135 research outputs found

    Mobile graphics: SIGGRAPH Asia 2017 course

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    Platform Independent Real-Time X3D Shaders and their Applications in Bioinformatics Visualization

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    Since the introduction of programmable Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) and procedural shaders, hardware vendors have each developed their own individual real-time shading language standard. None of these shading languages is fully platform independent. Although this real-time programmable shader technology could be developed into 3D application on a single system, this platform dependent limitation keeps the shader technology away from 3D Internet applications. The primary purpose of this dissertation is to design a framework for translating different shader formats to platform independent shaders and embed them into the eXtensible 3D (X3D) scene for 3D web applications. This framework includes a back-end core shader converter, which translates shaders among different shading languages with a middle XML layer. Also included is a shader library containing a basic set of shaders that developers can load and add shaders to. This framework will then be applied to some applications in Biomolecular Visualization


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    Both product design and manufacturing are intrinsically collaborative processes. From conception and design to project completion and ongoing maintenance, all points in the lifecycle of any product involve the work of fluctuating teams of designers, suppliers and customers. That is why companies are involved in the creation of a distributed design and a manufacturing environment which could provide an effective way to communicate and share information throughout the entire enterprise and the supply chain. At present, the technologies that support such a strategy are based on World Wide Web platforms and follow two different paths. The first one focuses on 2D documentation improvement and introduces 3D interactive information in order to add knowledge to drawings. The second one works directly on 3D models and tries to extend the life of 3D data moving these design information downstream through the entire product lifecycle. Unfortunately the actual lack of a unique 3D Web-based standard has stimulated the growing up of many different proprietary and open source standards and, as a consequence, a production of an incompatible information exchange over the WEB. This paper proposes a structured analysis of Web-based solutions, trying to identify the most critical aspects to promote a unique 3D digital standard model capable of sharing product and manufacturing data more effectively—regardless of geographic boundaries, data structures, processes or computing environmen

    Analysis domain model for shared virtual environments

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    The field of shared virtual environments, which also encompasses online games and social 3D environments, has a system landscape consisting of multiple solutions that share great functional overlap. However, there is little system interoperability between the different solutions. A shared virtual environment has an associated problem domain that is highly complex raising difficult challenges to the development process, starting with the architectural design of the underlying system. This paper has two main contributions. The first contribution is a broad domain analysis of shared virtual environments, which enables developers to have a better understanding of the whole rather than the part(s). The second contribution is a reference domain model for discussing and describing solutions - the Analysis Domain Model

    Ubiquitous volume rendering in the web platform

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    176 p.The main thesis hypothesis is that ubiquitous volume rendering can be achieved using WebGL. The thesis enumerates the challenges that should be met to achieve that goal. The results allow web content developers the integration of interactive volume rendering within standard HTML5 web pages. Content developers only need to declare the X3D nodes that provide the rendering characteristics they desire. In contrast to the systems that provide specific GPU programs, the presented architecture creates automatically the GPU code required by the WebGL graphics pipeline. This code is generated directly from the X3D nodes declared in the virtual scene. Therefore, content developers do not need to know about the GPU.The thesis extends previous research on web compatible volume data structures for WebGL, ray-casting hybrid surface and volumetric rendering, progressive volume rendering and some specific problems related to the visualization of medical datasets. Finally, the thesis contributes to the X3D standard with some proposals to extend and improve the volume rendering component. The proposals are in an advance stage towards their acceptance by the Web3D Consortium

