16 research outputs found

    Software Framework for State Estimation

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    Over the past decade, robotics has seen tremendous increase in complexity and variety of applications. The key area in the robots seeing rapid evolution is the software. However, usually the software developed for robots has been limited to a specific application and/or a specific hardware. Unfortunately most of the software developed for robotic applications are not easily re-usable in another project. Very little effort has been done to tackle this issue and the software is developed on an ad-hoc basis. In this work, a framework for developing sensor fusion software is proposed that is based on practices of model-driven engineering. A small domain-specific language is developed that effectively hides the lower level implementation details and makes the software development more structured and easier to re-use. It is also discussed how graphical models can be used as computational framework for performing the statistical inference in filtering problems. It is shown how a simple estimation problem can be solved using graphical models

    Model-driven engineering for mobile robotic systems: a systematic mapping study

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    Mobile robots operate in various environments (e.g. aquatic, aerial, or terrestrial), they come in many diverse shapes and they are increasingly becoming parts of our lives. The successful engineering of mobile robotics systems demands the interdisciplinary collaboration of experts from different domains, such as mechanical and electrical engineering, artificial intelligence, and systems engineering. Research and industry have tried to tackle this heterogeneity by proposing a multitude of model-driven solutions to engineer the software of mobile robotics systems. However, there is no systematic study of the state of the art in model-driven engineering (MDE) for mobile robotics systems that could guide research or practitioners in finding model-driven solutions and tools to efficiently engineer mobile robotics systems. The paper is contributing to this direction by providing a map of software engineering research in MDE that investigates (1) which types of robots are supported by existing MDE approaches, (2) the types and characteristics of MRSs that are engineered using MDE approaches, (3) a description of how MDE approaches support the engineering of MRSs, (4) how existing MDE approaches are validated, and (5) how tools support existing MDE approaches. We also provide a replication package to assess, extend, and/or replicate the study. The results of this work and the highlighted challenges can guide researchers and practitioners from robotics and software engineering through the research landscape

    Axon: A Middleware for Robotics

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    The area of multi-robot systems and frameworks has become, in recent years, a hot research area in the field of robotics. This is attributed to the great advances made in robotic hardware, software, and the diversity of robotic systems. The need to integrate different heterogeneous robotic components and systems has led to the birth of robotic middleware. A robotic middleware is an intricate piece of software that masks the heterogeneity of underlying components and provides high-level interfaces that enable developers to make efficient use of the components. A large number of robotic middleware programs exist today. Each one comes with its own design methodologies and complexities. Up to this moment, however, there exists no unified standard for robotic middleware. Moreover, many of the middleware in use today deal with low-level and hardware aspects. This adds unnecessary complexity in research involving robotic behavior, inter-robot collaboration, and other high-level experiments which do not require prior knowledge of low-level details. In addition, the notion of structured lightweight data transfer between robots is not emphasized in existing work. This dissertation tackles the robotic middleware problem from a different perspective. The aim of this work is to develop a robust middleware that is able to handle multiple robots and clients within a laboratory environment. In the proposed middleware, a high-level representation of robots in an environment is introduced. Also, this work introduces the notion of structured and efficient data exchange as an important issue in robotic middleware research. The middleware has been designed and developed using rigorous methodologies and leading edge technologies. Moreover, the middleware’s ability to integrate different types of robots in a seamless manner, as well as its ability to accommodate multiple robots and clients, has been tested and evaluated

    Adaptive Robot Framework: Providing Versatility and Autonomy to Manufacturing Robots Through FSM, Skills and Agents

