71 research outputs found

    Incorporating Ensemble and Transfer Learning For An End-To-End Auto-Colorized Image Detection Model

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    Image colorization is the process of colorizing grayscale images or recoloring an already-color image. This image manipulation can be used for grayscale satellite, medical and historical images making them more expressive. With the help of the increasing computation power of deep learning techniques, the colorization algorithms results are becoming more realistic in such a way that human eyes cannot differentiate between natural and colorized images. However, this poses a potential security concern, as forged or illegally manipulated images can be used illegally. There is a growing need for effective detection methods to distinguish between natural color and computer-colorized images. This paper presents a novel approach that combines the advantages of transfer and ensemble learning approaches to help reduce training time and resource requirements while proposing a model to classify natural color and computer-colorized images. The proposed model uses pre-trained branches VGG16 and Resnet50, along with Mobile Net v2 or Efficientnet feature vectors. The proposed model showed promising results, with accuracy ranging from 94.55% to 99.13% and very low Half Total Error Rate values. The proposed model outperformed existing state-of-the-art models regarding classification performance and generalization capabilities

    Learning to see across domains and modalities

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    Deep learning has recently raised hopes and expectations as a general solution for many applications (computer vision, natural language processing, speech recognition, etc.); indeed it has proven effective, but it also showed a strong dependence on large quantities of data. Generally speaking, deep learning models are especially susceptible to overfitting, due to their large number of internal parameters. Luckily, it has also been shown that, even when data is scarce, a successful model can be trained by reusing prior knowledge. Thus, developing techniques for \textit{transfer learning} (as this process is known), in its broadest definition, is a crucial element towards the deployment of effective and accurate intelligent systems into the real world. This thesis will focus on a family of transfer learning methods applied to the task of visual object recognition, specifically image classification. The visual recognition problem is central to computer vision research: many desired applications, from robotics to information retrieval, demand the ability to correctly identify categories, places, and objects. Transfer learning is a general term, and specific settings have been given specific names: when the learner has access to only unlabeled data from the target domain (where the model should perform) and labeled data from a different domain (the source), the problem is called unsupervised domain adaptation (DA). The first part of this thesis will focus on three methods for this setting. The three presented techniques for domain adaptation are fully distinct: the first one proposes the use of Domain Alignment layers to structurally align the distributions of the source and target domains in feature space. While the general idea of aligning feature distribution is not novel, we distinguish our method by being one of the very few that do so without adding losses. The second method is based on GANs: we propose a bidirectional architecture that jointly learns how to map the source images into the target visual style and vice-versa, thus alleviating the domain shift at the pixel level. The third method features an adversarial learning process that transforms both the images and the features of both domains in order to map them to a common, agnostic, space. While the first part of the thesis presented general purpose DA methods, the second part will focus on the real life issues of robotic perception, specifically RGB-D recognition. Robotic platforms are usually not limited to color perception; very often they also carry a Depth camera. Unfortunately, the depth modality is rarely used for visual recognition due to the lack of pretrained models from which to transfer and little data to train one on from scratch. We will first explore the use of synthetic data as proxy for real images by training a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) on virtual depth maps, rendered from 3D CAD models, and then testing it on real robotic datasets. The second approach leverages the existence of RGB pretrained models, by learning how to map the depth data into the most discriminative RGB representation and then using existing models for recognition. This second technique is actually a pretty generic Transfer Learning method which can be applied to share knowledge across modalities

    IST Austria Thesis

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    Modern computer vision systems heavily rely on statistical machine learning models, which typically require large amounts of labeled data to be learned reliably. Moreover, very recently computer vision research widely adopted techniques for representation learning, which further increase the demand for labeled data. However, for many important practical problems there is relatively small amount of labeled data available, so it is problematic to leverage full potential of the representation learning methods. One way to overcome this obstacle is to invest substantial resources into producing large labelled datasets. Unfortunately, this can be prohibitively expensive in practice. In this thesis we focus on the alternative way of tackling the aforementioned issue. We concentrate on methods, which make use of weakly-labeled or even unlabeled data. Specifically, the first half of the thesis is dedicated to the semantic image segmentation task. We develop a technique, which achieves competitive segmentation performance and only requires annotations in a form of global image-level labels instead of dense segmentation masks. Subsequently, we present a new methodology, which further improves segmentation performance by leveraging tiny additional feedback from a human annotator. By using our methods practitioners can greatly reduce the amount of data annotation effort, which is required to learn modern image segmentation models. In the second half of the thesis we focus on methods for learning from unlabeled visual data. We study a family of autoregressive models for modeling structure of natural images and discuss potential applications of these models. Moreover, we conduct in-depth study of one of these applications, where we develop the state-of-the-art model for the probabilistic image colorization task
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