132 research outputs found

    Building an Application-specific Memory Hierarchy on FPGA

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    The high potential performance of FPGAs cannot be exploited if a design suffers a memory bottleneck. Therefore, a memory hierarchy is needed to reuse data in on-chip memories and minimize the number of accesses to off-chip memory

    Applications for FPGA's on Nanosatellites

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    This thesis examines the feasibility of using a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) based design on-board a CubeSat-sized nanosatellite. FPGAs are programmable logic devices that allow for the implementation of custom digital hardware on a single Integrated Circuit (IC). By using these FPGAs in spacecraft, more efficient processing can be done by moving the design onto hardware. A variety of different FPGA-based designs are looked at, including a Watchdog Timer (WDT), a Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver, and a camera interface

    Use of Field Programmable Gate Array Technology in Future Space Avionics

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    Fulfilling NASA's new vision for space exploration requires the development of sustainable, flexible and fault tolerant spacecraft control systems. The traditional development paradigm consists of the purchase or fabrication of hardware boards with fixed processor and/or Digital Signal Processing (DSP) components interconnected via a standardized bus system. This is followed by the purchase and/or development of software. This paradigm has several disadvantages for the development of systems to support NASA's new vision. Building a system to be fault tolerant increases the complexity and decreases the performance of included software. Standard bus design and conventional implementation produces natural bottlenecks. Configuring hardware components in systems containing common processors and DSPs is difficult initially and expensive or impossible to change later. The existence of Hardware Description Languages (HDLs), the recent increase in performance, density and radiation tolerance of Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs), and Intellectual Property (IP) Cores provides the technology for reprogrammable Systems on a Chip (SOC). This technology supports a paradigm better suited for NASA's vision. Hardware and software production are melded for more effective development; they can both evolve together over time. Designers incorporating this technology into future avionics can benefit from its flexibility. Systems can be designed with improved fault isolation and tolerance using hardware instead of software. Also, these designs can be protected from obsolescence problems where maintenance is compromised via component and vendor availability.To investigate the flexibility of this technology, the core of the Central Processing Unit and Input/Output Processor of the Space Shuttle AP101S Computer were prototyped in Verilog HDL and synthesized into an Altera Stratix FPGA

    Augmenting IP blocks for verification and optimization

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    The verification of digital intellectual property (IP) blocks has always been a challenge. Simple IP blocks with straightforward test inputs, can be quite thoroughly verified with software simulators such as Modelsim. But the verification of a complex System-on-Chip (SoC) on a software simulator can last days or even weeks, and that assumes that every IP on the SoC has a working simulation model. Although modern programmable chips can be monitored in real time with tools like Altera’s Signaltap II, they still only offer monitoring capabilities for a limited amount of signals and for a limited amount of time. To overcome this deficiency, IP information registers (IIR) were developed for this thesis. These registers are used to store information pertaining to the IPs and the SoC as a whole. The information can be static or dynamic, ie. generated before or during run-time . The information itself can be used for many different purposes along with the verification of single IPs or whole SoCs. The case study in this thesis has three parts where three of those purposes are examined with Terasic’s second generation development and education (DE2) board. This physical platform was fitted with two systems, a 2D graphics system embedded with information registers and a system to monitor the first one using these registers. The first part examined the identification aspects with static information whereas the second and third part examined the dynamic aspects of the information registers with their verification and optimization capabilities. Each of these aspects was deemed to offer a good service for developers designing digital circuits

    FPGA Accelerators on Heterogeneous Systems: An Approach Using High Level Synthesis

