407 research outputs found

    Strength-Adaptive Adversarial Training

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    Adversarial training (AT) is proved to reliably improve network's robustness against adversarial data. However, current AT with a pre-specified perturbation budget has limitations in learning a robust network. Firstly, applying a pre-specified perturbation budget on networks of various model capacities will yield divergent degree of robustness disparity between natural and robust accuracies, which deviates from robust network's desideratum. Secondly, the attack strength of adversarial training data constrained by the pre-specified perturbation budget fails to upgrade as the growth of network robustness, which leads to robust overfitting and further degrades the adversarial robustness. To overcome these limitations, we propose \emph{Strength-Adaptive Adversarial Training} (SAAT). Specifically, the adversary employs an adversarial loss constraint to generate adversarial training data. Under this constraint, the perturbation budget will be adaptively adjusted according to the training state of adversarial data, which can effectively avoid robust overfitting. Besides, SAAT explicitly constrains the attack strength of training data through the adversarial loss, which manipulates model capacity scheduling during training, and thereby can flexibly control the degree of robustness disparity and adjust the tradeoff between natural accuracy and robustness. Extensive experiments show that our proposal boosts the robustness of adversarial training

    Calibrated Adversarial Training

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    Adversarial training is an approach of increasing the robustness of models to adversarial attacks by including adversarial examples in the training set. One major challenge of producing adversarial examples is to contain sufficient perturbation in the example to flip the model's output while not making severe changes in the example's semantical content. Exuberant change in the semantical content could also change the true label of the example. Adding such examples to the training set results in adverse effects. In this paper, we present the Calibrated Adversarial Training, a method that reduces the adverse effects of semantic perturbations in adversarial training. The method produces pixel-level adaptations to the perturbations based on novel calibrated robust error. We provide theoretical analysis on the calibrated robust error and derive an upper bound for it. Our empirical results show a superior performance of the Calibrated Adversarial Training over a number of public datasets.</p

    IRAD: Implicit Representation-driven Image Resampling against Adversarial Attacks

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    We introduce a novel approach to counter adversarial attacks, namely, image resampling. Image resampling transforms a discrete image into a new one, simulating the process of scene recapturing or rerendering as specified by a geometrical transformation. The underlying rationale behind our idea is that image resampling can alleviate the influence of adversarial perturbations while preserving essential semantic information, thereby conferring an inherent advantage in defending against adversarial attacks. To validate this concept, we present a comprehensive study on leveraging image resampling to defend against adversarial attacks. We have developed basic resampling methods that employ interpolation strategies and coordinate shifting magnitudes. Our analysis reveals that these basic methods can partially mitigate adversarial attacks. However, they come with apparent limitations: the accuracy of clean images noticeably decreases, while the improvement in accuracy on adversarial examples is not substantial. We propose implicit representation-driven image resampling (IRAD) to overcome these limitations. First, we construct an implicit continuous representation that enables us to represent any input image within a continuous coordinate space. Second, we introduce SampleNet, which automatically generates pixel-wise shifts for resampling in response to different inputs. Furthermore, we can extend our approach to the state-of-the-art diffusion-based method, accelerating it with fewer time steps while preserving its defense capability. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method significantly enhances the adversarial robustness of diverse deep models against various attacks while maintaining high accuracy on clean images

    Mathematical Optimization Algorithms for Model Compression and Adversarial Learning in Deep Neural Networks

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    Large-scale deep neural networks (DNNs) have made breakthroughs in a variety of tasks, such as image recognition, speech recognition and self-driving cars. However, their large model size and computational requirements add a significant burden to state-of-the-art computing systems. Weight pruning is an effective approach to reduce the model size and computational requirements of DNNs. However, prior works in this area are mainly heuristic methods. As a result, the performance of a DNN cannot maintain for a high weight pruning ratio. To mitigate this limitation, we propose a systematic weight pruning framework for DNNs based on mathematical optimization. We first formulate the weight pruning for DNNs as a non-convex optimization problem, and then systematically solve it using alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM). Our work achieves a higher weight pruning ratio on DNNs without accuracy loss and a higher acceleration on the inference of DNNs on CPU and GPU platforms compared with prior works. Besides the issue of model size, DNNs are also sensitive to adversarial attacks, a small invisible noise on the input data can fully mislead a DNN. Research on the robustness of DNNs follows two directions in general. The first is to enhance the robustness of DNNs, which increases the degree of difficulty for adversarial attacks to fool DNNs. The second is to design adversarial attack methods to test the robustness of DNNs. These two aspects reciprocally benefit each other towards hardening DNNs. In our work, we propose to generate adversarial attacks with low distortion via convex optimization, which achieves 100% attack success rate with lower distortion compared with prior works. We also propose a unified min-max optimization framework for the adversarial attack and defense on DNNs over multiple domains. Our proposed method performs better compared with the prior works, which use average-based strategies to solve the problems over multiple domains

    Hazards in Deep Learning Testing: Prevalence, Impact and Recommendations

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    Much research on Machine Learning testing relies on empirical studies that evaluate and show their potential. However, in this context empirical results are sensitive to a number of parameters that can adversely impact the results of the experiments and potentially lead to wrong conclusions (Type I errors, i.e., incorrectly rejecting the Null Hypothesis). To this end, we survey the related literature and identify 10 commonly adopted empirical evaluation hazards that may significantly impact experimental results. We then perform a sensitivity analysis on 30 influential studies that were published in top-tier SE venues, against our hazard set and demonstrate their criticality. Our findings indicate that all 10 hazards we identify have the potential to invalidate experimental findings, such as those made by the related literature, and should be handled properly. Going a step further, we propose a point set of 10 good empirical practices that has the potential to mitigate the impact of the hazards. We believe our work forms the first step towards raising awareness of the common pitfalls and good practices within the software engineering community and hopefully contribute towards setting particular expectations for empirical research in the field of deep learning testing