269 research outputs found

    Dense point sets have sparse Delaunay triangulations

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    The spread of a finite set of points is the ratio between the longest and shortest pairwise distances. We prove that the Delaunay triangulation of any set of n points in R^3 with spread D has complexity O(D^3). This bound is tight in the worst case for all D = O(sqrt{n}). In particular, the Delaunay triangulation of any dense point set has linear complexity. We also generalize this upper bound to regular triangulations of k-ply systems of balls, unions of several dense point sets, and uniform samples of smooth surfaces. On the other hand, for any n and D=O(n), we construct a regular triangulation of complexity Omega(nD) whose n vertices have spread D.Comment: 31 pages, 11 figures. Full version of SODA 2002 paper. Also available at http://www.cs.uiuc.edu/~jeffe/pubs/screw.htm

    Indoor Positioning using the IEEE 802.11 Infrastructure

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    We propose a new indoor localization method which can be used to track a mobile node . Our method uses only the received signal strengths as input information . In addition our approach doesn't require any prior knowledge of the mobile node's motion and therefore doesn't use a cinematic motion model for tracking the mobile node. We discuss in detail the features of our approach and its resulting algorithm .We evaluate the performances of our algorithm using a real signal map

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationOne of the fundamental building blocks of many computational sciences is the construction and use of a discretized, geometric representation of a problem domain, often referred to as a mesh. Such a discretization enables an otherwise complex domain to be represented simply, and computation to be performed over that domain with a finite number of basis elements. As mesh generation techniques have become more sophisticated over the years, focus has largely shifted to quality mesh generation techniques that guarantee or empirically generate numerically well-behaved elements. In this dissertation, the two complementary meshing subproblems of vertex placement and element creation are analyzed, both separately and together. First, a dynamic particle system achieves adaptivity over domains by inferring feature size through a new information passing algorithm. Second, a new tetrahedral algorithm is constructed that carefully combines lattice-based stenciling and mesh warping to produce guaranteed quality meshes on multimaterial volumetric domains. Finally, the ideas of lattice cleaving and dynamic particle systems are merged into a unified framework for producing guaranteed quality, unstructured and adaptive meshing of multimaterial volumetric domains

    Master index of Volumes 21–30

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    Tangent-ball techniques for shape processing

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    Shape processing defines a set of theoretical and algorithmic tools for creating, measuring and modifying digital representations of shapes.  Such tools are of paramount importance to many disciplines of computer graphics, including modeling, animation, visualization, and image processing.  Many applications of shape processing can be found in the entertainment and medical industries. In an attempt to improve upon many previous shape processing techniques, the present thesis explores the theoretical and algorithmic aspects of a difference measure, which involves fitting a ball (disk in 2D and sphere in 3D) so that it has at least one tangential contact with each shape and the ball interior is disjoint from both shapes. We propose a set of ball-based operators and discuss their properties, implementations, and applications.  We divide the group of ball-based operations into unary and binary as follows: Unary operators include: * Identifying details (sharp, salient features, constrictions) * Smoothing shapes by removing such details, replacing them by fillets and roundings * Segmentation (recognition, abstract modelization via centerline and radius variation) of tubular structures Binary operators include: * Measuring the local discrepancy between two shapes * Computing the average of two shapes * Computing point-to-point correspondence between two shapes * Computing circular trajectories between corresponding points that meet both shapes at right angles * Using these trajectories to support smooth morphing (inbetweening) * Using a curve morph to construct surfaces that interpolate between contours on consecutive slices The technical contributions of this thesis focus on the implementation of these tangent-ball operators and their usefulness in applications of shape processing. We show specific applications in the areas of animation and computer-aided medical diagnosis.  These algorithms are simple to implement, mathematically elegant, and fast to execute.Ph.D.Committee Chair: Jarek Rossignac; Committee Member: Greg Slabaugh; Committee Member: Greg Turk; Committee Member: Karen Liu; Committee Member: Maryann Simmon