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    207 p.The main conclusions that can be extracted from an analysis of the current situation and future trends of the industry,in particular manufacturing plants, are the following: there is a growing need to provide customization of products, ahigh variation of production volumes and a downward trend in the availability of skilled operators due to the ageingof the population. Adapting to this new scenario is a challenge for companies, especially small and medium-sizedenterprises (SMEs) that are suffering first-hand how their specialization is turning against them.The objective of this work is to provide a tool that can serve as a basis to face these challenges in an effective way.Therefore the presented framework, thanks to its modular architecture, allows focusing on the different needs of eachparticular company and offers the possibility of scaling the system for future requirements. The presented platform isdivided into three layers, namely: interface with robot systems, the execution engine and the application developmentlayer.Taking advantage of the provided ecosystem by this framework, different modules have been developed in order toface the mentioned challenges of the industry. On the one hand, to address the need of product customization, theintegration of tools that increase the versatility of the cell are proposed. An example of such tools is skill basedprogramming. By applying this technique a process can be intuitively adapted to the variations or customizations thateach product requires. The use of skills favours the reuse and generalization of developed robot programs.Regarding the variation of the production volumes, a system which permits a greater mobility and a faster reconfigurationis necessary. If in a certain situation a line has a production peak, mechanisms for balancing the loadwith a reasonable cost are required. In this respect, the architecture allows an easy integration of different roboticsystems, actuators, sensors, etc. In addition, thanks to the developed calibration and set-up techniques, the system canbe adapted to new workspaces at an effective time/cost.With respect to the third mentioned topic, an agent-based monitoring system is proposed. This module opens up amultitude of possibilities for the integration of auxiliary modules of protection and security for collaboration andinteraction between people and robots, something that will be necessary in the not so distant future.For demonstrating the advantages and adaptability improvement of the developed framework, a series of real usecases have been presented. In each of them different problematic has been resolved using developed skills,demonstrating how are adapted easily to the different casuistic

    Adaptive Robot Framework: Providing Versatility and Autonomy to Manufacturing Robots Through FSM, Skills and Agents

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    207 p.The main conclusions that can be extracted from an analysis of the current situation and future trends of the industry,in particular manufacturing plants, are the following: there is a growing need to provide customization of products, ahigh variation of production volumes and a downward trend in the availability of skilled operators due to the ageingof the population. Adapting to this new scenario is a challenge for companies, especially small and medium-sizedenterprises (SMEs) that are suffering first-hand how their specialization is turning against them.The objective of this work is to provide a tool that can serve as a basis to face these challenges in an effective way.Therefore the presented framework, thanks to its modular architecture, allows focusing on the different needs of eachparticular company and offers the possibility of scaling the system for future requirements. The presented platform isdivided into three layers, namely: interface with robot systems, the execution engine and the application developmentlayer.Taking advantage of the provided ecosystem by this framework, different modules have been developed in order toface the mentioned challenges of the industry. On the one hand, to address the need of product customization, theintegration of tools that increase the versatility of the cell are proposed. An example of such tools is skill basedprogramming. By applying this technique a process can be intuitively adapted to the variations or customizations thateach product requires. The use of skills favours the reuse and generalization of developed robot programs.Regarding the variation of the production volumes, a system which permits a greater mobility and a faster reconfigurationis necessary. If in a certain situation a line has a production peak, mechanisms for balancing the loadwith a reasonable cost are required. In this respect, the architecture allows an easy integration of different roboticsystems, actuators, sensors, etc. In addition, thanks to the developed calibration and set-up techniques, the system canbe adapted to new workspaces at an effective time/cost.With respect to the third mentioned topic, an agent-based monitoring system is proposed. This module opens up amultitude of possibilities for the integration of auxiliary modules of protection and security for collaboration andinteraction between people and robots, something that will be necessary in the not so distant future.For demonstrating the advantages and adaptability improvement of the developed framework, a series of real usecases have been presented. In each of them different problematic has been resolved using developed skills,demonstrating how are adapted easily to the different casuistic

