1,021 research outputs found

    An Efficient Algorithm for Mining Frequent Sequence with Constraint Programming

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    The main advantage of Constraint Programming (CP) approaches for sequential pattern mining (SPM) is their modularity, which includes the ability to add new constraints (regular expressions, length restrictions, etc). The current best CP approach for SPM uses a global constraint (module) that computes the projected database and enforces the minimum frequency; it does this with a filtering algorithm similar to the PrefixSpan method. However, the resulting system is not as scalable as some of the most advanced mining systems like Zaki's cSPADE. We show how, using techniques from both data mining and CP, one can use a generic constraint solver and yet outperform existing specialized systems. This is mainly due to two improvements in the module that computes the projected frequencies: first, computing the projected database can be sped up by pre-computing the positions at which an symbol can become unsupported by a sequence, thereby avoiding to scan the full sequence each time; and second by taking inspiration from the trailing used in CP solvers to devise a backtracking-aware data structure that allows fast incremental storing and restoring of the projected database. Detailed experiments show how this approach outperforms existing CP as well as specialized systems for SPM, and that the gain in efficiency translates directly into increased efficiency for other settings such as mining with regular expressions.Comment: frequent sequence mining, constraint programmin

    Set Representation for Rule Generation Algorithms

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    The task of mining the association rule has become one of the most widely used discovery pattern methods in Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD). One such task is to represent the itemset in the memory. The representation of the itemset largely depend on the type of data structure that is used for storing them. Computing the process of mining the association rule im- pacts the memory and time requirement of the itemset. With the increase in the dimensionality of data and datasets, mining such large volume of datasets will be difficult since all these itemsets cannot be placed in the main memory. As representation of an itemset greatly affects the efficiency of the rule mining association, a compact and compress representation of an itemset is needed. In this paper, a set representation is introduced which is more memory and cost efficient. Bitmap representation takes one byte for an element but the set representation uses one bit. The set representation is being incorporated in Apriori Algorithm. Set representation is also being tested for different rule generation algorithms. The complexities of these different rule generation algorithms using set representation are being compared in terms of memory and time execution

    Tight and simple Web graph compression

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    Analysing Web graphs has applications in determining page ranks, fighting Web spam, detecting communities and mirror sites, and more. This study is however hampered by the necessity of storing a major part of huge graphs in the external memory, which prevents efficient random access to edge (hyperlink) lists. A number of algorithms involving compression techniques have thus been presented, to represent Web graphs succinctly but also providing random access. Those techniques are usually based on differential encodings of the adjacency lists, finding repeating nodes or node regions in the successive lists, more general grammar-based transformations or 2-dimensional representations of the binary matrix of the graph. In this paper we present two Web graph compression algorithms. The first can be seen as engineering of the Boldi and Vigna (2004) method. We extend the notion of similarity between link lists, and use a more compact encoding of residuals. The algorithm works on blocks of varying size (in the number of input lines) and sacrifices access time for better compression ratio, achieving more succinct graph representation than other algorithms reported in the literature. The second algorithm works on blocks of the same size, in the number of input lines, and its key mechanism is merging the block into a single ordered list. This method achieves much more attractive space-time tradeoffs.Comment: 15 page

    Frequent itemset mining on multiprocessor systems

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    Frequent itemset mining is an important building block in many data mining applications like market basket analysis, recommendation, web-mining, fraud detection, and gene expression analysis. In many of them, the datasets being mined can easily grow up to hundreds of gigabytes or even terabytes of data. Hence, efficient algorithms are required to process such large amounts of data. In recent years, there have been many frequent-itemset mining algorithms proposed, which however (1) often have high memory requirements and (2) do not exploit the large degrees of parallelism provided by modern multiprocessor systems. The high memory requirements arise mainly from inefficient data structures that have only been shown to be sufficient for small datasets. For large datasets, however, the use of these data structures force the algorithms to go out-of-core, i.e., they have to access secondary memory, which leads to serious performance degradations. Exploiting available parallelism is further required to mine large datasets because the serial performance of processors almost stopped increasing. Algorithms should therefore exploit the large number of available threads and also the other kinds of parallelism (e.g., vector instruction sets) besides thread-level parallelism. In this work, we tackle the high memory requirements of frequent itemset mining twofold: we (1) compress the datasets being mined because they must be kept in main memory during several mining invocations and (2) improve existing mining algorithms with memory-efficient data structures. For compressing the datasets, we employ efficient encodings that show a good compression performance on a wide variety of realistic datasets, i.e., the size of the datasets is reduced by up to 6.4x. The encodings can further be applied directly while loading the dataset from disk or network. Since encoding and decoding is repeatedly required for loading and mining the datasets, we reduce its costs by providing parallel encodings that achieve high throughputs for both tasks. For a memory-efficient representation of the mining algorithms’ intermediate data, we propose compact data structures and even employ explicit compression. Both methods together reduce the intermediate data’s size by up to 25x. The smaller memory requirements avoid or delay expensive out-of-core computation when large datasets are mined. For coping with the high parallelism provided by current multiprocessor systems, we identify the performance hot spots and scalability issues of existing frequent-itemset mining algorithms. The hot spots, which form basic building blocks of these algorithms, cover (1) counting the frequency of fixed-length strings, (2) building prefix trees, (3) compressing integer values, and (4) intersecting lists of sorted integer values or bitmaps. For all of them, we discuss how to exploit available parallelism and provide scalable solutions. Furthermore, almost all components of the mining algorithms must be parallelized to keep the sequential fraction of the algorithms as small as possible. We integrate the parallelized building blocks and components into three well-known mining algorithms and further analyze the impact of certain existing optimizations. Our algorithms are already single-threaded often up an order of magnitude faster than existing highly optimized algorithms and further scale almost linear on a large 32-core multiprocessor system. Although our optimizations are intended for frequent-itemset mining algorithms, they can be applied with only minor changes to algorithms that are used for mining of other types of itemsets