    Interactive web-based visualization

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    The visualization of large amounts of data, which cannot be easily copied for processing on a user’s local machine, is not yet a fully solved problem. Remote visualization represents one possible solution approach to the problem, and has long been an important research topic. Depending on the device used, modern hardware, such as high-performance GPUs, is sometimes not available. This is another reason for the use of remote visualization. Additionally, due to the growing global networking and collaboration among research groups, collaborative remote visualization solutions are becoming more important. The additional use of collaborative visualization solutions is eventually due to the growing global networking and collaboration among research groups. The attractiveness of web-based remote visualization is greatly increased by the wide availability of web browsers on almost all devices; these are available today on all systems - from desktop computers to smartphones. In order to ensure interactivity, network bandwidth and latency are the biggest challenges that web-based visualization algorithms have to solve. Despite the steady improvements in available bandwidth, these improvements are still significantly slower than, for example, processor performance, resulting in increasing the impact of this bottleneck. For example, visualization of large dynamic data in low-bandwidth environments can be challenging because it requires continuous data transfer. However, bandwidth improvement alone cannot improve the latency because it is also affected by factors such as the distance between server and client and network utilization. To overcome these challenges, a combination of techniques is needed to customize the individual processing steps of the visualization pipeline, from efficient data representation to hardware-accelerated rendering on the client side. This thesis first deals with related work in the field of remote visualization with a particular focus on interactive web-based visualization and then presents techniques for interactive visualization in the browser using modern web standards such as WebGL and HTML5. These techniques enable the visualization of dynamic molecular data sets with more than one million atoms at interactive frame rates using GPU-based ray casting. Due to the limitations which exist in a browser-based environment, the concrete implementation of the GPU-based ray casting had to be customized. Evaluation of the resulting performance shows that GPU-based techniques enable the interactive rendering of large data sets and achieve higher image quality compared to polygon-based techniques. In order to reduce data transfer times and network latency, and improve rendering speed, efficient approaches for data representation and transmission are used. Furthermore, this thesis introduces a GPU-based volume-ray marching technique based on WebGL 2.0, which uses progressive brick-wise data transfer, as well as multiple levels of detail in order to achieve interactive volume rendering of datasets stored on a server. The concepts and results presented in this thesis contribute to the further spread of interactive web-based visualization. The algorithmic and technological advances that have been achieved form a basis for further development of interactive browser-based visualization applications. At the same time, this approach has the potential for enabling future collaborative visualization in the cloud.Die Visualisierung großer Datenmengen, welche nicht ohne Weiteres zur Verarbeitung auf den lokalen Rechner des Anwenders kopiert werden können, ist ein bisher nicht