34 research outputs found

    IT Service Management System Measurement using ISO20000-1 and ISO15504-8: Developing a Solution-Mediated Process Assessment Tool to Enable Transparent and SMS Process Assessment

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    Information technology is about not only hardware, software, communication infrastructure and communication infrastructure but also how to manage services. Information technology plays an increasingly important role in developing the structure and functions of public and private sectors. Service measurement plays an important role in IT service management (ITSM) that is one of the subfields of Services Computing science. ITSM is a big part of service science, a science field that combines computer science, operation research engineering, business strategy, management science, and organizational theory. Performance measurement from each of IT services is absolutely needed and is important in the continuous development of ITSM. These research provide good technical knowledge about the measuring ITSM with some requirements. In this paper we suggest the metrics in each service processes enables organizations to predict a direction for active process enhancement and to identify if the goal of process can achieve. This objective process metrics based on ISO/IEC 15504-8 and PRM ISO/IEC 20000-4 refinement. The output of this research, in the form of metrics and tools for any type organizational use

    IT jigyo bun\u27ya ni okeru mondai purojekuto hassei boshi ni kansuru kenkyu

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    制度:新 ; 報告番号:甲3286号 ; 学位の種類:博士(工学) ; 授与年月日:2011/3/15 ; 早大学位記番号:新559

    An analysis about the relationship between the cloud computing model and ITIL v3 2011

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    Cloud Computing is widely recognized as a recent computing paradigm of digital transformation in which scalable and elastic computational resources are delivered as a service through Internet technologies. Its characteristics made this business model increasingly adopted by organizations reaching business goals. Besides its benefits, some risks may impact organizations internally and, in the way they deliver their services to their clients. Therefore, it became important to understand the impacts of the Cloud model on the way companies organize their processes. The goal of this work is to investigate which are the main impacts arising from the Cloud Computing model currently impacting Information Technology Infrastructure Library framework processes. The methodology selected will be through semi-structured interviews with knowledgeable professionals to effectively collect practical information that, according to the Systematic Literature Review performed, could not be collected by the traditional literature. By analyzing the Systematic Literature Review results, several processes of this framework were affected, which may lead to a need for reframing it. Although the organization’s approach to this model must be enhanced and adapted to a new reality, the empirical insights collected from semi-structured interviews, suggest that the framework does not need to be reframed, and ITIL v3 2011 most impacted processes by the introduction of the Cloud-based model, are Change Management and Incident Management.A computação em nuvem é amplamente reconhecida como um paradigma de computação recente da transformação digital, no qual recursos computacionais escaláveis e elásticos são fornecidos como um serviço através de tecnologias na Internet. As suas características fizeram com que esse modelo de negócio fosse cada vez mais adotado por organizações que na prossecução dos seus objetivos de negócio. Além dos benefícios, também existem os riscos podem impactar as organizações internamente e na forma como entregam os seus serviços aos clientes. Portanto, tornou-se importante entender os impactos do modelo de Cloud na forma como as empresas organizam seus próprios processos e práticas. O objetivo deste trabalho é investigar quais são os principais impactos decorrentes do modelo de Cloud que impactam atualmente os processos da Information Technology Infrastructure Library. A metodologia selecionada será por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas a profissionais capacitados para recolher informações decorrentes de experiências na prática que, de acordo com a Revisão Sistemática da Literatura realizada, não poderiam ser obtidas pela literatura tradicional. Ao analisar os resultados da Revisão Sistemática da Literatura, diversos processos desta framework foram afetados, o que pode levar à necessidade de reformulá-la. As considerações empíricas recolhidas nas entrevistas semiestruturadas, sugerem que a framework não necessita de ser reformulada e que os processos do ITIL v3 2011 mais impactados no modelo Cloud são o de Gestão de Incidentes e de Gestão da Mudança

    Combination between Cobit 5 and ITIL V3 2011

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    IT organizations are under increasing pressure to meet the business goals of their companies. This challenge can be particularly daunting because it involves complying with regulations, such as the SarbanesOxley Act (Sarbox) and Basel II. Compliance requires strong corporate governance capabilities that are demonstrable to outside auditors. Because IT plays such a major role in business processes, the IT organization not only creates complexity for the business, but at the same time, provides the means to demonstrate this compliance. Organizations rely on guidelines such as the IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL® ) and Control Objectives for Information and related Technology (COBIT) to help understand and address these challenges

    Do international standards influence the development of smart regions and cities?

