4,213 research outputs found

    Improved Algorithmic Bounds for Discrepancy of Sparse Set Systems

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    We consider the problem of finding a low discrepancy coloring for sparse set systems where each element lies in at most tt sets. We give an algorithm that finds a coloring with discrepancy O((tlognlogs)1/2)O((t \log n \log s)^{1/2}) where ss is the maximum cardinality of a set. This improves upon the previous constructive bound of O(t1/2logn)O(t^{1/2} \log n) based on algorithmic variants of the partial coloring method, and for small ss (e.g.s=poly(t)s=\textrm{poly}(t)) comes close to the non-constructive O((tlogn)1/2)O((t \log n)^{1/2}) bound due to Banaszczyk. Previously, no algorithmic results better than O(t1/2logn)O(t^{1/2}\log n) were known even for s=O(t2)s = O(t^2). Our method is quite robust and we give several refinements and extensions. For example, the coloring we obtain satisfies the stronger size-sensitive property that each set SS in the set system incurs an O((tlognlogS)1/2)O((t \log n \log |S|)^{1/2}) discrepancy. Another variant can be used to essentially match Banaszczyk's bound for a wide class of instances even where ss is arbitrarily large. Finally, these results also extend directly to the more general Koml\'{o}s setting

    On the discrepancy of random low degree set systems

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    Motivated by the celebrated Beck-Fiala conjecture, we consider the random setting where there are nn elements and mm sets and each element lies in tt randomly chosen sets. In this setting, Ezra and Lovett showed an O((tlogt)1/2)O((t \log t)^{1/2}) discrepancy bound in the regime when nmn \leq m and an O(1)O(1) bound when nmtn \gg m^t. In this paper, we give a tight O(t)O(\sqrt{t}) bound for the entire range of nn and mm, under a mild assumption that t=Ω(loglogm)2t = \Omega (\log \log m)^2. The result is based on two steps. First, applying the partial coloring method to the case when n=mlogO(1)mn = m \log^{O(1)} m and using the properties of the random set system we show that the overall discrepancy incurred is at most O(t)O(\sqrt{t}). Second, we reduce the general case to that of nmlogO(1)mn \leq m \log^{O(1)}m using LP duality and a careful counting argument

    An Algorithm for Koml\'os Conjecture Matching Banaszczyk's bound

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    We consider the problem of finding a low discrepancy coloring for sparse set systems where each element lies in at most t sets. We give an efficient algorithm that finds a coloring with discrepancy O((t log n)^{1/2}), matching the best known non-constructive bound for the problem due to Banaszczyk. The previous algorithms only achieved an O(t^{1/2} log n) bound. The result also extends to the more general Koml\'{o}s setting and gives an algorithmic O(log^{1/2} n) bound

    On the Beck-Fiala Conjecture for Random Set Systems

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    Motivated by the Beck-Fiala conjecture, we study discrepancy bounds for random sparse set systems. Concretely, these are set systems (X,Σ)(X,\Sigma), where each element xXx \in X lies in tt randomly selected sets of Σ\Sigma, where tt is an integer parameter. We provide new bounds in two regimes of parameters. We show that when ΣX|\Sigma| \ge |X| the hereditary discrepancy of (X,Σ)(X,\Sigma) is with high probability O(tlogt)O(\sqrt{t \log t}); and when XΣt|X| \gg |\Sigma|^t the hereditary discrepancy of (X,Σ)(X,\Sigma) is with high probability O(1)O(1). The first bound combines the Lov{\'a}sz Local Lemma with a new argument based on partial matchings; the second follows from an analysis of the lattice spanned by sparse vectors

    On a generalization of iterated and randomized rounding

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    We give a general method for rounding linear programs that combines the commonly used iterated rounding and randomized rounding techniques. In particular, we show that whenever iterated rounding can be applied to a problem with some slack, there is a randomized procedure that returns an integral solution that satisfies the guarantees of iterated rounding and also has concentration properties. We use this to give new results for several classic problems where iterated rounding has been useful

    Algorithms to Approximate Column-Sparse Packing Problems

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    Column-sparse packing problems arise in several contexts in both deterministic and stochastic discrete optimization. We present two unifying ideas, (non-uniform) attenuation and multiple-chance algorithms, to obtain improved approximation algorithms for some well-known families of such problems. As three main examples, we attain the integrality gap, up to lower-order terms, for known LP relaxations for k-column sparse packing integer programs (Bansal et al., Theory of Computing, 2012) and stochastic k-set packing (Bansal et al., Algorithmica, 2012), and go "half the remaining distance" to optimal for a major integrality-gap conjecture of Furedi, Kahn and Seymour on hypergraph matching (Combinatorica, 1993).Comment: Extended abstract appeared in SODA 2018. Full version in ACM Transactions of Algorithm

    Extremal results in sparse pseudorandom graphs

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    Szemer\'edi's regularity lemma is a fundamental tool in extremal combinatorics. However, the original version is only helpful in studying dense graphs. In the 1990s, Kohayakawa and R\"odl proved an analogue of Szemer\'edi's regularity lemma for sparse graphs as part of a general program toward extending extremal results to sparse graphs. Many of the key applications of Szemer\'edi's regularity lemma use an associated counting lemma. In order to prove extensions of these results which also apply to sparse graphs, it remained a well-known open problem to prove a counting lemma in sparse graphs. The main advance of this paper lies in a new counting lemma, proved following the functional approach of Gowers, which complements the sparse regularity lemma of Kohayakawa and R\"odl, allowing us to count small graphs in regular subgraphs of a sufficiently pseudorandom graph. We use this to prove sparse extensions of several well-known combinatorial theorems, including the removal lemmas for graphs and groups, the Erd\H{o}s-Stone-Simonovits theorem and Ramsey's theorem. These results extend and improve upon a substantial body of previous work.Comment: 70 pages, accepted for publication in Adv. Mat

    Semidefinite optimization in discrepancy theory

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    Recently, there have been several new developments in discrepancy theory based on connections to semidefinite programming. This connection has been useful in several ways. It gives efficient polynomial time algorithms for several problems for which only non-constructive results were previously known. It also leads to several new structural results in discrepancy itself, such as tightness of the so-called determinant lower bound, improved bounds on the discrepancy of the union of set systems and so on. We will give a brief survey of these results, focussing on the main ideas and the techniques involved