672 research outputs found

    Human computer interaction for international development: past present and future

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    Recent years have seen a burgeoning interest in research into the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in the context of developing regions, particularly into how such ICTs might be appropriately designed to meet the unique user and infrastructural requirements that we encounter in these cross-cultural environments. This emerging field, known to some as HCI4D, is the product of a diverse set of origins. As such, it can often be difficult to navigate prior work, and/or to piece together a broad picture of what the field looks like as a whole. In this paper, we aim to contextualize HCI4D—to give it some historical background, to review its existing literature spanning a number of research traditions, to discuss some of its key issues arising from the work done so far, and to suggest some major research objectives for the future

    Intervention or Collaboration?:Rethinking Information and Communication Technologies for Development

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    Over the past decades information system developers and knowledge engineers in ICT projects in wealthy regions of the world have come to realize that technical work can only be successful when situated in a broader organizational context. However, for low-resource environments (or example rural Africa), where contextual embedding is even more demanding given the complexity of these environments, practical, context-oriented methodologies how to "do" information systems engineering are still lacking. This book gives a basic but thorough insight how to develop information systems and services for people in low resource environments, from a socio-technical, information systems engineering perspective, presenting field-validated methods that cover the complete lifecycle of information systems engineering, with emphasis on context analysis, needs assessment, use case and requirements analysis and (business) sustainability analysis. Since technical development does not go without critical reflection, this book also investigates which (tacit) assumptions affect the way technologies are implemented in poor, low-resource environments. Linking collaborative sociotechnical development with theories of complexity and social networks of innovation, this book offers a reflective and critical approach to information and communication technologies for development

    Designing for a ‘Sweet Spot’ in an Intervention in a Least Developed Country: The Case of e-Government in Bangladesh

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    Despite the potential for information systems to improve societal conditions in developing countries, a lack of cumulative knowledge building to inform interventions hampers progress. This paper reports an integrated action research – design science project that addressed the problem of limited adoption of e-government in Bangladesh and contributes to design theory. Inadequate knowledge of the nature of e-government systems was identified as an underlying cause of many other problems. Activities included the delivery of a training program and a handbook targeted at senior government officers. The project had relatively modest resources and yet yielded positive outcomes. Critical reflection has established a number of design principles for an intervention of this type, with the most important principle being to first identify a “sweet spot”, a point of maximum leverage, and then work on it

    An Evaluation of Information Systems Students Internship Programs in Developing Countries: A Capability Perspective

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    In this paper Sen’s notion of capabilities served as a theoretical lens for assessing the effectiveness of internship programs for IS students and their contributions to human development. We use the key elements of the capability approach to focus on the developmental impact. We based our evaluation on IS students industrial work scheme in Nigeria. Our analysis shows that, even though the scheme has been designed to provide better opportunities for students in terms of practical education and employment, the lack of conversion factors makes the program contextually problematic. The study concludes with some recommendations for policy makers advancing an agenda for the improvement of IS education and internships programs for students in tertiary institutions

