509 research outputs found

    EEG sleep stages identification based on weighted undirected complex networks

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    Sleep scoring is important in sleep research because any errors in the scoring of the patient's sleep electroencephalography (EEG) recordings can cause serious problems such as incorrect diagnosis, medication errors, and misinterpretations of patient's EEG recordings. The aim of this research is to develop a new automatic method for EEG sleep stages classification based on a statistical model and weighted brain networks. Methods each EEG segment is partitioned into a number of blocks using a sliding window technique. A set of statistical features are extracted from each block. As a result, a vector of features is obtained to represent each EEG segment. Then, the vector of features is mapped into a weighted undirected network. Different structural and spectral attributes of the networks are extracted and forwarded to a least square support vector machine (LS-SVM) classifier. At the same time the network's attributes are also thoroughly investigated. It is found that the network's characteristics vary with their sleep stages. Each sleep stage is best represented using the key features of their networks. Results In this paper, the proposed method is evaluated using two datasets acquired from different channels of EEG (Pz-Oz and C3-A2) according to the R&K and the AASM without pre-processing the original EEG data. The obtained results by the LS-SVM are compared with those by Naïve, k-nearest and a multi-class-SVM. The proposed method is also compared with other benchmark sleep stages classification methods. The comparison results demonstrate that the proposed method has an advantage in scoring sleep stages based on single channel EEG signals. Conclusions An average accuracy of 96.74% is obtained with the C3-A2 channel according to the AASM standard, and 96% with the Pz-Oz channel based on the R&K standard

    Analysis of consciousness for complete locked-in syndrome patients

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    This thesis presents methods for detecting consciousness in patients with complete locked-in syndrome (CLIS). CLIS patients are unable to speak and have lost all muscle movement. Externally, the internal brain activity of such patients cannot be easily perceived, but CLIS patients are considered to be still conscious and cognitively active. Detecting the current state of consciousness of CLIS patients is non-trivial, and it is difficult to ascertain whether CLIS patients are conscious or not. Thus, it is vital to develop alternative ways to re-establish communication with these patients during periods of awareness, and a possible platform is through brain–computer interface (BCI). Since consciousness is required to use BCI correctly, this study proposes a modus operandi to analyze not only in intracranial electrocorticography (ECoG) signals with greater signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and higher signal amplitude, but also in non-invasive electroencephalography (EEG) signals. By applying three different time-domain analysis approaches sample entropy, permutation entropy, and Poincaré plot as feature extraction to prevent disease-related reductions of brainwave frequency bands in CLIS patients, and cross-validated to improve the probability of correctly detecting the conscious states of CLIS patients. Due to the lack a of 'ground truth' that could be used as teaching input to correct the outcomes, k-Means and DBSCAN these unsupervised learning methods were used to reveal the presence of different levels of consciousness for individual participation in the experiment first in locked-in state (LIS) patients with ALSFRS-R score of 0. The results of these different methods converge on the specific periods of consciousness of CLIS/LIS patients, coinciding with the period during which CLIS/LIS patients recorded communication with an experimenter. To determine methodological feasibility, the methods were also applied to patients with disorders of consciousness (DOC). The results indicate that the use of sample entropy might be helpful to detect awareness not only in CLIS/LIS patients but also in minimally conscious state (MCS)/unresponsive wakefulness syndrome (UWS) patients, and showed good resolution for both ECoG signals up to 24 hours a day and EEG signals focused on one or two hours at the time of the experiment. This thesis focus on consistent results across multiple channels to avoid compensatory effects of brain injury. Unlike most techniques designed to help clinicians diagnose and understand patients' long-term disease progression or distinguish between different disease types on the clinical scales of consciousness. The aim of this investigation is to develop a reliable brain-computer interface-based communication aid eventually to provide family members with a method for short-term communication with CLIS patients in daily life, and at the same time, this will keep patients' brains active to increase patients' willingness to live and improve their quality of life (QOL)

    EEG analytics for early detection of autism spectrum disorder: a data-driven approach