    Indoor Positioning using the IEEE 802.11 Infrastructure

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    We propose a new indoor localization method which can be used to track a mobile node . Our method uses only the received signal strengths as input information . In addition our approach doesn't require any prior knowledge of the mobile node's motion and therefore doesn't use a cinematic motion model for tracking the mobile node. We discuss in detail the features of our approach and its resulting algorithm .We evaluate the performances of our algorithm using a real signal map

    On some interactive mesh deformations

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    Techniques devoted to deform 3D models are an important research field in Computer Graphics. They can be used in differentstages: the modelling phase, the animation process and also during some special simulations. Additionally, some applications may require the manipulation of 3D models under certain restrictions to preserve the volume of the modified object. Hence, thepresent PhD Dissertation explores new algorithms to perform flexible, robust and efficient 3D deformations. Apart from this, it also researches on a new methodology to restrict these deformations so that the volume of the manipulated model remains constant. Some of the most used methods to achieve smooth deformations are those included in the Cage-Based Deformation paradigm. Cage-based deformations enclose the model to be deformed in a coarse polyhedron, the cage. Then, they usually rely on Generalized Barycentric Coordinates to relate the model with the vertices, and other geometric elements, of this cage, which are the control points or the deformation handles. Finally, every time that one of these handles is dragged, the model is deformed accordingly. Although this paradigm is simple, elegant and performs efficient deformations, some cage-free space deformation techniques have recently appeared. They increase the flexibility of the deformation handles, which do not need to be connected, and define powerful tools that make the deformation process more versatile and intuitive. In this context, the Dissertation introduces new Generalized Barycentric Coordinate systems specially designed to be used in a cage-free environment. Any user who wants to use the presented schemes only needs to locate a set of control points in the vicinity of the model that he or she wants to deform. These handles can be placed wherever he or she considers mode suitable and the only requirement is that the model has to be enclosed in their convex hull. Up to now, there are few techniques to produce volume-preserving space deformations. However, in recent years there has been a growing interest in performing constrained deformations due to their more realistic and physically plausible results. Our contribution to this research line consists in a deformation framework that preserves the volume of the 3D models by means of its gradient and a control surface to restrict the movement of the handles. Moreover, the proposed methodology is not restricted to the cage-based schemes, but it can also be used in a cage-free environment. Finally, our research can be specially useful for spatial deformations of biological and medical models. This kind of models represent real organs and tissues, which are often soft and lack an internal rigid structure. In addition, they are elastic and incompressible. Any application designed to deal with this group of models and to train or assist doctors must be flexible, robust, efficient and user-friendly. The combination of the proposed cage-free systems with the presented volume-preserving deformation framework satisfiesLes deformacions de models 3D s'utilitzen en diverses etapes de la generació de continguts digitals: durant la fase de modelatge, durant el procés d'animació i en alguns tipus de simulacions. A més a més, hi ha aplicacions que necessiten que la manipulació dels models 3D es faci tenint en compte certes restriccions que permeten la conservació del volum de l'objecte modificat. Tot plegat fa que les tècniques de deformació 3D siguin un camp d'estudi molt important dins del món dels Gràfics. Per aquesta raó, aquesta Tesi Doctoral estudia nous algorismes que permetin realitzar deformacions 3D de manera flexible, robusta i eficient i que, a més a més, permetin conservar el volum dels objectes modificats. Un dels paradigmes més utilitzats per tal de realitzar deformacions suaus és el conegut amb el nom de Deformacions Basades en un Poliedre Englobant. Aquesta família de mètodes embolcalla el model que es vol deformar, normalment representat com una malla de triangles, dins d'un poliedre simple, amb poques cares. Un cop fet això, estableix un sistema de Coordenades Baricèntriques Generalitzades per tal de definir els vèrtexs del model a partir dels vèrtexs del poliedre englobant, els quals s'anomenen punts de control o controls de la deformació. D'aquesta manera, cada cop que s'arrossega o es modifica un d'aquests punts de control, el model que es troba dins del poliedre englobant es deforma segons el sistema de coordenades que s'ha definit. Tot i que aquest paradigma és simple, elegant i eficient, des de fa ja uns anys han començat a aparèixer noves tècniques que no necessiten el poliedre englobant per tal de realitzar la deformació. El seu principal objectiu és augmentar la flexibilitat dels controls de la deformació i definir eines que facin que el procés de deformació sigui més versàtil i intuïtiu. Tenint en compte aquest factor, aquesta Tesi també estudia sistemes de Coordenades Baricèntriques Generalitzades dissenyats per realitzar deformacions sense la necessitat de definir el poliedre englobant. D'aquesta manera, qualsevol usuari que vulgui utilitzar els mètodes que es presenten en aquesta Dissertació només s'ha d'encarregar de definir un conjunt de punts de control al voltant del model que vol deformar, podent-los posar allí on consideri més oportú segons la deformació que vulgui obtenir. L'únic requeriment necessari és que el model ha de quedar dins de l'envolupant convexa d'aquests punts de control. Actualment existeixen pocs mètodes que realitzin deformacions 3D amb preservació del volum. No obstant això, d'un temps ençà ha augmentat l'interès per realitzar deformacions subjectes a certes restriccions que fan que el resultat sigui més realista i físicament versemblant. La contribució d'aquesta Tesi dins d'aquesta línia de recerca consisteix en un sistema de deformació que preserva el volum dels objectes 3D gràcies a còmput del seu gradient i a una superfície de control que restringeix el moviment dels punts de control. Aquest mètode es pot aplicar tant als sistemes de deformació que necessiten un poliedre englobant com als que no el necessiten. Finalment, i ja per acabar, la recerca realitzada pot ser especialment útil per tal de realitzar deformacions de models mèdics i biològics. Aquests tipus de models poden representar òrgans i teixits reals, els quals, normalment, són tous, mancats d'una estructura rígida interna, elàstics i incompressibles. Qualsevol aplicació dissenyada per treballar amb aquest tipus de models i per entrenar i donar assistència a usuaris mèdics hauria de ser flexible, robusta, eficient i fàcil d'utilitzar. La combinació dels mètodes de deformació proposats conjuntament amb el sistema de preservació de volum satisfà totes aquestes condicions. Per aquesta raó es creu que les contribucions realitzades poden esdevenir eines importants per produir deformacions mèdiques.Postprint (published version

