7 research outputs found

    EnCounter: On Breaking the Nonce Barrier in Differential Fault Analysis with a Case-Study on PAEQ

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    This work exploits internal differentials within a cipher in the context of Differential Fault Analysis (DFA). This in turn overcomes the nonce barrier which acts as a natural counter-measure against DFA. We introduce the concept of internal differential fault analysis which requires only one faulty ciphertext. In particular, the analysis is applicable to parallelizable ciphers that use the counter-mode. As a proof of concept we develop an internal differential fault attack called EnCounter on PAEQ which is an AES based parallelizable authenticated cipher presently in the second round of on-going CAESAR competition. The attack is able to uniquely retrieve the key of three versions of full-round PAEQ of key-sizes 64, 80 and 128 bits with complexities of about 2162^{16}, 2162^{16} and 2502^{50} respectively. Finally, this work addresses in detail the instance of fault analysis with varying amounts of partial state information and also presents the first analysis of PAEQ

    General Classification of the Authenticated Encryption Schemes for the CAESAR Competition

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    An Authenticated encryption scheme is a scheme which provides privacy and integrity by using a secret key. In 2013, CAESAR (the ``Competition for Authenticated Encryption: Security, Applicability, and Robustness\u27\u27) was co-founded by NIST and Dan Bernstein with the aim of finding authenticated encryption schemes that offer advantages over AES-GCM and are suitable for widespread adoption. The first round started with 57 candidates in March 2014; and nine of these first-round candidates where broken and withdrawn from the competition. The remaining 48 candidates went through an intense process of review, analysis and comparison. While the cryptographic community benefits greatly from the manifold different submission designs, their sheer number implies a challenging amount of study. This paper provides an easy-to-grasp overview over functional aspects, security parameters, and robustness offerings by the CAESAR candidates, clustered by their underlying designs (block-cipher-, stream-cipher-, permutation-/sponge-, compression-function-based, dedicated). After intensive review and analysis of all 48 candidates by the community, the CAESAR committee selected only 30 candidates for the second round. The announcement for the third round candidates was made on 15th August 2016 and 15 candidates were chosen for the third round

    Fault Attacks on Nonce-based Authenticated Encryption: Application to Keyak and Ketje

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    In the context of fault attacks on nonce-based authenticated encryption, an attacker faces two restrictions. The first is the uniqueness of the nonce for each new encryption that prevents the attacker from collecting pairs of correct and faulty outputs to perform, e.g., differential fault attacks. The second restriction concerns the verification/decryption, which releases only verified plaintext. While many recent works either exploit misuse scenarios (e.g. nonce-reuse, release of unverified plaintext), we turn the fact that the decryption/verification gives us information on the effect of a fault (whether a fault changed a value or not) against it. In particular, we extend the idea of statistical ineffective fault attacks (SIFA) to target the initialization performed in nonce-based authenticated encryption schemes. By targeting the initialization performed during decryption/verification, most nonce-based authenticated encryption schemes provide the attacker with an oracle whether a fault was ineffective or not. This information is all the attacker needs to mount statistical ineffective fault attacks. To demonstrate the practical threat of the attack, we target software implementations of the authenticated encryption schemes Keyak and Ketje. The presented fault attacks can be carried out without the need of sophisticated equipment. In our practical evaluation the inputs corresponding to 24 ineffective fault inductions were required to reveal large parts of the secret key in both scenarios

    Divide and Rule: DiFA - Division Property Based Fault Attacks on PRESENT and GIFT

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    The division property introduced by Todo in Crypto 2015 is one of the most versatile tools in the arsenal of a cryptanalyst which has given new insights into many ciphers primarily from an algebraic perspective. On the other end of the spectrum we have fault attacks which have evolved into the deadliest of all physical attacks on cryptosystems. The current work aims to combine these seemingly distant tools to come up with a new type of fault attack. We show how fault invariants are formed under special input division multi-sets and are independent of the fault injection location. It is further shown that the same division trail can be exploited as a multi-round Zero-Sum distinguisher to reduce the key-space to practical limits. As a proof of concept division trails of PRESENT and GIFT are exploited to mount practical key-recovery attacks based on the random nibble fault model. For GIFT-64, we are able to recover the unique master-key with 30 nibble faults with faults injected at rounds 21 and 19. For PRESENT-80, DiFA reduces the key-space from 2802^{80} to 2162^{16} with 15 faults in round 25 while for PRESENT-128, the unique key is recovered with 30 faults in rounds 25 and 24. This constitutes the best fault attacks on these ciphers in terms of fault injection rounds. We also report an interesting property pertaining to fault induced division trails which shows its inapplicability to attack GIFT-128. Overall, the usage of division trails in fault based cryptanalysis showcases new possibilities and reiterates the applicability of classical cryptanalytic tools in physical attacks

