23 research outputs found

    Large-Scale Analysis of Framework-Specific Exceptions in Android Apps

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    Mobile apps have become ubiquitous. For app developers, it is a key priority to ensure their apps' correctness and reliability. However, many apps still suffer from occasional to frequent crashes, weakening their competitive edge. Large-scale, deep analyses of the characteristics of real-world app crashes can provide useful insights to guide developers, or help improve testing and analysis tools. However, such studies do not exist -- this paper fills this gap. Over a four-month long effort, we have collected 16,245 unique exception traces from 2,486 open-source Android apps, and observed that framework-specific exceptions account for the majority of these crashes. We then extensively investigated the 8,243 framework-specific exceptions (which took six person-months): (1) identifying their characteristics (e.g., manifestation locations, common fault categories), (2) evaluating their manifestation via state-of-the-art bug detection techniques, and (3) reviewing their fixes. Besides the insights they provide, these findings motivate and enable follow-up research on mobile apps, such as bug detection, fault localization and patch generation. In addition, to demonstrate the utility of our findings, we have optimized Stoat, a dynamic testing tool, and implemented ExLocator, an exception localization tool, for Android apps. Stoat is able to quickly uncover three previously-unknown, confirmed/fixed crashes in Gmail and Google+; ExLocator is capable of precisely locating the root causes of identified exceptions in real-world apps. Our substantial dataset is made publicly available to share with and benefit the community.Comment: ICSE'18: the 40th International Conference on Software Engineerin

    Multi-Objective Improvement of Android Applications

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    Non-functional properties, such as runtime or memory use, are important to mobile app users and developers, as they affect user experience. Previous work on automated improvement of non-functional properties in mobile apps failed to address the inherent trade-offs between such properties. We propose a practical approach and the first open-source tool, GIDroid (2023), for multi-objective automated improvement of Android apps. In particular, we use Genetic improvement, a search-based technique that navigates the space of software variants to find improved software. We use a simulation-based testing framework to greatly improve the speed of search. GIDroid contains three state-of-the-art multi-objective algorithms, and two new mutation operators, which cache the results of method calls. Genetic improvement relies on testing to validate patches. Previous work showed that tests in open-source Android applications are scarce. We thus wrote tests for 21 versions of 7 Android apps, creating a new benchmark for performance improvements. We used GIDroid to improve versions of mobile apps where developers had previously found improvements to runtime, memory, and bandwidth use. Our technique automatically re-discovers 64% of existing improvements. We then applied our approach to current versions of software in which there were no known improvements. We were able to improve execution time by up to 35%, and memory use by up to 33% in these apps.Comment: 32 pages, 8 Figure

    Characterizing the evolution of statically-detectable performance issues of Android apps

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    Mobile apps are playing a major role in our everyday life, and they are tending to become more and more complex and resource demanding. Because of that, performance issues may occur, disrupting the user experience or, even worse, preventing an effective use of the app. Ultimately, such problems can cause bad reviews and influence the app success. Developers deal with performance issues thorough dynamic analysis, i.e., performance testing and profiler tools, albeit static analysis tools can be a valid, relatively inexpensive complement for the early detection of some such issues. This paper empirically investigates how potential performance issues identified by a popular static analysis tool — Android Lint — are actually resolved in 316 open source Android apps among 724 apps we analyzed. More specifically, the study traces the issues detected by Android Lint since their introduction until they resolved, with the aim of studying (i) the overall evolution of performance issues in apps, (ii) the proportion of issues being resolved, as well as (iii) the distribution of their survival time, and (iv) the extent to which issue resolution are documented by developers in commit messages. Results indicate how some issues, especially related to the lack of resource recycle, tend to be more frequent than others. Also, while some issues, primarily of algorithmic nature, tend to be resolved quickly through well-known patterns, others tend to stay in the app longer, or not to be resolved at all. Finally, we found how only 10% of the issue resolution is documented in commit messages

    Supporting Evolution and Maintenance of android Apps

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    Mobile developers and testers face a number of emerging challenges. These include rapid platform evolution and API instability; issues in bug reporting and reproduction involving complex multitouch gestures; platform fragmentation; the impact of reviews and ratings on the success of their apps; management of crowd-sourced requirements; continuous pressure from the market for frequent releases; lack of effective and usable testing tools; and limited computational resources for handheld devices. Traditional and contemporary methods in software evolution and maintenance were not designed for these types of challenges; therefore, a set of studies and a new toolbox of techniques for mobile development are required to analyze current challenges and propose new solutions. This dissertation presents a set of empirical studies, as well as solutions for some of the key challenges when evolving and maintaining android apps. In particular, we analyzed key challenges experienced by practitioners and open issues in the mobile development community such as (i) android API instability, (ii) performance optimizations, (iii) automatic GUI testing, and (iv) energy consumption. When carrying out the studies, we relied on qualitative and quantitative analyses to understand the phenomena on a large scale by considering evidence extracted from software repositories and the opinions of open-source mobile developers. From the empirical studies, we identified that dynamic analysis is a relevant method for several evolution and maintenance tasks, in particular, because of the need of practitioners to execute/validate the apps on a diverse set of platforms (i.e., device and OS) and under pressure for continuous delivery. Therefore, we designed and implemented an extensible infrastructure that enables large-scale automatic execution of android apps to support different evolution and maintenance tasks (e.g., testing and energy optimization). In addition to the infrastructure we present a taxonomy of issues, single solutions to the issues, and guidelines to enable large execution of android apps. Finally, we devised novel approaches aimed at supporting testing and energy optimization of mobile apps (two key challenges in evolution and maintenance of android apps). First, we propose a novel hybrid approach for automatic GUI-based testing of apps that is able to generate (un)natural test sequences by mining real applications usages and learning statistical models that represent the GUI interactions. In addition, we propose a multi-objective approach for optimizing the energy consumption of GUIs in android apps that is able to generate visually appealing color compositions, while reducing the energy consumption and keeping a design concept close to the original