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    Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a complex and heterogeneous disorder, diagnosed on the basis of behavioral symptoms during the second year of life or later. Finding scalable biomarkers for early detection is challenging because of the variability in presentation of the disorder and the need for simple measurements that could be implemented routinely during well-baby checkups. EEG is a relatively easy-to-use, low cost brain measurement tool that is being increasingly explored as a potential clinical tool for monitoring atypical brain development. EEG measurements were collected from 99 infants with an older sibling diagnosed with ASD, and 89 low risk controls, beginning at 3 months of age and continuing until 36 months of age. Nonlinear features were computed from EEG signals and used as input to statistical learning methods. Prediction of the clinical diagnostic outcome of ASD or not ASD was highly accurate when using EEG measurements from as early as 3 months of age. Specificity, sensitivity and PPV were high, exceeding 95% at some ages. Prediction of ADOS calibrated severity scores for all infants in the study using only EEG data taken as early as 3 months of age was strongly correlated with the actual measured scores. This suggests that useful digital biomarkers might be extracted from EEG measurements.This research was supported by National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) grant R21 MH 093753 (to WJB), National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD) grant R21 DC08647 (to HTF), NIDCD grant R01 DC 10290 (to HTF and CAN) and a grant from the Simons Foundation (to CAN, HTF, and WJB). We are especially grateful to the staff and students who worked on the study and to the families who participated. (R21 MH 093753 - National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH); R21 DC08647 - National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD); R01 DC 10290 - NIDCD; Simons Foundation)Published versio

    A New Bearing Fault Diagnosis Method based on Fine-to-Coarse Multiscale Permutation Entropy, Laplacian Score and SVM

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    Fault diagnosis of rotating machinery is vital to identify incipient failures and avoid unexpected downtime in industrial systems. This paper proposes a new rolling bearing fault diagnosis method by integrating the Fine-to-Coarse Multiscale Permutation Entropy (F2CMPE), Laplacian Score (LS) and Support Vector Machine (SVM). A novel entropy measure, named F2CMPE, was proposed by calculating permutation entropy via multiple-scale fine-grained and coarse-grained signals based on wavelet packet decomposition. The entropy measure estimates the dynamic changes of time series from both low- and high-frequency components. Moreover, the F2CMPE mitigates the drawback of producing time series with sharply reduced data length via the coarse-grained procedure in the conventional Composite Multiscale Permutation Entropy (CMPE). The comparative performance of the F2CMPE and CMPE is investigated by analyzing synthetic and experimental signals for entropy-based feature extraction. In the proposed bearing fault diagnosis method, the F2CMPE is first used to extract entropy-based features from bearing vibration signals. Then, LS and SVM are used for selection of features and fault classification respectively. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed method is verified for rolling bearing fault diagnosis using experimental vibration data sets, and the results have demonstrated the capability of the proposed method to recognize and identify bearing fault patterns under different fault states and severity levels

    Diagnosis of low-speed bearings via vibration-based entropy indicators and acoustic emissions

