91 research outputs found

    Improving Coarsening Schemes for Hypergraph Partitioning by Exploiting Community Structure

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    We present an improved coarsening process for multilevel hypergraph partitioning that incorporates global information about the community structure. Community detection is performed via modularity maximization on a bipartite graph representation. The approach is made suitable for different classes of hypergraphs by defining weights for the graph edges that express structural properties of the hypergraph. We integrate our approach into a leading multilevel hypergraph partitioner with strong local search algorithms and perform extensive experiments on a large benchmark set of hypergraphs stemming from application areas such as VLSI design, SAT solving, and scientific computing. Our results indicate that respecting community structure during coarsening not only significantly improves the solutions found by the initial partitioning algorithm, but also consistently improves overall solution quality

    Recent Advances in Graph Partitioning

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    We survey recent trends in practical algorithms for balanced graph partitioning together with applications and future research directions

    Relaxation-Based Coarsening for Multilevel Hypergraph Partitioning

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    Multilevel partitioning methods that are inspired by principles of multiscaling are the most powerful practical hypergraph partitioning solvers. Hypergraph partitioning has many applications in disciplines ranging from scientific computing to data science. In this paper we introduce the concept of algebraic distance on hypergraphs and demonstrate its use as an algorithmic component in the coarsening stage of multilevel hypergraph partitioning solvers. The algebraic distance is a vertex distance measure that extends hyperedge weights for capturing the local connectivity of vertices which is critical for hypergraph coarsening schemes. The practical effectiveness of the proposed measure and corresponding coarsening scheme is demonstrated through extensive computational experiments on a diverse set of problems. Finally, we propose a benchmark of hypergraph partitioning problems to compare the quality of other solvers

    Memetic Multilevel Hypergraph Partitioning

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    Hypergraph partitioning has a wide range of important applications such as VLSI design or scientific computing. With focus on solution quality, we develop the first multilevel memetic algorithm to tackle the problem. Key components of our contribution are new effective multilevel recombination and mutation operations that provide a large amount of diversity. We perform a wide range of experiments on a benchmark set containing instances from application areas such VLSI, SAT solving, social networks, and scientific computing. Compared to the state-of-the-art hypergraph partitioning tools hMetis, PaToH, and KaHyPar, our new algorithm computes the best result on almost all instances

    Balanced Coarsening for Multilevel Hypergraph Partitioning via Wasserstein Discrepancy

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    We propose a balanced coarsening scheme for multilevel hypergraph partitioning. In addition, an initial partitioning algorithm is designed to improve the quality of k-way hypergraph partitioning. By assigning vertex weights through the LPT algorithm, we generate a prior hypergraph under a relaxed balance constraint. With the prior hypergraph, we have defined the Wasserstein discrepancy to coordinate the optimal transport of coarsening process. And the optimal transport matrix is solved by Sinkhorn algorithm. Our coarsening scheme fully takes into account the minimization of connectivity metric (objective function). For the initial partitioning stage, we define a normalized cut function induced by Fiedler vector, which is theoretically proved to be a concave function. Thereby, a three-point algorithm is designed to find the best cut under the balance constraint

    Evolutionary Hypergraph Partitioning

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    Hypergraph Partitioning With Embeddings

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    Problems in scientific computing, such as distributing large sparse matrix operations, have analogous formulations as hypergraph partitioning problems. A hypergraph is a generalization of a traditional graph wherein "hyperedges" may connect any number of nodes. As a result, hypergraph partitioning is an NP-Hard problem to both solve or approximate. State-of-the-art algorithms that solve this problem follow the multilevel paradigm, which begins by iteratively "coarsening" the input hypergraph to smaller problem instances that share key structural features. Once identifying an approximate problem that is small enough to be solved directly, that solution can be interpolated and refined to the original problem. While this strategy represents an excellent trade off between quality and running time, it is sensitive to coarsening strategy. In this work we propose using graph embeddings of the initial hypergraph in order to ensure that coarsened problem instances retrain key structural features. Our approach prioritizes coarsening within self-similar regions within the input graph, and leads to significantly improved solution quality across a range of considered hypergraphs. Reproducibility: All source code, plots and experimental data are available at https://sybrandt.com/2019/partition

