47 research outputs found

    Type-and-Scope Safe Programs and Their Proofs

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    We abstract the common type-and-scope safe structure fromcomputations on lambda-terms that deliver, e.g., renaming, substitution, evaluation, CPS-transformation, and printing witha name supply. By exposing this structure, we can prove generic simulation and fusion lemmas relating operations built this way. This work has been fully formalised in Agda

    On Language Processors and Software Maintenance

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    This work investigates declarative transformation tools in the context of software maintenance. Besides maintenance of the language specification, evolution of a software language requires the adaptation of the software written in that language as well as the adaptation of the software that transforms software written in the evolving language. This co-evolution is studied to derive automatic adaptations of artefacts from adaptations of the language specification. Furthermore, AOP for Prolog is introduced to improve maintainability of language specifications and derived tools.Die Arbeit unterstĂźtzt deklarative Transformationswerkzeuge im Kontext der Softwarewartung. Neben der Wartung der Sprachbeschreibung erfordert die Evolution einer Sprache sowohl die Anpassung der Software, die in dieser Sprache geschrieben ist als auch die Anpassung der Software, die diese Software transformiert. Diese Koevolution wird untersucht, um automatische Anpassungen von Artefakten von Anpassungen der Sprachbeschreibungen abzuleiten. Weiterhin wird AOP fĂźr Prolog eingefĂźhrt, um die Wartbarkeit von Sprachbeschreibungen und den daraus abgeleiteten Werkzeugen zu erhĂśhen

    Refinement kinds: type-safe programming with practical type-level computation

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    UID/CEC/04516/2019 PTDC/EEICTP/4293/2014This work introduces the novel concept of kind refinement, which we develop in the context of an explicitly polymorphic ML-like language with type-level computation. Just as type refinements embed rich specifications by means of comprehension principles expressed by predicates over values in the type domain, kind refinements provide rich kind specifications by means of predicates over types in the kind domain. By leveraging our powerful refinement kind discipline, types in our language are not just used to statically classify program expressions and values, but also conveniently manipulated as tree-like data structures, with their kinds refined by logical constraints on such structures. Remarkably, the resulting typing and kinding disciplines allow for powerful forms of type reflection, ad-hoc polymorphism and type-directed meta-programming, which are often found in modern software development, but not typically expressible in a type-safe manner in general purpose languages. We validate our approach both formally and pragmatically by establishing the standard meta-theoretical results of type safety and via a prototype implementation of a kind checker, type checker and interpreter for our language.publishersversionpublishe

    Transforming XML Documents using fxt

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    As XML spreads to various application domains, transformation tasks on XML documents are accomplished by an ever increasing number of non-programmers. In this respect, rather than providing just a collection of basic operations via a library in a special purpose language, it is useful to provide a more intuitive, rule-based approach to XML transformation. The rule-based approach requires pattern-matching for identifying parts of the document to be processed. As XML document processing is basically a subarea of tree processing for which the functional programming style is very natural, we choose SML as implementation language. The functional style implies a processing model in which navigation is possible only to subtrees of a tree. This restriction can be compensated by using a tree pattern-matcher able to relate to ancestors, successors, as well as to siblings of a match. On top of the powerful fxgrep XML pattern-matcher, we build fxt, a transformation tool for XML documents. The functional processing model that fxt uses, allows an implementation more efficient than implementations permitted by the processing model of the popular XSLT, where navigation in the input tree can proceed in arbitrary directions. Usual transformations are specified in fxt in an intuitive, declarative way. More elaborate transformations can be flexibly achieved by the hooks provided to the full functionality of the SML programming language, as well as by the fxt’s variable mechanism

    Programming errors in traversal programs over structured data

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    Traversal strategies \'a la Stratego (also \'a la Strafunski and 'Scrap Your Boilerplate') provide an exceptionally versatile and uniform means of querying and transforming deeply nested and heterogeneously structured data including terms in functional programming and rewriting, objects in OO programming, and XML documents in XML programming. However, the resulting traversal programs are prone to programming errors. We are specifically concerned with errors that go beyond conservative type errors; examples we examine include divergent traversals, prematurely terminated traversals, and traversals with dead code. Based on an inventory of possible programming errors we explore options of static typing and static analysis so that some categories of errors can be avoided. This exploration generates suggestions for improvements to strategy libraries as well as their underlying programming languages. Haskell is used for illustrations and specifications with sufficient explanations to make the presentation comprehensible to the non-specialist. The overall ideas are language-agnostic and they are summarized accordingly

