83 research outputs found

    A Survey on Data Deduplication

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    Now-a-days, the demand of data storage capacity is increasing drastically. Due to more demands of storage, the computer society is attracting toward cloud storage. Security of data and cost factors are important challenges in cloud storage. A duplicate file not only waste the storage, it also increases the access time. So the detection and removal of duplicate data is an essential task. Data deduplication, an efficient approach to data reduction, has gained increasing attention and popularity in large-scale storage systems. It eliminates redundant data at the file or subfile level and identifies duplicate content by its cryptographically secure hash signature. It is very tricky because neither duplicate files don?t have a common key nor they contain error. There are several approaches to identify and remove redundant data at file and chunk levels. In this paper, the background and key features of data deduplication is covered, then summarize and classify the data deduplication process according to the key workflow

    A survey and classification of storage deduplication systems

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    The automatic elimination of duplicate data in a storage system commonly known as deduplication is increasingly accepted as an effective technique to reduce storage costs. Thus, it has been applied to different storage types, including archives and backups, primary storage, within solid state disks, and even to random access memory. Although the general approach to deduplication is shared by all storage types, each poses specific challenges and leads to different trade-offs and solutions. This diversity is often misunderstood, thus underestimating the relevance of new research and development. The first contribution of this paper is a classification of deduplication systems according to six criteria that correspond to key design decisions: granularity, locality, timing, indexing, technique, and scope. This classification identifies and describes the different approaches used for each of them. As a second contribution, we describe which combinations of these design decisions have been proposed and found more useful for challenges in each storage type. Finally, outstanding research challenges and unexplored design points are identified and discussed.This work is funded by the European Regional Development Fund (EDRF) through the COMPETE Programme (operational programme for competitiveness) and by National Funds through the Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia (FCT; Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology) within project RED FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-010156 and the FCT by PhD scholarship SFRH-BD-71372-2010

    Data Deduplication Technology for Cloud Storage

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    With the explosive growth of information data, the data storage system has stepped into the cloud storage era. Although the core of the cloud storage system is distributed file system in solving the problem of mass data storage, a large number of duplicate data exist in all storage system. File systems are designed to control how files are stored and retrieved. Fewer studies focus on the cloud file system deduplication technologies at the application level, especially for the Hadoop distributed file system. In this paper, we design a file deduplication framework on Hadoop distributed file system for cloud application developer. Proposed RFD-HDFS and FD-HDFS two data deduplication solutions process data deduplication online, which improves storage space utilisation and reduces the redundancy. In the end of the paper, we test the disk utilisation and the file upload performance on RFD-HDFS and FD-HDFS, and compare HDFS with the disk utilisation of two system frameworks. The results show that the two-system framework not only implements data deduplication function but also effectively reduces the disk utilisation of duplicate files. So, the proposed framework can indeed reduce the storage space by eliminating redundant HDFS file

