentangling (i) what is being evaluated (which aspect of quality), and (ii) how it is evaluated in specific (a) evaluation modes and (b) experimental designs. We show that this approach provides a basis for determining comparability, hence for comparison of evaluations across papers, meta-evaluation experiments, reproducibility testing

    RSS-TOBI - a Prosodically Enhanced Romanian Speech Corpus

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    This paper introduces a recent development of a Romanian Speech corpus to include prosodic annotations of the speech data in the form of ToBI labels. We describe the methodology of determining the required pitch patterns that are common for the Romanian language, annotate the speech resource, and then provide a comparison of two text-to-speech synthesis systems to establish the benefits of using this type of information to our speech resource. The result is a publicly available speech dataset which can be used to further develop speech synthesis systems or to automatically learn the prediction of ToBI labels from text in Romanian language

    Emotions, behaviour and belief regulation in an intelligent guide with attitude

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    Conveying expressivity and vocal effort transformation in synthetic speech with Harmonic plus Noise Models

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    Aquesta tesi s'ha dut a terme dins del Grup en de Tecnologies Mèdia (GTM) de l'Escola d'Enginyeria i Arquitectura la Salle. El grup te una llarga trajectòria dins del cap de la síntesi de veu i fins i tot disposa d'un sistema propi de síntesi per concatenació d'unitats (US-TTS) que permet sintetitzar diferents estils expressius usant múltiples corpus. De forma que per a realitzar una síntesi agressiva, el sistema usa el corpus de l'estil agressiu, i per a realitzar una síntesi sensual, usa el corpus de l'estil corresponent. Aquesta tesi pretén proposar modificacions del esquema del US-TTS que permetin millorar la flexibilitat del sistema per sintetitzar múltiples expressivitats usant només un únic corpus d'estil neutre. L'enfoc seguit en aquesta tesi es basa en l'ús de tècniques de processament digital del senyal (DSP) per aplicar modificacions de senyal a la veu sintetitzada per tal que aquesta expressi l'estil de parla desitjat. Per tal de dur a terme aquestes modificacions de senyal s'han usat els models harmònic més soroll per la seva flexibilitat a l'hora de realitzar modificacions de senyal. La qualitat de la veu (VoQ) juga un paper important en els diferents estils expressius. És per això que es va estudiar la síntesi de diferents emocions mitjançant la modificació de paràmetres de VoQ de baix nivell. D'aquest estudi es van identificar un conjunt de limitacions que van donar lloc als objectius d'aquesta tesi, entre ells el trobar un paràmetre amb gran impacte sobre els estils expressius. Per aquest fet l'esforç vocal (VE) es va escollir per el seu paper important en la parla expressiva. Primer es va estudiar la possibilitat de transferir l'VE entre dues realitzacions amb diferent VE de la mateixa paraula basant-se en la tècnica de predicció lineal adaptativa del filtre de pre-èmfasi (APLP). La proposta va permetre transferir l'VE correctament però presentava limitacions per a poder generar nivells intermitjos d'VE. Amb la finalitat de millorar la flexibilitat i control de l'VE expressat a la veu sintetitzada, es va proposar un nou model d'VE basat en polinomis lineals. Aquesta proposta va permetre transferir l'VE entre dues paraules qualsevols i sintetitzar nous nivells d'VE diferents dels disponibles al corpus. Aquesta flexibilitat esta alineada amb l'objectiu general d'aquesta tesi, permetre als sistemes US-TTS sintetitzar diferents estils expressius a partir d'un únic corpus d'estil neutre. La proposta realitzada també inclou un paràmetre que permet controlar fàcilment el nivell d'VE sintetitzat. Això obre moltes possibilitats per controlar fàcilment el procés de síntesi tal i com es va fer al projecte CreaVeu usant interfícies gràfiques simples i intuïtives, també realitzat dins del grup GTM. Aquesta memòria conclou presentant el treball realitzat en aquesta tesi i amb una proposta de modificació de l'esquema d'un sistema US-TTS per incloure els blocs de DSP desenvolupats en aquesta tesi que permetin al sistema sintetitzar múltiple nivells d'VE a partir d'un corpus d'estil neutre. Això obre moltes possibilitats per generar interfícies d'usuari que permetin controlar fàcilment el procés de síntesi, tal i com es va fer al projecte CreaVeu, també realitzat dins del grup GTM. Aquesta memòria conclou presentant el treball realitzat en aquesta tesi i amb una proposta de modificació de l'esquema del sistema US-TTS per incloure els blocs de DSP desenvolupats en aquesta tesi que permetin al sistema sintetitzar múltiple nivells d'VE a partir d'un corpus d'estil neutre.Esta tesis se llevó a cabo en el Grup en Tecnologies Mèdia de la Escuela de Ingeniería y Arquitectura la Salle. El grupo lleva una larga trayectoria dentro del campo de la síntesis de voz y cuenta con su propio sistema de síntesis por concatenación de unidades (US-TTS). El sistema permite sintetizar múltiples estilos expresivos mediante el uso de corpus específicos para cada estilo expresivo. De este modo, para realizar una síntesis agresiva, el sistema usa el corpus de este estilo, y para un estilo sensual, usa otro corpus específico