13 research outputs found

    Hardware counter based performance analysis, modelling, and improvement through thread migration in numa systems

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    [EN]These last years have seen an important evolution in the computational resources available in science and engineering. Currently, most high performance systems include several multicore processors and use a NUMA (Non Uniform Memory Access) memory architecture. In this context, data locality becomes a highly important issue for parallel codes performance. It is foreseeable that the complexity as SMP (Symmetric Multiprocessing) NUMA systems increases during the next years. These will increase both the number of cores and the memory complexity, including the various cache levels, which implies memory access latency will depend, increasingly, of the proximity or affinity of the different threads to the memory modules where their data reside. Improving the performance and scalability of parallel codes on multicore architectures may be quite complex. This way, memory management on parallel codes will become more complicated, especially from the point of view of a programmer who wishes to obtain the best performance. Not only this, but the problem worsens in the usual case with different processes in execution simultaneously. Automatically migrating executing threads among the cores and processors, depending on their behaviour, may improve performance of parallel programs. Furthermore, it may allow to simplify their development, since the programmer avoids to explicitly manage locality. Modern microprocessors include registers that give useful information at a low cost, usually known as hardware counters (HCs). HCs are not commonly used due to a lack of tools to easily obtain their data. These HCs, in modern processors, allow to obtain the memory access latency during cache miss resolutions, and even the memory address that leads to the event. This opens the door to the development of new techniques for performance improvement based on this information. A procedure to easily and automatically obtain data about a shared memory parallel code execution on SMP multicore and NUMA systems, to model it using the hardware counters of modern processors, alongside additional information, as the memory access latencies from different threads. This procedure will be used during a parallel program execution, at runtime, to model its performance. This information will be used to improve the efficiency of the execution of said parallel codes automatically and transparently to the user.[GL]Hoxe en día, a maioría dos sistemas de computación son multicore e mesmo multiprocessador. Nestes sistemas, o comportamento dos accesos á memoria de cada fío para os distintos nodos de memoria é un dos aspectos que máis significativamente afectan o rendemento de calquera código. Este feito é cada vez máis relevante a medida que aumenta o chamado "memory wall". Neste traballo, esta cuestión foi abordada baixo dous puntos de vista. Desde o punto de vista dun programador de aplicacións paralelas, desenvolvéronse ferramentas e modelos para caracterizar o comportamento de códigos e axudao para a súa aplicación. Desde o punto de vista dun usuario de aplicacións paralelas, desenvolveuse unha ferramenta de migración para seleccionar e adaptar, automaticamente durante a execución, a colocación de fíos no sistema para mellorar o seu funcionamento. Todas estas ferramentas fan uso de datos de rendemento en tempo de execución obtidos a partir de Contadores Hardware (HC) presentes nos procesadores Intel. En comparación cos "software profilers", os HC proporcionan, cunha baixa sobrecarga, unha información de rendemento detallada e rica referente ás unidades funcionais, caches, acceso á memoria principal por parte da CPU, etc. Outra vantaxe de usalos é que non precisa ningunha modificación do código fonte. Con todo, os tipos e os significados dos contadores hardware varían dunha arquitectura a outra debido á variación nas organizacións do hardware. Ademais, pode haber dificultades para correlacionar as métricas de rendemento de baixo nivel co código fonte orixinal. O número limitado de rexistros para almacenar os contadores moitas veces pode forzar aos usuarios a realizar múltiples medicións para recoller todas as métricas de rendemento desexadas. En concreto, neste traballo, utilizáronse os Precise Event Based Sampling (PEBS, MOSTRAXE BASEADO EN EVENTOS PRECISOS) nos procesadores Intel modernos e os Event Address Register (EARs, REXISTROS DE ENDEREZO DE EVENTO) nos procesadores Itanium 2. O procesador Itanium 2 ofrece un conxunto de rexistros, os EARs que rexistran os enderezos de instrución e datos dos fallos caché, e os enderezos de instrución e datos de fallos de TLB [25]. Cando se usan para capturar fallos caché, os EARs permiten a detección das latencias maiores de 4 ciclos. Xa que os accesos de punto flotante sempre provocan un fallo (os datos de punto flotante son sempre almacenados na L2D), calquer acceso pode ser potencialmente detectado. Os EARs permiten a mostraxe estatística, configurando un contador de rendemento para contar as aparicións dun determinado evento. O PEBS usa un mecanismo de interrupción cos HC para almacenar un conxunto de información sobre o estado da arquitectura para o procesador. A información ofrece o estado arquitectónico da instrución executada despois da instrución que causou o evento. Xunto con esta información, que inclúe o estado de todos os rexistros, os procesadores Sandy Bridge posúen un sistema de medición da latencia a memoria. Ista é un medio para caracterizar a latencia de carga media para os diferentes niveis da xerarquía de memoria. A latencia é medida dende a expedición da instrucción ata cando os datos son globalmente observables, e dicir, cando chegan ao procesador. Ademáis da latencia, o PEBS permite coñecer a orixe dos datos e o nivel de memoria de onde se leron. A diferenza dos EARs, o PEBS permite tamén medir a latencia de operacións enteiras ou de almacenamento de dato