    Rohelisema tarkvaratehnoloogia poole tarkvaraanalüüsi abil

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    Mobiilirakendused, mis ei tühjenda akut, saavad tavaliselt head kasutajahinnangud. Mobiilirakenduste energiatõhusaks muutmiseks on avaldatud mitmeid refaktoreerimis- suuniseid ja tööriistu, mis aitavad rakenduse koodi optimeerida. Neid suuniseid ei saa aga seoses energiatõhususega üldistada, sest kõigi kontekstide kohta ei ole piisavalt energiaga seotud andmeid. Olemasolevad energiatõhususe parandamise tööriistad/profiilid on enamasti prototüübid, mis kohalduvad ainult väikese alamhulga energiaga seotud probleemide suhtes. Lisaks käsitlevad olemasolevad suunised ja tööriistad energiaprobleeme peamiselt a posteriori ehk tagantjärele, kui need on juba lähtekoodi sees. Android rakenduse koodi saab põhijoontes jagada kaheks osaks: kohandatud kood ja korduvkasutatav kood. Kohandatud kood on igal rakendusel ainulaadne. Korduvkasutatav kood hõlmab kolmandate poolte teeke, mis on rakendustesse lisatud arendusprotessi kiirendamiseks. Alustuseks hindame mitmete lähtekoodi halbade lõhnade refaktoreerimiste energiatarbimist Androidi rakendustes. Seejärel teeme empiirilise uuringu Androidi rakendustes kasutatavate kolmandate osapoolte võrguteekide energiamõju kohta. Pakume üldisi kontekstilisi suuniseid, mida võiks rakenduste arendamisel kasutada. Lisaks teeme süstemaatilise kirjanduse ülevaate, et teha kindlaks ja uurida nüüdisaegseid tugitööriistu, mis on rohelise Androidi arendamiseks saadaval. Selle uuringu ja varem läbi viidud katsete põhjal toome esile riistvarapõhiste energiamõõtmiste jäädvustamise ja taasesitamise probleemid. Arendame tugitööriista ARENA, mis võib aidata koguda energiaandmeid ja analüüsida Androidi rakenduste energiatarbimist. Viimasena töötame välja tugitööriista REHAB, et soovitada arendajatele energiatõhusaid kolmanda osapoole võrguteekeMobile apps that do not drain the battery usually get good user ratings. To make mobile apps energy efficient many refactoring guidelines and tools are published that help optimize the app code. However, these guidelines cannot be generalized w.r.t energy efficiency, as there is not enough energy-related data for every context. Existing energy enhancement tools/profilers are mostly prototypes applicable to only a small subset of energy-related problems. In addition, the existing guidelines and tools mostly address the energy issues a posteriori, i.e., once they have already been introduced into the code. Android app code can be roughly divided into two parts: the custom code and the reusable code. Custom code is unique to each app. Reusable code includes third-party libraries that are included in apps to speed up the development process. We start by evaluating the energy consumption of various code smell refactorings in native Android apps. Then we conduct an empirical study on the energy impact of third-party network libraries used in Android apps. We provide generalized contextual guidelines that could be used during app development Further, we conduct a systematic literature review to identify and study the current state of the art support tools available to aid green Android development. Based on this study and the experiments we conducted before, we highlight the problems in capturing and reproducing hardware-based energy measurements. We develop the support tool ‘ARENA’ that could help gather energy data and analyze the energy consumption of Android apps. Last, we develop the support tool ‘REHAB’ to recommend energy efficient third-party network libraries to developers.https://www.ester.ee/record=b547174

    Advanced Security Analysis for Emergent Software Platforms

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    Emergent software ecosystems, boomed by the advent of smartphones and the Internet of Things (IoT) platforms, are perpetually sophisticated, deployed into highly dynamic environments, and facilitating interactions across heterogeneous domains. Accordingly, assessing the security thereof is a pressing need, yet requires high levels of scalability and reliability to handle the dynamism involved in such volatile ecosystems. This dissertation seeks to enhance conventional security detection methods to cope with the emergent features of contemporary software ecosystems. In particular, it analyzes the security of Android and IoT ecosystems by developing rigorous vulnerability detection methods. A critical aspect of this work is the focus on detecting vulnerable and unsafe interactions between applications that share common components and devices. Contributions of this work include novel insights and methods for: (1) detecting vulnerable interactions between Android applications that leverage dynamic loading features for concealing the interactions; (2) identifying unsafe interactions between smart home applications by considering physical and cyber channels; (3) detecting malicious IoT applications that are developed to target numerous IoT devices; (4) detecting insecure patterns of emergent security APIs that are reused from open-source software. In all of the four research thrusts, we present thorough security analysis and extensive evaluations based on real-world applications. Our results demonstrate that the proposed detection mechanisms can efficiently and effectively detect vulnerabilities in contemporary software platforms. Advisers: Hamid Bagheri and Qiben Ya

