181 research outputs found

    Cryptanalysis of an Encryption Scheme Based on Blind Source Separation

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    Recently Lin et al. proposed a method of using the underdetermined BSS (blind source separation) problem to realize image and speech encryption. In this paper, we give a cryptanalysis of this BSS-based encryption and point out that it is not secure against known/chosen-plaintext attack and chosen-ciphertext attack. In addition, there exist some other security defects: low sensitivity to part of the key and the plaintext, a ciphertext-only differential attack, divide-and-conquer (DAC) attack on part of the key. We also discuss the role of BSS in Lin et al.'s efforts towards cryptographically secure ciphers.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figures, IEEE forma

    Cryptanalysis of an MPEG-Video Encryption Scheme Based on Secret Huffman Tables

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    This paper studies the security of a recently-proposed MPEG-video encryption scheme based on secret Huffman tables. Our cryptanalysis shows that: 1) the key space of the encryption scheme is not sufficiently large against divide-and-conquer (DAC) attack and known-plaintext attack; 2) it is possible to decrypt a cipher-video with a partially-known key, thus dramatically reducing the complexity of the DAC brute-force attack in some cases; 3) its security against the chosen-plaintext attack is very weak. Some experimental results are included to support the cryptanalytic results with a brief discuss on how to improve this MPEG-video encryption scheme.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Cryptanalysis of symmetric key primitives

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    Block ciphers and stream ciphers are essential building blocks that are used to construct computing systems which have to satisfy several security objectives. Since the security of these systems depends on the security of its parts, the analysis of these symmetric key primitives has been a goal of critical importance. In this thesis we provide cryptanalytic results for some recently proposed block and stream ciphers. First, we consider two light-weight block ciphers, TREYFER and PIFEA-M. While TREYFER was designed to be very compact in order to fit into constrained environments such as smart cards and RFIDs, PIFEA-M was designed to be very fast in order to be used for the encryption of multimedia data. We provide a related-key attack on TREYFER which recovers the secret key given around 2 11 encryptions and negligible computational effort. As for PIFEA-M, we provide evidence that it does not fulfill its design goal, which was to defend from certain implementation dependant differential attacks possible on previous versions of the cipher. Next. we consider the NGG stream cipher, whose design is based on RC4 and aims to increase throughput by operating with 32-bit or 64-bit values instead of with 8-bit values. We provide a distinguishing attack on NGG which requires just one keystream word. We also show that the first few kilobytes of the keystream may leak information about the secret key which allows the cryptanalyst to recover the secret key in an efficient way. Finally, we consider GGHN, another RC4-like cipher that operates with 32-bit words. We assess different variants of GGHN-Iike algorithms with respect to weak states, in which all internal state words and output elements are even. Once GGHN is absorbed in such a weak state, the least significant bit of the plaintext words will be revealed only by looking at the ciphertext. By modelling the algorithm by a Markov chain and calculating the chain absorption time, we show that the average number of steps required by these algorithms to enter this weak state can be lower than expected at first glance and hence caution should be exercised when estimating this numbe

    A New Color Image Encryption Scheme Using CML and a Fractional-Order Chaotic System

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    Funding: This research was jointly supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 61004006, http://www.nsfc.gov.cn), China Postdoctoral Science Foundation(No. 2013M530181, http://res.chinapostdoctor.org.cn/BshWeb/index.shtml), the Natural Science Foundation of Henan Province, China (No. 13230010254, http://www.hnkjt.gov.cn/, Program for Science & Technology Innovation Talents in Universities of Henan Province, China (Grant No 14HASTIT042, http://rcloud.edu.cn), the Foundation for University Young Key Teacher Program of Henan Province, China (No. 2011GGJS-025, http://www.haedu.gov.cn/), Shanghai Postdoctoral Scientific Program (No. 13R21410600, http://www.21cnhr.gov.cn/doctorarea/), the Science & Technology Project Plan of Archives Bureau of Henan Province (No. 2012-X-62, http://www.hada.gov.cn/) and the Natural Science Foundation of Educational Committee of Henan Province, China (No. 13A520082, http://www.haedu.gov.cn/). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    A New Cryptographic Strategy for Digital Images

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    In this paper, a new image block cipher encryption strategy for gray scale images using a different set of secret key and sizes is proposed. Initially, the swapping and dispersion is done without keys and in second stage the image is mixed with the chirikov map involving first secret key.  'N' rounds are taken to complete this process. The blended image is divided into blocks of block size 8X8.These blocks are also swapped to achieve good confusion. For making the encryption scheme more sturdy in each block the transmutation of pixels is done with the modified logistic map having three more secret keys.  The proposed scheme is simple, rapid and sensitive to the secret key. Due to the high order of substitution, common attacks such as linear and differential cryptanalysis are unattainable. The experimental results show that the proposed encryption technique is effective and has high security features.DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.11591/ijece.v4i3.632

    Cryptography Using Quasi Group and Chaotic Maps

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    In this paper a symmetric key (stream cipher mode/block cipher mode) cryptosystem is proposed, involving chaotic maps and quasi group. The proposed cryptosystem destroys any existing patterns in the input, and also, it maximizes entropy. Moreover, the n-grams illustrate that the proposed cryptosystem is secure against the statistics analysis. Furthermore, Experimental results show that the ciphertext has good diffusion and confusion properties with respect to the plaintext and the key, also the results demonstrate that the block cipher mode gives higher entropy than the steam cipher mode

    Image Encryption Based on Diffusion and Multiple Chaotic Maps

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    In the recent world, security is a prime important issue, and encryption is one of the best alternative way to ensure security. More over, there are many image encryption schemes have been proposed, each one of them has its own strength and weakness. This paper presents a new algorithm for the image encryption/decryption scheme. This paper is devoted to provide a secured image encryption technique using multiple chaotic based circular mapping. In this paper, first, a pair of sub keys is given by using chaotic logistic maps. Second, the image is encrypted using logistic map sub key and in its transformation leads to diffusion process. Third, sub keys are generated by four different chaotic maps. Based on the initial conditions, each map may produce various random numbers from various orbits of the maps. Among those random numbers, a particular number and from a particular orbit are selected as a key for the encryption algorithm. Based on the key, a binary sequence is generated to control the encryption algorithm. The input image of 2-D is transformed into a 1- D array by using two different scanning pattern (raster and Zigzag) and then divided into various sub blocks. Then the position permutation and value permutation is applied to each binary matrix based on multiple chaos maps. Finally the receiver uses the same sub keys to decrypt the encrypted images. The salient features of the proposed image encryption method are loss-less, good peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR), Symmetric key encryption, less cross correlation, very large number of secret keys, and key-dependent pixel value replacement.Comment: 14 pages,9 figures and 5 tables; http://airccse.org/journal/jnsa11_current.html, 201

    Speech Scrambling Based on Wavelet Transform

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