    Methodology for malleable applications on distributed memory systems

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    A la portada logo BSC(English) The dominant programming approach for scientific and industrial computing on clusters is MPI+X. While there are a variety of approaches within the node, denoted by the ``X'', Message Passing interface (MPI) is the standard for programming multiple nodes with distributed memory. This thesis argues that the OmpSs-2 tasking model can be extended beyond the node to naturally support distributed memory, with three benefits: First, at small to medium scale the tasking model is a simpler and more productive alternative to MPI. It eliminates the need to distribute the data explicitly and convert all dependencies into explicit message passing. It also avoids the complexity of hybrid programming using MPI+X. Second, the ability to offload parts of the computation among the nodes enables the runtime to automatically balance the loads in a full-scale MPI+X program. This approach does not require a cost model, and it is able to transparently balance the computational loads across the whole program, on all its nodes. Third, because the runtime handles all low-level aspects of data distribution and communication, it can change the resource allocation dynamically, in a way that is transparent to the application. This thesis describes the design, development and evaluation of OmpSs-2@Cluster, a programming model and runtime system that extends the OmpSs-2 model to allow a virtually unmodified OmpSs-2 program to run across multiple distributed memory nodes. For well-balanced applications it provides similar performance to MPI+OpenMP on up to 16 nodes, and it improves performance by up to 2x for irregular and unbalanced applications like Cholesky factorization. This work also extended OmpSs-2@Cluster for interoperability with MPI and Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC)'s state-of-the-art Dynamic Load Balance (DLB) library in order to dynamically balance MPI+OmpSs-2 applications by transparently offloading tasks among nodes. This approach reduces the execution time of a microscale solid mechanics application by 46% on 64 nodes and on a synthetic benchmark, it is within 10% of perfect load balancing on up to 8 nodes. Finally, the runtime was extended to transparently support malleability for pure OmpSs-2@Cluster programs and interoperate with the Resources Management System (RMS). The only change to the application is to explicitly call an API function to control the addition or removal of nodes. In this regard we additionally provide the runtime with the ability to semi-transparently save and recover part of the application status to perform checkpoint and restart. Such a feature hides the complexity of data redistribution and parallel IO from the user while allowing the program to recover and continue previous executions. Our work is a starting point for future research on fault tolerance. In summary, OmpSs-2@Cluster expands the OmpSs-2 programming model to encompass distributed memory clusters. It allows an existing OmpSs-2 program, with few if any changes, to run across multiple nodes. OmpSs-2@Cluster supports transparent multi-node dynamic load balancing for MPI+OmpSs-2 programs, and enables semi-transparent malleability for OmpSs-2@Cluster programs. The runtime system has a high level of stability and performance, and it opens several avenues for future work.(Español) El modelo de programación dominante para clusters tanto en ciencia como industria es actualmente MPI+X. A pesar de que hay alguna variedad de alternativas para programar dentro de un nodo (indicado por la "X"), el estandar para programar múltiples nodos con memoria distribuida sigue siendo Message Passing Interface (MPI). Esta tesis propone la extensión del modelo de programación basado en tareas OmpSs-2 para su funcionamiento en sistemas de memoria distribuida, destacando 3 beneficios principales: En primer lugar; a pequeña y mediana escala, un modelo basado en tareas es más simple y productivo que MPI y elimina la necesidad de distribuir los datos explícitamente y convertir todas las dependencias en mensajes. Además, evita la complejidad de la programacion híbrida MPI+X. En segundo lugar; la capacidad de enviar partes del cálculo entre los nodos permite a la librería balancear la carga de trabajo en programas MPI+X a gran escala. Este enfoque no necesita un modelo de coste y permite equilibrar cargas transversalmente en todo el programa y todos los nodos. En tercer lugar; teniendo en cuenta que es la librería quien maneja todos los aspectos relacionados con distribución y transferencia de datos, es posible la modificación dinámica y transparente de los recursos que utiliza la aplicación. Esta tesis describe el diseño, desarrollo y evaluación de OmpSs-2@Cluster; un modelo de programación y librería que extiende OmpSs-2 permitiendo la ejecución de programas OmpSs-2 existentes en múltiples nodos sin prácticamente necesidad de modificarlos. Para aplicaciones balanceadas, este modelo proporciona un rendimiento similar a MPI+OpenMP hasta 16 nodos y duplica el rendimiento en aplicaciones irregulares o desbalanceadas como la factorización de Cholesky. Este trabajo incluye la extensión de OmpSs-2@Cluster para interactuar con MPI y la librería de balanceo de carga Dynamic Load Balancing (DLB) desarrollada en el Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC). De este modo es posible equilibrar aplicaciones MPI+OmpSs-2 mediante la transferencia transparente de tareas entre nodos. Este enfoque reduce el tiempo de ejecución de una aplicación de mecánica de sólidos a micro-escala en un 46% en 64 nodos; en algunos experimentos hasta 8 nodos se pudo equilibrar perfectamente la carga con una diferencia inferior al 10% del equilibrio perfecto. Finalmente, se implementó otra extensión de la librería para realizar operaciones de maleabilidad en programas OmpSs-2@Cluster e interactuar con el Sistema de Manejo de Recursos (RMS). El único cambio requerido en la aplicación es la llamada explicita a una función de la interfaz que controla la adición o eliminación de nodos. Además, se agregó la funcionalidad de guardar y recuperar parte del estado de la aplicación de forma semitransparente con el objetivo de realizar operaciones de salva-reinicio. Dicha funcionalidad oculta al usuario la complejidad de la redistribución de datos y las operaciones de lectura-escritura en paralelo, mientras permite al programa recuperar y continuar ejecuciones previas. Este es un punto de partida para futuras investigaciones en tolerancia a fallos. En resumen, OmpSs-2@Cluster amplía el modelo de programación de OmpSs-2 para abarcar sistemas de memoria distribuida. El modelo permite la ejecución de programas OmpSs-2 en múltiples nodos prácticamente sin necesidad de modificarlos. OmpSs-2@Cluster permite además el balanceo dinámico de carga en aplicaciones híbridas MPI+OmpSs-2 ejecutadas en varios nodos y es capaz de realizar maleabilidad semi-transparente en programas OmpSs-2@Cluster puros. La librería tiene un niveles de rendimiento y estabilidad altos y abre varios caminos para trabajos futuro.Arquitectura de computador

