79 research outputs found

    The AXIOM platform for next-generation cyber physical systems

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    Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs) are widely used in many applications that require interactions between humans and their physical environment. These systems usually integrate a set of hardware-software components for optimal application execution in terms of performance and energy consumption. The AXIOM project (Agile, eXtensible, fast I/O Module), presented in this paper, proposes a hardware-software platform for CPS coupled with an easy parallel programming model and sufficient connectivity so that the performance can scale-up by adding multiple boards. AXIOM supports a task-based programming model based on OmpSs and leverages a high-speed, inexpensive communication interface called AXIOM-Link. The board also tightly couples the CPU with reconfigurable resources to accelerate portions of the applications. As case studies, AXIOM uses smart video surveillance, and smart home living applicationsThis work is partially supported by the European Union H2020 program through the AXIOM project (grant ICT-01-2014 GA 645496) and HiPEAC (GA 687698), by the Spanish Government through Programa Severo Ochoa (SEV-2015-0493), by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology through TIN2015-65316-P project, and by the Generalitat de Catalunya (contracts 2014-SGR-1051 and 2014-SGR-1272). We also thank the Xilinx University Program for its hardware and software donations.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Parallel architectures and runtime systems co-design for task-based programming models

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    The increasing parallelism levels in modern computing systems has extolled the need for a holistic vision when designing multiprocessor architectures taking in account the needs of the programming models and applications. Nowadays, system design consists of several layers on top of each other from the architecture up to the application software. Although this design allows to do a separation of concerns where it is possible to independently change layers due to a well-known interface between them, it is hampering future systems design as the Law of Moore reaches to an end. Current performance improvements on computer architecture are driven by the shrinkage of the transistor channel width, allowing faster and more power efficient chips to be made. However, technology is reaching physical limitations were the transistor size will not be able to be reduced furthermore and requires a change of paradigm in systems design. This thesis proposes to break this layered design, and advocates for a system where the architecture and the programming model runtime system are able to exchange information towards a common goal, improve performance and reduce power consumption. By making the architecture aware of runtime information such as a Task Dependency Graph (TDG) in the case of dataflow task-based programming models, it is possible to improve power consumption by exploiting the critical path of the graph. Moreover, the architecture can provide hardware support to create such a graph in order to reduce the runtime overheads and making possible the execution of fine-grained tasks to increase the available parallelism. Finally, the current status of inter-node communication primitives can be exposed to the runtime system in order to perform a more efficient communication scheduling, and also creates new opportunities of computation and communication overlap that were not possible before. An evaluation of the proposals introduced in this thesis is provided and a methodology to simulate and characterize the application behavior is also presented.El aumento del paralelismo proporcionado por los sistemas de cómputo modernos ha provocado la necesidad de una visión holística en el diseño de arquitecturas multiprocesador que tome en cuenta las necesidades de los modelos de programación y las aplicaciones. Hoy en día el diseño de los computadores consiste en diferentes capas de abstracción con una interfaz bien definida entre ellas. Las limitaciones de esta aproximación junto con el fin de la ley de Moore limitan el potencial de los futuros computadores. La mayoría de las mejoras actuales en el diseño de los computadores provienen fundamentalmente de la reducción del tamaño del canal del transistor, lo cual permite chips más rápidos y con un consumo eficiente sin apenas cambios fundamentales en el diseño de la arquitectura. Sin embargo, la tecnología actual está alcanzando limitaciones físicas donde no será posible reducir el tamaño de los transistores motivando así un cambio de paradigma en la construcción de los computadores. Esta tesis propone romper este diseño en capas y abogar por un sistema donde la arquitectura y el sistema de tiempo de ejecución del modelo de programación sean capaces de intercambiar información para alcanzar una meta común: La mejora del rendimiento y la reducción del consumo energético. Haciendo que la arquitectura sea consciente de la información disponible en el modelo de programación, como puede ser el grafo de dependencias entre tareas en los modelos de programación dataflow, es posible reducir el consumo energético explotando el camino critico del grafo. Además, la arquitectura puede proveer de soporte hardware para crear este grafo con el objetivo de reducir el overhead de construir este grado cuando la granularidad de las tareas es demasiado fina. Finalmente, el estado de las comunicaciones entre nodos puede ser expuesto al sistema de tiempo de ejecución para realizar una mejor planificación de las comunicaciones y creando nuevas oportunidades de solapamiento entre cómputo y comunicación que no eran posibles anteriormente. Esta tesis aporta una evaluación de todas estas propuestas, así como una metodología para simular y caracterizar el comportamiento de las aplicacionesPostprint (published version

