73 research outputs found

    Improving DRAM Performance by Parallelizing Refreshes with Accesses

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    Modern DRAM cells are periodically refreshed to prevent data loss due to leakage. Commodity DDR DRAM refreshes cells at the rank level. This degrades performance significantly because it prevents an entire rank from serving memory requests while being refreshed. DRAM designed for mobile platforms, LPDDR DRAM, supports an enhanced mode, called per-bank refresh, that refreshes cells at the bank level. This enables a bank to be accessed while another in the same rank is being refreshed, alleviating part of the negative performance impact of refreshes. However, there are two shortcomings of per-bank refresh. First, the per-bank refresh scheduling scheme does not exploit the full potential of overlapping refreshes with accesses across banks because it restricts the banks to be refreshed in a sequential round-robin order. Second, accesses to a bank that is being refreshed have to wait. To mitigate the negative performance impact of DRAM refresh, we propose two complementary mechanisms, DARP (Dynamic Access Refresh Parallelization) and SARP (Subarray Access Refresh Parallelization). The goal is to address the drawbacks of per-bank refresh by building more efficient techniques to parallelize refreshes and accesses within DRAM. First, instead of issuing per-bank refreshes in a round-robin order, DARP issues per-bank refreshes to idle banks in an out-of-order manner. Furthermore, DARP schedules refreshes during intervals when a batch of writes are draining to DRAM. Second, SARP exploits the existence of mostly-independent subarrays within a bank. With minor modifications to DRAM organization, it allows a bank to serve memory accesses to an idle subarray while another subarray is being refreshed. Extensive evaluations show that our mechanisms improve system performance and energy efficiency compared to state-of-the-art refresh policies and the benefit increases as DRAM density increases.Comment: The original paper published in the International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA) contains an error. The arxiv version has an erratum that describes the error and the fix for i

    Understanding and Improving the Latency of DRAM-Based Memory Systems

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    Over the past two decades, the storage capacity and access bandwidth of main memory have improved tremendously, by 128x and 20x, respectively. These improvements are mainly due to the continuous technology scaling of DRAM (dynamic random-access memory), which has been used as the physical substrate for main memory. In stark contrast with capacity and bandwidth, DRAM latency has remained almost constant, reducing by only 1.3x in the same time frame. Therefore, long DRAM latency continues to be a critical performance bottleneck in modern systems. Increasing core counts, and the emergence of increasingly more data-intensive and latency-critical applications further stress the importance of providing low-latency memory access. In this dissertation, we identify three main problems that contribute significantly to long latency of DRAM accesses. To address these problems, we present a series of new techniques. Our new techniques significantly improve both system performance and energy efficiency. We also examine the critical relationship between supply voltage and latency in modern DRAM chips and develop new mechanisms that exploit this voltage-latency trade-off to improve energy efficiency. The key conclusion of this dissertation is that augmenting DRAM architecture with simple and low-cost features, and developing a better understanding of manufactured DRAM chips together lead to significant memory latency reduction as well as energy efficiency improvement. We hope and believe that the proposed architectural techniques and the detailed experimental data and observations on real commodity DRAM chips presented in this dissertation will enable development of other new mechanisms to improve the performance, energy efficiency, or reliability of future memory systems.Comment: PhD Dissertatio

    RowHammer: Reliability Analysis and Security Implications

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    As process technology scales down to smaller dimensions, DRAM chips become more vulnerable to disturbance, a phenomenon in which different DRAM cells interfere with each other's operation. For the first time in academic literature, our ISCA paper exposes the existence of disturbance errors in commodity DRAM chips that are sold and used today. We show that repeatedly reading from the same address could corrupt data in nearby addresses. More specifically: When a DRAM row is opened (i.e., activated) and closed (i.e., precharged) repeatedly (i.e., hammered), it can induce disturbance errors in adjacent DRAM rows. This failure mode is popularly called RowHammer. We tested 129 DRAM modules manufactured within the past six years (2008-2014) and found 110 of them to exhibit RowHammer disturbance errors, the earliest of which dates back to 2010. In particular, all modules from the past two years (2012-2013) were vulnerable, which implies that the errors are a recent phenomenon affecting more advanced generations of process technology. Importantly, disturbance errors pose an easily-exploitable security threat since they are a breach of memory protection, wherein accesses to one page (mapped to one row) modifies the data stored in another page (mapped to an adjacent row).Comment: This is the summary of the paper titled "Flipping Bits in Memory Without Accessing Them: An Experimental Study of DRAM Disturbance Errors" which appeared in ISCA in June 201
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