    Concurrency in a System for Symbolic and Algebraic Computations

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    As miniaturization of computer components is approaching the limits of physics, researchers in computer architecture are looking for less conventional means to perpetuate Moore's law. Recent trends in hardware ve been adding more cores. Consequently multicore machines are now commodity. To help programmers benefit from Moore's dividend, researchers in programming techniques, tools and languages have been exploring several venues. A dominant theme is the design and implementation of parallel algorithms. Several programming models have been proposed, but none at the moment seem to be substantially better than others. While general parallel programming is a distinctively challenging task, we believe that scientific computation algorithms display algebraic structures, thanks to the rich mathematical objects they manipulate. The present work aims at exploring the extent to which algebraic properties displayed by computer algebra algorithms may be automatically exploited to take advantage of parallelism in the OpenAxiom scientific computation platform. We designed a runtime system that exploits the ubiquitous parallelism of modern CPUs; the system is also scaled to many-system clusters. By taking advantage of the existing InputForm domain in OpenAxiom and connecting of the standard input channel to sockets, we were able to minimize potentially hazardous modifications to the OpenAxiom source while still implementing desired functionality. Additionally, we designed and implemented FFI extensions to the OpenAxiom core to take advantage of SIMD instructions, particularly SSE2 (SIMD Streaming Extensions). The extension allowed us to nearly double the speed of common operations such as multiplying arrays of doubles. We also defined and implemented a foreign function interface for the OpenAxiom system. All of these additions were benchmarked using Berlekamp's algorithm for factorization of polynomials over integers. While much still remains to be done in parallelizing the algebra to work over many calculation nodes, mathematical annotations remain viable in unloading the burden of parallelizing code from the programmer by substituting a simpler activity

    Managing change in persistent object systems

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    Persistent object systems are highly-valued technology because they o er an e ec- tive foundation for building very long-lived persistent application systems (PAS). The technology becomes more e ective as it o ers a more consistently integrated computational context. For it to be feasible to design and construct a PAS it must be possible to in- crementally add program and data to the existing collection. For a PAS to endure it must o er exibility: a capacity to evolve and change. This paper examines the capacity of persistent object systems to accommodate incremental construction and change. Established store based technologies can support incremental construction but methodologies are needed to deploy them e ectively. Evolving data description is one motivation for inheritance but inheritance alone is not enough to support change management. The case for supporting incremental change is very persuasive. The challenge is to provide technologies that will facilitate it and methodologies that will organise it. This paper identi es change absorbers as a means of describing how changes should propagate. It is argued that if we systematically develop an adequate reper- toire of change absorbers then they will facilitate much better quality change man- agement

    Techniques in Active and Generic Software Libraries

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    Reusing code from software libraries can reduce the time and effort to construct software systems and also enable the development of larger systems. However, the benefits that come from the use of software libraries may not be realized due to limitations in the way that traditional software libraries are constructed. Libraries come equipped with application programming interfaces (API) that help enforce the correct use of the abstractions in those libraries. Writing new components and adapting existing ones to conform to library APIs may require substantial amounts of "glue" code that potentially affects software's efficiency, robustness, and ease-of-maintenance. If, as a result, the idea of reusing functionality from a software library is rejected, no benefits of reuse will be realized. This dissertation explores and develops techniques that support the construction of software libraries with abstraction layers that do not impede efficiency. In many situations, glue code can be expected to have very low (or zero) performance overhead. In particular, we describe advances in the design and development of active libraries - software libraries that take an active role in the compilation of the user's code. Common to the presented techniques is that they may "break" a library API (in a controlled manner) to adapt the functionality of the library for a particular use case. The concrete contributions of this dissertation are: a library API that supports iterator selection in the Standard Template Library, allowing generic algorithms to find the most suitable traversal through a container, allowing (in one case) a 30-fold improvement in performance; the development of techniques, idioms, and best practices for concepts and concept maps in C++, allowing the construction of algorithms for one domain entirely in terms of formalisms from a second domain; the construction of generic algorithms for algorithmic differentiation, implemented as an active library in Spad, language of the Open Axiom computer algebra system, allowing algorithmic differentiation to be applied to the appropriate mathematical object and not just concrete data-types; and the description of a static analysis framework to describe the generic programming notion of local specialization within Spad, allowing more sophisticated (value-based) control over algorithm selection and specialization in categories and domains. We will find that active libraries simultaneously increase the expressivity of the underlying language and the performance of software using those libraries