    La percepción como muestreo estocástico en grafos dinámicos

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    Esta tesis estudia y desarrolla técnicas novedosas que permiten a los robots percibir apropiadamente el entorno de forma autónoma. Para conseguir esto es posible y conveniente usar la información del entorno de la que se disponga. Generalmente, dicha información queda plasmada en el código del robot como construcciones if-then-else difíciles de entender cuando el mundo del robot es considerablemente complejo. Se propone el uso de “Active Grammar-based Modeling” (AGM), una técnica desarrollada dentro de la tesis, que usa descripciones de muy alto nivel que permiten al desarrollador obtener más flexibilidad y escalabilidad, así como reducir el tiempo de desarrollo y la cantidad de errores que se cometen al programar los robots. La solución propuesta pasa por describir la gramática del entorno en un lenguaje específico de dominio que posteriormente se traduce a PDDL, permitiendo usar así planificadores de Inteligencia Artificial clásicos para decidir qué ha de hacer el robot para cumplir sus objetivos y comprobar que las modificaciones que el robot hace al modelo del entorno son válidas de acuerdo a la gramática. Además, AGM permite coordinar fácilmente diferentes filtros de partículas para su ejecución simultánea, pudiendo además elegir distintos filtros de partículas dependiendo del contexto en el que el robot se encuentre, optimizando así el sistema perceptivo de los robots. Además de dicha técnica la tesis presenta diferentes algoritmos usados dentro de AGM, así como varios experimentos relacionados con el modelado activo de entornos de interior usando cámaras RGBD.This thesis develops and studies novel techniques that allow robots to properly model their environments autonomously. For this purpose it is possible and feasible to use all the available information that robots can use. Generally this information results in if-then-else constructs that are hard to understand then the environments of the robots are considerably complex. It is proposed to use “Active Grammar-based Modeling” (AGM), a new technique developed within this thesis. It uses very high-level descriptions that allow developers to achieve higher flexibility and scalability, as well as reducing the development time and the amount of programming errors. The solution consists on describing the grammar of the environment using a domain-specific language that is compiled into PDDL, allowing AGM-based systems to use classic AI planners to decide what robots should do to achieve their goales and incrementally verify that the model generated is valid according to the grammar described. Moreover, AGM can coordinate different particle filters so they can work simultaneously, allowing to choose the most appropriate filters depending on the context. This enhances the accuracy and effectivenes of the perceptual systems of the robots Along AGM, this thesis also presents the different algorithms used by AGM, as well as different experiment related to active indoor modeling using RGBD cameras

    The Future of Humanoid Robots

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    This book provides state of the art scientific and engineering research findings and developments in the field of humanoid robotics and its applications. It is expected that humanoids will change the way we interact with machines, and will have the ability to blend perfectly into an environment already designed for humans. The book contains chapters that aim to discover the future abilities of humanoid robots by presenting a variety of integrated research in various scientific and engineering fields, such as locomotion, perception, adaptive behavior, human-robot interaction, neuroscience and machine learning. The book is designed to be accessible and practical, with an emphasis on useful information to those working in the fields of robotics, cognitive science, artificial intelligence, computational methods and other fields of science directly or indirectly related to the development and usage of future humanoid robots. The editor of the book has extensive R&D experience, patents, and publications in the area of humanoid robotics, and his experience is reflected in editing the content of the book

    Dimensional Analysis of Robot Software without Developer Annotations

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    Robot software risks the hazard of dimensional inconsistencies. These inconsistencies occur when a program incorrectly manipulates values representing real-world quantities. Incorrect manipulation has real-world consequences that range in severity from benign to catastrophic. Previous approaches detect dimensional inconsistencies in programs but require extra developer effort and technical complications. The extra effort involves developers creating type annotations for every variable representing a real-world quantity that has physical units, and the technical complications include toolchain burdens like specialized compilers or type libraries. To overcome the limitations of previous approaches, this thesis presents novel methods to detect dimensional inconsistencies without developer annotations. We start by empirically assessing the difficulty developers have in making type annotations. In a human study of 83 subjects, we find that developers are only 51% accurate and require more than 2 minutes per annotation. We further find that type suggestions have a significant impact on annotation accuracy. We find that when showing developers annotation suggestions, three suggestions are better than a single suggestion because they are as helpful when correct and less harmful when incorrect. Since developers struggle to make type annotations accurately, we present a novel method to infer physical unit types without developer annotations. This is novel because it is the first method to detect dimensional inconsistencies in ROS C++ without developer annotations, and this is important because robot software and ROS are increasingly used in real-world applications. Our method leverages a property of robotic middleware architecture that reuses standardized data structures, and we implement our method in an open-source tool, Phriky. We evaluate our method empirically on a corpus of 5.9 M lines of code and find that it detects real inconsistencies with an 87% TP rate. However, our method only assigns physical unit types to 25% of variables, leaving much of the annotation space unaddressed. To overcome these limitations, we extend our method to utilize uncertain evidence in identifiers using probabilistic reasoning. We implement our new probabilistic method in a tool Phys and find that it assigns units to 75% of variables while retaining a TP rate of 82%. We present the first open dataset of dimensional inconsistencies in open-source robotics code, to our knowledge. Lastly, we identify extensions to our work and next steps for software tool developers to build more powerful robot software development tools. Advisers: Sebastian Elbaum and Carrick Detweile