237 research outputs found

    AVISARME: Audio Visual Synchronization Algorithm for a Robotic Musician Ensemble

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    This thesis presents a beat detection algorithm which combines both audio and visual inputs to synchronize a robotic musician to its human counterpart. Although there has been considerable work done to create sophisticated methods for audio beat detection, the visual aspect of musicianship has been largely ignored. With advancements in image processing techniques, as well as both computer and imaging technologies, it has recently become feasible to integrate visual inputs into beat detection algorithms. Additionally, the proposed method for audio tempo detection also attempts to solve many issues that are present in current algorithms. Current audio-only algorithms have imperfections, whether they are inaccurate, too computationally expensive, or suffer from terrible resolution. Through further experimental testing on both a popular music database and simulated music signals, the proposed algorithm performed statistically better in both accuracy and robustness than the baseline approaches. Furthermore, the proposed approach is extremely efficient, taking only 45ms to compute on a 2.5s signal, and maintains an extremely high temporal resolution of 0.125 BPM. The visual integration also relies on Full Scene Tracking, allowing it to be utilized for live beat detection for practically all musicians and instruments. Numerous optimization techniques have been implemented, such as pyramidal optimization (PO) and clustering techniques which are presented in this thesis. A Temporal Difference Learning approach to sensor fusion and beat synchronization is also proposed and tested thoroughly. This TD learning algorithm implements a novel policy switching criterion which provides a stable, yet quickly reacting estimation of tempo. The proposed algorithm has been implemented and tested on a robotic drummer to verify the validity of the approach. The results from testing are documented in great detail and compared with previously proposed approaches

    Vision-Guided Robot Hearing

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    International audienceNatural human-robot interaction (HRI) in complex and unpredictable environments is important with many potential applicatons. While vision-based HRI has been thoroughly investigated, robot hearing and audio-based HRI are emerging research topics in robotics. In typical real-world scenarios, humans are at some distance from the robot and hence the sensory (microphone) data are strongly impaired by background noise, reverberations and competing auditory sources. In this context, the detection and localization of speakers plays a key role that enables several tasks, such as improving the signal-to-noise ratio for speech recognition, speaker recognition, speaker tracking, etc. In this paper we address the problem of how to detect and localize people that are both seen and heard. We introduce a hybrid deterministic/probabilistic model. The deterministic component allows us to map 3D visual data onto an 1D auditory space. The probabilistic component of the model enables the visual features to guide the grouping of the auditory features in order to form audiovisual (AV) objects. The proposed model and the associated algorithms are implemented in real-time (17 FPS) using a stereoscopic camera pair and two microphones embedded into the head of the humanoid robot NAO. We perform experiments with (i)~synthetic data, (ii)~publicly available data gathered with an audiovisual robotic head, and (iii)~data acquired using the NAO robot. The results validate the approach and are an encouragement to investigate how vision and hearing could be further combined for robust HRI

    Interpersonal synchrony and network dynamics in social interaction [Special issue]

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    Interactive Sound in Performance Ecologies: Studying Connections among Actors and Artifacts

