36 research outputs found

    Towards the Development and Assessment of a Method for Educating Users into Choosing Complex, Memorable Passphrases

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    The currently most used method for authentication is the password because it is simple to implement, and computer users are very familiarized with it. However, passwords are vulnerable to attacks that can be mitigated by increasing the complexity of the chosen password, particularly in terms of length. One possible approach to accomplish this is through the usage of passphrases, which can be easier to remember than a standard password, thus reducing the loss of work time and productivity related to forgotten passwords. To achieve the required balance between complexity and memorability, the concept of passphrase categories can be used, i.e. more sensitive accounts or services should have more complex passphrases, and vice versa. This work-in-progress study proposes to develop and assess a method for educating users into creating complex, yet easy to remember passphrases, according to the category of account or service they want to protect. The work-in-progress study will be developed in three phases, including validation of the method by a panel of subject matter experts, a pilot test, and a main data collection and analysis phase

    A model for secure and usable passphrases for multilingual users

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    Research on more than 100 million passwords that have been leaked to the public domain has uncovered various security limitations associated with user-generated short passwords. Long passwords (passphrases) are considered an alternative solution that could provide a balance between security and usability. However, the literature shows a lack of consistency in the security and usability contributions of passphrases. For example, studies that investigated passphrase security focusing on structural dependencies at character level found passphrases to be secure. Inversely, other research findings suggest that passphrase security could be compromised by the use of predictable grammatical rules, popular words in a natural language and keyboard patterns. This is further exacerbated by research on passphrases that is focused on the Global North. This is a huge concern given that results from inter-cultural studies suggest that local languages do influence password structure and to some extent, password usability and security. To address these gaps in the literature, this study used socio-technical theory which emphasised both the social and technical aspects of the phenomenon under study. Psychological studies show that the memory has limited capacity, something that threatens password usability; hence, the need to utilise information that is already known during password generation. Socio-cultural theory suggests that the information that is already known by users is contextually informed, hence sociocultural theory was applied to understand the contextual factors that could be used to enhance passphrase security and usability. With reference to the Southern African context, this study argues that system designers should take advantage of a multilingual user group and encourage the generation of passphrases that are based on substrings from different languages. This study went on to promote the use of multilingual passphrases instead of emphasising multi-character class passwords. This study was guided by design science research. Participants were invited to take part in a short password and multilingual passphrase generation and recall experiment that was made available using a web-based application. These passwords were generated by participants under pre-specified conditions. Quantitative and qualitative data was gathered. The study findings showed the use of both African and Indo-European languages in multilingual passphrases and short passwords. English oriented passwords and substrings dominated the multilingual passphrase and short password corpora. In addition, some of the short passwords and substrings in the multilingual passphrase corpora were found among the most common passwords of 2016, 2017 and 2018. Usability tests showed that multilingual passphrases are usable, even though they were not easy to create and recall when compared to short passwords. A high rate of password reuse during short password generation by participants might have worked in favour of short passwords. Nonetheless, participants appear to reflect better usability with multilingual passphrases over time due to repeated use. Females struggled to recall short passwords and multilingual passphrases when compared to their male counterparts. Security tests using the Probabilistic Context-Free Grammar suggest that short passwords are weaker, with just more than 50% of the short passwords being guessed, while none 4 Final Submission of Thesis, Dissertation or Research Report/Project, Conference or Exam Paper of the multilingual passphrases were guessed. Further analysis showed that short passwords that were oriented towards an IndoEuropean language were more easily guessed than African language-oriented short passwords. As such, this study encourages orienting passwords towards African languages while the use of multilingual passphrases is expected to offer more security. The use of African languages and multilingual passphrases by a user group that is biased towards English-oriented passwords could enhance security by increasing the search space

    Cue-Pin-Select, a Secure and Usable Offline Password Scheme

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    People struggle to invent safe passwords for many of their typical online activities. This leads to a variety of security problems when they use overly simple passwords or reuse them multiple times with minor modifications. Having different passwords for each service generally requires password managers or memorable (but weak) passwords, introducing other vulnerabilities [10, 18]. Recent research [14, 6] has offered multiple alternatives but those require either rote mem-orization [8] or computation on a physical device [23, 7]. This paper presents the Cue-Pin-Select password family scheme, which uses simple mental operations (counting and character selection) to create a password from a passphrase and the name of the service the password is targeted for. It needs little memorization to create and retrieve passwords, and requires no assistance from any physical device. It is durable and adaptable to different password requirements. It is secure against known threat models, including against adversaries with stolen passwords. A usability test shows the successes of users in real-life conditions over four days