    Simulation Modelling of Distributed-Shared Memory Multiprocessors

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    Institute for Computing Systems ArchitectureDistributed shared memory (DSM) systems have been recognised as a compelling platform for parallel computing due to the programming advantages and scalability. DSM systems allow applications to access data in a logically shared address space by abstracting away the distinction of physical memory location. As the location of data is transparent, the sources of overhead caused by accessing the distant memories are difficult to analyse. This memory locality problem has been identified as crucial to DSM performance. Many researchers have investigated the problem using simulation as a tool for conducting experiments resulting in the progressive evolution of DSM systems. Nevertheless, both the diversity of architectural configurations and the rapid advance of DSM implementations impose constraints on simulation model designs in two issues: the limitation of the simulation framework on model extensibility and the lack of verification applicability during a simulation run causing the delay in verification process. This thesis studies simulation modelling techniques for memory locality analysis of various DSM systems implemented on top of a cluster of symmetric multiprocessors. The thesis presents a simulation technique to promote model extensibility and proposes a technique for verification applicability, called a Specification-based Parameter Model Interaction (SPMI). The proposed techniques have been implemented in a new interpretation-driven simulation called DSiMCLUSTER on top of a discrete event simulation (DES) engine known as HASE. Experiments have been conducted to determine which factors are most influential on the degree of locality and to determine the possibility to maximise the stability of performance. DSiMCLUSTER has been validated against a SunFire 15K server and has achieved similarity of cache miss results, an average of +-6% with the worst case less than 15% of difference. These results confirm that the techniques used in developing the DSiMCLUSTER can contribute ways to achieve both (a) a highly extensible simulation framework to keep up with the ongoing innovation of the DSM architecture, and (b) the verification applicability resulting in an efficient framework for memory analysis experiments on DSM architecture