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    Tesi del Pla de doctorat industrial de la Generalitat de Catalunya. Tesi en modalitat compendi de publicacions, amb diferents seccions retallades per drets dels editorsWind energy is one ofthe main renewable energies to replace fossil fuels in the generation of electricityworldwide. To enhance and accelerate its implementation at a large scale, it is vital to reduce the costs associated with maintenance. As com ponent breakages force the turbine to stop for long repair times, the wind industry m ust switch from the old-fashioned preventive or corrective maintenance to condition-based maintenance (also called predictive maintenance). The condition­based maintenance of pitch bearings is especiallychallenging, as the operating conditions include high mechanical stress and low rotational speed. Since these operating conditions im pact negatively on the results of the standard methods and techniques applied in current condition-based monitoring systems, the condition-based maintenance of pitch bearings is still a challenge. Therefore, this thes is is focused on the research of novel methods and techniques that obtain reliable information on the state of pitch bearings for condition-based maintenance. lnitially, the acknowledgment ofthe state ofthe art is performed to recognize the methods and signals. This step endorses the decision to analyze the vibration signals and acoustic emissions throughout this thesis. Due to the particular operating conditions of pitch bearings, this research states the need to create data sets to replicate the particular operating conditions in a controlled laboratory experiment. As a res ult, a datas et based on vibrations, and a second datas et based on acoustic emissions are generated. The vibration datas et allows the validation of a novel algorithm for the low-speed bearing diagnosis, which is based on the concept of entropy by the definition of Shannon and Rényi. In com parison to the classical methods found in the literature, the diagnosis of low-speed bearings based on entropy-based indicators can extract more reliable information. Moreover, the research of the com bination of several indicators to improve the diagnosis revea Is that the entropy-based indicators can extract more information than regular indicators used in academia. The datas et of acoustic emissions from low-speed bearings helps to contribute to the development of methods for diagnosis. In this research, the analysis of the energyfrom the signals reveals a dependencyon the intensityand the presence of damage. In addition, a relation between the waveform ofthe analyzed energy and the existence of damage is em phas ized.La energía eólica es una de las principales energías renovables consideradas para reemplazar los combustibles fósiles en la generación de electricidad a nivel mundial. Para mejorar y acelerar su implementación a gran escala, es vital reducir los costes asociados con el mantenimiento. Como las roturas de los componentes obligan a la turbina a detenerse durante largos períodos de reparación, la industria eólica necesita cambiar del anticuado mantenimiento preventiv o correctivo al mantenimiento basado en la condición (también llamado mantenimiento predictivo). El mantenimiento basado en la condición de los rodamientos pitch es especialmente desafiante, porque las condiciones de operación incluyen un alto estrés mecánico y bajas velocidades de rotación. Debido a que estas condiciones de operación impactan negativamente en los resultados de los métodos y técnicas estándar aplicados en los sistemas actuales de monitoreo basados en el estado, el mantenimiento basado en el estado de los rodamientos pitch sigue siendo un desafío. Por tanto, esta tesis se centra en la investigación de métodos y técnicas novedosas que obtengan información fiable sobre el estado de los rodamientos pitch para el mantenimiento basado en la condición. Inicialmente, se realiza el reconocimiento del estado del arte para reconocer los métodos y señales utilizados. Este paso avala la decisión de analizar las señales de vibración y las emisiones acústicas a lo largo de esta tesis. Debido a las condiciones de funcionamiento particulares de los rodamientos pitch, esta investigación reconoce la necesidad de crear un conjunto de datos para replicar las condiciones de funcionamiento particulares del rodamiento pitch en una experiencia de laboratorio controlado. Como resultado, se genera un conjunto de datos basado en vibraciones y un segundo conjunto de datos basado en emisiones acústicas. El conjunto de datos de vibraciones permite la validación de un algoritmo novedoso para el diagnóstico de rodamientos de baja velocidad, el cual se basa en el concepto de la entropía según la definición de Shannon y Rényi. En comparación con los métodos clásicos que se encuentran en la literatura, el diagnóstico de rodamientos de baja velocidad basado en indicadores basados en la entropía puede extraer información más confiable. Además, la investigación de la combinación de varios indicadores para mejorar el diagnóstico revela que los indicadores basados en la entropía pueden extraer más información que los indicadores habituales utilizados en la academia. El conjunto de datos de las emisiones acústicas de los rodamientos de baja velocidad ayuda a contribuir al desarrollo de métodos de diagnóstico. En esta investigación, el análisis de la energía de las señales revela una dependencia de la intensidad y la presencia de daño. Además, se enfatiza