    The growth of ICT4D:impact in educational system in developing countries

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    Abstract. Problems in developing countries have been an issue for a long time. ICT4D was initiated to solve these problems, at least to ease the current problems to make living standard a bit better. ICT4D stands for information and communication for development, which uses advanced technology to bring opportunities for the people in many fields, such as in education. The term “developing countries” is hard to define, since it is defined by people from developed countries, but in this thesis, I will go through the definition and variables that defines the term. People think that money could solve the problem, but in fact it cannot stop the problems, but by using it to educate people, we can make use of the knowledge learned and thus improve people’s future. In this thesis, I will introduce ICT4D and the evolution of ICT4D, what kind of changes it has gone through to become what it is now. I will also define developing countries from few points of views and also defining human development index (HDI) and means for a better living standard. Next, I will talk about the education and how it could improve the living standard when implementing it properly and how ICT4D is having and could have an impact on the education in developing countries. Also, I will introduce few challenges that could be problematic but not impossible to solve and how huge of a digital divide is between developing and development countries. All of these affect the educational system in developing countries, and is considered as a highly important matters in digital economy, fortunately we have many movements such as ICT4D to tackle these issuesTiivistelmĂ€. Kehitysmaiden ongelmat ovat olleet keskusteluaiheena jo pitkÀÀn. ICT4D-liike pantiin alulle ratkaisemaan nĂ€itĂ€ ongelmia tai ainakin helpottamaan nykyisiĂ€ ongelmia parantaakseen ihmisten elintasoa hieman paremmaksi. ICT4D tarkoittaa “tietoa ja viestintÀÀ kehitykselle”, jonka tarkoituksena on kĂ€yttÀÀ edistynyttĂ€ teknologiaa tarjoamaan mahdollisuuksia ihmisille monilla aloilla, kuten koulutusaloilla. “Kehitysmaat” kĂ€sitteenĂ€ on vaikea mÀÀritellĂ€, sillĂ€ sana “kehitysmaat” ovat mÀÀritelleet maat, joissa teknologia on nykyaikaista ja arkipĂ€ivĂ€istĂ€. TĂ€ssĂ€ opinnĂ€ytetyössĂ€ kĂ€yn kuitenkin lĂ€pi ne muuttujat, jotka mÀÀrittelevĂ€t kyseisen termin. Monet ajattelevat, ettĂ€ raha voisi ratkaista nĂ€itĂ€ ongelmia, mutta tĂ€mĂ€ ei kuitenkaan ole totta, vaikkakin ongelmat helpottuvat hetkeksi, ongelma on vielĂ€ olemassa. Vain kouluttamalla ihmisiĂ€ ja hyödyntĂ€mĂ€llĂ€ nykyteknologiaa ja oppimaamme tietoa, voimme ratkaista ongelmia kehitysmaissa. TĂ€ssĂ€ työssĂ€ kĂ€yn lĂ€pi termin ICT4D:n ja sen evoluution, sekĂ€ millaisia ​​muutoksia se on kĂ€ynyt lĂ€pi tullakseen sellaiseksi kuin se nyt on. Aion mÀÀritellĂ€ myös kehitysmaat muutamasta nĂ€kökulmasta ja myös inhimillisen kehityksen indeksin (HDI) ja keinoja paremman elintason saavuttamiseksi. Seuraavaksi opinnĂ€ytetyössĂ€ni puhun koulutuksesta ja kuinka se voisi parantaa kehitysmaiden elintasoa, kun sitĂ€ pannaan tĂ€ytĂ€ntöön sopivalla tavalla ja miten ICT4D voi vaikuttaa kehitysmaiden koulutukseen. Aion myös esitellĂ€ muutamia haasteita, jotka voivat olla ongelmallisia, mutta joita ei ole mahdotonta ratkaista, ja miten valtava digitaalinen kuilu on kehittyneiden maiden ja kehitysmaiden vĂ€lillĂ€. Kaikki mainitut asiat vaikuttavat kehitysmaiden koulutusjĂ€rjestelmÀÀn, ja nĂ€itĂ€ pidetÀÀn erittĂ€in tĂ€rkeĂ€nĂ€ digitaalitalouden aikana, onneksemme meillĂ€ on monia liikkeitĂ€, kuten ICT4D, jotka ovat valmiita ratkaisemaan nĂ€itĂ€ ongelmia

    Conducting Research in a Developing Country: A Reflection-in-Action Perspective

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    ICT4D researchers acknowledge the instrumental role of cultural differences in determining project outcomes. Rarely, however, do they acknowledge culture’s role in the actual research process. This study explores the impact of cultural differences on research conducted by Western-based researchers in a developing country. In mid-2015, we went to Uganda to conduct research on mobile payment systems and technology use in healthcare. This study recounts our data collection process, particularly the unique challenges and opportunities that we experienced. We employ the theory of reflection-in-action to interpret our responses to disruptions to our research project. As part of our contribution to ICT4D research, we offer several recommendations for conducting research in a developing country.

    Understanding Technology Changes for ICT4D Projects through Modelling

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    ICT4D involves the study of design and development of ICT technology to the community. Based on our experience, most of the ICT4D projects are happening in one off solution. The projects will deliver with off the shelf products or services and hand over to the community upon the deployment and training. There is neither plan nor development to deal with changes. Hence, it may lead to the failure and unsustainable projects. We believe that dealing with technology changes is essential for sustaining the ICT4D projects. However, how to handle the changes in technology on ICT projects? This paper introduces a preliminary study on technique to handle the changes of technology through modelling. From the modelling, it showcases how the requirements have led to the technology change and how the business models affect the decision in designing the technology or solution for ICT4D projects. We adopt actor network theory to study the technology changes on ICT4D projects. We extend the actor network theory with networked actor modelling to study the actors’ needs and the impact of cost (e.g. business models) to deal with the technology adoption, translation and development for ICT4D projects. The agent oriented modelling is introduced as the modelling process for actor network theory. The agent modelling consists of models based on the integration of agent models and e3Value model. In order to evaluate the work, we demonstrate how the model can understand the technology changes (e.g. adoption and adaptation) for an electronic health record system (EHR)