    Adaptive load balancing for HPC applications

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    One of the critical factors that affect the performance of many applications is load imbalance. Applications are increasingly becoming sophisticated and are using irregular structures and adaptive refinement techniques, resulting in load imbalance. Moreover, systems are becoming more complex. The number of cores per node is increasing substantially and nodes are becoming heterogeneous. High variability in the performance of the hardware components introduces further imbalance. Load imbalance leads to drop in system utilization and degrades the performance. To address the load imbalance problem, many HPC applications employ dynamic load balancing algorithms to redistribute the work and balance the load. Therefore, performing load balancing is necessary to achieve high performance. Different application characteristics warrant different load balancing strategies. We need a variety of high-quality, scalable load balancing algorithms to cater to different applications. However, using an appropriate load balancer is insufficient to achieve good performance because performing load balancing incurs a cost. Moreover, due to the dynamic nature of the application, it is hard to decide when to perform load balancing. Therefore, deciding when to load balance and which strategy to use for load balancing may not be possible a priori. With the ever increasing core counts on a node, there will be a vast amount of on-node parallelism. Due to the massive on-node parallelism, load imbalance occurring at the node level can be mitigated within the node instead of performing a global load balancing. However, having the application developer manage resources and handle dynamic imbalances is inefficient as well as is a burden on the programmer. The focus of this dissertation is on developing scalable and adaptive techniques for handling load imbalance. The dissertation presents different load balancing algorithms for handling inter and intra-node load imbalance. It also presents an introspective run-time system, which will monitor the application and system characteristics and make load balancing decisions automatically

    Effizientes Programmiermodell für OpenMP auf einem Cluster-basierten Many-Core-System

