12,073 research outputs found

    Basic research planning in mathematical pattern recognition and image analysis

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    Fundamental problems encountered while attempting to develop automated techniques for applications of remote sensing are discussed under the following categories: (1) geometric and radiometric preprocessing; (2) spatial, spectral, temporal, syntactic, and ancillary digital image representation; (3) image partitioning, proportion estimation, and error models in object scene interference; (4) parallel processing and image data structures; and (5) continuing studies in polarization; computer architectures and parallel processing; and the applicability of "expert systems" to interactive analysis

    Multimodal Remote Sensing Image Registration with Accuracy Estimation at Local and Global Scales

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    This paper focuses on potential accuracy of remote sensing images registration. We investigate how this accuracy can be estimated without ground truth available and used to improve registration quality of mono- and multi-modal pair of images. At the local scale of image fragments, the Cramer-Rao lower bound (CRLB) on registration error is estimated for each local correspondence between coarsely registered pair of images. This CRLB is defined by local image texture and noise properties. Opposite to the standard approach, where registration accuracy is only evaluated at the output of the registration process, such valuable information is used by us as an additional input knowledge. It greatly helps detecting and discarding outliers and refining the estimation of geometrical transformation model parameters. Based on these ideas, a new area-based registration method called RAE (Registration with Accuracy Estimation) is proposed. In addition to its ability to automatically register very complex multimodal image pairs with high accuracy, the RAE method provides registration accuracy at the global scale as covariance matrix of estimation error of geometrical transformation model parameters or as point-wise registration Standard Deviation. This accuracy does not depend on any ground truth availability and characterizes each pair of registered images individually. Thus, the RAE method can identify image areas for which a predefined registration accuracy is guaranteed. The RAE method is proved successful with reaching subpixel accuracy while registering eight complex mono/multimodal and multitemporal image pairs including optical to optical, optical to radar, optical to Digital Elevation Model (DEM) images and DEM to radar cases. Other methods employed in comparisons fail to provide in a stable manner accurate results on the same test cases.Comment: 48 pages, 8 figures, 5 tables, 51 references Revised arguments in sections 2 and 3. Additional test cases added in Section 4; comparison with the state-of-the-art improved. References added. Conclusions unchanged. Proofrea

    Automated and robust geometric and spectral fusion of multi-sensor, multi-spectral satellite images

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    Die in den letzten Jahrzehnten aufgenommenen Satellitenbilder zur Erdbeobachtung bieten eine ideale Grundlage für eine genaue Langzeitüberwachung und Kartierung der Erdoberfläche und Atmosphäre. Unterschiedliche Sensoreigenschaften verhindern jedoch oft eine synergetische Nutzung. Daher besteht ein dringender Bedarf heterogene Multisensordaten zu kombinieren und als geometrisch und spektral harmonisierte Zeitreihen nutzbar zu machen. Diese Dissertation liefert einen vorwiegend methodischen Beitrag und stellt zwei neu entwickelte Open-Source-Algorithmen zur Sensorfusion vor, die gründlich evaluiert, getestet und validiert werden. AROSICS, ein neuer Algorithmus zur Co-Registrierung und geometrischen Harmonisierung von Multisensor-Daten, ermöglicht eine robuste und automatische Erkennung und Korrektur von Lageverschiebungen und richtet die Daten an einem gemeinsamen Koordinatengitter aus. Der zweite Algorithmus, SpecHomo, wurde entwickelt, um unterschiedliche spektrale Sensorcharakteristika zu vereinheitlichen. Auf Basis von materialspezifischen Regressoren für verschiedene Landbedeckungsklassen ermöglicht er nicht nur höhere Transformationsgenauigkeiten, sondern auch die Abschätzung einseitig fehlender Spektralbänder. Darauf aufbauend wurde in einer dritten Studie untersucht, inwieweit sich die Abschätzung von Brandschäden aus Landsat mittels synthetischer Red-Edge-Bänder und der Verwendung dichter Zeitreihen, ermöglicht durch Sensorfusion, verbessern lässt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen die Effektivität der entwickelten Algorithmen zur Verringerung von Inkonsistenzen bei Multisensor- und Multitemporaldaten sowie den Mehrwert einer geometrischen und spektralen Harmonisierung für nachfolgende Produkte. Synthetische Red-Edge-Bänder erwiesen sich als wertvoll bei der Abschätzung vegetationsbezogener Parameter wie z. B. Brandschweregraden. Zudem zeigt die Arbeit das große Potenzial zur genaueren Überwachung und Kartierung von sich schnell entwickelnden Umweltprozessen, das sich aus einer Sensorfusion ergibt.Earth observation satellite data acquired in recent years and decades provide an ideal data basis for accurate long-term monitoring and mapping of the Earth's surface and atmosphere. However, the vast diversity of different sensor characteristics often prevents synergetic use. Hence, there is an urgent need to combine heterogeneous multi-sensor data to generate geometrically and spectrally harmonized time series of analysis-ready satellite data. This dissertation provides a mainly methodical contribution by presenting two newly developed, open-source algorithms for sensor fusion, which are both thoroughly evaluated as well as tested and validated in practical applications. AROSICS, a novel algorithm for multi-sensor image co-registration and geometric harmonization, provides a robust and automated detection and correction of positional shifts and aligns the data to a common coordinate grid. The second algorithm, SpecHomo, was developed to unify differing spectral sensor characteristics. It relies on separate material-specific regressors for different land cover classes enabling higher transformation accuracies and the estimation of unilaterally missing spectral bands. Based on these algorithms, a third study investigated the added value of synthesized red edge bands and the use of dense time series, enabled by sensor fusion, for the estimation of burn severity and mapping of fire damage from Landsat. The results illustrate the effectiveness of the developed algorithms to reduce multi-sensor, multi-temporal data inconsistencies and demonstrate the added value of geometric and spectral harmonization for subsequent products. Synthesized red edge information has proven valuable when retrieving vegetation-related parameters such as burn severity. Moreover, using sensor fusion for combining multi-sensor time series was shown to offer great potential for more accurate monitoring and mapping of quickly evolving environmental processes

