34 research outputs found

    Improved Progressive BKZ Algorithms and their Precise Cost Estimation by Sharp Simulator

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    In this paper, we investigate a variant of the BKZ algorithm, called progressive BKZ, which performs BKZ reductions by starting with a small blocksize and gradually switching to larger blocks as the process continues. We discuss techniques to accelerate the speed of the progressive BKZ algorithm by optimizing the following parameters: blocksize, searching radius and probability for pruning of the local enumeration algorithm, and the constant in the geometric series assumption (GSA). We then propose a simulator for predicting the length of the Gram-Schmidt basis obtained from the BKZ reduction. We also present a model for estimating the computational cost of the proposed progressive BKZ by considering the efficient implementation of the local enumeration algorithm and the LLL algorithm. Finally, we compare the cost of the proposed progressive BKZ with that of other algorithms using instances from the Darmstadt SVP Challenge. The proposed algorithm is approximately 50 times faster than BKZ 2.0 (proposed by Chen-Nguyen) for solving the SVP Challenge up to 160 dimensions

    Second order statistical behavior of LLL and BKZ

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    The LLL algorithm (from Lenstra, Lenstra and Lovász) and its generalization BKZ (from Schnorr and Euchner) are widely used in cryptanalysis, especially for lattice-based cryptography. Precisely understanding their behavior is crucial for deriving appropriate key-size for cryptographic schemes subject to lattice-reduction attacks. Current models, e.g. the Geometric Series Assumption and Chen-Nguyen’s BKZ-simulator, have provided a decent first-order analysis of the behavior of LLL and BKZ. However, they only focused on the average behavior and were not perfectly accurate. In this work, we initiate a second order analysis of this behavior. We confirm and quantify discrepancies between models and experiments —in particular in the head and tail regions— and study their consequences. We also provide variations around the mean and correlations statistics, and study their impact. While mostly based on experiments, by pointing at and quantifying unaccounted phenomena, our study sets the ground for a theoretical and predictive understanding of LLL and BKZ performances at the second order

    Improved Progressive BKZ with Lattice Sieving and a Two-Step Mode for Solving uSVP

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    The unique Shortest Vector Problem (uSVP) is one of the core hard problems in lattice-based cryptography. In NIST PQC standardization (Kyber, Dilithium), leaky-LWE-Estimator is used to estimate the hardness of LWE-based cryptosystems by reducing LWE to uSVP and considers the primal attack using Progressive BKZ (ProBKZ). ProBKZ trivially increases blocksize ÎČ and lifts the shortest vector in the final BKZ block to find the unique shortest vector in the full lattice. In this paper, we show that a ProBKZ algorithm as above (we call it a BKZ-only mode) is not the best way to solve uSVP. So we present a two-step mode to solve it, where the ProBKZ algorithm is followed by a sieving algorithm with the dimension larger than the blocksize of BKZ. While instantiating our two-step mode with the sieving algorithm Pump and Pump-and-jump BKZ (PnjBKZ) presented in G6K, which are the state-of-art sieving and BKZ implementations, we show that our algorithm is not only better than the BKZ-only mode but also better than the heuristic uSVP solving algorithm in G6K. However, a ProBKZ with the heuristic parameter selection in leaky-LWE-Estimator or the optimized parameter selection in the literature (Yoshinori Aono et al. at Asiacrypt 2016), is insuïŹ€icient in optimizing the eïŹ€iciency of a two-step solving algorithm. To find the best param- eters, we design a PnjBKZ simulator which allows the choice of value jump to be more than 1. Based on the newly designed simulator, we give a blocksize and jump strategy selection algorithm, which can achieve the best simulated eïŹ€iciency in solving uSVP instances. Combining all the things above, we get a new lattice solving algorithm called Improved Progressive PnjBKZ (ProPnjBKZ for short). We test the eïŹ€iciency of our ProPnjBKZ with the TU Darmstadt LWE Challenge. The experiment result shows that our ProPnjBKZ is 7.6∌12.9 times more eïŹ€icient than the heuristic uSVP solving algorithm in G6K. Besides, we break the TU Darmstadt LWE Challenges with (n, α) ∈{(40, 0.035), (40, 0.040), (50, 0.025), (55, 0.020), (90, 0.005)}. Finally, we give a newly refined security estimator of LWE. The evaluation results indicate that the concrete hardness of the lattice-based NIST candidate schemes from LWE primal attack will decrease by 1.9∌4.2 bits when using our optimized blocksize and jump selection strategy and two-step solving mode. In addition, when using the list-decoding technology proposed by MATZOV in 2022, it further decreased by 8∌10.7 bits

    Lattice Enumeration with Discrete Pruning: Improvement, Cost Estimation and Optimal Parameters