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    Da die Komplexität „System-on-Chip“ (SoC) auch weiterhin zunimmt, wird man die Herausforderungen aufgrund der Konvergenz der Software- und Hardwareentwicklung nicht ignorieren können. Dies gilt auch für den Umgang mit dem hierarchischen Design, in dem die Prozessorkerne in Clustern oder sogenannten „Tiles“ angeordnet werden, um mittels eines schnellen lokalen Speicherzugriffs eine geringe Latenz und eine hohe Bandbreite der lokalen Kommunikation zu gewährleisten. Aus der Sicht eines Programmierers ist es wünschenswert, sich diese Eigenheiten der Hardware zunutze zu machen und sie bei der Ausgestaltung der abstrakten Parallel-Programmierung gewissenhaft und zielführend zu berücksichtigen. Diese Dissertation überwindet viele Engpässe in Bezug auf die Skalierbarkeit Cluster-basierter Many-Core-Systeme und führt das Programmiermodell OpenMP zur Vereinfachung der Anwendungsentwicklung ein. OpenMP abstrahiert von der Sichtweise des Programmierers – und es werden Richtlinien eingeführt, mit denen Schleifen in Programmsequenzen eingeteilt werden, als Basis für die parallele Programmierung. In dieser Arbeit wird das OpenMP-Modell bespielhaft in einem konkreten Cluster-basierten Many-Core-System umgesetzt; dem Intel Single-Chip Cloud Computer (SCC). Es wird eine schlanke und hoch-optimierte Laufzeitschicht für die Ausführung von OpenMP sowie ein Speichermodell vorgestellt. Auf Basis dieser Laufzeitschicht wird der parallele Code automatisch von einem nativen Backend-Compiler (GCC 4.6) erzeugt, der mit der Laufzeitbibliothek verknüpft ist. Im Rahmen der Arbeit wird auf einen effizienten Designansatz für die OpenMP-Programmierung eingegangen, wobei der Intel SCC als Beispiel für Cluster-basierte Systeme zum Einsatz kommt. In nicht-Cache-kohärenten Systemen dient die SCC OpenMP Laufzeitbibliothek primär dazu, die folgenden Herausforderungen zu bewältigen: 1. Die Ausführung von unmodifizierten, bestehenden OpenMP Programmen auf solchen Systemen. 2. Die Portierung des OpenMP-Speichermodells auf den SCC. 3. Die Synchronisation der parallelen Threads, auf die ein beträchtlicher Anteil der Ausführungszeit einer Anwendung entfällt. Eine Reihe weiterer Beispiele, basierend auf verschiedenen gebräuchlichen Kernen und realen Anwendungen, untermauert die Tauglichkeit von OpenMP – und eine Reihe von Experimenten zeigt, wie dieses Modell zu einer deutlichen Beschleunigung (bis zu 48-fach) in verschiedenen parallelen Anwendungen führt.As the complexity of systems-on-chip (SoCs) continues to increase, it is no longer possible to ignore the challenges caused by the convergence of software and hardware development. This involves attempts to deal with the hierarchical design – in which several cores are grouped in clusters or tiles – to ensure low-latency, high-bandwidth local communication by relying on fast local memories. From a programmer’s perspec- tive, it is desirable to make use of these peculiarities of the hardware, which must be clearly and carefully taken into account when designing the support for high-level parallel programming models. This dissertation overcomes many scalability bottlenecks in cluster-based many-core systems and introduces the OpenMP programming model as a means of simplifying application development. OpenMP represents an abstraction of the programmer’s view by providing abundant directives that decompose loops in sequential programs and lead to parallel programs. In this work, the full OpenMP model is implemented on a specific instance of a cluster-based many-core system: the Intel Single-chip Cloud Computer (SCC). In this thesis, a lightweight and highly optimized runtime layer for OpenMP execution and memory model by generating the parallel code that is automatically compiled by native back-end compiler (GCC 4.6) that linked with the runtime library. In this dissertation, I will address an efficient design approach of the OpenMP pro- gramming model for the Intel SCC as an example for cluster-based systems. The SCC OpenMP runtime library is designed to cope with three main challenges in a non-cache coherent system: 1. Executing unmodified legacy OpenMP programs on such system. 2. Landing OpenMP memory model on the SCC. 3. Synchronization in the work of parallel threads accounts for a sizeable fraction of an application’s execution time. Furthermore, the effectiveness of OpenMP is demonstrated on a set of widely used kernels and real-world applications. An extensive set of experiments shows how this model achieves significant parallel speedups up to 48x in several applications

    Silkroad : A system supporting DSM and multiple paradigms in cluster computing

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    Software Roadmap to Plug and Play Petaflop/s

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    High Performance Transaction Processing on Non-Uniform Hardware Topologies

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    Transaction processing is a mission critical enterprise application that runs on high-end servers. Traditionally, transaction processing systems have been designed for uniform core-to-core communication latencies. In the past decade, with the emergence of multisocket multicores, for the first time we have Islands, i.e., groups of cores that communicate fast among themselves and slower with other groups. In current mainstream servers, each multicore processor corresponds to an Island. As the number of cores on a chip increases, however, we expect that multiple Islands will form within a single processor in the nearby future. In addition, the access latencies to the local memory and to the memory of another server over fast interconnect are converging, thus creating a hierarchy of Islands within a group of servers. Non-uniform hardware topologies pose a significant challenge to the scalability and the predictability of performance of transaction processing systems. Distributed transaction processing systems can alleviate this problem; however, no single deployment configuration is optimal for all workloads and hardware topologies. In order to fully utilize the available processing power, a transaction processing system needs to adapt to the underlying hardware topology and tune its configuration to the current workload. More specifically, the system should be able to detect any changes to the workload and hardware topology, and adapt accordingly without disrupting the processing. In this thesis, we first systematically quantify the impact of hardware Islands on deployment configurations of distributed transaction processing systems. We show that none of these configurations is optimal for all workloads, and the choice of the optimal configuration depends on the combination of the workload and hardware topology. In the cluster setting, on the other hand, the choice of optimal configuration additionally depends on the properties of the communication channel between the servers. We address this challenge by designing a dynamic shared-everything system that adapts its data structures automatically to hardware Islands. To ensure good performance in the presence of shifting workload patterns, we use a lightweight partitioning and placement mechanism to balance the load and minimize the synchronization overheads across Islands. Overall, we show that masking the non-uniformity of inter-core communication is critical for achieving predictably high performance for latency-sensitive applications, such as transaction processing. With clusters of a handful of multicore chips with large main memories replacing high-end many-socket servers, the deployment rules of thumb identified in our analysis have a potential to significantly reduce the synchronization and communication costs of transaction processing. As workloads become more dynamic and diverse, while still running on partitioned infrastructure, the lightweight monitoring and adaptive repartitioning mechanisms proposed in this thesis will be applicable to a wide range of designs for which traditional offline schemes are impractical