    Usable Security. A Systematic Literature Review

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    Usable security involves designing security measures that accommodate users’ needs and behaviors. Balancing usability and security poses challenges: the more secure the systems, the less usable they will be. On the contrary, more usable systems will be less secure. Numerous studies have addressed this balance. These studies, spanning psychology and computer science/engineering, contribute diverse perspectives, necessitating a systematic review to understand strategies and findings in this area. This systematic literature review examined articles on usable security from 2005 to 2022. A total of 55 research studies were selected after evaluation. The studies have been broadly categorized into four main clusters, each addressing different aspects: (1) usability of authentication methods, (2) helping security developers improve usability, (3) design strategies for influencing user security behavior, and (4) formal models for usable security evaluation. Based on this review, we report that the field’s current state reveals a certain immaturity, with studies tending toward system comparisons rather than establishing robust design guidelines based on a thorough analysis of user behavior. A common theoretical and methodological background is one of the main areas for improvement in this area of research. Moreover, the absence of requirements for Usable security in almost all development contexts greatly discourages implementing good practices since the earlier stages of development

    Supporting users in password authentication with persuasive design

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    Activities like text-editing, watching movies, or managing personal finances are all accomplished with web-based solutions nowadays. The providers need to ensure security and privacy of user data. To that end, passwords are still the most common authentication method on the web. They are inexpensive and easy to implement. Users are largely accustomed to this kind of authentication but passwords represent a considerable nuisance, because they are tedious to create, remember, and maintain. In many cases, usability issues turn into security problems, because users try to work around the challenges and create easily predictable credentials. Often, they reuse their passwords for many purposes, which aggravates the risk of identity theft. There have been numerous attempts to remove the root of the problem and replace passwords, e.g., through biometrics. However, no other authentication strategy can fully replace them, so passwords will probably stay a go-to authentication method for the foreseeable future. Researchers and practitioners have thus aimed to improve users' situation in various ways. There are two main lines of research on helping users create both usable and secure passwords. On the one hand, password policies have a notable impact on password practices, because they enforce certain characteristics. However, enforcement reduces users' autonomy and often causes frustration if the requirements are poorly communicated or overly complex. On the other hand, user-centered designs have been proposed: Assistance and persuasion are typically more user-friendly but their influence is often limited. In this thesis, we explore potential reasons for the inefficacy of certain persuasion strategies. From the gained knowledge, we derive novel persuasive design elements to support users in password authentication. The exploration of contextual factors in password practices is based on four projects that reveal both psychological aspects and real-world constraints. Here, we investigate how mental models of password strength and password managers can provide important pointers towards the design of persuasive interventions. Moreover, the associations between personality traits and password practices are evaluated in three user studies. A meticulous audit of real-world password policies shows the constraints for selection and reuse practices. Based on the review of context factors, we then extend the design space of persuasive password support with three projects. We first depict the explicit and implicit user needs in password support. Second, we craft and evaluate a choice architecture that illustrates how a phenomenon from marketing psychology can provide new insights into the design of nudging strategies. Third, we tried to empower users to create memorable passwords with emojis. The results show the challenges and potentials of emoji-passwords on different platforms. Finally, the thesis presents a framework for the persuasive design of password support. It aims to structure the required activities during the entire process. This enables researchers and practitioners to craft novel systems that go beyond traditional paradigms, which is illustrated by a design exercise.Heutzutage ist es möglich, mit web-basierten Lösungen Texte zu editieren, Filme anzusehen, oder seine persönlichen Finanzen