24 research outputs found

    Advanced Communication and Control Methods for Future Smart Grid

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    The reliability of intelligent electronic device (IED) function that ensures a particular disturbance will disconnect as fast enough from the healthy network to mitigate the effect of the fault is directly related to the reliability of the electrical system. This work aims to test the performance and comparison between the developed Light weight IED and different commercial IEDs from different vendor. The developed light weight IEDs are implemented on a microcontroller as well as on an FPGA. The test set-up is implemented by the Hardware-In-the-Loop platform. The simulation platform is OPAL-RT’s eMEGASIM. The results shows the performance of the FPGA to be better than microcontroller and other commercial IEDs when comparing results.© 2021 The Author(s). Licensee IntechOpen. This chapter is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    A Review of IEC 62351 Security Mechanisms for IEC 61850 Message Exchanges

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    Data-centric communication framework for multicast iec 61850 routable GOOSE messages over the WAN in modern power systems

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    In this paper, a data-centric communication framework is proposed for multicast routable generic object-oriented substation event (GOOSE) messages (MRGM) over the wide area network (WAN) for effective substation-to-substation (SS2SS) and substation to control center (SS2CC) communications. In this structure, the IEC 61850 GOOSE message is transmitted over the WAN using the data distribution service (DDS) as a fast, reliable, and secure data-centric communication middleware. The main feature of this framework is its multicast capability, where several authorized subscribers can receive a published message simultaneously. This can significantly improve the system monitoring and control of the protection systems in modern smart grids, where intelligent schemes can be applied. The effectiveness of the proposed platform, in terms of total end-to-end delay between participants, is evaluated through experimental results obtained from the actual hardware-based test setup developed at the Florida International University (FIU) smart grid testbed. The results demonstrate that the latency between sending and receiving a GOOSE message among participants is within its maximum time span defined by the IEC 61850-90-5 working group for communications over the WAN

    ICT Technologies, Standards and Protocols for Active Distribution Network Automation and Management

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    The concept of active distribution network (ADN) is evolved to address the high penetration of renewables in the distribution network. To leverage the benefits of ADN, effective communication and information technology is required. Various communication standards to facilitate standard-based communication in distribution network have been proposed in literature. This chapter presents various communication standards and technologies that can be employed in ADN. Among various communication standards, IEC 61850 standard has emerged as the de facto standard for power utility automation. IEC 61850-based information modeling for ADN entities has also been presented in this chapter. To evaluate the performance of ADN communication architecture, performance metrics and performance evaluation tools have also been presented in this chapter

    Optimal and Secure Electricity Market Framework for Market Operation of Multi-Microgrid Systems

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    Traditional power systems were typically based on bulk energy services by large utility companies. However, microgrids and distributed generations have changed the structure of modern power systems as well as electricity markets. Therefore, restructured electricity markets are needed to address energy transactions in modern power systems. In this dissertation, we developed a hierarchical and decentralized electricity market framework for multi-microgrid systems, which clears energy transactions through three market levels; Day-Ahead-Market (DAM), Hour-Ahead-Market (HAM) and Real-Time-Market (RTM). In this market, energy trades are possible between all participants within the microgrids as well as inter-microgrids transactions. In this approach, we developed a game-theoretic-based double auction mechanism for energy transactions in the DAM, while HAM and RTM are cleared by an optimization algorithm and reverse action mechanism, respectively. For data exchange among market players, we developed a secure data-centric communication approach using the Data Distribution Service. Results demonstrated that this electricity market could significantly reduce the energy price and dependency of the multi-microgrid area on the external grid. Furthermore, we developed and verified a hierarchical blockchain-based energy transaction framework for a multi-microgrid system. This framework has a unique structure, which makes it possible to check the feasibility of energy transactions from the power system point of view by evaluating transmission system constraints. The blockchain ledger summarization, microgrid equivalent model development, and market players’ security and privacy enhancement are new approaches to this framework. The research in this dissertation also addresses some ancillary services in power markets such as an optimal power routing in unbalanced microgrids, where we developed a multi-objective optimization model and verified its ability to minimize the power imbalance factor, active power losses and voltage deviation in an unbalanced microgrid. Moreover, we developed an adaptive real-time congestion management algorithm to mitigate congestions in transmission systems using dynamic thermal ratings of transmission lines. Results indicated that the developed algorithm is cost-effective, fast, and reliable for real-time congestion management cases. Finally, we completed research about the communication framework and security algorithm for IEC 61850 Routable GOOSE messages and developed an advanced protection scheme as its application in modern power systems

    Layer 2 Ethernet Communication Tunneling Possibilities in Automation Systems

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    Future trends in energy generation are renewable energy sources and distributed energy generation. In control systems, these changes require higher automatization, more intelligent devices and secure and reliable communication. Another requirement is faster communication. Building a system that is able to fulfill real-time communication requirements over network layer is a hindrance to automation systems. There are multiple protocols that can manage the requirements, but many of them have limitations and requirements of their own. The limitations can be related to packet sizes, used devices or they may require a license. Tunneling protocols can bring a more general solution for the real-time problem. Tunneling Ethernet communication over network layer and letting the tunneling protocol to handle the network layer packaging instead of the communication protocol removes the need of a layer 3 protocol. Layer 2 tunneling provides a direct connection between separate local area networks. It enables a way for devices to communicate with each other over network layer using layer 2 communication protocols. Tunnel uses a pre-configured route to the destination gateway device making the routing of messages simpler and faster than with traditional IP routing. Layer 2 tunneling can be used in any communication system that utilizes layer 2 and layer 3 communication. This thesis focuses on use of tunneling in automation systems. The purpose of this thesis is to provide information and possible solutions for layer 2 Ethernet tunneling. The main focus is in suitable tunneling protocols and communication protocols, but also security and resilience solutions are studied. This thesis is composed of published studies, researches, articles and books that address the topic