    Fragmentation in storage systems with duplicate elimination

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    Deduplication inevitably results in data fragmentation, because logically continuous data is scattered across many disk locations. Even though this significantly increases restore time from backup, the problem is still not well examined. In this work I close this gap by designing algorithms that reduce negative impact of fragmentation on restore time for two major types of fragmentation: internal and inter-version.Internal stream fragmentation is caused by the blocks appearing many times within a single backup. Such phenomenon happens surprisingly often and can result in even three times lower restore bandwidth. With an algorithm utilizing available forward knowledge to enable efficient caching I managed to improve this result on average by 62%-88% with only about 5% extra memory used. Although these results are achieved with limited forward knowledge, they are very close to the ones measured with no such limitation.Inter-version fragmentation is caused by duplicates from previous backups of the same backup set. Since such duplicates are very common due to repeated full backups containing a lot of unchanged data, this type of fragmentation may double the restore time after even a few backups. The context-based rewriting algorithm minimizes this effect by selectively rewriting a small percentage of duplicates during backup, limiting the bandwidth drop from 21.3% to 2.48% on average with only small increase in writing time and temporary space overhead.The two algorithms combined end up in a very effective symbiosis resulting in an average 142% restore bandwidth increase with standard 256MB of per-stream cache memory. In many cases such setup achieves results close to the theoretical maximum achievable with unlimited cache size. Moreover, all the above experiments where performed assuming only one spindle, even though in majority of today’s systems many spindles are used. In a sample setup with ten spindles, the restore bandwidth results are on average 5 times higher than in standard LRU case.Fragmentacja jest nieuniknioną konsekwencją deduplikacji, ponieważ pojedynczy strumień danych rozrzucany jest pomiędzy wiele lokalizacji na dysku. Fakt ten powoduje znaczące wydłużenie czasu odzyskiwania danych z kopii zapasowych. Mimo to, problem wciąż nie jest dobrze zbadany. Niniejsza praca wypełnia tę lukę poprzez propozycje algorytmów, które redukują negatywny wpływ fragmentacji na czas odczytu dla dwóch najważniejszych jej rodzajów: wewnętrznej fragmentacji strumienia oraz fragmentacji pomiędzy różnymi wersjami danych.Wewnętrzna fragmentacja strumienia jest spowodowana blokami powtarzającymi się wielokrotnie w pojedynczym strumieniu danych. To zjawisko zdarza się zaskakująco często i powoduje nawet trzykrotnie niższą wydaj-ność odczytu. Proponowany w tej pracy algorytm efektywnego zarządzania pamięcią, wykorzystujący dostępną wiedzę o danych, jest w stanie podnieść wydajność odczytu o 62-88%, używając przy tym tylko 5% dodatkowej pamięci.Fragmentacja pomiędzy różnymi wersjami danych jest spowodowana duplikatami pochodzącymi z wcześniejszych zapisów tego samego zbioru danych. Ponieważ pełne kopie zapasowe tworzone są regularnie i zawierają duże ilości powtarzających się danych, takie duplikaty występują bardzo często. W przypadku późniejszego odczytu, ich obecność może powodować nawet podwojenie czasu potrzebnego na odzyskanie danych, po utworzeniu zaledwie kilku kopii zapasowych. Algorytm przepisywania kontekstowego minimalizuje ten efekt przez selektywne przepisywanie małej ilości duplikatów podczas zapisu. Takie postępowanie jest w stanie ograniczyć średni spadek wydajności odczytu z 21,3% do 2,48%, kosztem minimalnego zwiększenia czasu zapisudanych i wymagania niewielkiej przestrzeni dyskowej na pamięć tymczasową.Obydwa algorytmy użyte razem działają jeszcze wydajniej, poprawiając przepustowość odczytu przeciętnie o 142% przy standardowej ilości 256MB pamięci cache dla każdego strumienia. Dodatkowo, ponieważ powyższe wyniki zakładają odczyt z jednego dysku, przeprowadzone zostały testy symulujące korzystanie z przepustowości wielu dysków, gdyż takie konfiguracje są bardzo częste w dzisiejszych systemach. Dla przykładu, używając dziecięciu dysków i proponowanych algorytmów, można osiągnąć średnio pięciokrotnie wyższą wydajność niż w standardowym podejściu z algorytmem typu LRU

