10 research outputs found

    Self-Aligned Source and Drain Contact Engineering for High Mobility III-V Transistor

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    High mobility III-V compound semiconductors for advanced transistor applications

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    InGaAs N-MOSFETS with CMOS Compatible Source/Drain Technology and the Integration on Si Platform

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    Source / Drain Engineering in InGaAs n-MOSFETs for Logic Device Applications

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    Thermodynamische Einschätzung der chemischen und elektrochemischen Stabilität von Siliziden der Übergangsmetalle der vierten Periode

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    The present work is a cumulative dissertation that covers the research work of the author at the Department of Analytical and Physical Chemistry of Chelyabinsk State University. It contains a short description of the study and a set of attached publications in peer-reviewed journals and conference proceedings. The phase and chemical equilibria in binary systems Me – Si (where Me is the 4th-period transition metal) as well as Mo – Si, Mn – Ge and Fe – Ge at low temperatures were considered. The solid solubility of silicon in vanadium, chromium, manganese, iron, nickel, cobalt and copper and that of germanium in manganese and iron was estimated. The phase equilibria in Me – Si – O, Mo – Si – O, Mn – Ge – O and Fe – Ge – O ternary systems at standard conditions were considered from a thermodynamic viewpoint. The atmospheric corrosion of transition metals silicides and manganese and iron germanides was discussed. The chemical and electrochemical equilibria in Me – Si – H2O, Mo – Si – H2O, Mn – Ge – H2O and Fe – Ge – H2O systems were considered from a thermodynamic viewpoint. Pourbaix diagrams for some 4th-period transition metals and molybdenum, as well as for silicon, were revised. The potential – pH diagrams for Me – Si – H2O, Mo – Si – H2O, Mn – Ge – H2O and Fe – Ge – H2O systems were plotted in the first time. The corrosion-electrochemical behaviour of transition metals silicides and manganese and iron germanides in aqueous media was discussed. The potential – pH diagrams for some siliceous brasses and bronzes (which are multicomponent alloys containing both transition metals and silicon) were plotted, and the corrosion of these alloys in aqueous media was discussed. Method of estimation of corrosion-electrochemical behaviour of multicomponent alloys, which takes into account both thermodynamic and kinetic data and is based on mutual construction of equilibrium and polarisation potential – pH diagrams, was described. Its usage was illustrated in the example of the structural steel 20KT.Die vorliegende Schrift ist eine kumulative Dissertation, die die Forschungsarbeit des Autors am Lehrstuhl für Analytische und Physikalische Chemie der Staatuniversität Tscheljabinsk zusammenfast. Es enthält eine kurze Beschreibung der Untersuchung und eine Reihe von beigefügten Veröffentlichungen in Peer-Review-Zeitschriften und Tagungsbänden. Die Phasen- und chemischen Gleichgewichte in binären Systemen Me – Si (wobei Me das Übergangsmetall der 4. Periode ist) sowie Mo – Si, Mn – Ge und Fe – Ge bei niedrigen Temperaturen wurden berücksichtigt. Die Feststofflöslichkeit von Silizium in Vanadin, Chrom, Mangan, Eisen, Nickel, Kobalt und Kupfer und von Germanium in Mangan und Eisen wurde geschätzt. Die Phasengleichgewichte in Dreistoffsystemen Me – Si – O, Mo – Si – O, Mn – Ge – O und Fe – Ge – O unter Standardbedingungen wurden unter thermodynamischen Standpunkt berücksichtigt. Die atmosphärische Korrosion von Übergangsmetallensiliziden und Mangan- und Eisengermaniden wurde diskutiert. Die chemische und elektrochemische Gleichgewichte in Systemen Me – Si – H2O, Mo – Si – H2O, Mn – Ge – H2O und Fe – Ge – H2O wurden unter thermodynamischen Standpunkt berücksichtigt. Pourbaix-Diagramme für einige Übergangsmetalle der 4. Periode und Molybdän sowie für Silizium wurden revidiert. Die Potenzial – pH-Diagramme für die Systeme Me – Si – H2O, Mo – Si – H2O, Mn – Ge – H2O und Fe – Ge – H2O wurden zum ersten Mal geplottet. Das korrosionselektrochemische Verhalten von Übergangsmetallensiliziden und Mangan- und Eisengermaniden in wässrigen Medien wurde diskutiert. Die Potenzial – pH-Diagramme für einige Siliziummessinge und -Bronzen (die Mehrkomponentenlegierungen enthält sowohl Übergangsmetalle als auch Silizium sind) wurde geplottet, und die Korrosion dieser Legierungen in wässrigen Medien wurde diskutiert. Das Verfahren zur Abschätzung des korrosionselektrochemischen Verhaltens von Mehrkomponentenlegierungen, das sowohl thermodynamische als auch kinetische Daten berücksichtigt und auf der gegenseitigen Konstruktion von Gleichgewichts- und Polarisationspotential-pH-Diagrammen beruht, wurde beschrieben. Seine Verwendung wurde am Beispiel des Baustahls 20KT veranschaulicht.Настоящая работа представляет собой написанную по совокупности публикаций диссертацию, охватывающую исследовательскую работу автора на кафедре аналитической и физической химии Челябинского государственного университета. Она содержит краткое описание исследования и набор прикреплённых публикаций в рецензируемых научных журналах и сборниках докладов конференций. Рассмотрены фазовые и химические равновесия в двойных системах Me – Si (где Me – переходный металл четвёртого периода) а также Mo – Si, Mn – Ge и Fe – Ge при низких температурах. Оценена твердофазная растворимость кремния в ванадии, хроме, марганце, железе, никеле, кобальте и меди, а также германия в марганце и железе. С термодинамической точки зрения рассмотрены фазовые равновесия в тройных системах Me – Si – O, Mo – Si – O, Mn – Ge – O и Fe – Ge – O при стандартных условиях. Обсуждена атмосферная коррозия силицидов переходных металлов и германидов марганца и железа. С термодинамической точки зрения рассмотрены химические и электрохимические равновесия в системах Me – Si – H2O, Mo – Si – H2O, Mn – Ge – H2O и Fe – Ge – H2O. Уточнены диаграммы Пурбе для ряда переходных металлов 4 периода и молибдена, а также для кремния. Впервые построены диаграммы потенциал – рН для систем Me – Si – H2O, Mo – Si – H2O, Mn – Ge – H2O и Fe – Ge – H2O. Обсуждено коррозионно-электрохимическое поведение силицидов переходных металлов и германидов марганца и железа в водных средах. Построены диаграммы потенциал – рН для некоторых кремнистых латуней и бронз (являющихся многокомпонентными сплавами, содержащими как переходные металлы, так и кремний) и обсуждена их коррозия в водных средах. Описан метод оценки коррозионно-электрохимического поведения многокомпонентных сплавов, принимающий во внимание как термодинамические, так и кинетические данные, и основанный на одновременном построении равновесных и поляризационных диаграмм потенциал – рН. Его использование показано на примере конструкционной стали 20КТ

