443 research outputs found

    Kinetic Solvers with Adaptive Mesh in Phase Space

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    An Adaptive Mesh in Phase Space (AMPS) methodology has been developed for solving multi-dimensional kinetic equations by the discrete velocity method. A Cartesian mesh for both configuration (r) and velocity (v) spaces is produced using a tree of trees data structure. The mesh in r-space is automatically generated around embedded boundaries and dynamically adapted to local solution properties. The mesh in v-space is created on-the-fly for each cell in r-space. Mappings between neighboring v-space trees implemented for the advection operator in configuration space. We have developed new algorithms for solving the full Boltzmann and linear Boltzmann equations with AMPS. Several recent innovations were used to calculate the discrete Boltzmann collision integral with dynamically adaptive mesh in velocity space: importance sampling, multi-point projection method, and the variance reduction method. We have developed an efficient algorithm for calculating the linear Boltzmann collision integral for elastic and inelastic collisions in a Lorentz gas. New AMPS technique has been demonstrated for simulations of hypersonic rarefied gas flows, ion and electron kinetics in weakly ionized plasma, radiation and light particle transport through thin films, and electron streaming in semiconductors. We have shown that AMPS allows minimizing the number of cells in phase space to reduce computational cost and memory usage for solving challenging kinetic problems

    WebGL-sovellusten suorituskyvyn optimointi pullonkaulojen tunnistamisen ja ratkaisemisen avulla

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    Browser based 3D applications have become more popular since the introduction of the Web Graphics Library (WebGL). However, they have some unique characteristics, such as the inability to access the local file system and the requirement to be executed in the browser’s scripting environment. These characteristics can introduce performance bottlenecks, and WebGL applications are also vulnerable to the same bottlenecks as traditional 3D applications. In this thesis, we aim to provide guidelines for designing WebGL applications by conducting a background survey and creating a benchmarking platform. Our experiments showed that loading model data from the browser’s execution environment to the GPU has the biggest impact on performance. Therefore, we recommend focusing on minimizing the amount of data that needs to be added to the scene when designing 3D WebGL applications. Additionally, we found that the amount of data rendered affects the severity of performance drops when loading model data to the GPU, and suggest actively managing the scene by only including relevant data in the rendering pipeline

    Parallel Mesh Processing

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    Die aktuelle Forschung im Bereich der Computergrafik versucht den zunehmenden Ansprüchen der Anwender gerecht zu werden und erzeugt immer realistischer wirkende Bilder. Dementsprechend werden die Szenen und Verfahren, die zur Darstellung der Bilder genutzt werden, immer komplexer. So eine Entwicklung ist unweigerlich mit der Steigerung der erforderlichen Rechenleistung verbunden, da die Modelle, aus denen eine Szene besteht, aus Milliarden von Polygonen bestehen können und in Echtzeit dargestellt werden müssen. Die realistische Bilddarstellung ruht auf drei Säulen: Modelle, Materialien und Beleuchtung. Heutzutage gibt es einige Verfahren für effiziente und realistische Approximation der globalen Beleuchtung. Genauso existieren Algorithmen zur Erstellung von realistischen Materialien. Es gibt zwar auch Verfahren für das Rendering von Modellen in Echtzeit, diese funktionieren aber meist nur für Szenen mittlerer Komplexität und scheitern bei sehr komplexen Szenen. Die Modelle bilden die Grundlage einer Szene; deren Optimierung hat unmittelbare Auswirkungen auf die Effizienz der Verfahren zur Materialdarstellung und Beleuchtung, so dass erst eine optimierte Modellrepräsentation eine Echtzeitdarstellung ermöglicht. Viele der in der Computergrafik verwendeten Modelle werden mit Hilfe der Dreiecksnetze repräsentiert. Das darin enthaltende Datenvolumen ist enorm, um letztlich den Detailreichtum der jeweiligen Objekte darstellen bzw. den wachsenden Realitätsanspruch bewältigen zu können. Das Rendern von komplexen, aus Millionen von Dreiecken bestehenden Modellen stellt selbst für moderne Grafikkarten eine große Herausforderung dar. Daher ist es insbesondere für die Echtzeitsimulationen notwendig, effiziente Algorithmen zu entwickeln. Solche Algorithmen sollten einerseits Visibility Culling1, Level-of-Detail, (LOD), Out-of-Core Speicherverwaltung und Kompression unterstützen. Anderseits sollte diese Optimierung sehr effizient arbeiten, um das Rendering nicht noch zusätzlich zu behindern. Dies erfordert die Entwicklung paralleler Verfahren, die in der Lage sind, die enorme Datenflut effizient zu verarbeiten. Der Kernbeitrag dieser Arbeit sind neuartige Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen, die speziell für eine effiziente parallele Datenverarbeitung entwickelt wurden und in der Lage sind sehr komplexe Modelle und Szenen in Echtzeit darzustellen, sowie zu modellieren. Diese Algorithmen arbeiten in zwei Phasen: Zunächst wird in einer Offline-Phase die Datenstruktur erzeugt und für parallele Verarbeitung optimiert. Die optimierte Datenstruktur wird dann in der zweiten Phase für das Echtzeitrendering verwendet. Ein weiterer Beitrag dieser Arbeit ist ein Algorithmus, welcher in der Lage ist, einen sehr realistisch wirkenden Planeten prozedural zu generieren und in Echtzeit zu rendern