    Radio-Astronomical Imaging on Accelerators

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    Imaging is considered the most compute-intensive and therefore most challenging part of a radio-astronomical data-processing pipeline. To reach the high dynamic ranges imposed by the high sensitivity and large field of view of the new generation of radio telescopes such as the Square Kilometre Array (SKA), we need to be able to correct for direction-independent effects (DIEs) such as the curvature of the earth as well as for direction-dependent time-varying effects (DDEs) such as those caused by the ionosphere during imaging. The novel Image-Domain gridding (IDG) algorithm was designed to avoid the performance bottlenecks of traditional imaging algorithms. We implement, optimize, and analyze the performance and energy efficiency of IDG on a variety of hardware platforms to find which platform is the best for IDG. We analyze traditional CPUs, as well as several accelerators architectures. IDG alleviates the limitations of traditional imaging algorithms while it enables the advantages of GPU acceleration: better performance at lower power consumption. The hardware-software co-design has resulted in a highly efficient imager. This makes IDG on GPUs an ideal candidate for meeting the computational and energy efficiency constraints of the SKA. IDG has been integrated with a widely-used astronomical imager (WSClean) and is now being used in production by a variety of different radio observatories such as LOFAR and the MWA. It is not only faster and more energy-efficient than its competitors, but it also produces better quality images