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    This thesis’s primary goal is to investigate performance ecologies, that is the compound of humans, artifacts and environmental elements that contribute to the result of a per- formance. In particular, this thesis focuses on designing new interactive technologies for sound and music. The goal of this thesis leads to the following Research Questions (RQs): • RQ1 How can the design of interactive sonic artifacts support a joint expression across different actors (composers, choreographers, and performers, musicians, and dancers) in a given performance ecology? • RQ2 How does each different actor influence the design of different artifacts, and what impact does this have on the overall artwork? • RQ3 How do the different actors in the same ecology interact, and appropriate an interactive artifact? To reply to these questions, a new framework named ARCAA has been created. In this framework, all the Actors of a given ecology are connected to all the Artifacts throughout three layers: Role, Context and Activity. This framework is then applied to one systematic literature review, two case studies on music performance and one case study in dance performance. The studies help to better understand the shaded roles of composers, per- formers, instrumentalists, dancers, and choreographers, which is relevant to better design interactive technologies for performances. Finally, this thesis proposes a new reflection on the blurred distinction between composing and designing a new instrument in a context that involves a multitude of actors. Overall, this work introduces the following contributions to the field of interaction design applied to music technology: 1) ARCAA, a framework to analyse the set of inter- connected relationship in interactive (music) performances, validated through 2 music studies, 1 dance study and 1 systematic literature analysis; 2) Recommendations for de- signing music interactive system for performance (music or dance), accounting for the needs of the various actors and for the overlapping on music composition and design of in- teractive technology; 3) A taxonomy of how scores have shaped performance ecologies in NIME, based on a systematic analysis of the literature on score in the NIME proceedings; 4) Proposal of a methodological approach combining autobiographical and idiographical design approaches in interactive performances.O objetivo principal desta tese é investigar as ecologias performativas, conjunto formado pelos participantes humanos, artefatos e elementos ambientais que contribuem para o resultado de uma performance. Em particular, esta tese foca-se na conceção de novas tecnologias interativas para som e música. O objetivo desta tese originou as seguintes questões de investigação (Research Questions RQs): • RQ1 Como o design de artefatos sonoros interativos pode apoiar a expressão con- junta entre diferentes atores (compositores, coreógrafos e performers, músicos e dançarinos) numa determinada ecologia performativa? • RQ2 Como cada ator influencia o design de diferentes artefatos e que impacto isso tem no trabalho artístico global? • RQ3 Como os diferentes atores de uma mesma ecologia interagem e se apropriam de um artefato interativo? Para responder a essas perguntas, foi criado uma nova framework chamada ARCAA. Nesta framework, todos os atores (Actores) de uma dada ecologia estão conectados a todos os artefatos (Artefacts) através de três camadas: Role, Context e Activity. Esta framework foi então aplicada a uma revisão sistemática da literatura, a dois estudos de caso sobre performance musical e a um estudo de caso em performance de dança. Estes estudos aju- daram a comprender melhor os papéis desempenhados pelos compositores, intérpretes, instrumentistas, dançarinos e coreógrafos, o que é relevante para melhor projetar as tec- nologias interativas para performances. Por fim, esta tese propõe uma nova reflexão sobre a distinção entre compor e projetar um novo instrumento num contexto que envolve uma multiplicidade de atores. Este trabalho apresenta as seguintes contribuições principais para o campo do design de interação aplicado à tecnologia musical: 1) ARCAA, uma framework para analisar o conjunto de relações interconectadas em performances interativas, validado através de dois estudos de caso relacionados com a música, um estudo de caso relacionado com a dança e uma análise sistemática da literatura; 2) Recomendações para o design de sistemas interativos musicais para performance (música ou dança), tendo em conta as necessidades dos vários atores e a sobreposição entre a composição musical e o design de tecnologia interactiva; 3) Uma taxonomia sobre como as partituras musicais moldaram as ecologias performativas no NIME, com base numa análise sistemática da literatura dos artigos apresentados e publicados nestas conferência; 4) Proposta de uma aborda- gem metodológica combinando abordagens de design autobiográfico e idiográfico em performances interativas

    Wavelength (June 1984)

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    Wavelength (June 1984)

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    Wavelength (June 1984)

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    Biomechanical Modelling of Musical Performance: A Case Study of the Guitar

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    Merged with duplicate record 10026.1/2517 on 07.20.2017 by CS (TIS)Computer-generated musical performances are often criticised for being unable to match the expressivity found in performances by humans. Much research has been conducted in the past two decades in order to create computer technology able to perform a given piece music as expressively as humans, largely without success. Two approaches have been often adopted to research into modelling expressive music performance on computers. The first focuses on sound; that is, on modelling patterns of deviations between a recorded human performance and the music score. The second focuses on modelling the cognitive processes involved in a musical performance. Both approaches are valid and can complement each other. In this thesis we propose a third complementary approach, focusing on the guitar, which concerns the physical manipulation of the instrument by the performer: a biomechanical approach. The essence of this thesis is a study on capturing, analyzing and modelling information about motor and biomechanical processes of guitar performance. The focus is on speed, precision, and force of a guitarist's left-hand. The overarching questions behind our study are: 1) Do unintentional actions originating from motor and biomechanical functions during musical performance contribute a material "human feel" to the performance? 2) Would it be possible determine and quantify such unintentional actions? 3) Would it be possible to model and embed such information in a computer system? The contributionst o knowledgep ursued in this thesis include: a) An unprecedented study of guitar mechanics, ergonomics, and playability; b) A detailed study of how the human body performs actions when playing the guitar; c) A methodologyt o formally record quantifiable data about such actionsin performance; d) An approach to model such information, and e) A demonstration of how the above knowledge can be embeddedin a system for music performance