una relación entre la forma de onda de la energía analizada y la existencia de daño.L'energia eòlica és una de les principals energies renovables considerades per reemplaçar els combustibles fòssils en la generació d'electricitat a nivell mundial. Per millorar i accelerar la seva implementació a gran escala, és vital reduir els costos associats amb el manteniment. Com els trencaments dels components obliguen a la turbina a aturar-se durant llargs períodes de reparació, la industria eòlica necessita canviar de l'antiquat manteniment preventiu o correctiu al manteniment basat en la condició (també anomenat manteniment predictiu). El manteniment basat en la condició dels rodaments de pas és especialment desafiant, perquè les condicions d’operació inclouen un alt estrès mecànic i baixes velocitats de rotació. A causa de que aquestes condicions d’operació impacten negativament en els resultats dels mètodes i tècniques estàndard aplicats en els sistemes actuals de monitorització basats en l'estat, el manteniment basat en l'estat dels rodaments de pas segueix sent un desafiament. Per tant, aquesta tesi se centra en la investigació de mètodes i tècniques noves que obtinguin informació fiable sobre l'estat dels rodaments de pas per al manteniment basat en la condició. Inicialment, es realitza el reconeixement de l'estat de l'art per reconèixer els mètodes i senyals utilitzats. Aquest pas avala la decisió d'analitzar els senyals de vibració i les emissions acústiques al llarg d'aquesta tesi. A causa de les condicions de funcionament particulars dels rodaments de pas, aquesta investigació reconeix la necessitat de crear un conjunt de dades per replicar les condicions de funcionament particulars del rodament de pas en un experiment de laboratori controlat. Com a resultat, es genera un conjunt de dades basat en vibracions i un segon conjunt de dades basat en emissions acústiques. El conjunt de dades de vibracions permet la validació d'un algoritme nou per al diagnòstic de rodaments de baixa velocitat, el qual es basa en el concepte de l'entropia segons la definició de Shannon i Renyi. En comparació amb els mètodes clàssics que es troben a la literatura, el diagnòstic de rodaments de baixa velocitat basat en indicadors basats en l'entropia pot extreure informació més fiable. A més, la investigació de la combinació de diversos indicadors per millorar el diagnòstic revela que els indicadors basats en l'entropia poden extreure més informació que els indicadors habituals utilitzats en la literatura. El conjunt de dades de les emissions acústiques dels rodaments de baixa velocitat ajuda a contribuir al desenvolupament de mètodes de diagnòstic. En aquesta investigació, l’anàlisi de l'energia de les senyals revela una dependència de la intensitat i la presència de dany. A més, s'emfatitza una relació entre la forma d'ona de l'energia analitzada i l’existència de dany.Energia eolikoa mundu mailan elektrizitatea sortu eta erregai fosilak ordezkatzeko energia berriztagarri nagusietako bat da. Eskala handiko ezarpena hobetu eta bizkortzeko, ezinbestekoa da mantentze-lanekin lotutako kostuak murriztea. Osagaien hausturek turbina konponketa-aldi luzeetan gelditzera behartzen dutenez, industria eolikoak mantentze-lan prebentibo edo zuzentzaile zaharkitutik egoeran oinarritutako mantentzelanetara aldatu behar du (mantentze-lan prediktiboa ere esaten zaio). Pitch errodamenduen egoeran oinarritutako mantentzea bereziki desa atzailea da, tentsio mekaniko handiak jasaten baitituzte eta errotazio-abiadura txikietan egoten baitira abian. Operaziobaldintza horiek eragin negatiboa dutenez egoeran oinarritutako egungo monitorizazio sistemetan erabiltzen diren metodo eta teknika estandarren emaitzetan, pitch errodamenduen egoeran oinarritutako mantentze-lanak erronka bat izaten jarraitzen du. Tesi hau egoeran oinarritutako mantenurako pitch errodamenduen egoerari buruzko informazio dagarria lortzen duten metodo eta teknika berritzaileen ikerketan oinarritzen da. Hasieran, teknologiaren egungo egoera aztertzen da, erabilitako metodoak eta seinaleak ezagutzeko. Urrats honek tesi honetan zehar bibrazio-seinaleak eta emisio akustikoak aztertzeko erabakia bermatzen du. Pitch errodamenduen funtzionamendu baldintza bereziak direla eta, ikerketa honek adierazten du beharrezkoa dela datu multzo bat sortzea pitch errodamenduaren funtzionamendu baldintza partikularrak erreplikatzeko laborategi kontrolatuko testuinguru batean. Ondorioz, bibrazioetan oinarritutako datu-multzo bat eta emisio akustikoetan oinarritutako bigarren datu-multzo bat sortzen dira. Bibrazioen datu-multzoak abiadura txikiko errodamenduen diagnostikorako algoritmo berritzaile bat baliozkotzea ahalbidetzen du, zeina entropiaren kontzeptuan oinarritzen baita Shannon eta R enyiren de nizioaren arabera. Literaturan dauden metodo klasikoekin alderatuta, entropian oinarritutako adierazleek abiadura txikiko errodamenduen diagnostikorako informazio dagarriagoa atera dezakete. Gainera, diagnostikoa hobetzeko hainbat adierazleren konbinazioaren ikerketak agerian uzten du entropian oinarritutako adierazleek akademian erabiltzen diren ohiko adierazleek baino informazio gehiago atera dezaketela. Abiadura txikiko errodamenduen emisio akustikoen datu multzoak diagnostiko metodoak garatzen laguntzen du. Ikerketa lan honetan, seinaleen energiaren azterketak intentsitatearekiko eta kaltearen presentziarekiko dependentzia adierazten du. Gainera, aztertutako energiaren uhin-formaren eta kaltearen arteko erlazioa nabarmentzen da.Postprint (published version