    Castell: a heterogeneous cmp architecture scalable to hundreds of processors

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    Technology improvements and power constrains have taken multicore architectures to dominate microprocessor designs over uniprocessors. At the same time, accelerator based architectures have shown that heterogeneous multicores are very efficient and can provide high throughput for parallel applications, but with a high-programming effort. We propose Castell a scalable chip multiprocessor architecture that can be programmed as uniprocessors, and provides the high throughput of accelerator-based architectures. Castell relies on task-based programming models that simplify software development. These models use a runtime system that dynamically finds, schedules, and adds hardware-specific features to parallel tasks. One of these features is DMA transfers to overlap computation and data movement, which is known as double buffering. This feature allows applications on Castell to tolerate large memory latencies and lets us design the memory system focusing on memory bandwidth. In addition to provide programmability and the design of the memory system, we have used a hierarchical NoC and added a synchronization module. The NoC design distributes memory traffic efficiently to allow the architecture to scale. The synchronization module is a consequence of the large performance degradation of application for large synchronization latencies. Castell is mainly an architecture framework that enables the definition of domain-specific implementations, fine-tuned to a particular problem or application. So far, Castell has been successfully used to propose heterogeneous multicore architectures for scientific kernels, video decoding (using H.264), and protein sequence alignment (using Smith-Waterman and clustalW). It has also been used to explore a number of architecture optimizations such as enhanced DMA controllers, and architecture support for task-based programming models. ii

    A taxonomy of task-based parallel programming technologies for high-performance computing

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    Task-based programming models for shared memory -- such as Cilk Plus and OpenMP 3 -- are well established and documented. However, with the increase in parallel, many-core and heterogeneous systems, a number of research-driven projects have developed more diversified task-based support, employing various programming and runtime features. Unfortunately, despite the fact that dozens of different task-based systems exist today and are actively used for parallel and high-performance computing (HPC), no comprehensive overview or classification of task-based technologies for HPC exists. In this paper, we provide an initial task-focused taxonomy for HPC technologies, which covers both programming interfaces and runtime mechanisms. We demonstrate the usefulness of our taxonomy by classifying state-of-the-art task-based environments in use today

    Architectural support for task dependence management with flexible software scheduling

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    The growing complexity of multi-core architectures has motivated a wide range of software mechanisms to improve the orchestration of parallel executions. Task parallelism has become a very attractive approach thanks to its programmability, portability and potential for optimizations. However, with the expected increase in core counts, finer-grained tasking will be required to exploit the available parallelism, which will increase the overheads introduced by the runtime system. This work presents Task Dependence Manager (TDM), a hardware/software co-designed mechanism to mitigate runtime system overheads. TDM introduces a hardware unit, denoted Dependence Management Unit (DMU), and minimal ISA extensions that allow the runtime system to offload costly dependence tracking operations to the DMU and to still perform task scheduling in software. With lower hardware cost, TDM outperforms hardware-based solutions and enhances the flexibility, adaptability and composability of the system. Results show that TDM improves performance by 12.3% and reduces EDP by 20.4% on average with respect to a software runtime system. Compared to a runtime system fully implemented in hardware, TDM achieves an average speedup of 4.2% with 7.3x less area requirements and significant EDP reductions. In addition, five different software schedulers are evaluated with TDM, illustrating its flexibility and performance gains.This work has been supported by the RoMoL ERC Advanced Grant (GA 321253), by the European HiPEAC Network of Excellence, by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (contracts TIN2015-65316-P, TIN2016-76635-C2-2-R and TIN2016-81840-REDT), by the Generalitat de Catalunya (contracts 2014-SGR-1051 and 2014-SGR-1272), and by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 671697 and No. 671610. M. Moretó has been partially supported by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under Juan de la Cierva postdoctoral fellowship number JCI-2012-15047.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Run-time support for multi-level disjoint memory address spaces