zufriedenstellend gelöstes Problem. Remote-Visualisierung stellt einen möglichen Lösungsansatz dar und ist deshalb seit langem ein relevantes Forschungsthema. AbhĂ€ngig vom verwendeten EndgerĂ€t ist moderne Hardware, wie etwa performante GPUs, teilweise nicht verfĂŒgbar. Dies ist ein weiterer Grund fĂŒr den Einsatz von Remote-Visualisierung. Durch die zunehmende globale Vernetzung und Kollaboration von Forschungsgruppen gewinnt kollaborative Remote-Visualisierung zusĂ€tzlich an Bedeutung. Die AttraktivitĂ€t web-basierter Remote-Visualisierung wird durch die weitreichende VerfĂŒgbarkeit von Web-Browsern auf nahezu allen EndgerĂ€ten enorm gesteigert; diese sind heutzutage auf allen Systemen - vom Desktop-Computer bis zum Smartphone - vorhanden. Bei der GewĂ€hrleistung der InteraktivitĂ€t sind Bandbreite und Latenz der Netzwerkverbindung die grĂ¶ĂŸten Herausforderungen, welche von web-basierten Visualisierungs-Algorithmen gelöst werden mĂŒssen. Trotz der stetigen Verbesserungen hinsichtlich der verfĂŒgbaren Bandbreite steigt diese signifikant langsamer als beispielsweise die Prozessorleistung, wodurch sich die Auswirkung dieses Flaschenhalses immer weiter verstĂ€rkt. So kann beispielsweise die Visualisierung großer dynamischer Daten in Umgebungen mit geringer Bandbreite eine Herausforderung darstellen, da kontinuierlicher Datentransfer benötigt wird. Dennoch kann die alleinige Verbesserung der Bandbreite keine entsprechende Verbesserung der Latenz bewirken, da diese zudem von Faktoren wie der Distanz zwischen Server und Client sowie der Netzwerkauslastung beeinflusst wird. Um diese Herausforderungen zu bewĂ€ltigen, wird eine Kombination verschiedener Techniken fĂŒr die Anpassung der einzelnen Verarbeitungsschritte der Visualisierungspipeline benötigt, angefangen bei effizienter DatenreprĂ€sentation bis hin zu hardware-beschleunigtem Rendering auf der Client-Seite. Diese Doktorarbeit befasst sich zunĂ€chst mit verwandten Arbeiten auf dem Gebiet der Remote-Visualisierung mit besonderem Fokus auf interaktiver web-basierter Visualisierung und prĂ€sentiert danach Techniken fĂŒr die interaktive Visualisierung im Browser mit Hilfe moderner Web-Standards wie WebGL und HTML5. Diese Techniken ermöglichen die Visualisierung dynamischer molekularer DatensĂ€tze mit mehr als einer Million Atomen bei interaktiven Frameraten durch die Verwendung GPU-basierten Raycastings. Aufgrund der EinschrĂ€nkungen, welche in einer Browser-basierten Umgebung vorliegen, musste die konkrete Implementierung des GPU-basierten Raycastings angepasst werden. Die Evaluation der daraus resultierenden Performanz zeigt, dass GPU-basierte Techniken das interaktive Rendering von großen DatensĂ€tzen ermöglichen und eine im Vergleich zu Polygon-basierten Techniken höhere BildqualitĂ€t erreichen. Zur Verringerung der Übertragungszeiten, Reduktion der Latenz und Verbesserung der Darstellungsgeschwindigkeit werden effiziente AnsĂ€tze zur DatenreprĂ€sentation und ĂŒbertragung verwendet. Des Weiteren wird in dieser Doktorarbeit eine GPU-basierte Volumen-Ray-Marching-Technik auf Basis von WebGL 2.0 eingefĂŒhrt, welche progressive blockweise DatenĂŒbertragung verwendet, sowie verschiedene Detailgrade, um ein interaktives Volumenrendering von auf dem Server gespeicherten DatensĂ€tzen zu erreichen. Die in dieser Doktorarbeit prĂ€sentierten Konzepte und Resultate tragen zur weiteren Verbreitung von interaktiver web-basierter Visualisierung bei. Die erzielten algorithmischen und technologischen Fortschritte bilden eine Grundlage fĂŒr weiterfĂŒhrende Entwicklungen von interaktiven Visualisierungsanwendungen auf Browser-Basis. Gleichzeitig hat dieser Ansatz das Potential, zukĂŒnftig kollaborative Visualisierung in der Cloud zu ermöglichen