    HPC memory systems: Implications of system simulation and checkpointing

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    The memory system is a significant contributor for most of the current challenges in computer architecture: application performance bottlenecks and operational costs in large data-centers as HPC supercomputers. With the advent of emerging memory technologies, the exploration for novel designs on the memory hierarchy for HPC systems is an open invitation for computer architecture researchers to improve and optimize current designs and deployments. System simulation is the preferred approach to perform architectural explorations due to the low cost to prototype hardware systems, acceptable performance estimates, and accurate energy consumption predictions. Despite the broad presence and extensive usage of system simulators, their validation is not standardized; either because the main purpose of the simulator is not meant to mimic real hardware, or because the design assumptions are too narrow on a particular computer architecture topic. This thesis provides the first steps for a systematic methodology to validate system simulators when compared to real systems. We unveil real-machine´s micro-architectural parameters through a set of specially crafted micro-benchmarks. The unveiled parameters are used to upgrade the simulation infrastructure in order to obtain higher accuracy in the simulation domain. To evaluate the accuracy on the simulation domain, we propose the retirement factor, an extension to a well-known application´s performance methodology. Our proposal provides a new metric to measure the impact simulator´s parameter-tuning when looking for the most accurate configuration. We further present the delay queue, a modification to the memory controller that imposes a configurable delay for all memory transactions that reach the main memory devices; evaluated using the retirement factor, the delay queue allows us to identify the sources of deviations between the simulator infrastructure and the real system. Memory accesses directly affect application performance, both in the real-world machine as well as in the simulation accuracy. From single-read access to a unique memory location up to simultaneous read/write operations to a single or multiple memory locations, HPC applications memory usage differs from workload to workload. A property that allows to glimpse on the application´s memory usage is the workload´s memory footprint. In this work, we found a link between HPC workload´s memory footprint and simulation performance. Actual trends on HPC data-center memory deployments and current HPC application’s memory footprint led us to envision an opportunity for emerging memory technologies to include them as part of the reliability support on HPC systems. Emerging memory technologies such as 3D-stacked DRAM are getting deployed in current HPC systems but in limited quantities in comparison with standard DRAM storage making them suitable to use for low memory footprint HPC applications. We exploit and evaluate this characteristic enabling a Checkpoint-Restart library to support a heterogeneous memory system deployed with an emerging memory technology. Our implementation imposes negligible overhead while offering a simple interface to allocate, manage, and migrate data sets between heterogeneous memory systems. Moreover, we showed that the usage of an emerging memory technology it is not a direct solution to performance bottlenecks; correct data placement and crafted code implementation are critical when comes to obtain the best computing performance. Overall, this thesis provides a technique for validating main memory system simulators when integrated in a simulation infrastructure and compared to real systems. In addition, we explored a link between the workload´s memory footprint and simulation performance on current HPC workloads. Finally, we enabled low memory footprint HPC applications with resilience support while transparently profiting from the usage of emerging memory deployments.El sistema de memoria es el mayor contribuidor de los desafíos actuales en el campo de la arquitectura de ordenadores como lo son los cuellos de botella en el rendimiento de las aplicaciones, así como los costos operativos en los grandes centros de datos. Con la llegada de tecnologías emergentes de memoria, existe una invitación para que los investigadores mejoren y optimicen las implementaciones actuales con novedosos diseños en la jerarquía de memoria. La simulación de los ordenadores es el enfoque preferido para realizar exploraciones de arquitectura debido al bajo costo que representan frente a la realización de prototipos físicos, arrojando estimaciones de rendimiento aceptables con predicciones precisas. A pesar del amplio uso de simuladores de ordenadores, su validación no está estandarizada ya sea porque el propósito principal del simulador no es imitar al sistema real o porque las suposiciones de diseño son demasiado específicas. Esta tesis proporciona los primeros pasos hacia una metodología sistemática para validar simuladores de ordenadores cuando son comparados con sistemas reales. Primero se descubren los parámetros de microarquitectura en la máquina real a través de un conjunto de micro-pruebas diseñadas para actualizar la infraestructura de simulación con el fin de mejorar la precisión en el dominio de la simulación. Para evaluar la precisión de la simulación, proponemos "el factor de retiro", una extensión a una conocida herramienta para medir el rendimiento de las aplicaciones, pero enfocada al impacto del ajuste de parámetros en el simulador. Además, presentamos "la cola de retardo", una modificación virtual al controlador de memoria que agrega un retraso configurable a todas las transacciones de memoria que alcanzan la memoria principal. Usando el factor de retiro, la cola de retraso nos permite identificar el origen de las desviaciones entre la infraestructura del simulador y el sistema real. Todos los accesos de memoria afectan directamente el rendimiento de la aplicación. Desde el acceso de lectura a una única localidad memoria hasta operaciones simultáneas de lectura/escritura a una o varias localidades de memoria, una propiedad que permite reflejar el uso de memoria de la aplicación es su "huella de memoria". En esta tesis encontramos un vínculo entre la huella de memoria de las aplicaciones de alto desempeño y su rendimiento en simulación. Las tecnologías de memoria emergentes se están implementando en sistemas de alto desempeño en cantidades limitadas en comparación con la memoria principal haciéndolas adecuadas para su uso en aplicaciones con baja huella de memoria. En este trabajo, habilitamos y evaluamos el uso de un sistema de memoria heterogéneo basado en un sistema emergente de memoria. Nuestra implementación agrega una carga despreciable al mismo tiempo que ofrece una interfaz simple para ubicar, administrar y migrar datos entre sistemas de memoria heterogéneos. Además, demostramos que el uso de una tecnología de memoria emergente no es una solución directa a los cuellos de botella en el desempeño. La implementación es fundamental a la hora de obtener el mejor rendimiento ya sea ubicando correctamente los datos, o bien diseñando código especializado. En general, esta tesis proporciona una técnica para validar los simuladores respecto al sistema de memoria principal cuando se integra en una infraestructura de simulación y se compara con sistemas reales. Además, exploramos un vínculo entre la huella de memoria de la carga de trabajo y el rendimiento de la simulación en cargas de trabajo de aplicaciones de alto desempeño. Finalmente, habilitamos aplicaciones de alto desempeño con soporte de resiliencia mientras que se benefician de manera transparente con el uso de un sistema de memoria emergente.Postprint (published version