    Generation of Vorticity and Velocity Dispersion by Orbit Crossing

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    We study the generation of vorticity and velocity dispersion by orbit crossing using cosmological numerical simulations, and calculate the backreaction of these effects on the evolution of large-scale density and velocity divergence power spectra. We use Delaunay tessellations to define the velocity field, showing that the power spectra of velocity divergence and vorticity measured in this way are unbiased and have better noise properties than for standard interpolation methods that deal with mass weighted velocities. We show that high resolution simulations are required to recover the correct large-scale vorticity power spectrum, while poor resolution can spuriously amplify its amplitude by more than one order of magnitude. We measure the scalar and vector modes of the stress tensor induced by orbit crossing using an adaptive technique, showing that its vector modes lead, when input into the vorticity evolution equation, to the same vorticity power spectrum obtained from the Delaunay method. We incorporate orbit crossing corrections to the evolution of large scale density and velocity fields in perturbation theory by using the measured stress tensor modes. We find that at large scales (k~0.1 h/Mpc) vector modes have very little effect in the density power spectrum, while scalar modes (velocity dispersion) can induce percent level corrections at z=0, particularly in the velocity divergence power spectrum. In addition, we show that the velocity power spectrum is smaller than predicted by linear theory until well into the nonlinear regime, with little contribution from virial velocities.Comment: 27 pages, 14 figures. v2: reorganization of the material, new appendix. Accepted by PR