    Ubiquitous volume rendering in the web platform

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    176 p.The main thesis hypothesis is that ubiquitous volume rendering can be achieved using WebGL. The thesis enumerates the challenges that should be met to achieve that goal. The results allow web content developers the integration of interactive volume rendering within standard HTML5 web pages. Content developers only need to declare the X3D nodes that provide the rendering characteristics they desire. In contrast to the systems that provide specific GPU programs, the presented architecture creates automatically the GPU code required by the WebGL graphics pipeline. This code is generated directly from the X3D nodes declared in the virtual scene. Therefore, content developers do not need to know about the GPU.The thesis extends previous research on web compatible volume data structures for WebGL, ray-casting hybrid surface and volumetric rendering, progressive volume rendering and some specific problems related to the visualization of medical datasets. Finally, the thesis contributes to the X3D standard with some proposals to extend and improve the volume rendering component. The proposals are in an advance stage towards their acceptance by the Web3D Consortium

    Ubiquitous Scalable Graphics: An End-to-End Framework using Wavelets

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    Advances in ubiquitous displays and wireless communications have fueled the emergence of exciting mobile graphics applications including 3D virtual product catalogs, 3D maps, security monitoring systems and mobile games. Current trends that use cameras to capture geometry, material reflectance and other graphics elements means that very high resolution inputs is accessible to render extremely photorealistic scenes. However, captured graphics content can be many gigabytes in size, and must be simplified before they can be used on small mobile devices, which have limited resources, such as memory, screen size and battery energy. Scaling and converting graphics content to a suitable rendering format involves running several software tools, and selecting the best resolution for target mobile device is often done by trial and error, which all takes time. Wireless errors can also affect transmitted content and aggressive compression is needed for low-bandwidth wireless networks. Most rendering algorithms are currently optimized for visual realism and speed, but are not resource or energy efficient on mobile device. This dissertation focuses on the improvement of rendering performance by reducing the impacts of these problems with UbiWave, an end-to-end Framework to enable real time mobile access to high resolution graphics using wavelets. The framework tackles the issues including simplification, transmission, and resource efficient rendering of graphics content on mobile device based on wavelets by utilizing 1) a Perceptual Error Metric (PoI) for automatically computing the best resolution of graphics content for a given mobile display to eliminate guesswork and save resources, 2) Unequal Error Protection (UEP) to improve the resilience to wireless errors, 3) an Energy-efficient Adaptive Real-time Rendering (EARR) heuristic to balance energy consumption, rendering speed and image quality and 4) an Energy-efficient Streaming Technique. The results facilitate a new class of mobile graphics application which can gracefully adapt the lowest acceptable rendering resolution to the wireless network conditions and the availability of resources and battery energy on mobile device adaptively

    Analysis of Visualisation and Interaction Tools Authors

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    This document provides an in-depth analysis of visualization and interaction tools employed in the context of Virtual Museum. This analysis is required to identify and design the tools and the different components that will be part of the Common Implementation Framework (CIF). The CIF will be the base of the web-based services and tools to support the development of Virtual Museums with particular attention to online Virtual Museum.The main goal is to provide to the stakeholders and developers an useful platform to support and help them in the development of their projects, despite the nature of the project itself. The design of the Common Implementation Framework (CIF) is based on an analysis of the typical workflow ofthe V-MUST partners and their perceived limitations of current technologies. This document is based also on the results of the V-MUST technical questionnaire (presented in the Deliverable 4.1). Based on these two source of information, we have selected some important tools (mainly visualization tools) and services and we elaborate some first guidelines and ideas for the design and development of the CIF, that shall provide a technological foundation for the V-MUST Platform, together with the V-MUST repository/repositories and the additional services defined in the WP4. Two state of the art reports, one about user interface design and another one about visualization technologies have been also provided in this document

    Adaptivity of 3D web content in web-based virtual museums : a quality of service and quality of experience perspective

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    The 3D Web emerged as an agglomeration of technologies that brought the third dimension to the World Wide Web. Its forms spanned from being systems with limited 3D capabilities to complete and complex Web-Based Virtual Worlds. The advent of the 3D Web provided great opportunities to museums by giving them an innovative medium to disseminate collections' information and associated interpretations in the form of digital artefacts, and virtual reconstructions thus leading to a new revolutionary way in cultural heritage curation, preservation and dissemination thereby reaching a wider audience. This audience consumes 3D Web material on a myriad of devices (mobile devices, tablets and personal computers) and network regimes (WiFi, 4G, 3G, etc.). Choreographing and presenting 3D Web components across all these heterogeneous platforms and network regimes present a significant challenge yet to overcome. The challenge is to achieve a good user Quality of Experience (QoE) across all these platforms. This means that different levels of fidelity of media may be appropriate. Therefore, servers hosting those media types need to adapt to the capabilities of a wide range of networks and devices. To achieve this, the research contributes the design and implementation of Hannibal, an adaptive QoS & QoE-aware engine that allows Web-Based Virtual Museums to deliver the best possible user experience across those platforms. In order to ensure effective adaptivity of 3D content, this research furthers the understanding of the 3D web in terms of Quality of Service (QoS) through empirical investigations studying how 3D Web components perform and what are their bottlenecks and in terms of QoE studying the subjective perception of fidelity of 3D Digital Heritage artefacts. Results of these experiments lead to the design and implementation of Hannibal