zu verwalten. Die Anbieter müssen hierbei Sicherheit und Vertraulichkeit von Nutzerdaten sicherstellen. Dazu sind Passwörter weiterhin die geläufigste Authentifizierungsmethode im Internet. Sie sind kostengünstig und einfach zu implementieren. NutzerInnen sind bereits im Umgang mit diesem Verfahren vertraut jedoch stellen Passwörter ein beträchtliches Ärgernis dar, weil sie mühsam zu erstellen, einzuprägen, und verwalten sind. Oft werden Usabilityfragen zu Sicherheitsproblemen, weil NutzerInnen Herausforderungen umschiffen und sich einfach zu erratende Zugangsdaten ausdenken. Daneben verwenden sie Passwörter für viele Zwecke wieder, was das Risiko eines Identitätsdiebstals weiter erhöht. Es gibt zahlreiche Versuche die Wurzel des Problems zu beseitigen und Passwörter zu ersetzen, z.B. mit Biometrie. Jedoch kann bisher kein anderes Verfahren sie vollkommen ersetzen, so dass Passwörter wohl für absehbare Zeit die Hauptauthentifizierungsmethode bleiben werden. ExpertInnen aus Forschung und Industrie haben sich deshalb zum Ziel gefasst, die Situation der NutzerInnen auf verschiedene Wege zu verbessern. Es existieren zwei Forschungsstränge darüber wie man NutzerInnen bei der Erstellung von sicheren und benutzbaren Passwörtern helfen kann. Auf der einen Seite haben Regeln bei der Passworterstellung deutliche Auswirkungen auf Passwortpraktiken, weil sie bestimmte Charakteristiken durchsetzen. Jedoch reduziert diese Durchsetzung die Autonomie der NutzerInnen und verursacht Frustration, wenn die Anforderungen schlecht kommuniziert oder übermäßig komplex sind. Auf der anderen Seite stehen nutzerzentrierte Designs: Hilfestellung und Überzeugungsarbeit sind typischerweise nutzerfreundlicher wobei ihr Einfluss begrenzt ist. In dieser Arbeit erkunden wir die potenziellen Gründe für die Ineffektivität bestimmter Überzeugungsstrategien. Von dem hierbei gewonnenen Wissen leiten wir neue persuasive Designelemente für Hilfestellung bei der Passwortauthentifizierung ab. Die Exploration von Kontextfaktoren im Umgang mit Passwörtern basiert auf vier Projekten, die sowohl psychologische Aspekte als auch Einschränkungen in der Praxis aufdecken. Hierbei untersuchen wir inwiefern Mental Modelle von Passwortstärke und -managern wichtige Hinweise auf das Design von persuasiven Interventionen liefern. Darüber hinaus werden die Zusammenhänge zwischen Persönlichkeitsmerkmalen und Passwortpraktiken in drei Nutzerstudien untersucht. Eine gründliche Überprüfung von Passwortregeln in der Praxis zeigt die Einschränkungen für Passwortselektion und -wiederverwendung. Basierend auf der Durchleuchtung der Kontextfaktoren erweitern wir hierauf den Design-Raum von persuasiver Passworthilfestellung mit drei Projekten. Zuerst schildern wir die expliziten und impliziten Bedürfnisse in punkto Hilfestellung. Daraufhin erstellen und evaluieren wir eine Entscheidungsarchitektur, welche veranschaulicht wie ein Phänomen aus der Marketingpsychologie neue Einsichten in das Design von Nudging-Strategien liefern kann. Im Schlussgang versuchen wir NutzerInnen dabei zu stärken, gut merkbare Passwörter mit Hilfe von Emojis zu erstellen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen die Herausforderungen und Potenziale von Emoji-Passwörtern auf verschiedenen Plattformen. Zuletzt präsentiert diese Arbeit ein Rahmenkonzept für das persuasive Design von Passworthilfestellungen. Es soll die benötigten Aktivitäten während des gesamten Prozesses strukturieren. Dies erlaubt ExpertInnen neuartige Systeme zu entwickeln, die über traditionelle Ansätze hinausgehen, was durch eine Designstudie veranschaulicht wird

    From Very Weak to Very Strong: Analyzing Password-Strength Meters

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    Millions of users are exposed to password-strength meters/checkers at highly popular web services that use user- chosen passwords for authentication. Recent studies have found evidence that some meters actually guide users to choose better passwords—which is a fairly rare-bit of good news in password research. However, these meters are mostly based on ad-hoc design. At least, as we found, most vendors do not provide any explanation of their design choices, sometimes making them appear to be a black box. We analyze password meters deployed in selected popular websites, by measuring the strength labels assigned to common passwords from several password dictionaries. From this empirical analysis with millions of passwords, we report prominent characteristics of meters as deployed at popular websites. We shed light on how the server-end of some meters functions, provide examples of highly inconsistent strength outcomes for the same password in different meters, along with examples of many weak passwords being labeled as strong or even very strong. These weaknesses and inconsistencies may confuse users in choosing a stronger password, and thus may weaken the purpose of these meters. On the other hand, we believe these findings may help improve existing meters, and possibly make them an effective tool in the long run