10 research outputs found

    A framework for efficient execution of matrix computations

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    Matrix computations lie at the heart of most scientific computational tasks. The solution of linear systems of equations is a very frequent operation in many fields in science, engineering, surveying, physics and others. Other matrix operations occur frequently in many other fields such as pattern recognition and classification, or multimedia applications. Therefore, it is important to perform matrix operations efficiently. The work in this thesis focuses on the efficient execution on commodity processors of matrix operations which arise frequently in different fields.We study some important operations which appear in the solution of real world problems: some sparse and dense linear algebra codes and a classification algorithm. In particular, we focus our attention on the efficient execution of the following operations: sparse Cholesky factorization; dense matrix multiplication; dense Cholesky factorization; and Nearest Neighbor Classification.A lot of research has been conducted on the efficient parallelization of numerical algorithms. However, the efficiency of a parallel algorithm depends ultimately on the performance obtained from the computations performed on each node. The work presented in this thesis focuses on the sequential execution on a single processor.There exists a number of data structures for sparse computations which can be used in order to avoid the storage of and computation on zero elements. We work with a hierarchical data structure known as hypermatrix. A matrix is subdivided recursively an arbitrary number of times. Several pointer matrices are used to store the location ofsubmatrices at each level. The last level consists of data submatrices which are dealt with as dense submatrices. When the block size of this dense submatrices is small, the number of zeros can be greatly reduced. However, the performance obtained from BLAS3 routines drops heavily. Consequently, there is a trade-off in the size of data submatrices used for a sparse Cholesky factorization with the hypermatrix scheme. Our goal is that of reducing the overhead introduced by the unnecessary operation on zeros when a hypermatrix data structure is used to produce a sparse Cholesky factorization. In this work we study several techniques for reducing such overhead in order to obtain high performance.One of our goals is the creation of codes which work efficiently on different platforms when operating on dense matrices. To obtain high performance, the resources offered by the CPU must be properly utilized. At the same time, the memory hierarchy must be exploited to tolerate increasing memory latencies. To achieve the former, we produce inner kernels which use the CPU very efficiently. To achieve the latter, we investigate nonlinear data layouts. Such data formats can contribute to the effective use of the memory system.The use of highly optimized inner kernels is of paramount importance for obtaining efficient numerical algorithms. Often, such kernels are created by hand. However, we want to create efficient inner kernels for a variety of processors using a general approach and avoiding hand-made codification in assembly language. In this work, we present an alternative way to produce efficient kernels automatically, based on a set of simple codes written in a high level language, which can be parameterized at compilation time. The advantage of our method lies in the ability to generate very efficient inner kernels by means of a good compiler. Working on regular codes for small matrices most of the compilers we used in different platforms were creating very efficient inner kernels for matrix multiplication. Using the resulting kernels we have been able to produce high performance sparse and dense linear algebra codes on a variety of platforms.In this work we also show that techniques used in linear algebra codes can be useful in other fields. We present the work we have done in the optimization of the Nearest Neighbor classification focusing on the speed of the classification process.Tuning several codes for different problems and machines can become a heavy and unbearable task. For this reason we have developed an environment for development and automatic benchmarking of codes which is presented in this thesis.As a practical result of this work, we have been able to create efficient codes for several matrix operations on a variety of platforms. Our codes are highly competitive with other state-of-art codes for some problems

    Architecture independent environment for developing engineering software on MIMD computers

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    Engineers are constantly faced with solving problems of increasing complexity and detail. Multiple Instruction stream Multiple Data stream (MIMD) computers have been developed to overcome the performance limitations of serial computers. The hardware architectures of MIMD computers vary considerably and are much more sophisticated than serial computers. Developing large scale software for a variety of MIMD computers is difficult and expensive. There is a need to provide tools that facilitate programming these machines. First, the issues that must be considered to develop those tools are examined. The two main areas of concern were architecture independence and data management. Architecture independent software facilitates software portability and improves the longevity and utility of the software product. It provides some form of insurance for the investment of time and effort that goes into developing the software. The management of data is a crucial aspect of solving large engineering problems. It must be considered in light of the new hardware organizations that are available. Second, the functional design and implementation of a software environment that facilitates developing architecture independent software for large engineering applications are described. The topics of discussion include: a description of the model that supports the development of architecture independent software; identifying and exploiting concurrency within the application program; data coherence; engineering data base and memory management

    A bibliography on parallel and vector numerical algorithms

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    This is a bibliography of numerical methods. It also includes a number of other references on machine architecture, programming language, and other topics of interest to scientific computing. Certain conference proceedings and anthologies which have been published in book form are listed also