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    La evolución de las FPGAs como dispositivos para el procesamiento con alta eficiencia energética y baja latencia de control, comparada con dispositivos como las CPUs y las GPUs, las han hecho atractivas en el ámbito de la computación de alto rendimiento (HPC).A pesar de las inumerables ventajas de las FPGAs, su inclusión en HPC presenta varios retos. El primero, la complejidad que supone la programación de las FPGAs comparada con dispositivos como las CPUs y las GPUs. Segundo, el tiempo de desarrollo es alto debido al proceso de síntesis del hardware. Y tercero, trabajar con más arquitecturas en HPC requiere el manejo y la sintonización de los detalles de cada dispositivo, lo que añade complejidad.Esta tesis aborda estos 3 problemas en diferentes niveles con el objetivo de mejorar y facilitar la adopción de las FPGAs usando la síntesis de alto nivel(HLS) en sistemas HPC.En un nivel próximo al hardware, en esta tesis se desarrolla un modelo analítico para las aplicaciones limitadas en memoria, que es una situación común en aplicaciones de HPC. El modelo, desarrollado para kernels programados usando HLS, puede predecir el tiempo de ejecución con alta precisión y buena adaptabilidad ante cambios en la tecnología de la memoria, como las DDR4 y HBM2, y en las variaciones en la frecuencia del kernel. Esta solución puede aumentar potencialmente la productividad de las personas que programan, reduciendo el tiempo de desarrollo y optimización de las aplicaciones.Entender los detalles de bajo nivel puede ser complejo para las programadoras promedio, y el desempeño de las aplicaciones para FPGA aún requiere un alto nivel en las habilidades de programación. Por ello, nuestra segunda propuesta está enfocada en la extensión de las bibliotecas con una propuesta para cómputo en visión artificial que sea portable entre diferentes fabricantes de FPGAs. La biblioteca se ha diseñado basada en templates, lo que permite una biblioteca que da flexibilidad a la generación del hardware y oculta decisiones de diseño críticas como la comunicación entre nodos, el modelo de concurrencia, y la integración de las aplicaciones en el sistema heterogéneo para facilitar el desarrollo de grafos de visión artificial que pueden ser complejos.Finalmente, en el runtime del host del sistema heterogéneo, hemos integrado la FPGA para usarla de forma trasparente como un dispositivo acelerador para la co-ejecución en sistemas heterogéneos. Hemos hecho una serie propuestas de altonivel de abstracción que abarca los mecanismos de sincronización y políticas de balanceo en un sistema altamente heterogéneo compuesto por una CPU, una GPU y una FPGA. Se presentan los principales retos que han inspirado esta investigación y los beneficios de la inclusión de una FPGA en rendimiento y energía.En conclusión, esta tesis contribuye a la adopción de las FPGAs para entornos HPC, aportando soluciones que ayudan a reducir el tiempo de desarrollo y mejoran el desempeño y la eficiencia energética del sistema.---------------------------------------------The emergence of FPGAs in the High-Performance Computing domain is arising thanks to their promise of better energy efficiency and low control latency, compared with other devices such as CPUs or GPUs.Albeit these benefits, their complete inclusion into HPC systems still faces several challenges. First, FPGA complexity means its programming more difficult compared to devices such as CPU and GPU. Second, the development time is longer due to the required synthesis effort. And third, working with multiple devices increments the details that should be managed and increase hardware complexity.This thesis tackles these 3 problems at different stack levels to improve and to make easier the adoption of FPGAs using High-Level Synthesis on HPC systems. At a close to the hardware level, this thesis contributes with a new analytical model for memory-bound applications, an usual situation for HPC applications. The model for HLS kernels can anticipate application performance before place and route, reducing the design development time. Our results show a high precision and adaptable model for external memory technologies such as DDR4 and HBM2, and kernel frequency changes. This solution potentially increases productivity, reducing application development time.Understanding low-level implementation details is difficult for average programmers, and the development of FPGA applications still requires high proficiency program- ming skills. For this reason, the second proposal is focused on the extension of a computer vision library to be portable among two of the main FPGA vendors. The template-based library allows hardware flexibility and hides design decisions such as the communication among nodes, the concurrency programming model, and the application’s integration in the heterogeneous system, to develop complex vision graphs easily.Finally, we have transparently integrated the FPGA in a high level framework for co-execution with other devices. We propose a set of high level abstractions covering synchronization mechanism and load balancing policies in a highly heterogeneous system with CPU, GPU, and FPGA devices. We present the main challenges that inspired this research and the benefits of the FPGA use demonstrating performance and energy improvements.<br /