    Quantum and Classical Multilevel Algorithms for (Hyper)Graphs

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    Combinatorial optimization problems on (hyper)graphs are ubiquitous in science and industry. Because many of these problems are NP-hard, development of sophisticated heuristics is of utmost importance for practical problems. In recent years, the emergence of Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum (NISQ) computers has opened up the opportunity to dramaticaly speedup combinatorial optimization. However, the adoption of NISQ devices is impeded by their severe limitations, both in terms of the number of qubits, as well as in their quality. NISQ devices are widely expected to have no more than hundreds to thousands of qubits with very limited error-correction, imposing a strict limit on the size and the structure of the problems that can be tackled directly. A natural solution to this issue is hybrid quantum-classical algorithms that combine a NISQ device with a classical machine with the goal of capturing “the best of both worlds”. Being motivated by lack of high quality optimization solvers for hypergraph partitioning, in this thesis, we begin by discussing classical multilevel approaches for this problem. We present a novel relaxation-based vertex similarity measure termed algebraic distance for hypergraphs and the coarsening schemes based on it. Extending the multilevel method to include quantum optimization routines, we present Quantum Local Search (QLS) – a hybrid iterative improvement approach that is inspired by the classical local search approaches. Next, we introduce the Multilevel Quantum Local Search (ML-QLS) that incorporates the quantum-enhanced iterative improvement scheme introduced in QLS within the multilevel framework, as well as several techniques to further understand and improve the effectiveness of Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm used throughout our work

    High-Quality Hypergraph Partitioning

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    This dissertation focuses on computing high-quality solutions for the NP-hard balanced hypergraph partitioning problem: Given a hypergraph and an integer kk, partition its vertex set into kk disjoint blocks of bounded size, while minimizing an objective function over the hyperedges. Here, we consider the two most commonly used objectives: the cut-net metric and the connectivity metric. Since the problem is computationally intractable, heuristics are used in practice - the most prominent being the three-phase multi-level paradigm: During coarsening, the hypergraph is successively contracted to obtain a hierarchy of smaller instances. After applying an initial partitioning algorithm to the smallest hypergraph, contraction is undone and, at each level, refinement algorithms try to improve the current solution. With this work, we give a brief overview of the field and present several algorithmic improvements to the multi-level paradigm. Instead of using a logarithmic number of levels like traditional algorithms, we present two coarsening algorithms that create a hierarchy of (nearly) nn levels, where nn is the number of vertices. This makes consecutive levels as similar as possible and provides many opportunities for refinement algorithms to improve the partition. This approach is made feasible in practice by tailoring all algorithms and data structures to the nn-level paradigm, and developing lazy-evaluation techniques, caching mechanisms and early stopping criteria to speed up the partitioning process. Furthermore, we propose a sparsification algorithm based on locality-sensitive hashing that improves the running time for hypergraphs with large hyperedges, and show that incorporating global information about the community structure into the coarsening process improves quality. Moreover, we present a portfolio-based initial partitioning approach, and propose three refinement algorithms. Two are based on the Fiduccia-Mattheyses (FM) heuristic, but perform a highly localized search at each level. While one is designed for two-way partitioning, the other is the first FM-style algorithm that can be efficiently employed in the multi-level setting to directly improve kk-way partitions. The third algorithm uses max-flow computations on pairs of blocks to refine kk-way partitions. Finally, we present the first memetic multi-level hypergraph partitioning algorithm for an extensive exploration of the global solution space. All contributions are made available through our open-source framework KaHyPar. In a comprehensive experimental study, we compare KaHyPar with hMETIS, PaToH, Mondriaan, Zoltan-AlgD, and HYPE on a wide range of hypergraphs from several application areas. Our results indicate that KaHyPar, already without the memetic component, computes better solutions than all competing algorithms for both the cut-net and the connectivity metric, while being faster than Zoltan-AlgD and equally fast as hMETIS. Moreover, KaHyPar compares favorably with the current best graph partitioning system KaFFPa - both in terms of solution quality and running time
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