    Mining High Utility Sequential Patterns from Uncertain Web Access Sequences using the PL-WAP

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    In general, the web access patterns are retrieved from the web access sequence databases using various sequential pattern algorithms such as GSP, WAP, and PLWAP tree. However, these algorithms do not consider sequential data with quantity (internal utility) (e.g., the amount of the time spent by the user on a web page) and quality (external utility) (e.g., the rating of a web page in a website) information. These algorithms also do not work on uncertain sequential items (e.g., purchased products) having probability (0, 1). Factoring in the utility and uncertainty of each sequence item provides more product information that can be beneficial in mining profitable patterns from company’s websites. For example, a customer can purchase a bottle of ink more frequently than a printer but the purchase of a single printer can yield more profit to the business owner than the purchase of multiple bottles of ink. Most existing traditional uncertain sequential pattern algorithms such as U-Apriori, UF-Growth, and U-PLWAP do not include the utility measures. In U-PLWAP, the web sequences are derived from web log data without including the time spent by the user and the web pages are not associated with any rating. By considering these two utilities, sometimes the items with lower existential probability can be more profitable to the website owner. In utility based traditional algorithms, the only algorithm related to both uncertain and high utility is the PHUI-UP algorithm which considers the probability and utility as different entities and the retrieved patterns are not dependent with both due to two different thresholds, and it does not mine uncertain web access database sequences. This thesis proposes the algorithm HUU-PLWAP miner for mining uncertain sequential patterns with internal and external utility information using PLWAP tree approach that cut down on several database scans of level-wise approaches. HUU-PLWAP uses uncertain internal utility values (derived from sequence uncertainty model) and the constant external utility values (predefined) to retrieve the high utility sequential patterns from uncertain web access sequence databases with the help of U-PLWAP methodology. Experiments show that HUU-PLWAP is at least 95% faster than U-PLWAP, and 75% faster than the PHUI-UP algorithm

    A Safety Support System for Children\u27s Antiloss

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    In the recent past, crimes against children and the number of the missing children have been stayed at high. It is a tragic disaster for a family if their child is missing. Feeling safe about their children is very important for the parents. Therefore, there is an urgent requirement for safety support systems to prevent crimes against children and for anti-loss, particularly when the children are on their own, such as on the ways to and from schools. Thanks to the highly development of telecommunication and mobile technologies, preventive devices such as child ID kits, family trackers have come to light. However, they haven\u27t been impressive solutions yet as they only track current positions of the children and lack of intimations for the parents when their children are under potential dangers. In this thesis, a data mining framework is introduced, in which secure areas and secure paths of the children are learned based on their location histories. When the system predicts the children to be potentially unsafe (e.g., in a strange area or on a strange route), automatic reports will be sent to their parents. Furthermore, an indoor positioning method utilizing Bluetooth is also proposed. Based on the android platform, a prototype of the application for both children and parents is developed incorporating with the proposed techniques in this thesis

    An Early Warning System for Hospital Acquired Pneumonia

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    Pneumonia is a dangerous, often fatal secondary disease acquired by patients during their stay at Intensive Care Units. ICU patients have scores of data collected on a real time basis. Based on two years of data for a large ICU, we develop an early warning system for the onset of pneumonia that is based on Alternating Decision Trees for supervised learning, Sequential Pattern Mining, and the stacking paradigm to combine the two. Mainly due to decreased stay, the system will save € 180000 in this hospital alone while at the same time increasing the quality and consistent standard of health care. The ultimate system relies on a rather small numeric data base alone and is thus amenable to integration in a treatment protocol and a newly conceived ICU workflow system

    Directed Graph based Distributed Sequential Pattern Mining Using Hadoop MapReduce

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    Usual sequential pattern mining algorithms experiences the scalability problem when trade with very big data sets. In existing systems like PrefixSpan, UDDAG major time is needed to generate projected databases like prefix and suffix projected database from given sequential database. In DSPM (Distributed Sequential Pattern Mining) Directed Graph is introduced to generate prefix and suffix projected database which reduces the execution time for scanning large database. In UDDAG, for each unique id UDDAG is created to find next level sequential patterns. So it requires maximum storage for each UDDAG. In DSPM single directed graph is used to generate projected database and finding patterns. To improve the scanning time and scalability problem we introduce a distributed sequential pattern mining algorithm on Hadoop platform using MapReduce programming model. We use transformed database to reduce scanning time and directed graph to optimize the memory storage. Mapper is used to construct prefix and suffix projected databases for each length-1 frequent item parallel. The Reducer combines all intermediary outcomes to get final sequential patterns. Experiment results are compared against UDDAG, different values of minimum support, different massive data sets and with and without Hadoop platform which improves the scaling and speed performances. Experimental results show that DSPM using Hadoop MapReduce solves the scaling problem as well as storage problem of UDDAG. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.15020
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