    Master of Science

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    thesisScientific libraries are written in a general way in anticipation of a variety of use cases that reduce optimization opportunities. Significant performance gains can be achieved by specializing library code to its execution context: the application in which it is invoked, the input data set used, the architectural platform and its backend compiler. Such specialization is not typically done because it is time-consuming, leads to nonportable code and requires performance-tuning expertise that application scientists may not have. Tool support for library specialization in the above context could potentially reduce the extensive under-standing required while significantly improving performance, code reuse and portability. In this work, we study the performance gains achieved by specializing the sparse linear algebra functions in PETSc (Portable, Extensible Toolkit for Scientific Computation) in the context of three scientific applications on the Hopper Cray XE6 Supercomputer at NERSC. This work takes an initial step towards automating the specialization of scientific libraries. We study the effects of the execution environment on sparse computations and design optimization strategies based on these effects. These strategies include novel techniques that augment well-known source-to-source transformations to significantly improve the quality of the instructions generated by the back end compiler. We use CHiLL (Composable High-Level Loop Transformation Framework) to apply source-level transformations tailored to the special needs of sparse computations. A conceptual framework is proposed where the above strategies are developed and expressed as recipes by experienced performance engineers that can be applied across execution environments. We demonstrate significant performance improvements of more than 1.8X on the library functions and overall gains of 9 to 24% on three scalable applications that use PETSc's sparse matrix capabilities

    Solution of partial differential equations on vector and parallel computers

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    The present status of numerical methods for partial differential equations on vector and parallel computers was reviewed. The relevant aspects of these computers are discussed and a brief review of their development is included, with particular attention paid to those characteristics that influence algorithm selection. Both direct and iterative methods are given for elliptic equations as well as explicit and implicit methods for initial boundary value problems. The intent is to point out attractive methods as well as areas where this class of computer architecture cannot be fully utilized because of either hardware restrictions or the lack of adequate algorithms. Application areas utilizing these computers are briefly discussed

    A dependency-aware parallel programming model

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    Designing parallel codes is hard. One of the most important roadblocks to parallel programming is the presence of data dependencies. These restrict parallelism and, in general, to work them around requires complex analysis and leads to convoluted solutions that decrease the quality of the code. This thesis proposes a solution to parallel programming that incorporates data dependencies into the model. The programming model can handle that information and to dynamically find parallelism that otherwise would be hard to find. This approach improves both programmability and parallelism, and thus performance. While this problem has already been solved in OpenMP 4 at the time of this publication, this research begun before the problem was even being considered for OpenMP 3. In fact, some of the contributions of this thesis have had an influence on the approach taken in OpenMP 4. However, the contributions go beyond that and cover aspects that have not been considered yet in OpenMP 4. The approach we propose is based on function-level dependencies across disjoint blocks of contiguous memory. While finding dependencies under those constraints is simple, it is much harder to do so over strided and possibly partially overlapping sets of data. This thesis also proposes a solution to this problem. By doing so, we increase the range of applicability of the original solution and increase the span of applicability of the programming model. OpenMP4 does not currently cover this aspect. Finally, we present a solution to take advantage of the performance characteristics of Non-Uniform Memory Access architectures. Our proposal is at the programming model level and does not require changes in the code. It automatically distributes the data and does not rely on data migration nor replication. Instead, it is based exclusively on scheduling the computations. While this process is automatic, it can be tuned through minor changes in the code that do not require any change in the programming model. Throughout the thesis, we demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposal through benchmarks that are either hard to program using other paradigms or that have different solutions. In most cases, our solutions perform either on par or better than already existing solutions. This includes the implementations available in well-known high-performance parallel libraries.Dissenyar codis paral·lels es complex. Un dels principals esculls a l'hora de programar aplicacions paral·leles és la presència de dependències. Aquestes constrenyen el paral·lelisme, i en general, per evitar-les es requereix realitzar anàlisis complicades que donen lloc a solucions complexes que redueixen la qualitat del codi. Aquesta tesi proposa una solució a la programació paral·lela que incorpora al model les dependències de dades. El model de programació és capaç d'utilitzar aquesta informació per a trobar paral·lelisme que altrament seria molt difícil de detectar i d'extreure. Aquest enfoc augmenta la programabilitat i el paral·lelisme, i per tant també el rendiment. Tot i que al moment de la publicació d'aquesta tesi, el problema ja ha estat resolt a OpenMP 4, la recerca d'aquesta tesi va començar abans de que el problema s'hagués plantejat en l'àmbit d'OpenMP 3. De fet, algunes de les contribucions de la tesi han influït en la solució emprada a OpenMP 4. Tanmateix, les contribucions van més enllà i cobreixen aspectes que encara no han estat considerats a OpenMP 4. La proposta es basa en dependències a nivell de funció entre blocs de memòria continus i sense intersecció. Tot i que trobar dependències sota aquestes condicions és senzill, fer-ho sobre dades no contínues amb possibles interseccions parcials és molt més complex. Aquesta tesi també proposa una solució a aquest problema. Fent això, es millora el rang d'aplicació de la solució original i per tant el del model de programació. Aquest és un dels aspectes que encara no es contemplen a OpenMP 4. Finalment, es presenta una solució que té en compte les característiques de rendiment de les arquitectures NUMA (Accés No Uniforme a la Memòria). La proposta es planteja a nivell del model de programació i no precisa de canvis al codi ja que les dades es distribueixen automàticament. En lloc de basar-se en la migració i la replicació de les dades, es basa exclusivament en la planificació de l'execució de les computacions. Tot i que aquest procés és automàtic, es pot afinar mitjançant petits canvis en el codi que no arriben a alterar el model de programació. Al llarg d'aquesta tesi es demostra la efectivitat de les propostes a través de bancs de proves que son difícils de programar amb altres paradigmes o que tenen solucions diferents. A la majoria dels casos les nostres solucions tenen un rendiment similar o millor que les solucions preexistents, que inclouen implementacions en ben reconegues biblioteques paral·leles d'alt rendiment