    Entropy-based nonlinear analysis for electrophysiological recordings of brain activity in Alzheimer’s disease

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    Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative disorder in which the death of brain cells causes memory loss and cognitive decline. As AD progresses, changes in the electrophysiological brain activity take place. Such changes can be recorded by the electroencephalography (EEG) and magnetoencephalography (MEG) techniques. These are the only two neurophysiologic approaches able to directly measure the activity of the brain cortex. Since EEGs and MEGs are considered as the outputs of a nonlinear system (i.e., brain), there has been an interest in nonlinear methods for the analysis of EEGs and MEGs. One of the most powerful nonlinear metrics used to assess the dynamical characteristics of signals is that of entropy. The aim of this thesis is to develop entropy-based approaches for characterization of EEGs and MEGs paying close attention to AD. Recent developments in the field of entropy for the characterization of physiological signals have tried: 1) to improve the stability and reliability of entropy-based results for short and long signals; and 2) to extend the univariate entropy methods to their multivariate cases to be able to reveal the patterns across channels. To enhance the stability of entropy-based values for short univariate signals, refined composite multiscale fuzzy entropy (MFE - RCMFE) is developed. To decrease the running time and increase the stability of the existing multivariate MFE (mvMFE) while keeping its benefits, the refined composite mvMFE (RCmvMFE) with a new fuzzy membership function is developed here as well. In spite of the interesting results obtained by these improvements, fuzzy entropy (FuzEn), RCMFE, and RCmvMFE may still lead to unreliable results for short signals and are not fast enough for real-time applications. To address these shortcomings, dispersion entropy (DispEn) and frequency-based DispEn (FDispEn), which are based on our introduced dispersion patterns and the Shannon’s definition of entropy, are developed. The computational cost of DispEn and FDispEn is O(N) – where N is the signal length –, compared with the O(N2) for popular sample entropy (SampEn) and FuzEn. DispEn and FDispEn also overcome the problem of equal values for embedded vectors and discarding some information with regard to the signal amplitudes encountered in permutation entropy (PerEn). Moreover, unlike PerEn, DispEn and FDispEn are relatively insensitive to noise. As extensions of our developed DispEn, multiscale DispEn (MDE) and multivariate MDE (mvMDE) are introduced to quantify the complexity of univariate and multivariate signals, respectively. MDE and mvMDE have the following advantages over the existing univariate and multivariate multiscale methods: 1) they are noticeably faster; 2) MDE and mvMDE result in smaller coefficient of variations for synthetic and real signals showing more stable profiles; 3) they better distinguish various states of biomedical signals; 4) MDE and mvMDE do not result in undefined values for short time series; and 5) mvMDE, compared with multivariate multiscale SampEn (mvMSE) and mvMFE, needs to store a considerably smaller number of elements. In this Thesis, two restating-state electrophysiological datasets related to AD are analyzed: 1) 148-channel MEGs recorded from 62 subjects (36 AD patients vs. 26 age-matched controls); and 2) 16-channel EEGs recorded from 22 subjects (11 AD patients vs. 11 age-matched controls). The results obtained by MDE and mvMDE suggest that the controls’ signals are more and less complex at respectively short (scales between 1 to 4) and longer (scales between 5 to 12) scale factors than AD patients’ recordings for both the EEG and MEG datasets. The p-values based on Mann-Whitney U-test for AD patients vs. controls show that the MDE and mvMDE, compared with the existing complexity techniques, significantly discriminate the controls from subjects with AD at a larger number of scale factors for both the EEG and MEG datasets. Moreover, the smallest p-values are achieved by MDE (e.g., 0.0010 and 0.0181 for respectively MDE and MFE using EEG dataset) and mvMDE (e.g., 0.0086 and 0.2372 for respectively mvMDE and mvMFE using EEG dataset) for both the EEG and MEG datasets, illustrating the superiority of these developed entropy-based techniques over the state-of-the-art univariate and multivariate entropy approaches. Overall, the introduced FDispEn, DispEn, MDE, and mvMDE methods are expected to be useful for the analysis of physiological signals due to their ability to distinguish different types of time series with a low computation time

    Slope Entropy: A New Time Series Complexity Estimator Based on Both Symbolic Patterns and Amplitude Information