    Fabrication and characterization of advanced ALGaN/GaN high-electron-mobility transistors

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    Annual report / IFW, Leibniz-Institut für Festkörper- und Werkstoffforschung Dresden

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    Towards a circular economy: fabrication and characterization of biodegradable plates from sugarcane waste

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    Bagasse pulp is a promising material to produce biodegradable plates. Bagasse is the fibrous residue that remains after sugarcane stalks are crushed to extract their juice. It is a renewable resource and is widely available in many countries, making it an attractive alternative to traditional plastic plates. Recent research has shown that biodegradable plates made from Bagasse pulp have several advantages over traditional plastic plates. For example, they are more environmentally friendly because they are made from renewable resources and can be composted after use. Additionally, they are safer for human health because they do not contain harmful chemicals that can leach into food. The production process for Bagasse pulp plates is also relatively simple and cost-effective. Bagasse is first collected and then processed to remove impurities and extract the pulp. The pulp is then molded into the desired shape and dried to form a sturdy plate. Overall, biodegradable plates made from Bagasse pulp are a promising alternative to traditional plastic plates. They are environmentally friendly, safe for human health, and cost-effective to produce. As such, they have the potential to play an important role in reducing plastic waste and promoting sustainable practices. Over the years, the world was not paying strict attention to the impact of rapid growth in plastic use. As a result, uncontrollable volumes of plastic garbage have been released into the environment. Half of all plastic garbage generated worldwide is made up of packaging materials. The purpose of this article is to offer an alternative by creating bioplastic goods that can be produced in various shapes and sizes across various sectors, including food packaging, single-use tableware, and crafts. Products made from bagasse help address the issue of plastic pollution. To find the optimum option for creating bagasse-based biodegradable dinnerware in Egypt and throughout the world, researchers tested various scenarios. The findings show that bagasse pulp may replace plastics in biodegradable packaging. As a result of this value-added utilization of natural fibers, less waste and less of it ends up in landfills. The practical significance of this study is to help advance low-carbon economic solutions and to produce secure bioplastic materials that can replace Styrofoam in tableware and food packaging production