    Utilização do protocolo IEC 61850 sobre redes de telecomunicações IP

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    We live in an era where the consumption of energy rises to an almost immeasurable level, jeopardizing the balance of systems when a power failure in the electrical grid occurs. This brought the necessity of making it safer and intelligent, hence emerging the concept of Smart Grid. The IEC 61850 standard was initially designed to operate within substations, yet other potential developments glimpsed to operate not only within substations but also to the outside of them. Based on several communications protocols, including MMS, GOOSE and SV, the IEC 61850 provides the possibility of real-time data exchange, leading to cost savings, increased security and interoperability between different vendors’ devices. Addressing this issue, together with EFACEC and the Institute of Telecommunications of Aveiro, a key question emerged: What are the requirements for the communication between devices in different substations? This MSc dissertation aims to answer this question, as well as to analyse other possible technologies that are suitable at the time of its implementation. With this analysis, a specific technology stands out, the 4G-LTE. A study was conducted recurring to temporal diagrams of the messages, performing with both approaches as described in the standard. Either using the IP or VPN approach, different technologies such as ADSL, Optical Fibre, and the previously referred 4G-LTE were tested. Thereafter, the results of the study are analysed, obtaining this way the conclusions for each one of the approaches, as well for each of the different technologies studied. Last but not least, it is analysed which of the approaches will be more beneficial in the long-term, as well as the necessary future work that must be developed in the different areas of the presented standard.Vivemos numa era em que o consumo de energia cresce a um nível quase imensurável, colocando em causa o equilíbrio de um sistema aquando a ocorrência de uma falha na rede elétrica. Isto trouxe a necessidade de a tornar numa rede mais segura e inteligente, surgindo então o conceito de Smart Grid. O standard IEC 61850 foi inicialmente concebido para operar dentro das subestações, contudo vislumbraram-se outras potencialidades para o aplicar não só dentro, mas também para fora das mesmas. Assente em vários protocolos de comunicação, entre os quais MMS, GOOSE e SV, o IEC 61850 oferece a possibilidade de troca de dados em tempo real, levando a uma redução de custos, um aumento da segurança bem como a interoperabilidade entre os equipamentos dos diferentes vendedores. Abordando este tema em conjunto com a EFACEC e o Instituto de Telecomunicações de Aveiro, houve uma questão se levantou: Quais são as condições requeridas para a comunicação entre os equipamentos das diferentes subestações? Esta dissertação de mestrado visa dar resposta a esta questão, assim como analisar outras possíveis tecnologias a utilizar no momento da sua implementação. Realizada essa análise, houve uma tecnologia que se evidenciou, o 4G-LTE. Foi elaborado um estudo com recurso a diagramas temporais de mensagens, utilizando as duas abordagens descritas no standard. Quer utilizando a abordagem por IP quer utilizando a abordagem por VPN, foram testados em ambos os cenários diferentes tecnologias como a ADSL, Fibra Ótica, bem como o já referido, 4G-LTE. De seguida, são analisados os resultados do estudo, obtendo as devidas conclusões para cada uma das abordagens bem como para cada uma das diferentes tecnologias. Por fim, é analisada qual das abordagens será mais proveitosa a longo prazo, assim como qual o trabalho futuro que deverá ser desenvolvido no que diz respeito às diferentes áreas do standard apresentado.Mestrado em Engenharia Eletrónica e Telecomunicaçõe

    Automation, Protection and Control of Substation Based on IEC 61850

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    Reliability of power system protection system has been a key issue in the substation operation due to the use of multi-vendor equipment of proprietary features, environmental issues, and complex fault diagnosis. Failure to address these issues could have a significant effect on the performance of the entire electricity grid. With the introduction of IEC 61850 standard, substation automation system (SAS) has significantly altered the scenario in utilities and industries as indicated in this thesis

    Network and System Management using IEC 62351-7 in IEC 61850 Substations: Design and Implementation

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    Substations are a prime target for threat agents aiming to disrupt the power grid’s operation. With the advent of the smart grid, the power infrastructure is increasingly being coupled with an Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) infrastructure needed to manage it, exposing it to potential cyberattacks. In order to secure the smart grid, the IEC 62351 specifies how to provide cybersecurity to such an environment. Among its specifications, IEC 62351-7 states to use Network and System Management (NSM) to monitor and manage the operation of power systems. In this research, we aim to design, implement, and study NSM in a digital substation as per the specifications of IEC 62351-7. The substation is one that conforms to the IEC 61850 standard, which defines how to design a substation leveraging ICT. Our contributions are as follows. We contribute to the design and implementation of NSM in a smart grid security co-simulation testbed. We design a methodology to elaborate cyberattacks targeting IEC 61850 substations specifically. We elaborate detection algorithms that leverage the NSM Data Objects (NSM DOs) of IEC 62351- 7 to detect the attacks designed using our method. We validate these experimentally using our testbed. From this work, we can provide an initial assessment of NSM within the context of digital substations