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    Rast gradskog stanovništva utječe na održivost i razvoj pametnih regija. Međunarodni standardi mogu pružiti dobre prakse u širokim područjima koja se odnose na ekološke, sigurnosne i društvene aspekte koji doprinose postizanju gospodarskog i održivog rasta, dobrobiti i sigurnosti okoliša. Cilj ove studije je istražiti postoji li povezanost između razine pametnih gradova u različitim regijama i broja certifikata koji bi mogli pokrenuti daljnji razvoj pametnih i održivih gradova. Analizirali smo standarde koji podržavaju razvoj održivih i pametnih gradova iz različitih zemalja i istražili njihov utjecaj na razinu pametnih i održivih gradova. Za mjerenje uspješnosti gradova koristili smo UN-ovu inicijativu za prosperitet grada (CPI) i njezinih šest dimenzija: produktivnost, razvoj infrastrukture, kvalitetu života, jednakost i društvenu uključenost, održivost okoliša i urbano upravljanje i zakonodavstvo. Za analiziranje utjecaja međunarodnih standarda na inicijativu pametnih regija i gradova proveli smo SEM analizu. Rezultati istraživanja potvrđuju da postoji značajna razlika između razine pametnih gradova u različitim regijama i broja certifikata koji bi mogli pokrenuti daljnji razvoj pametnih i održivih gradova. Nadalje, potvrđen je pozitivan utjecaj međunarodnih standarda na razvoj pametnih regija i gradova. Vjerujemo da predstavljeni pristup može pružiti dodatni uvid u čimbenike koji utječu na razvoj pametnih regija i gradova i pokrenuti daljnja istraživanja o toj temi.The growth of city population has consequences on the sustainability and development of smart regions. International standards can provide good practices in wide areas related to environmental, security and social aspects that contribute to the achievement of economic and sustainable growth, well-being, and safe environment. The aim of this study is to explore if there is an association between the level of smart cities in different regions and the number of certificates that could initiate further development of smart and sustainable cities. We analysed standards that support the development of sustainable and smart cities from different countries and explored their influence on the level of smart and sustainable cities. To measure the performance of cities we used the UN-habitat City Prosperity Initiative (CPI) and its six dimensions: Productivity, Infrastructure Development, Quality of Life, Equity and Social Inclusion, Environmental Sustainability, and Urban Governance and Legislation. To analyse the influence of international standards on smart regions and cities initiative we conducted SEM analysis. The results of the research have proved that there is a significant difference between the level of smart cities in different regions and the number of certificates that could initiate further development of smart and sustainable cities. Additionally, a positive impact of international standards on the development of smart regions and cities is confirmed. We believe that the presented approach might provide additional insights into the factors which impact the development of smart regions and cities and initiate further studies on the topic

    Relevant Research Areas in IT Service Management: An Examination of Academic and Practitioner Literatures

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    Practitioners and academics alike have highlighted that information systems (IS) research may currently have limited use and value to practitioners. Further, research provides examples of positive links between management practices prevalent in the media and their influence on societal views. We focus on increasing relevance of future academic research to practitioners by identifying sources of misalignment between practitioner and academic literatures on the topic of information technology service management (ITSM) and by developing a possible research agenda to address these misalignments. We employ an entity annotator and keyword analysis to compare the main topics evident in academic and practitioner literatures on ITSM and focus on those salient in practitioner literature. Our results suggest that the topics of framework co-implementation, regulations, ITSM tools, gamification, and cloud computing all present fertile grounds for relevant research in ITSM and IS more broadly. Thus, our paper offers a unique way for academics to understand how they can best assist practitioners while increasing the relevance of academic research