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    Lattice enumeration is a linear-space algorithm for solving the shortest lattice vector problem(SVP). Extreme pruning is a practical technique for accelerating lattice enumeration, which has mature theoretical analysis and practical implementation. However, these works are still remain to be done for discrete pruning. In this paper, we improve the discrete pruned enumeration (DP enumeration), and give a solution to the problem proposed by Leo Ducas et Damien Stehle about the cost estimation of discrete pruning. Our contribution is on the following three aspects: First, we refine the algorithm both from theoretical and practical aspects. Discrete pruning using natural number representation lies on a randomness assumption of lattice point distribution, which has an obvious paradox in the original analysis. We rectify this assumption to fix the problem, and correspondingly modify some details of DP enumeration. We also improve the binary search algorithm for cell enumeration radius with polynomial time complexity, and refine the cell decoding algorithm. Besides, we propose to use a truncated lattice reduction algorithm -- k-tours-BKZ as reprocessing method when a round of enumeration failed. Second, we propose a cost estimation simulator for DP enumeration. Based on the investigation of lattice basis stability during reprocessing, we give a method to simulate the squared length of Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization basis quickly, and give the fitted cost estimation formulae of sub-algorithms in CPU-cycles through intensive experiments. The success probability model is also modified based on the rectified assumption. We verify the cost estimation simulator on middle size SVP challenge instances, and the simulation results are very close to the actual performance of DP enumeration. Third, we give a method to calculate the optimal parameter setting to minimize the running time of DP enumeration. We compare the efficiency of our optimized DP enumeration with extreme pruning enumeration in solving SVP challenge instances. The experimental results in medium dimension and simulation results in high dimension both show that the discrete pruning method could outperform extreme pruning. An open-source implementation of DP enumeration with its simulator is also provided

    Several Improvements on BKZ Algorithm

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    Lattice problem such as NTRU problem and LWE problem is widely used as the security base of post-quantum cryptosystems. And currently doing lattice reduction by BKZ algorithm is the most efficient way to solve it. In this paper, we give several further improvements on BKZ algorithm, which can be used for different SVP subroutines base on both enumeration and sieving. These improvements in combination provide a speed up of 23∌42^{3\sim 4} in total. It is significant in concrete attacks. Using these new techniques, we solved the 656 dimensional ideal lattice challenge in only 380 thread hours (also with a enumeration based SVP subroutine), much less than the previous records (which costs 4600 thread hours in total). With these improvements enabled, we can still simulate the new BKZ algorithm easily. One can also use this simulator to find the blocksize strategy (and the corresponding cost) to make Pot\mathrm{Pot} of the basis (defined in section 5.2) decrease as fast as possible, which means the length of the first basis vector decrease the fastest if we accept the GSA assumption. It is useful for analyzing concrete attacks on lattice-based cryptography

    Faster Enumeration-based Lattice Reduction: Root Hermite Factor k^(1/(2k)) in Time k^(k/8 + o(k))

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    We give a lattice reduction algorithm that achieves root Hermite factor k1/(2k)k^{1/(2k)} in time kk/8+o(k)k^{k/8 + o(k)} and polynomial memory. This improves on the previously best known enumeration-based algorithms which achieve the same quality, but in time kk/(2e)+o(k)k^{k/(2e) + o(k)}. A cost of kk/8+o(k)k^{k/8 + o(k)} was previously mentioned as potentially achievable (Hanrot-Stehlé\u2710) or as a heuristic lower bound (Nguyen\u2710) for enumeration algorithms. We prove the complexity and quality of our algorithm under a heuristic assumption and provide empirical evidence from simulation and implementation experiments attesting to its performance for practical and cryptographic parameter sizes. Our work also suggests potential avenues for achieving costs below kk/8+o(k)k^{k/8 + o(k)} for the same root Hermite factor, based on the geometry of SDBKZ-reduced bases

    Orthogonalized Lattice Enumeration for Solving SVP

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    In 2014, the orthogonalized integer representation was proposed independently by Ding et al. using genetic algorithm and Fukase et al. using sampling technique to solve SVP. Their results are promising. In this paper, we consider sparse orthogonalized integer representations for shortest vectors and propose a new enumeration method, called orthognalized enumeration, by integrating such a representation. Furthermore, we present a mixed BKZ method, called MBKZ, by alternately applying orthognalized enumeration and other existing enumeration methods. Compared to the existing ones, our methods have greater efficiency and achieve exponential speedups both in theory and in practice for solving SVP. Implementations of our algorithms have been tested to be effective in solving challenging lattice problems. We also develop some new technique to reduce enumeration space which has been demonstrated to be efficient experimentally, though a quantitative analysis about its success probability is not available