    Tester for chosen sub-standard of the IEEE 802.1Q

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    Tato práce se zabývá analyzováním IEEE 802.1Q standardu TSN skupiny a návrhem testovacího modulu. Testovací modul je napsán v jazyku VHDL a je možné jej implementovat do Intel Stratix® V GX FPGA (5SGXEA7N2F45C2) vývojové desky. Standard IEEE 802.1Q (TSN) definuje deterministickou komunikace přes Ethernet sít, v reálném čase, požíváním globálního času a správným rozvrhem vysíláním a příjmem zpráv. Hlavní funkce tohoto standardu jsou: časová synchronizace, plánování provozu a konfigurace sítě. Každá z těchto funkcí je definovaná pomocí více různých podskupin tohoto standardu. Podle definice IEEE 802.1Q standardu je možno tyto podskupiny vzájemně libovolně kombinovat. Některé podskupiny standardu nemohou fungovat nezávisle, musí využívat funkce jiných podskupin standardu. Realizace funkce podskupin standardu je možná softwarově, hardwarově, nebo jejich kombinací. Na základě výše uvedených fakt, implementace podskupin standardu, které jsou softwarově související, byly vyloučené. Taky byly vyloučené podskupiny standardů, které jsou závislé na jiných podskupinách. IEEE 802.1Qbu byl vybrán jako vhodná část pro realizaci hardwarového testu. Různé způsoby testování byly vysvětleny jako DFT, BIST, ATPG a další jiné techniky. Pro hardwarové testování byla vybrána „Protocol Aware (PA)“technika, protože tato technika zrychluje testování, dovoluje opakovanou použitelnost a taky zkracuje dobu uvedení na trh. Testovací modul se skládá ze dvou objektů (generátor a monitor), které mají implementovanou IEEE 802.1Qbu podskupinu standardu. Funkce generátoru je vygenerovat náhodné nebo nenáhodné impulzy a potom je poslat do testovaného zařízeni ve správném definovaném protokolu. Funkce monitoru je přijat ethernet rámce a ověřit jejich správnost. Objekty jsou navrhnuty stejným způsobem na „TOP“úrovni a skládají se ze čtyř modulů: Avalon MM rozhraní, dvou šablon a jednoho portu. Avalon MM rozhraní bylo vytvořeno pro komunikaci softwaru s hardwarem. Tento modul přijme pakety ze softwaru a potom je dekóduje podle definovaného protokolu a „pod-protokolu “. „Pod-protokol“se skládá z příkazu a hodnoty daného příkazu. Podle dekódovaného příkazu a hodnot daných příkazem je kontrolovaný celý objekt. Šablona se používá na generování nebo ověřování náhodných nebo nenáhodných dat. Dvě šablony byly implementovány pro expresní ověřování nebo preempční transakce, definované IEEE 802.1Qbu. Porty byly vytvořené pro komunikaci mezi testovaným zařízením a šablonou podle daného standardu. Port „generátor“má za úkol vybrat a vyslat rámce podle priority a času vysílaní. Port „monitor“přijme rámce do „content-addressable memory”, která ověřuje priority rámce a podle toho je posílá do správné šablony. Výsledky prokázaly, že tato testovací technika dosahuje vysoké rychlosti a rychlé implementace.This master paper is dealing with the analysis of IEEE 802.1Q group of TSN standards and with the design of HW tester. Standard IEEE 802.1Qbu has appeared to be an optimal solution for this paper. Detail explanation of this sub-standard are included in this paper. As HW test the implementation, a protocol aware technique was chosen in order to accelerate testing. Paper further describes architecture of this tester, with detail explanation of the modules. Essential issue of protocol aware controlling objects by SW, have been resolved and described. Result proof that this technique has reached higher speed of testing, reusability, and fast implementation.

    Development of a multi-core and multi-accelerator platform for approximate computing

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    Proyecto de graduación (Licenciatura en Ingeniería en Electrónica) Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, Escuela de Ingeniería Electrónica, 2017.Changing environment in the current technologies have introduce a gap between the ever growing needs of users and the state of present designs. As high data and hard computation applications moved forward in the near future, the current trend reaches for a greater performance. Approximate computing enters this scheme to boost a system overall attributes, while working with intrinsic and error tolerable characteristics both in software and hardware. This work proposes a multicore and multi-accelerator platform design that uses both exact and approximate versions, also providing interaction with a software counterpart to ensure usage of both layouts. A set of five di↵erent approximate accelerator versions and one exact, are present for three di↵erent image processing filters, Laplace, Sobel and Gauss, along with their respective characterization in terms of Power, Area and Delay time. This will show better results for design versions 2 and 3. Later it will be seen three di↵erent interfaces designs for accelerators along with a softcore processor, Altera’s NIOS II. Results gathered demonstrate a definitively improvement while using approximate accelerators in comparison with software and exact accelerator implementations. Memory accessing and filter operations times, for two di↵erent matrices sizes, present a gain of 500, 2000 and 1500 cycles measure for Laplace, Gauss and Sobel filters respectively, while contrasting software times, and a range of 28-84, 20-40 and 68-100 ticks decrease against the use of an exact accelerator