    IT Service Management Maturity Model

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    Yrityksien tietohallinto on toiminnaltaan muuttunut vuosien saatossa vahvasti palveluntuottajan asemaan tarkoituksena tuottaa arvoa yrityksen liiketoimintaan, kuunnellen liiketoiminnan tarpeita. Tämän myötä IT-palveluiden tehokkaista prosesseista, jatkuvasta kehittämisestä ja asiakaslähtöisestä toiminnasta on tullut entistä tärkeämpää IT organisaatiolle. Tähän IT-palveluhallinnan konseptin tukemiseen on aikojen saatossa luotu erilaisia IT-palveluhallintamalleja, joista ITIL on yksi käytetyimmistä menetelmistä. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena on luoda IT-palveluhallinnan tason mittaamiseen sopiva mittaristo suunnittelutiedettä hyödyntäen. Pohjana mittariston luomisessa käytetään vuonna 2019 päivitettyä ITIL versio 4 mallia sekä olemassa olevaa tutkimusmateriaalia IT-palveluhallinnan mittareista. Mittariston tavoitteena on ilmentää yritykselle, miten voidaan IT palveluprosesseja arvioida ITIL versio 4 mukanaan tuomat arvoa tuottavan toiminnan näkökulmat huomioiden. Kirjallisuuskatsaus kattaa IT palveluhallinnan, ITIL mallin kuvauksen, IT- palveluhallinnan kypsyysmittarit sekä katsauksen käytettyyn suunnittelutiede tutkimusmenetelmään. Suunnittelutiedettä mallintaen ITIL versio 4 kanssa yhteensopiva maturiteettimalli luotiin. Pohjana käytettiin kirjallisuuskatsauksen tieteellisiä artikkeleita ja ITIL 4 kirjallisuutta. Tämän kyseisen artefaktin testaamisessa käytettiin kahta eri ITIL 4 palvelunhallintamenetelmää joita testattiin muutaman eri IS palvelun yhteydessä arviointilomakkeen ja haastatteluiden avulla. Tätä kautta kerättiin tuloksia mallin toimivuudesta IT palveluhallinnan mittaamiseen. Tutkimuksen tuotoksena on IT-palveluhallinnan mittaamiseen sopiva maturiteettimalli, kun halutaan käyttää näkökulmana ITIL versio 4 IT palveluhallintamallia. Koska aikaisempia ITIL versio 4 malliin luotuja, tai sitä vasten tehtyjä maturiteettimalleja, saati tutkimuksia ei löytynyt, kerättiin palautetta mallin toimivuudesta ennen kaikkea edellä mainituiden käytännön testaamisten kautta. Malli koettiin toimivaksi ja ennen kaikkea johdon tuki osoittautui tärkeäksi painopisteeksi onnistuneen IT palveluhallinnan arvioinnin mahdollistamisessa. Tutkimuksessa kerättiinkin myös yhteen suosituksia huomioon otettavista asioista ennen kuin IT-palveluhallinnan mittaamista lähdetään toteuttamaan

    A model of quality service management for information systems

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    Tese de mestrado. Mestrado em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores (Área de especialização Tecnologias da Informação para Gestão Empresarial). Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 200

    Creation and Implementation of an It Governance Compliant It Asset Management Framework for Wexford County Council

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    IT Governance has evolved from Corporate Governance over time as a means to enforce security and control over information systems and put in place best practices for organisations. There are accredited standards, such as ISO, CobiT, and Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) to help organisations create, and conform to best practices for information technology security. Currently there is very little IT asset governance specific literature. This study was conducted to research best practices for IT asset management, and proposes a set of guidelines for Wexford County Council to implement for IT asset management. This study also proposes how to physically implement best practices using Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager; and how steps can be taken using the asset governance recommendations to benefit the areas of IT budgeting, risk management and security

    Fault management in TELCO platforms using autonomic computing and mobile agents

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    Este trabajo presenta una solución para la gestión de fallas enfocada en mejorar las técnicas tradicionales que se usan para este propósito en plataformas de servicio de telecomunicaciones. Esta solución se basa en dos conceptos tecnológicos novedosos, la computación autónoma y los agentes móviles. Mediante estas dos tecnologías, y aprovechando sus características so�sticadas, se desarrolla una solución que ofrece disponibilidad incrementada, reacción practiva a posibles fallas, tiempos de respuestas más rápidos y consumo de ancho de banda reducido. Se discute en detalle la arquitectura de la solución, y se presentan y se discuten casos mostrando su comportamiento y su desempeño./ Abstract. This work presents a solution for Fault Management focused in improving the traditional techniques which are used for this purpose in TELCO Service Platforms. This solution is based on two novel technological concepts, as Autonomic Computing, and Mobile Agents. By means of the use of these two technologies, and taking advantage of their sophisticated features, a solution offering increased availability, proactive reaction to possible failures, faster response times to faults, and reduced bandwidth consumption is developed. The architecture of this solution is discussed in detail and cases showing its behavior and performance are presented and discussedMaestrí