    Fast Matrix-Free Evaluation of Discontinuous Galerkin Finite Element Operators

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    Tirtha -- An Automated Platform to Crowdsource Images and Create 3D Models of Heritage Sites

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    Digital preservation of Cultural Heritage (CH) sites is crucial to protect them against damage from natural disasters or human activities. Creating 3D models of CH sites has become a popular method of digital preservation thanks to advancements in computer vision and photogrammetry. However, the process is time-consuming, expensive, and typically requires specialized equipment and expertise, posing challenges in resource-limited developing countries. Additionally, the lack of an open repository for 3D models hinders research and public engagement with their heritage. To address these issues, we propose Tirtha, a web platform for crowdsourcing images of CH sites and creating their 3D models. Tirtha utilizes state-of-the-art Structure from Motion (SfM) and Multi-View Stereo (MVS) techniques. It is modular, extensible and cost-effective, allowing for the incorporation of new techniques as photogrammetry advances. Tirtha is accessible through a web interface at https://tirtha.niser.ac.in and can be deployed on-premise or in a cloud environment. In our case studies, we demonstrate the pipeline's effectiveness by creating 3D models of temples in Odisha, India, using crowdsourced images. These models are available for viewing, interaction, and download on the Tirtha website. Our work aims to provide a dataset of crowdsourced images and 3D reconstructions for research in computer vision, heritage conservation, and related domains. Overall, Tirtha is a step towards democratizing digital preservation, primarily in resource-limited developing countries.Comment: Accepted at The 28th International ACM Conference on 3D Web Technology (Web3D 2023

    Automatic 3D Building Detection and Modeling from Airborne LiDAR Point Clouds

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    Urban reconstruction, with an emphasis on man-made structure modeling, is an active research area with broad impact on several potential applications. Urban reconstruction combines photogrammetry, remote sensing, computer vision, and computer graphics. Even though there is a huge volume of work that has been done, many problems still remain unsolved. Automation is one of the key focus areas in this research. In this work, a fast, completely automated method to create 3D watertight building models from airborne LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) point clouds is presented. The developed method analyzes the scene content and produces multi-layer rooftops, with complex rigorous boundaries and vertical walls, that connect rooftops to the ground. The graph cuts algorithm is used to separate vegetative elements from the rest of the scene content, which is based on the local analysis about the properties of the local implicit surface patch. The ground terrain and building rooftop footprints are then extracted, utilizing the developed strategy, a two-step hierarchical Euclidean clustering. The method presented here adopts a divide-and-conquer scheme. Once the building footprints are segmented from the terrain and vegetative areas, the whole scene is divided into individual pendent processing units which represent potential points on the rooftop. For each individual building region, significant features on the rooftop are further detected using a specifically designed region-growing algorithm with surface smoothness constraints. The principal orientation of each building rooftop feature is calculated using a minimum bounding box fitting technique, and is used to guide the refinement of shapes and boundaries of the rooftop parts. Boundaries for all of these features are refined for the purpose of producing strict description. Once the description of the rooftops is achieved, polygonal mesh models are generated by creating surface patches with outlines defined by detected vertices to produce triangulated mesh models. These triangulated mesh models are suitable for many applications, such as 3D mapping, urban planning and augmented reality

    Lattice cleaving: a multimaterial tetrahedral meshing algorithm with guarantees

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    pre-printWe introduce a new algorithm for generating tetrahedral meshes that conform to physical boundaries in volumetric domains consisting of multiple materials. The proposed method allows for an arbitrary number of materials, produces high-quality tetrahedral meshes with upper and lower bounds on dihedral angles, and guarantees geometric fidelity. Moreover, the method is combinatoric so its implementation enables rapid mesh construction. These meshes are structured in a way that also allows grading, to reduce element counts in regions of homogeneity. Additionally, we provide proofs showing that both element quality and geometric fidelity are bounded using this approach

    Massive model visualization: An investigation into spatial partitioning

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    The current generation of visualization software is incapable of handling the interactive rendering of arbitrarily large models. While many solutions have been proposed for Massive Model Visualization, very few are able to achieve the full capabilities needed for a computer visualization solution. In most cases this is due to overly complex approaches that, while achieving impressive frame rates, make it virtually impossible to implement features like part manipulation. What is needed is a simple approach with rendering performance bounded by screen complexity not model size, with primitive traceability to the original model to facilitate part manipulation, and capability to be modified in near-real-time. This thesis introduces MMDr, a simple system to achieve interactive frame rates on extremely large data sets, while retaining support for most if not all the features required for a computer visualization solution
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