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    High Performance Computing (HPC) systems have become widely used tools in many industry areas and research fields. Research to produce more powerful and efficient systems has grown in par with their popularity. As a consequence, the complexity of modern HPC architectures has increased in order to provide systems with the highest levels of performance. This increased complexity has also affected the way HPC systems are programmed. HPC users have to deal with new devices, languages and tools, and this is can be a significant access barrier to people that do not have a deep knowledge in computer science. On par with the evolution of HPC systems, programming models have also evolved to ease the task of developing applications for these machines. Two well-known examples are OpenMP and MPI. The former can be used in shared memory systems and is praised for offering an easy methodology of software development. The latter is more popular because it targets distributed environments but it is considered burdensome to use. Besides these two, many programming models have emerged to propose new methodologies or to handle new hardware devices. One of these models is OmpSs. OmpSs is a programming model for modern HPC systems that is based on OpenMP and StarSs. Developed by the Programming Models group at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center, it targets the latest generation of HPC systems while benefiting from the ease of use of OpenMP. OmpSs offers asynchronous parallelism with the concept of tasks with data dependencies. These tasks allow the specification of sections of code that can be executed in parallel while the dependencies specify the restrictions about the order in which the tasks can be executed. With this, OmpSs programs can adapt to a many different system configurations while fundamentally still being sequential programs with annotations. This thesis explores the benefits of providing OmpSs the capability to target architectures with complex memory hierarchies. An example of such systems can be the new generation of clusters that use accelerators to power their computing capabilities. The memory hierarchy of these machines is composed of a first level of distributed memory formed by the memory of each individual node, and a second level formed by the private memory of each accelerator devices. Our first contribution shows the implementation of the support of cluster of multi-cores for the OmpSs programming model. We also present two optimizations to boost the performance of applications running on top of cluster systems: a specific task scheduling policy and the addition of slave-to-slave transfers. We evaluate our implementation using a set of benchmarks coded in OmpSs and we also compare them against the same applications implemented using MPI, the most widely used programming model for these systems. We extend our initial implementation in our second contribution, which provides OmpSs with support for clusters of GPUs. We show that OmpSs programs targeting these complex systems are capable of achieving a good performance when compared against MPI+CUDA implementations. The third contribution of this thesis presents an implementation and evaluation of the performance and programmability impact of supporting non-contiguous memory regions. Offering this feature allows applications with complex data accesses to be easily annotated with OmpSs. This is important to widen the spectrum of applications that can be handled by the programming model.Els sistemes de computació d'altes prestacions (CAP) han esdevingut eines importants en diferents sectors industrials i camps de recerca. La recerca per produir sistemes més potents i eficients ha crescut proporcionalment a aquesta popularitat. Com a conseqüència, la complexitat d'aquest tipus de sistemes s'ha incrementat per tal de dotar-los d'altes prestacions. Aquest increment en la complexitat també ha afectat la manera de programar aquest tipus de sistemes. Els usuaris de sistemes CAP han de treballar amb nous dispositius, llenguatges i eines, i això pot convertir-se en una barrera d'entrada significativa per aquelles persones que no tinguin uns alts coneixements informàtics. Seguin l'evolució dels sistemes CAP, els models de programació també han evolucionat per tal de facilitar la tasca de desenvolupar aplicacions per aquests sistemes. Dos exemples ben coneguts son OpenMP i MPI. El primer es pot utilitzar en sistemes de memòria compartida i es reconegut per oferir una metodologia de desenvolupament senzilla. El segon és més popular perquè està dissenyat per sistemes distribuïts, però està considerat difícil d'utilitzar. A part d'aquests dos, altres models de programació han sorgit per proposar noves metodologies o per suportar nous components hardware. Un d'aquests nous models és OmpSs. OmpSs és un model de programació per sistemes CAP moderns que està basat en OpenMP i StarSs. Desenvolupat pel grup de Models de Programació del Barcelona Supercomputing Center, està dissenyat per suportar la darrera generació de sistemes CAP i alhora oferir la facilitat d'us d'OpenMP. OmpSs ofereix paral·lelisme asíncron mitjançant el concepte de tasques amb dependències de dades. Aquestes tasques permeten especificar regions de codi que poden ser executades en paral·lel, mentre que les dependències especifiquen les restriccions sobre l'ordre en que aquestes tasques poden ser executades. Amb això, els programes fets amb OmpSs poden adaptar-se a sistemes amb diferents configuracions tot i ser fonamentalment programes seqüencials amb anotacions. Aquesta tesi explora els beneficis de proveir a OmpSs amb la capacitat de funcionar sobre arquitectures amb jerarquies de memòria complexes. Un exemple d'un sistema així pot ser un dels clústers de nova generació que utilitzen acceleradors per tal d'oferir més capacitat de càlcul. La jerarquia de memòria en aquestes màquines està composada per un primer nivell de memòria distribuïda formada per la memòria de cada node individual, i el segon nivell està format per la memòria privada de cada accelerador. La primera contribució d'aquesta tesi mostra la implementació del suport de clústers de multi-cores pel model de programació OmpSs. També presentem dos optimitzacions per millorar el rendiment de les aplicacions quan s'executen en sistemes clúster: una política de planificació de tasques específica i la incorporació dels missatges entre nodes esclaus. Avaluem la nostra implementació usant un conjunt d'aplicacions programades en OmpSs i també les comparem amb les mateixes aplicacions implementades usant MPI, el model de programació més estès per aquest tipus de sistemes. En la segona contribució estenem la nostra implementació inicial per tal de dotar OmpSs de suport per clústers de GPUs. Mostrem que els programes OmpSs son capaços d'obtenir un bon rendiment sobre aquests tipus de sistemes, fins i tot quan els comparem amb versions implementades usant MPI+CUDA. La tercera contribució descriu la implementació i avaluació del rendiment i de l'impacte de suportar regions de memòria no contigües. Oferir aquesta funcionalitat permet implementar fàcilment amb OmpSs aplicacions amb accessos complexes a memòria, cosa que és important de cara a ampliar l'espectre d'aplicacions que poden ser tractades pel model de programació

    Evaluation of the parallel computational capabilities of embedded platforms for critical systems

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    Modern critical systems need higher performance which cannot be delivered by the simple architectures used so far. Latest embedded architectures feature multi-cores and GPUs, which can be used to satisfy this need. In this thesis we parallelise relevant applications from multiple critical domains represented in the GPU4S benchmark suite, and perform a comparison of the parallel capabilities of candidate platforms for use in critical systems. In particular, we port the open source GPU4S Bench benchmarking suite in the OpenMP programming model, and we benchmark the candidate embedded heterogeneous multi-core platforms of the H2020 UP2DATE project, NVIDIA TX2, NVIDIA Xavier and Xilinx Zynq Ultrascale+, in order to drive the selection of the research platform which will be used in the next phases of the project. Our result indicate that in terms of CPU and GPU performance, the NVIDIA Xavier is the highest performing platform