    Design and Analysis of Symmetric Primitives

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    SDFA: Statistical-Differential Fault Attack on Linear Structured SBox-Based Ciphers

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    At Asiacrypt 2021, Baksi et al. proposed DEFAULT, the first block cipher which provides differential fault attack (DFA) resistance at the algorithm level, with 64-bit DFA security. Initially, the cipher employed a simple key schedule where a single key was XORed throughout the rounds, and the key schedule was updated by incorporating round-independent keys in a rotating fashion. However, at Eurocrypt 2022, Nageler et al. presented a DFA that compromised the claimed DFA security of DEFAULT, reducing it by up to 20 bits for the simple key schedule and allowing for unique key recovery in the case of rotating keys. In this work, we present an enhanced differential fault attack (DFA) on the DEFAULT cipher, showcasing its effectiveness in uniquely recovering the encryption key. We commence by determining the deterministic computation of differential trails for up to five rounds. Leveraging these computed trails, we apply the DFA to the simple key schedule, injecting faults at different rounds and estimating the minimum number of faults required for successful key retrieval. Our attack achieves key recovery with minimal faults compared to previous approaches. Additionally, we extend the DFA attack to rotating keys, first recovering equivalent keys with fewer faults in the DEFAULT-LAYER, and subsequently applying the DFA separately to the DEFAULT-CORE. Furthermore, we propose a generic DFA approach for round-independent keys in the DEFAULT cipher. Lastly, we introduce a new paradigm of fault attack that combines SFA and DFA for any linear structured SBOX based cipher, enabling more efficient key recovery in the presence of both rotating and round-independent key configurations. We call this technique Statistical-Differential Fault Attack (SDFA). Our results shed light on the vulnerabilities of the DEFAULT cipher and highlight the challenges in achieving robust DFA protection for linear structure SBOX-based ciphers

    Implementação em software de cifradores autenticados para processadores ARM

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    Orientador: Julio César López HernándezDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: Algoritmos de cifração autenticada são ferramentas usadas para proteger dados, de forma a garantir tanto sigilo quanto autenticidade e integridade. Implementações criptográficas não possuem apenas exatidão e eficiência como seus principais objetivos: sistemas computacionais podem vazar informação sobre seu com- portamento interno, de forma que uma má implementação pode comprometer a segu- rança de um bom algoritmo. Dessa forma, esta dissertação tem o objetivo de estudar as formas de implementar corretamente algoritmos criptográficos e os métodos para optimizá-los sem que percam suas características de segurança. Um aspecto impor- tante a ser levado em consideração quando implementando algoritmos é a arquitetura alvo. Nesta dissertação concentra-se na família de processadores ARM. ARM é uma das arquiteturas mais utilizadas no mundo, com mais de 100 bilhões de chips vendidos. Esta dissertação foca em estudar e implementar duas famílias de cifradores auten- ticados: NORX e Ascon, especificamente para processadores ARM Cortex-A de 32 e 64 bits. Descrevemos uma técnica de optimização orientada a pipeline para NORX que possui desempenho melhor que o atual estado da arte, e discutimos técnicas utilizadas em uma implementação vetorial do NORX. Também analisamos as características de uma implementação vetorial do Ascon, assim como uma implementação vetorial de múltiplas mensagensAbstract: Authenticated encryption algorithms are tools used to protect data, in a way that guar- antees both its secrecy, authenticity, and integrity. Cryptographic implementations do not have only correctness and efficiency as its main goals: computer systems can leak information about their internal behavior, and a bad implementation can compromise the security of a good algorithm. Therefore, this dissertation aims to study the forms of correctly and efficiently implementing crypto- graphic algorithms and the methods of optimizing them without losing security char- acteristics. One important aspect to take into account during implementation and opti- mization is the target architecture. In this dissertation, the focus is on the ARM family of processors. ARM is one of the most widespread architectures in the world, with more than 100 billion chips deployed. This dissertation focus on studying and implementing two different families of au- thenticated encryption algorithms: NORX and Ascon, targeting 32-bits and 64-bits ARM Cortex-A processors. We show a pipeline oriented technique to implement NORX that¿s faster than the current state-of-art; and we also discuss the techniques used on a vectorial implementation of NORX. We also describe and analyze the characteristics of a vectorial implementation of Ascon, as well as a multiple message vectorial imple- mentationMestradoCiência da ComputaçãoMestre em Ciência da Computaçã