para ese estilo. La presente tesis aborda el problema con un enfoque distinto proponiendo cambios en el esquema del sistema con el fin de mejorar la flexibilidad para sintetizar múltiples estilos expresivos a partir de un único corpus de estilo de habla neutro. El planteamiento seguido en esta tesis esta basado en el uso de técnicas de procesamiento de señales (DSP) para llevar a cabo modificaciones del señal de voz para que este exprese el estilo de habla deseado. Para llevar acabo las modificaciones de la señal de voz se han usado los modelos harmónico más ruido (HNM) por su flexibilidad para efectuar modificaciones de señales. La cualidad de la voz (VoQ) juega un papel importante en diferentes estilos expresivos. Por ello se exploró la síntesis expresiva basada en modificaciones de parámetros de bajo nivel de la VoQ. Durante este estudio se detectaron diferentes problemas que dieron pié a los objetivos planteados en esta tesis, entre ellos el encontrar un único parámetro con fuerte influencia en la expresividad. El parámetro seleccionado fue el esfuerzo vocal (VE) por su importante papel a la hora de expresar diferentes emociones. Las primeras pruebas se realizaron con el fin de transferir el VE entre dos realizaciones con diferente grado de VE de la misma palabra usando una metodología basada en un proceso filtrado de pre-émfasis adaptativo con coeficientes de predicción lineales (APLP). Esta primera aproximación logró transferir el nivel de VE entre dos realizaciones de la misma palabra, sin embargo el proceso presentaba limitaciones para generar niveles de esfuerzo vocal intermedios. A fin de mejorar la flexibilidad y el control del sistema para expresar diferentes niveles de VE, se planteó un nuevo modelo de VE basado en polinomios lineales. Este modelo permitió transferir el VE entre dos palabras diferentes e incluso generar nuevos niveles no presentes en el corpus usado para la síntesis. Esta flexibilidad está alineada con el objetivo general de esta tesis de permitir a un sistema US-TTS expresar múltiples estilos de habla expresivos a partir de un único corpus de estilo neutro. Además, la metodología propuesta incorpora un parámetro que permite de forma sencilla controlar el nivel de VE expresado en la voz sintetizada. Esto abre la posibilidad de controlar fácilmente el proceso de síntesis tal y como se hizo en el proyecto CreaVeu usando interfaces simples e intuitivas, también realizado dentro del grupo GTM. Esta memoria concluye con una revisión del trabajo realizado en esta tesis y con una propuesta de modificación de un esquema de US-TTS para expresar diferentes niveles de VE a partir de un único corpus neutro.This thesis was conducted in the Grup en Tecnologies M`edia (GTM) from Escola d’Enginyeria i Arquitectura la Salle. The group has a long trajectory in the speech synthesis field and has developed their own Unit-Selection Text-To-Speech (US-TTS) which is able to convey multiple expressive styles using multiple expressive corpora, one for each expressive style. Thus, in order to convey aggressive speech, the US-TTS uses an aggressive corpus, whereas for a sensual speech style, the system uses a sensual corpus. Unlike that approach, this dissertation aims to present a new schema for enhancing the flexibility of the US-TTS system for performing multiple expressive styles using a single neutral corpus. The approach followed in this dissertation is based on applying Digital Signal Processing (DSP) techniques for carrying out speech modifications in order to synthesize the desired expressive style. For conducting the speech modifications the Harmonics plus Noise Model (HNM) was chosen for its flexibility in conducting signal modifications. Voice Quality (VoQ) has been proven to play an important role in different expressive styles. Thus, low-level VoQ acoustic parameters were explored for conveying multiple emotions. This raised several problems setting new objectives for the rest of the thesis, among them finding a single parameter with strong impact on the expressive style conveyed. Vocal Effort (VE) was selected for conducting expressive speech style modifications due to its salient role in expressive speech. The first approach working with VE was based on transferring VE between two parallel utterances based on the Adaptive Pre-emphasis Linear Prediction (APLP) technique. This approach allowed transferring VE but the model presented certain restrictions regarding its flexibility for generating new intermediate VE levels. Aiming to improve the flexibility and control of the conveyed VE, a new approach using polynomial model for modelling VE was presented. This model not only allowed transferring VE levels between two different utterances, but also allowed to generate other VE levels than those present in the speech corpus. This is aligned with the general goal of this thesis, allowing US-TTS systems to convey multiple expressive styles with a single neutral corpus. Moreover, the proposed methodology introduces a parameter for controlling the degree of VE in the synthesized speech signal. This opens new possibilities for controlling the synthesis process such as the one in the CreaVeu project using a simple and intuitive graphical interfaces, also conducted in the GTM group. The dissertation concludes with a review of the conducted work and a proposal for schema modifications within a US-TTS system for introducing the VE modification blocks designed in this dissertation