96 research outputs found

    Developing an integrated technology roadmapping process to meet regional technology planning needs: the e-bike pilot study

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    Smart grid is a promising class of new technologies offering many potential benefits for electric utility systems, including possibilities for smart appliances which can communicate with power systems and help to better match supply and demand. Additional services include the ability to\ud better integrate growing supplies of renewable energy and perform a variety of value-added services on the grid. However, a number of challenges exist in order to achieving these benefits.\ud Many utility systems have substantial regulatory structures that make business processes and technology innovation substantially different than in other industries. Due to complex histories regarding regulatory and deregulatory efforts, and due to what some economists consider natural monopoly characteristics in the industry, such regulatory structures are unlikely to change in the immediate future. Therefore, innovation within these industries, including the development of\ud smart grid, will require an understanding of such regulatory and policy frameworks, development of appropriate business models, and adaptation of technologies to fit these emerging requirements. Technology Roadmapping may be a useful method of planning this type of future development within the smart grid sector, but such technology roadmaps would require a high level of integrated thinking regarding technology, business, and regulatory and policy considerations. This research provides an initial examination of the process for creating such a type of integrated technology roadmapping and assessment process. This research proposes to build upon previous research in the Pacific Northwest and create a more robust technology planning process that will allow key variables to be tested and different pathways to be explored

    Technology Roadmapping Using Text Mining: A Foresight Study for the Retail Industry

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    Technology roadmapping is a widely accepted method for offering industry foresight as it supports strategic innovation management and identifies the potential application of emerging technologies. While roadmapping applications have been implemented across different technologies and industries, prior studies have not addressed the potential application of emerging technologies in the retail industry. Furthermore, few studies have examined service-oriented technologies by a roadmapping method. Methodologically, there are limited roadmapping studies that implement both quantitative and qualitative approaches. Hence, this article aims to offer a foresight for future technologies in the retailing industry using an integrated roadmapping method. To achieve this, we used a sequential method that consisted of both text mining and an expert review process. Our results show clear directions for the future of emerging technologies as the industry moves toward unmanned retail operations. We generate eight clusters of technologies and integrate them into a roadmapping model, illustrating their links to the market and business requirements. Our study has a number of implications and identifies potential bottlenecks between the integration of front- and back-end solutions for the future of unmanned retailing

    Knowledge mapping of resilience and human rights in supply chains: A roadmapping taxonomy for twin green and digital transition design

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    Supply chain sustainability (SCS) has gone beyond the sustainability-performance approach, towards the increasing adoption of the sustainability-practice approach. The use of digital technologies in this approach can enhance resilience and human rights, particularly in the context of the green and digital twin transition post-COVID-19 pandemic. To enrich the sustainability-practice approach, this paper aims to produce a roadmapping taxonomy, based on knowledge mapping of a dataset collected in late December 2022 from the Web of Science Core Collection. As the knowledge map reveals the dimensions of resilience, human rights, and digital technologies, the proposed taxonomy highlights the importance of dynamic capabilities in facing supply chain disruptions, especially their ripple effects, along with the corresponding digital technologies to enhance human social dynamics in facing such disruptions. The proposed taxonomy provides a knowledge-based framework for professionals and researchers to enhance their understanding of supply chain resilience in designing and implementing digital solutions. The proposed roadmapping taxonomy features a people- and community-centric perspective and several managerial insights, contributing to the wider discussions on the green and digital transformation of the supply chain, by shaping actions and interactions in networked, digitized, and datafied forms to enhance supply chain sustainability

    Research on cost management methods used in new product development and their relationship to strategic priorities and collaborative competences: A systematic literature review and survey of the German manufacturing industry

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    This doctoral thesis presents a systematic review in both the management accounting as well as the innovation and operation management literature on 15 different methods for cost management. Subsequently, six antecedents of the adoption of cost management methods are identified and empirically analysed. It was found that the antecedents explaining the adoption of this methods during NPD are cost leadership


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