    ECG compression for Holter monitoring

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    Cardiologists can gain useful insight into a patient's condition when they are able to correlate the patent's symptoms and activities. For this purpose, a Holter Monitor is often used - a portable electrocardiogram (ECG) recorder worn by the patient for a period of 24-72 hours. Preferably, the monitor is not cumbersome to the patient and thus it should be designed to be as small and light as possible; however, the storage requirements for such a long signal are very large and can significantly increase the recorder's size and cost, and so signal compression is often employed. At the same time, the decompressed signal must contain enough detail for the cardiologist to be able to identify irregularities. "Lossy" compressors may obscure such details, where a "lossless" compressor preserves the signal exactly as captured.The purpose of this thesis is to develop a platform upon which a Holter Monitor can be built, including a hardware-assisted lossless compression method in order to avoid the signal quality penalties of a lossy algorithm. The objective of this thesis is to develop and implement a low-complexity lossless ECG encoding algorithm capable of at least a 2:1 compression ratio in an embedded system for use in a Holter Monitor. Different lossless compression techniques were evaluated in terms of coding efficiency as well as suitability for ECG waveform application, random access within the signal and complexity of the decoding operation. For the reduction of the physical circuit size, a System On a Programmable Chip (SOPC) design was utilized. A coder based on a library of linear predictors and Rice coding was chosen and found to give a compression ratio of at least 2:1 and as high as 3:1 on real-world signals tested while having a low decoder complexity and fast random access to arbitrary parts of the signal. In the hardware-assisted implementation, the speed of encoding was a factor of between four and five faster than a software encoder running on the same CPU while allowing the CPU to perform other tasks during the encoding process

    An SOPC Based Image Processing System

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    Recent advances in semiconductor technology have made it possible to integrate an entire system including processors, memory and other system units into a single programmable chip - FPGA, these configurations are called 'System-on-aProgrammable- Chip' (SOPC). SOPCs have the advantage that they can be designed quicker than existing technologies and are cheap to produce for low volume «10,000) applications. Also, SOPCs are of great benefit as they offer compact and flexible system designs due to their reconfigurable nature and high integration of features. One processor intensive application, which is ideal for SOPC technology, is that of image processing where there is a repeated application of operations on the 2D data. This research investigated the use of SOPC technology for image processing by developing a modular system capable ofreal-time video acquisition, processing and display. An sope Based Image Processing System Abstract Abstract This system is comprised of a CameraLink CMOS camera with a custom designed camera interface card for video acquisition, a VGA mode CRT monitor with a Lancelot VGA card for video display, an industrial SDRAM device for video data buffering, and an Altera Apex 20K FPGA for evaluating the SOPC design. Four custom designed IP components have been developed and integrated with other Altera provided standard IP components to drive all off-chip peripherals and perform the required video functions such as processing the images. These custom designed IPs are the video capture controller, video display controller, video memory controller and Cache. A Nios processor was chosen to perform the actual image processing, and the whole system was developed on the Altera Nios development board. In order to solve the complex on-chip data communication, while not degrading the transferring speed of largeamounts of video data, an effective solution called Simultaneously Multi-Mastering Avalon Streaming Transfer with Peripheral-Controlled Waitrequest was raised. Rather than using the software approach to initialise DMA-like transfers, this solution takes advantage of the FPGA hardware resource to perform bus arbitration and hence increases the system efficiency. The system produced is an alternative to conventional desktop-based, i.e. a visionbased closed loop process control system for weiding, or microprocessor-based vision systems. September 2007 FanWu Supplied by The British Library - 'The world's knowledge