    Efficient, Dependable Storage of Human Genome Sequencing Data

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    A compreensão do genoma humano impacta várias áreas da vida. Os dados oriundos do genoma humano são enormes pois existem milhões de amostras a espera de serem sequenciadas e cada genoma humano sequenciado pode ocupar centenas de gigabytes de espaço de armazenamento. Os genomas humanos são críticos porque são extremamente valiosos para a investigação e porque podem fornecer informações delicadas sobre o estado de saúde dos indivíduos, identificar os seus dadores ou até mesmo revelar informações sobre os parentes destes. O tamanho e a criticidade destes genomas, para além da quantidade de dados produzidos por instituições médicas e de ciências da vida, exigem que os sistemas informáticos sejam escaláveis, ao mesmo tempo que sejam seguros, confiáveis, auditáveis e com custos acessíveis. As infraestruturas de armazenamento existentes são tão caras que não nos permitem ignorar a eficiência de custos no armazenamento de genomas humanos, assim como em geral estas não possuem o conhecimento e os mecanismos adequados para proteger a privacidade dos dadores de amostras biológicas. Esta tese propõe um sistema de armazenamento de genomas humanos eficiente, seguro e auditável para instituições médicas e de ciências da vida. Ele aprimora os ecossistemas de armazenamento tradicionais com técnicas de privacidade, redução do tamanho dos dados e auditabilidade a fim de permitir o uso eficiente e confiável de infraestruturas públicas de computação em nuvem para armazenar genomas humanos. As contribuições desta tese incluem (1) um estudo sobre a sensibilidade à privacidade dos genomas humanos; (2) um método para detetar sistematicamente as porções dos genomas que são sensíveis à privacidade; (3) algoritmos de redução do tamanho de dados, especializados para dados de genomas sequenciados; (4) um esquema de auditoria independente para armazenamento disperso e seguro de dados; e (5) um fluxo de armazenamento completo que obtém garantias razoáveis de proteção, segurança e confiabilidade a custos modestos (por exemplo, menos de 1/Genoma/Ano),integrandoosmecanismospropostosaconfigurac\co~esdearmazenamentoapropriadasTheunderstandingofhumangenomeimpactsseveralareasofhumanlife.Datafromhumangenomesismassivebecausetherearemillionsofsamplestobesequenced,andeachsequencedhumangenomemaysizehundredsofgigabytes.Humangenomesarecriticalbecausetheyareextremelyvaluabletoresearchandmayprovidehintsonindividualshealthstatus,identifytheirdonors,orrevealinformationaboutdonorsrelatives.Theirsizeandcriticality,plustheamountofdatabeingproducedbymedicalandlifesciencesinstitutions,requiresystemstoscalewhilebeingsecure,dependable,auditable,andaffordable.Currentstorageinfrastructuresaretooexpensivetoignorecostefficiencyinstoringhumangenomes,andtheylacktheproperknowledgeandmechanismstoprotecttheprivacyofsampledonors.Thisthesisproposesanefficientstoragesystemforhumangenomesthatmedicalandlifesciencesinstitutionsmaytrustandafford.Itenhancestraditionalstorageecosystemswithprivacyaware,datareduction,andauditabilitytechniquestoenabletheefficient,dependableuseofmultitenantinfrastructurestostorehumangenomes.Contributionsfromthisthesisinclude(1)astudyontheprivacysensitivityofhumangenomes;(2)todetectgenomesprivacysensitiveportionssystematically;(3)specialiseddatareductionalgorithmsforsequencingdata;(4)anindependentauditabilityschemeforsecuredispersedstorage;and(5)acompletestoragepipelinethatobtainsreasonableprivacyprotection,security,anddependabilityguaranteesatmodestcosts(e.g.,lessthan1/Genoma/Ano), integrando os mecanismos propostos a configurações de armazenamento apropriadasThe understanding of human genome impacts several areas of human life. Data from human genomes is massive because there are millions of samples to be sequenced, and each sequenced human genome may size hundreds of gigabytes. Human genomes are critical because they are extremely valuable to research and may provide hints on individuals’ health status, identify their donors, or reveal information about donors’ relatives. Their size and criticality, plus the amount of data being produced by medical and life-sciences institutions, require systems to scale while being secure, dependable, auditable, and affordable. Current storage infrastructures are too expensive to ignore cost efficiency in storing human genomes, and they lack the proper knowledge and mechanisms to protect the privacy of sample donors. This thesis proposes an efficient storage system for human genomes that medical and lifesciences institutions may trust and afford. It enhances traditional storage ecosystems with privacy-aware, data-reduction, and auditability techniques to enable the efficient, dependable use of multi-tenant infrastructures to store human genomes. Contributions from this thesis include (1) a study on the privacy-sensitivity of human genomes; (2) to detect genomes’ privacy-sensitive portions systematically; (3) specialised data reduction algorithms for sequencing data; (4) an independent auditability scheme for secure dispersed storage; and (5) a complete storage pipeline that obtains reasonable privacy protection, security, and dependability guarantees at modest costs (e.g., less than 1/Genome/Year) by integrating the proposed mechanisms with appropriate storage configurations

    Structural insight into mitochondrial β-barrel outer membrane protein biogenesis

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    Abstract: In mitochondria, β-barrel outer membrane proteins mediate protein import, metabolite transport, lipid transport, and biogenesis. The Sorting and Assembly Machinery (SAM) complex consists of three proteins that assemble as a 1:1:1 complex to fold β-barrel proteins and insert them into the mitochondrial outer membrane. We report cryoEM structures of the SAM complex from Myceliophthora thermophila, which show that Sam50 forms a 16-stranded transmembrane β-barrel with a single polypeptide-transport-associated (POTRA) domain extending into the intermembrane space. Sam35 and Sam37 are located on the cytosolic side of the outer membrane, with Sam35 capping Sam50, and Sam37 interacting extensively with Sam35. Sam35 and Sam37 each adopt a GST-like fold, with no functional, structural, or sequence similarity to their bacterial counterparts. Structural analysis shows how the Sam50 β-barrel opens a lateral gate to accommodate its substrates

    A Taxonomy of Privacy-Preserving Record Linkage Techniques

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    The process of identifying which records in two or more databases correspond to the same entity is an important aspect of data quality activities such as data pre-processing and data integration. Known as record linkage, data matching or entity resolution, this process has attracted interest from researchers in fields such as databases and data warehousing, data mining, information systems, and machine learning. Record linkage has various challenges, including scalability to large databases, accurate matching and classification, and privacy and confidentiality. The latter challenge arises because commonly personal identifying data, such as names, addresses and dates of birth of individuals, are used in the linkage process. When databases are linked across organizations, the issue of how to protect the privacy and confidentiality of such sensitive information is crucial to successful application of record linkage. In this paper we present an overview of techniques that allow the linking of databases between organizations while at the same time preserving the privacy of these data. Known as 'privacy-preserving record linkage' (PPRL), various such techniques have been developed. We present a taxonomy of PPRL techniques to characterize these techniques along 15 dimensions, and conduct a survey of PPRL techniques. We then highlight shortcomings of current techniques and discuss avenues for future research