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    [EN] The development of new measures and algorithms to quantify the entropy or related concepts of a data series is a continuous effort that has brought many innovations in this regard in recent years. The ultimate goal is usually to find new methods with a higher discriminating power, more efficient, more robust to noise and artifacts, less dependent on parameters or configurations, or any other possibly desirable feature. Among all these methods, Permutation Entropy (PE) is a complexity estimator for a time series that stands out due to its many strengths, with very few weaknesses. One of these weaknesses is the PE's disregarding of time series amplitude information. Some PE algorithm modifications have been proposed in order to introduce such information into the calculations. We propose in this paper a new method, Slope Entropy (SlopEn), that also addresses this flaw but in a different way, keeping the symbolic representation of subsequences using a novel encoding method based on the slope generated by two consecutive data samples. By means of a thorough and extensive set of comparative experiments with PE and Sample Entropy (SampEn), we demonstrate that SlopEn is a very promising method with clearly a better time series classification performance than those previous methods.Cuesta Frau, D. (2019). Slope Entropy: A New Time Series Complexity Estimator Based on Both Symbolic Patterns and Amplitude Information. Entropy. 21(12):1-22. https://doi.org/10.3390/e21121167S1222112Kannathal, N., Choo, M. L., Acharya, U. R., & Sadasivan, P. K. (2005). Entropies for detection of epilepsy in EEG. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 80(3), 187-194. doi:10.1016/j.cmpb.2005.06.012Abásolo, D., Hornero, R., Espino, P., Álvarez, D., & Poza, J. (2006). Entropy analysis of the EEG background activity in Alzheimer’s disease patients. Physiological Measurement, 27(3), 241-253. doi:10.1088/0967-3334/27/3/003Pincus, S. M., Gladstone, I. M., & Ehrenkranz, R. A. (1991). A regularity statistic for medical data analysis. Journal of Clinical Monitoring, 7(4), 335-345. doi:10.1007/bf01619355Pincus, S. M. (1991). Approximate entropy as a measure of system complexity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 88(6), 2297-2301. doi:10.1073/pnas.88.6.2297Tsallis, C. (1988). Possible generalization of Boltzmann-Gibbs statistics. Journal of Statistical Physics, 52(1-2), 479-487. doi:10.1007/bf01016429Sinai, Y. G. (1988). About A. N. Kolmogorov’s work on the entropy of dynamical systems. Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, 8(4), 501-502. doi:10.1017/s0143385700004648Richman, J. S., & Moorman, J. R. (2000). Physiological time-series analysis using approximate entropy and sample entropy. American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology, 278(6), H2039-H2049. doi:10.1152/ajpheart.2000.278.6.h2039Simons, S., Abasolo, D., & Escudero, J. (2015). Classification of Alzheimer’s disease from quadratic sample entropy of electroencephalogram. Healthcare Technology Letters, 2(3), 70-73. doi:10.1049/htl.2014.0106Simons, S., Espino, P., & Abásolo, D. (2018). Fuzzy Entropy Analysis of the Electroencephalogram in Patients with Alzheimer’s Disease: Is the Method Superior to Sample Entropy? Entropy, 20(1), 21. doi:10.3390/e20010021Cuesta-Frau, D., Novák, D., Burda, V., Molina-Picó, A., Vargas, B., Mraz, M., … Haluzik, M. (2018). Characterization of Artifact Influence on the Classification of Glucose Time Series Using Sample Entropy Statistics. Entropy, 20(11), 871. doi:10.3390/e20110871Sheng Lu, Xinnian Chen, Kanters, J. K., Solomon, I. C., & Chon, K. H. (2008). Automatic Selection of the Threshold Value rr for Approximate Entropy. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 55(8), 1966-1972. doi:10.1109/tbme.2008.919870Costa, M., Goldberger, A. L., & Peng, C.-K. (2005). Multiscale entropy analysis of biological signals. Physical Review E, 71(2). doi:10.1103/physreve.71.021906Wu, S.-D., Wu, C.-W., Lin, S.-G., Lee, K.-Y., & Peng, C.-K. (2014). Analysis of complex time series using refined composite multiscale entropy. Physics Letters A, 378(20), 1369-1374. doi:10.1016/j.physleta.2014.03.034Bandt, C., & Pompe, B. (2002). Permutation Entropy: A Natural Complexity Measure for Time Series. Physical Review Letters, 88(17). doi:10.1103/physrevlett.88.174102Aboy, M., Hornero, R., Abasolo, D., & Alvarez, D. (2006). Interpretation of the Lempel-Ziv Complexity Measure in the Context of Biomedical Signal Analysis. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 53(11), 2282-2288. doi:10.1109/tbme.2006.883696Cuesta-Frau, D., Murillo-Escobar, J. P., Orrego, D. A., & Delgado-Trejos, E. (2019). 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