    Nonlinear Preconditioning Methods for Optimization and Parallel-In-Time Methods for 1D Scalar Hyperbolic Partial Differential Equations

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    This thesis consists of two main parts, part one addressing problems from nonlinear optimization and part two based on solving systems of time dependent differential equations, with both parts describing strategies for accelerating the convergence of iterative methods. In part one we present a nonlinear preconditioning framework for use with nonlinear solvers applied to nonlinear optimization problems, motivated by a generalization of linear left preconditioning and linear preconditioning via a change of variables for minimizing quadratic objective functions. In the optimization context nonlinear preconditioning is used to generate a preconditioner direction that either replaces or supplements the gradient vector throughout the optimization algorithm. This framework is used to discuss previously developed nonlinearly preconditioned nonlinear GMRES and nonlinear conjugate gradients (NCG) algorithms, as well as to develop two new nonlinearly preconditioned quasi-Newton methods based on the limited memory Broyden and limited memory BFGS (L-BFGS) updates. We show how all of the above methods can be implemented in a manifold optimization context, with a particular emphasis on Grassmann matrix manifolds. These methods are compared by solving the optimization problems defining the canonical polyadic (CP) decomposition and Tucker higher order singular value decomposition (HOSVD) for tensors, which are formulated as minimizing approximation error in the Frobenius norm. Both of these decompositions have alternating least squares (ALS) type fixed point iterations derived from their optimization problem definitions. While these ALS type iterations may be slow to converge in practice, they can serve as efficient nonlinear preconditioners for the other optimization methods. As the Tucker HOSVD problem involves orthonormality constraints and lacks unique minimizers, the optimization algorithms are extended from Euclidean space to the manifold setting, where optimization on Grassmann manifolds can resolve both of the issues present in the HOSVD problem. The nonlinearly preconditioned methods are compared to the ALS type preconditioners and non-preconditioned NCG, L-BFGS, and a trust region algorithm using both synthetic and real life tensor data with varying noise level, the real data arising from applications in computer vision and handwritten digit recognition. Numerical results show that the nonlinearly preconditioned methods offer substantial improvements in terms of time-to-solution and robustness over state-of-the-art methods for large tensors, in cases where there are significant amounts of noise in the data, and when high accuracy results are required. In part two we apply a multigrid reduction-in-time (MGRIT) algorithm to scalar one-dimensional hyperbolic partial differential equations. This study is motivated by the observation that sequential time-stepping is an obvious computational bottleneck when attempting to implement highly concurrent algorithms, thus parallel-in-time methods are particularly desirable. Existing parallel-in-time methods have produced significant speedups for parabolic or sufficiently diffusive problems, but can have stability and convergence issues for hyperbolic or advection dominated problems. Being a multigrid method, MGRIT primarily uses temporal coarsening, but spatial coarsening can also be incorporated to produce cheaper multigrid cycles and to ensure stability conditions are satisfied on all levels for explicit time-stepping methods. We compare convergence results for the linear advection and diffusion equations, which illustrate the increased difficulty associated with solving hyperbolic problems via parallel-in-time methods. A particular issue that we address is the fact that uniform factor-two spatial coarsening may negatively affect the convergence rate for MGRIT, resulting in extremely slow convergence when the wave speed is near zero, even if only locally. This is due to a sort of anisotropy in the nodal connections, with small wave speeds resulting in spatial connections being weaker than temporal connections. Through the use of semi-algebraic mode analysis applied to the combined advection-diffusion equation we illustrate how the norm of the iteration matrix, and hence an upper bound on the rate of convergence, varies for different choices of wave speed, diffusivity coefficient, space-time grid spacing, and the inclusion or exclusion of spatial coarsening. The use of waveform relaxation multigrid on intermediate, temporally semi-coarsened grids is identified as a potential remedy for the issues introduced by spatial coarsening, with the downside of creating a more intrusive algorithm that cannot be easily combined with existing time-stepping routines for different problems. As a second, less intrusive, alternative we present an adaptive spatial coarsening strategy that prevents the slowdown observed for small local wave speeds, which is applicable for solving the variable coefficient linear advection equation and the inviscid Burgers equation using first-order explicit or implicit time-stepping methods. Serial numerical results show this method offers significant improvements over uniform coarsening and is convergent for inviscid Burgers' equation with and without shocks. Parallel scaling tests indicate that improvements over serial time-stepping strategies are possible when spatial parallelism alone saturates, and that scalability is robust for oscillatory solutions that change on the scale of the grid spacing