    An ASIFT-based local registration method for satellite imagery

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    Imagery registration is a fundamental step, which greatly affects later processes in image mosaic, multi-spectral image fusion, digital surface modelling, etc., where the final solution needs blending of pixel information from more than one images. It is highly desired to find a way to identify registration regions among input stereo image pairs with high accuracy, particularly in remote sensing applications in which ground control points (GCPs) are not always available, such as in selecting a landing zone on an outer space planet. In this paper, a framework for localization in image registration is developed. It strengthened the local registration accuracy from two aspects: less reprojection error and better feature point distribution. Affine scale-invariant feature transform (ASIFT) was used for acquiring feature points and correspondences on the input images. Then, a homography matrix was estimated as the transformation model by an improved random sample consensus (IM-RANSAC) algorithm. In order to identify a registration region with a better spatial distribution of feature points, the Euclidean distance between the feature points is applied (named the S criterion). Finally, the parameters of the homography matrix were optimized by the Levenberg–Marquardt (LM) algorithm with selective feature points from the chosen registration region. In the experiment section, the Chang’E-2 satellite remote sensing imagery was used for evaluating the performance of the proposed method. The experiment result demonstrates that the proposed method can automatically locate a specific region with high registration accuracy between input images by achieving lower root mean square error (RMSE) and better distribution of feature points

    A surgical system for automatic registration, stiffness mapping and dynamic image overlay

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    In this paper we develop a surgical system using the da Vinci research kit (dVRK) that is capable of autonomously searching for tumors and dynamically displaying the tumor location using augmented reality. Such a system has the potential to quickly reveal the location and shape of tumors and visually overlay that information to reduce the cognitive overload of the surgeon. We believe that our approach is one of the first to incorporate state-of-the-art methods in registration, force sensing and tumor localization into a unified surgical system. First, the preoperative model is registered to the intra-operative scene using a Bingham distribution-based filtering approach. An active level set estimation is then used to find the location and the shape of the tumors. We use a recently developed miniature force sensor to perform the palpation. The estimated stiffness map is then dynamically overlaid onto the registered preoperative model of the organ. We demonstrate the efficacy of our system by performing experiments on phantom prostate models with embedded stiff inclusions.Comment: International Symposium on Medical Robotics (ISMR 2018

    Smart environment monitoring through micro unmanned aerial vehicles

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    In recent years, the improvements of small-scale Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) in terms of flight time, automatic control, and remote transmission are promoting the development of a wide range of practical applications. In aerial video surveillance, the monitoring of broad areas still has many challenges due to the achievement of different tasks in real-time, including mosaicking, change detection, and object detection. In this thesis work, a small-scale UAV based vision system to maintain regular surveillance over target areas is proposed. The system works in two modes. The first mode allows to monitor an area of interest by performing several flights. During the first flight, it creates an incremental geo-referenced mosaic of an area of interest and classifies all the known elements (e.g., persons) found on the ground by an improved Faster R-CNN architecture previously trained. In subsequent reconnaissance flights, the system searches for any changes (e.g., disappearance of persons) that may occur in the mosaic by a histogram equalization and RGB-Local Binary Pattern (RGB-LBP) based algorithm. If present, the mosaic is updated. The second mode, allows to perform a real-time classification by using, again, our improved Faster R-CNN model, useful for time-critical operations. Thanks to different design features, the system works in real-time and performs mosaicking and change detection tasks at low-altitude, thus allowing the classification even of small objects. The proposed system was tested by using the whole set of challenging video sequences contained in the UAV Mosaicking and Change Detection (UMCD) dataset and other public datasets. The evaluation of the system by well-known performance metrics has shown remarkable results in terms of mosaic creation and updating, as well as in terms of change detection and object detection
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