    Evidence-based Development of Trustworthy Mobile Medical Apps

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    abstract: Widespread adoption of smartphone based Mobile Medical Apps (MMAs) is opening new avenues for innovation, bringing MMAs to the forefront of low cost healthcare delivery. These apps often control human physiology and work on sensitive data. Thus it is necessary to have evidences of their trustworthiness i.e. maintaining privacy of health data, long term operation of wearable sensors and ensuring no harm to the user before actual marketing. Traditionally, clinical studies are used to validate the trustworthiness of medical systems. However, they can take long time and could potentially harm the user. Such evidences can be generated using simulations and mathematical analysis. These methods involve estimating the MMA interactions with human physiology. However, the nonlinear nature of human physiology makes the estimation challenging. This research analyzes and develops MMA software while considering its interactions with human physiology to assure trustworthiness. A novel app development methodology is used to objectively evaluate trustworthiness of a MMA by generating evidences using automatic techniques. It involves developing the Health-Dev β tool to generate a) evidences of trustworthiness of MMAs and b) requirements assured code generation for vulnerable components of the MMA without hindering the app development process. In this method, all requests from MMAs pass through a trustworthy entity, Trustworthy Data Manager which checks if the app request satisfies the MMA requirements. This method is intended to expedite the design to marketing process of MMAs. The objectives of this research is to develop models, tools and theory for evidence generation and can be divided into the following themes: • Sustainable design configuration estimation of MMAs: Developing an optimization framework which can generate sustainable and safe sensor configuration while considering interactions of the MMA with the environment. • Evidence generation using simulation and formal methods: Developing models and tools to verify safety properties of the MMA design to ensure no harm to the human physiology. • Automatic code generation for MMAs: Investigating methods for automatically • Performance analysis of trustworthy data manager: Evaluating response time generating trustworthy software for vulnerable components of a MMA and evidences.performance of trustworthy data manager under interactions from non-MMA smartphone apps.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Computer Science 201

    Android Mobile Malware Detection Using Machine Learning: A Systematic Review

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    With the increasing use of mobile devices, malware attacks are rising, especially on Android phones, which account for 72.2% of the total market share. Hackers try to attack smartphones with various methods such as credential theft, surveillance, and malicious advertising. Among numerous countermeasures, machine learning (ML)-based methods have proven to be an effective means of detecting these attacks, as they are able to derive a classifier from a set of training examples, thus eliminating the need for an explicit definition of the signatures when developing malware detectors. This paper provides a systematic review of ML-based Android malware detection techniques. It critically evaluates 106 carefully selected articles and highlights their strengths and weaknesses as well as potential improvements. Finally, the ML-based methods for detecting source code vulnerabilities are discussed, because it might be more difficult to add security after the app is deployed. Therefore, this paper aims to enable researchers to acquire in-depth knowledge in the field and to identify potential future research and development directions

    Using a Dynamic Domain-Specific Modeling Language for the Model-Driven Development of Cross-Platform Mobile Applications

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    There has been a gradual but steady convergence of dynamic programming languages with modeling languages. One area that can benefit from this convergence is modeldriven development (MDD) especially in the domain of mobile application development. By using a dynamic language to construct a domain-specific modeling language (DSML), it is possible to create models that are executable, exhibit flexible type checking, and provide a smaller cognitive gap between business users, modelers and developers than more traditional model-driven approaches. Dynamic languages have found strong adoption by practitioners of Agile development processes. These processes often rely on developers to rapidly produce working code that meets business needs and to do so in an iterative and incremental way. Such methodologies tend to eschew “throwaway” artifacts and models as being wasteful except as a communication vehicle to produce executable code. These approaches are not readily supported with traditional heavyweight approaches to model-driven development such as the Object Management Group’s Model-Driven Architecture approach. This research asks whether it is possible for a domain-specific modeling language written in a dynamic programming language to define a cross-platform model that can produce native code and do so in a way that developer productivity and code quality are at least as effective as hand-written code produced using native tools. Using a prototype modeling tool, AXIOM (Agile eXecutable and Incremental Objectoriented Modeling), we examine this question through small- and mid-scale experiments and find that the AXIOM approach improved developer productivity by almost 400%, albeit only after some up-front investment. We also find that the generated code can be of equal if not better quality than the equivalent hand-written code. Finally, we find that there are significant challenges in the synthesis of a DSML that can be used to model applications across platforms as diverse as today’s mobile operating systems, which point to intriguing avenues of subsequent research