51 research outputs found

    Designing optimal- and fast-on-average pattern matching algorithms

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    Given a pattern ww and a text tt, the speed of a pattern matching algorithm over tt with regard to ww, is the ratio of the length of tt to the number of text accesses performed to search ww into tt. We first propose a general method for computing the limit of the expected speed of pattern matching algorithms, with regard to ww, over iid texts. Next, we show how to determine the greatest speed which can be achieved among a large class of algorithms, altogether with an algorithm running this speed. Since the complexity of this determination make it impossible to deal with patterns of length greater than 4, we propose a polynomial heuristic. Finally, our approaches are compared with 9 pre-existing pattern matching algorithms from both a theoretical and a practical point of view, i.e. both in terms of limit expected speed on iid texts, and in terms of observed average speed on real data. In all cases, the pre-existing algorithms are outperformed

    Exact string matching algorithms : survey, issues, and future research directions

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    String matching has been an extensively studied research domain in the past two decades due to its various applications in the fields of text, image, signal, and speech processing. As a result, choosing an appropriate string matching algorithm for current applications and addressing challenges is difficult. Understanding different string matching approaches (such as exact string matching and approximate string matching algorithms), integrating several algorithms, and modifying algorithms to address related issues are also difficult. This paper presents a survey on single-pattern exact string matching algorithms. The main purpose of this survey is to propose new classification, identify new directions and highlight the possible challenges, current trends, and future works in the area of string matching algorithms with a core focus on exact string matching algorithms. © 2013 IEEE

    Parallel Quick-Skip Search Hybrid Algorithm For The Exact String Matching Problem.

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    Masalah padanan rententan merupakan mercu tanda dalam kebanyakan bidang sains komputer kerana peranan yang dimainkannya dalam pelbagai aplikasi komputer. The string matching problem occupies a corner stone in many computer science fields because of the fundamental role it plays in various computer applications

    A comparison of exact string search algorithms for deep packet inspection

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    Every day, computer networks throughout the world face a constant onslaught of attacks. To combat these, network administrators are forced to employ a multitude of mitigating measures. Devices such as firewalls and Intrusion Detection Systems are prevalent today and employ extensive Deep Packet Inspection to scrutinise each piece of network traffic. Systems such as these usually require specialised hardware to meet the demand imposed by high throughput networks. Hardware like this is extremely expensive and singular in its function. It is with this in mind that the string search algorithms are introduced. These algorithms have been proven to perform well when searching through large volumes of text and may be able to perform equally well in the context of Deep Packet Inspection. String search algorithms are designed to match a single pattern to a substring of a given piece of text. This is not unlike the heuristics employed by traditional Deep Packet Inspection systems. This research compares the performance of a large number of string search algorithms during packet processing. Deep Packet Inspection places stringent restrictions on the reliability and speed of the algorithms due to increased performance pressures. A test system had to be designed in order to properly test the string search algorithms in the context of Deep Packet Inspection. The system allowed for precise and repeatable tests of each algorithm and then for their comparison. Of the algorithms tested, the Horspool and Quick Search algorithms posted the best results for both speed and reliability. The Not So Naive and Rabin-Karp algorithms were slowest overall

    Hardware Acceleration of Network Intrusion Detection System Using FPGA

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    This thesis presents new algorithms and hardware designs for Signature-based Network Intrusion Detection System (SB-NIDS) optimisation exploiting a hybrid hardwaresoftware co-designed embedded processing platform. The work describe concentrates on optimisation of a complete SB-NIDS Snort application software on a FPGA based hardware-software target rather than on the implementation of a single functional unit for hardware acceleration. Pattern Matching Hardware Accelerator (PMHA) based on Bloom filter was designed to optimise SB-NIDS performance for execution on a Xilinx MicroBlaze soft-core processor. The Bloom filter approach enables the potentially large number of network intrusion attack patterns to be efficiently represented and searched primarily using accesses to FPGA on-chip memory. The thesis demonstrates, the viability of hybrid hardware-software co-designed approach for SB-NIDS. Future work is required to investigate the effects of later generation FPGA technology and multi-core processors in order to clearly prove the benefits over conventional processor platforms for SB-NIDS. The strengths and weaknesses of the hardware accelerators and algorithms are analysed, and experimental results are examined to determine the effectiveness of the implementation. Experimental results confirm that the PMHA is capable of performing network packet analysis for gigabit rate network traffic. Experimental test results indicate that our SB-NIDS prototype implementation on relatively low clock rate embedded processing platform performance is approximately 1.7 times better than Snort executing on a general purpose processor on PC when comparing processor cycles rather than wall clock time

    Improved algorithms for string searching problems

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    We present improved practically efficient algorithms for several string searching problems, where we search for a short string called the pattern in a longer string called the text. We are mainly interested in the online problem, where the text is not preprocessed, but we also present a light indexing approach to speed up exact searching of a single pattern. The new algorithms can be applied e.g. to many problems in bioinformatics and other content scanning and filtering problems. In addition to exact string matching, we develop algorithms for several other variations of the string matching problem. We study algorithms for approximate string matching, where a limited number of errors is allowed in the occurrences of the pattern, and parameterized string matching, where a substring of the text matches the pattern if the characters of the substring can be renamed in such a way that the renamed substring matches the pattern exactly. We also consider searching multiple patterns simultaneously and searching weighted patterns, where the weight of a character at a given position reflects the probability of that character occurring at that position. Many of the new algorithms use the backward matching principle, where the characters of the text that are aligned with the pattern are read backward, i.e. from right to left. Another common characteristic of the new algorithms is the use of q-grams, i.e. q consecutive characters are handled as a single character. Many of the new algorithms are bit parallel, i.e. they pack several variables to a single computer word and update all these variables with a single instruction. We show that the q-gram backward string matching algorithms that solve the exact, approximate, or multiple string matching problems are optimal on average. We also show that the q-gram backward string matching algorithm for the parameterized string matching problem is sublinear on average for a class of moderately repetitive patterns. All the presented algorithms are also shown to be fast in practice when compared to earlier algorithms. We also propose an alphabet sampling technique to speed up exact string matching. We choose a subset of the alphabet and select the corresponding subsequence of the text. String matching is then performed on this reduced subsequence and the found matches are verified in the original text. We show how to choose the sampled alphabet optimally and show that the technique speeds up string matching especially for moderate to long patterns

    A Novel Web Scraping Approach Using the Additional Information Obtained from Web Pages

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    Web scraping is a process of extracting valuable and interesting text information from web pages. Most of the current studies targeting this task are mostly about automated web data extraction. In the extraction process, these studies first create a DOM tree and then access the necessary data through this tree. The construction process of this tree increases the time cost depending on the data structure of the DOM Tree. In the current web scraping literature, it is observed that time efficiency is ignored. This study proposes a novel approach, namely UzunExt, which extracts content quickly using the string methods and additional information without creating a DOM Tree. The string methods consist of the following consecutive steps: searching for a given pattern, then calculating the number of closing HTML elements for this pattern, and finally extracting content for the pattern. In the crawling process, our approach collects the additional information, including the starting position for enhancing the searching process, the number of inner tag for improving the extraction process, and tag repetition for terminating the extraction process. The string methods of this novel approach are about 60 times faster than extracting with the DOM-based method. Moreover, using these additional information improves extraction time by 2.35 times compared to using only the string methods. Furthermore, this approach can easily be adapted to other DOM-based studies/parsers in this task to enhance their time efficiencies. © 2013 IEEE